Interface BlockStateResolver.Context

Enclosing interface:

@NonExtendable public static interface BlockStateResolver.Context
The context for block state resolution.
  • Method Details

    • block

      Block block()
      The block for which block state models are being resolved.
    • setModel

      void setModel(BlockState state, UnbakedModel model)
      Sets the model for a block state.
      state - the block state for which this model should be used
      model - the unbaked model for this block state
    • getOrLoadModel

      UnbakedModel getOrLoadModel(Identifier id)
      Loads a model using an Identifier, or gets it if it was already loaded.
      id - the model identifier
      the unbaked model, or a missing model if it is not present
    • loader

      ModelLoader loader()
      The current model loader instance, which changes between resource reloads.