Interface DynamicRegistryView

@NonExtendable public interface DynamicRegistryView
A view providing access to the registries that are currently being loaded. This is passed to the DynamicRegistrySetupCallback event.
API Note:
This might not contain all the registry, as the event is invoked for each layer of the combined registry manager, and each layer holds different registries. For example, the biome registry is not loaded in the ServerDynamicRegistryType.DIMENSIONS layer.
  • Method Details

    • asDynamicRegistryManager

      DynamicRegistryManager asDynamicRegistryManager()
      an DynamicRegistryManager instance representing the registry view
    • stream

      Stream<Registry<?>> stream()
      the stream of registries that are currently being loaded
    • getOptional

      <T> Optional<Registry<T>> getOptional(RegistryKey<? extends Registry<? extends T>> registryRef)
      Returns the registry identified by the registry key. This returns an empty optional if the key does not refer to a registry, or if the current combined registry layer being loaded does not contain the registry.
      registryRef - the registry key of the registry to get
      the registry, or Optional.empty() if the registry is not currently being loaded
    • registerEntryAdded

      <T> void registerEntryAdded(RegistryKey<? extends Registry<? extends T>> registryRef, RegistryEntryAddedCallback<T> callback)
      A shortcut to register RegistryEntryAddedCallback.
      registryRef - the registry key of the registry to register the event to
      callback - the callback of the event