Interface LoginPacketSender

All Superinterfaces:

@NonExtendable public interface LoginPacketSender extends PacketSender
Represents something that supports sending packets to login channels.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • createPacket

      Packet<?> createPacket(Identifier channelName, PacketByteBuf buf)
      Creates a packet for sending to a login channel.
      channelName - the id of the channel
      buf - the content of the packet
      the created packet
    • sendPacket

      default void sendPacket(Identifier channel, PacketByteBuf buf)
      Sends a packet to a channel.
      channel - the id of the channel
      buf - the content of the packet
    • sendPacket

      default void sendPacket(Identifier channel, PacketByteBuf buf, @Nullable @Nullable PacketCallbacks callback)
      Sends a packet to a channel.
      channel - the id of the channel
      buf - the content of the packet
      callback - an optional callback to execute after the packet is sent, may be null