Package net.fabricmc.fabric.api.datagen.v1.provider
package net.fabricmc.fabric.api.datagen.v1.provider
ClassDescriptionExtend this class and implement
.Extend this class and implementFabricCodecDataProvider.configure(BiConsumer, RegistryWrapper.WrapperLookup)
.A provider to help with data-generation of dynamic registry objects, such as biomes, features, or message types.A base interface for Loot table providers.Extend this class and implementFabricRecipeProvider.generate(
.Implement this class (or one of the inner classes) to generate a tag list.Extend this class to createBlockEntityType
tags in the "/block_entity_type" tag directory.Extend this class to createBlock
tags in the "/blocks" tag directory.Extend this class to createEnchantment
tags in the "/enchantments" tag directory.Extend this class to createEntityType
tags in the "/entity_types" tag directory.Extend this class to createFluid
tags in the "/fluids" tag directory.Extend this class to createItem
tags in the "/items" tag directory.