Annotation Type AutoInvokingEvent

@Documented @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({FIELD,METHOD}) public @interface AutoInvokingEvent
Indicates that this Event is auto-invoking: it calls the event callback implemented by a context parameter type automatically and without registration.

This means that this event can be listened to in two ways:

  • If the consumer is the context parameter and it implements the callback, it will be automatically invoked, don't register manually.
  • Otherwise, there is no invocation and the listener needs manual registration as usual.

Do note that there may be more than one context parameter.

A typical use case is feature augmentation, for example to expose raw clicks to slots. The event callback has a slot parameter - the context parameter - and the event itself is carrying this annotation. All the slot needs to receive slot clicks is to implement SlotClickCallback on itself. It shouldn't do any explicit event registration like SLOT_CLICK_EVENT.register(this::onSlotClick), otherwise it will see extraneous callback invocations.

In general, an auto-invoking event bridges the gap between the flexibility of an event with global reach, and the convenience of implementing an interface that gets detected automatically.

This is a documentation-only annotation, the event factory has to implement the functionality explicitly by checking the parameter type and invoking it. On top of adding this annotation, the event field or method should document which parameters are context parameters, and under which circumstances they are invoked.