Class StorageUtil


@Experimental @Deprecated public final class StorageUtil extends Object
Experimental feature, we reserve the right to remove or change it without further notice. The transfer API is a complex addition, and we want to be able to correct possible design mistakes.
Helper functions to work with Storages.
  • Constructor Details

    • StorageUtil

      public StorageUtil()
  • Method Details

    • move

      public static <T> long move(@Nullable @Nullable Storage<T> from, @Nullable @Nullable Storage<T> to, Predicate<T> filter, long maxAmount, @Nullable @Nullable TransactionContext transaction)
      Move resources between two storages, matching the passed filter, and return the amount that was successfully transferred.

      Here is a usage example with fluid variant storages:

       // Source
       Storage<FluidVariant> source;
       // Target
       Storage<FluidVariant> target;
       // Move up to one bucket in total from source to target, outside of a transaction:
       long amountMoved = StorageUtil.move(source, target, variant -> true, FluidConstants.BUCKET, null);
       // Move exactly one bucket in total, only of water:
       try (Transaction transaction = Transaction.openOuter()) {
           Predicate<FluidVariant> filter = variant -> variant.isOf(Fluids.WATER);
           long waterMoved = StorageUtil.move(source, target, filter, FluidConstants.BUCKET, transaction);
           if (waterMoved == FluidConstants.BUCKET) {
               // Only commit if exactly one bucket was moved (no less!).
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of resources to move.
      from - The source storage. May be null.
      to - The target storage. May be null.
      filter - The filter for transferred resources. Only resources for which this filter returns true will be transferred. This filter will never be tested with a blank resource, and filters are encouraged to throw an exception if this guarantee is violated.
      maxAmount - The maximum amount that will be transferred.
      transaction - The transaction this transfer is part of, or null if a transaction should be opened just for this transfer.
      The total amount of resources that was successfully transferred.
      IllegalStateException - If no transaction is passed and a transaction is already active on the current thread.
    • findStoredResource

      @Nullable public static <T> T findStoredResource(@Nullable @Nullable Storage<T> storage, @Nullable @Nullable TransactionContext transaction)
      Attempt to find a resource stored in the passed storage.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the stored resources.
      storage - The storage to inspect, may be null.
      transaction - The current transaction, or null if a transaction should be opened for this query.
      A non-blank resource stored in the storage, or null if none could be found.
    • findExtractableResource

      @Nullable public static <T> T findExtractableResource(@Nullable @Nullable Storage<T> storage, @Nullable @Nullable TransactionContext transaction)
      Attempt to find a resource stored in the passed storage that can be extracted.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the stored resources.
      storage - The storage to inspect, may be null.
      transaction - The current transaction, or null if a transaction should be opened for this query.
      A non-blank resource stored in the storage that can be extracted, or null if none could be found.
    • findExtractableContent

      @Nullable public static <T> @Nullable ResourceAmount<T> findExtractableContent(@Nullable @Nullable Storage<T> storage, @Nullable @Nullable TransactionContext transaction)
      Attempt to find a resource stored in the passed storage that can be extracted, and how much of it can be extracted.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the stored resources.
      storage - The storage to inspect, may be null.
      transaction - The current transaction, or null if a transaction should be opened for this query.
      A non-blank resource stored in the storage that can be extracted and the strictly positive amount of it that can be extracted, or null if none could be found.
    • calculateComparatorOutput

      public static <T> int calculateComparatorOutput(@Nullable @Nullable Storage<T> storage, @Nullable @Nullable TransactionContext transaction)
      Compute the comparator output for a storage, similar to ScreenHandler.calculateComparatorOutput(Inventory).
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the stored resources.
      storage - The storage for which the comparator level should be computed.
      transaction - The current transaction, or null if a transaction should be opened for this computation.
      An integer between 0 and 15 (inclusive): the comparator output for the passed storage.