Interface BiomeModificationContext

public interface BiomeModificationContext
Allows Biome properties to be modified.
  • Method Details

    • setDepth

      void setDepth(float depth)
      See Also:
      Biome.getDepth(), Biome.Builder.depth(float)
    • setScale

      void setScale(float scale)
      See Also:
      Biome.getScale(), Biome.Builder.scale(float)
    • setCategory

      void setCategory( category)
      See Also:
      Biome.getCategory(), Biome.Builder.category(Biome.Category)
    • getWeather

      Returns the modification context for the biomes weather properties.
    • getEffects

      Returns the modification context for the biomes effects.
    • getGenerationSettings

      Returns the modification context for the biomes generation settings.
    • getSpawnSettings

      Returns the modification context for the biomes spawn settings.