Package net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.rendering.v1
package net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.rendering.v1
InterfaceDescriptionDeprecated.This registry holds builtin item renderers for items.Dynamic item renderers render items with custom code.ColorProviderRegistry<T,Provider>Called when the world renderer reloads, usually as result of changing resource pack or video configuration, or when the player types F3+A in the debug screen.Except as noted below, the properties exposed here match the parameters passed to
WorldRenderer.render(MatrixStack, float, long, boolean, Camera, GameRenderer, LightmapTextureManager, Matrix4f)
to convey the parameters normally sent toWorldRenderer.drawBlockOutline
. -
ClassDescriptionA class for registering custom armor models and textures for
, to be provided by aArmorRenderingRegistry.ModelProvider
.Mods should use these events to introduce custom rendering duringWorldRenderer.render(net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack, float, long, boolean, net.minecraft.client.render.Camera, net.minecraft.client.render.GameRenderer, net.minecraft.client.render.LightmapTextureManager, net.minecraft.util.math.Matrix4f)
without adding complicated and conflict-prone injections there.