All Classes and Interfaces

A map meant to be used as the backing storage for custom ApiLookup instances, to implement a custom equivalent of BlockApiLookup#get.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
ApiLookupMap.LookupConstructor should be used instead as it also passes the identifier.
A fast thread-safe copy-on-write map meant to be used as the backing storage for registered providers.
Armor renderers render worn armor items with custom code.
Callback for left-clicking ("attacking") a block.
Callback for left-clicking ("attacking") an entity.
Indicates that this Event is auto-invoking: it calls the event callback implemented by a context parameter type automatically and without registration.
Experimental feature, may be removed or changed without further notice.
Allows Biome properties to be modified.
Provides an API to modify Biomes after they have been loaded and before they are used in the World.
Context given to a biome selector for deciding whether it applies to a biome or not.
Provides several convenient biome selectors that can be used with BiomeModifications.
A transfer variant storage view that contains a blank variant all the time (it's always empty), but may have a nonzero capacity.
Defines how sprite pixels will be blended with the scene.
A BlockApiLookup bound to a ServerWorld and a position, providing much faster API access.
An object that allows retrieving APIs from blocks in a world.
Use AttackBlockCallback instead and check for the block.
This module has been moved into fabric-rendering-v1.
Replaced with transitive access wideners in Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1).
Convenience interface for blocks that want more stack picking context than what Block.getPickStack(BlockView, BlockPos, BlockState) provides.
Use to associate blocks or fluids with block render layer other than default.
Represents a function that accepts a boolean-valued argument and produces a result.
This registry holds builtin item renderers for items.
Dynamic item renderers render items with custom code.
Please migrate to S2CPlayChannelEvents since this was incorrectly named.
Offers access to events related to the indication of a connected server's ability to receive packets in certain channels.
Entrypoint to expose cauldrons to the Fluid Transfer API.
Manages client-sided commands and provides some related helper methods.
Callback for when client commands are registered to the dispatcher.
Offers access to events related to the connection to a server on the client while the server is processing the client's login request.
Offers access to login stage client-side networking functionalities.
This event is emitted during the block-picking process.
This event is emitted at the beginning of the block picking process in order to find any applicable ItemStack.
Offers access to events related to the connection to a server on a logical client.
Offers access to play stage client-side networking functionalities.
Contains client-side events triggered when receiving messages.
Contains client-side events triggered when sending messages.
Please migrate to ClientPlayNetworking.
Allows the use of tags by directly loading them from the installed mods.
A Storage wrapping multiple storages.
Please migrate to v2.
Callback for when a server registers all commands.
Please migrate to v2.
Registry of items to 0.0-1.0 values, defining the chance of a given item increasing the Composter block's level.
A resource condition and its parameters that can be serialized to JSON, meant for use in data generators.
A context that allows an item-queried Storage implementation to interact with its containing inventory, such as a player inventory or an emptying or filling machine.
See BiomeTags for vanilla tags.
See BlockTags for vanilla tags.
See EntityTypeTags for vanilla tags.
See FluidTags for vanilla tags.
See ItemTags for vanilla tags.
Called when core shaders (shader programs loaded from assets/<namespace>/shaders/core) are loaded to register custom modded shaders.
A context object used to create and register core shader programs.
Replaced by access widener for Criteria.register(Criterion) in Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1).
Allows an item to run custom logic when ItemStack.damage(int, LivingEntity, Consumer) is called.
Utility class for creating custom game rule categories outside of the categories Minecraft provides.
Interface that modders can implement to create new behaviors for Ingredients.
Serializer for a CustomIngredient.
An entry point for data generation.
Factory methods for the custom ingredients directly provided by Fabric API.
Contains ConditionJsonProviders for resource conditions provided by fabric itself.
Dimensional renderers render world specific visuals of a world.
This event gets triggered before a dynamic registry is being loaded.
A view providing access to the registries that are currently being loaded.
Base implementation of a fluid storage for an empty item.
An object that allows retrieving APIs from entities.
Events related to elytra flight for living entities.
This module has been moved into fabric-rendering-v1.
A helpers for registering entity model layers and providers for the layer's textured model data.
Convenience interface for entities that want more stack picking context than what Entity.getPickBlockStack() provides.
This module has been moved into fabric-rendering-v1.
Helper class for registering EntityRenderers.
Contains a function to register an entity selector option.
Events about the sleep of living entities.
Events related to a tracking entities within a player's view distance.
EnumRule<E extends Enum<E>>
A provider for the preferred equipment slot of an item.
Base class for Fabric's event implementations.
Helper for creating Event classes.
An extension of NamedScreenHandlerFactory that can write additional data to a screen opening packet.
A ScreenHandlerType for an extended screen handler that synchronizes additional data to the client when it is opened.
A factory for creating screen handler instances from additional opening data.
A Storage that supports extraction, and not insertion.
Interface for baked models that output meshes with enhanced rendering features.
General-purpose Fabric-provided extensions for Block subclasses.
Fabric's version of BlockEntityType.Builder with additional convenience methods.
Fabric-provided extensions for BlockLootTableGenerator.
Extend this class and implement FabricBlockLootTableProvider.generate().
Fabric's version of Block.Settings.
General-purpose Fabric-provided extensions for BlockState, matching the functionality provided in FabricBlock.
Counterpart of BrewingRecipeRegistry with methods that allow adding recipes which use Ingredients instead of Items.
Extensions to CommandSource for client-sided commands.
An extension to vanilla's DataGenerator providing mod specific data, and helper functions.
A factory of a data provider.
A factory of a data provider.
Extends DataOutput to keep track of the ModContainer that it originated from.
Allows registering custom default attributes for living entities.
This class consists exclusively of static methods that operate on world dimensions.
A provider to help with data-generation of dynamic registry objects, such as biomes, features, or message types.
An interface that can be implemented on an item to provide custom elytra flight when it is worn in the EquipmentSlot.CHEST slot.
Fabric extension to EntitySelectorReader, implemented using interface injection.
Extended version of EntityType.Builder with added registration for server->client entity tracking values.
An extended version of FabricEntityTypeBuilder with support for features on present on living entities, such as default attributes.
An extended version of FabricEntityTypeBuilder with support for features on present on mob entities, such as spawn restrictions.
An extended game rule visitor which supports Fabric's own rule types.
This interface can be optionally implemented on your test class.
Fabric-provided extensions for Ingredient.
General-purpose Fabric-provided extensions for Item subclasses.
Contains a method to create an item group builder.
This class allows the entries of item groups to be modified by the events in ItemGroupEvents.
Fabric's version of Item.Settings.
Please migrate to v1.
Replaced with transitive access wideners in Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1).
Replaced with FabricLootPoolBuilder.
Convenience extensions to LootPool.Builder for adding pre-built objects or collections.
Replaced with transitive access wideners in Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1).
Replaced with FabricLootTableBuilder.
Convenience extensions to LootTable.Builder for adding pre-built objects or collections and modifying loot pools.
A base interface for Loot table providers.
Defines additional mineable tags for vanilla tools not covered by vanilla.
Replaced by access wideners for ModelPredicateProviderRegistry registration methods in Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1).
Methods for creating particle types, both simple and using an existing attribute factory.
Used to create custom registries, with specified registry attributes.
An extension to NamedScreenHandlerFactory.
General purpose Fabric-provided extensions to SoundInstance.
Implement this class (or one of the inner classes) to generate a tag list.
Extend this class to create Block tags in the "/blocks" tag directory.
Extend this class to create Enchantment tags in the "/enchantments" tag directory.
Extend this class to create EntityType tags in the "/entity_types" tag directory.
Extend this class to create Fluid tags in the "/fluids" tag directory.
Extend this class to create GameEvent tags in the "/game_events" tag directory.
Extend this class to create Item tags in the "/items" tag directory.
A base Storage implementation that delegates every call to another storage, except that it only allows insertion or extraction if FilteringStorage.canInsert(T) or FilteringStorage.canExtract(T) allows it respectively.
A registry for shovel flattening interactions.
Constants for fluid transfer.
Interface for handling the rendering of a FluidState.
Registry for FluidRenderHandler instances.
Access to Storage<FluidVariant> instances.
Helper functions to work with fluid storages.
An immutable association of a still fluid and an optional NBT tag.
Defines the common attributes of fluid variants of a given Fluid.
Common fluid variant attributes, accessible both client-side and server-side.
Defines how fluid variants of a given Fluid should be displayed to clients.
Client-side display of fluid variants.
Base class for specialized model implementations that need to wrap other baked models.
Registry of items to 0-32767 fuel burn time values, in in-game ticks.
Base implementation of a fluid storage for a full item.
Utilities for working with netty's future listeners.
A utility class containing factory methods to create game rule types.
A utility class which allows for registration of game rules.
This interface is automatically injected to ItemGroup.
Interface for "identifiable" resource reload listeners.
A Storage that supports insertion, and not extraction.
Called when the world renderer reloads, usually as result of changing resource pack or video configuration, or when the player types F3+A in the debug screen.
An implementation of Storage<ItemVariant> for vanilla's Inventory, SidedInventory and PlayerInventory.
An object that allows retrieving APIs from item stacks.
Holds events related to ItemGroups.
Access to Storage<ItemVariant> instances.
An immutable count-less ItemStack, i.e.
Helper for registering KeyBindings.
Please migrate to v1.
A registry to associate block states with specific path node types.
A functional interface that provides the PathNodeType, given the block state world and position.
Generic provider, this is a marker interface.
A functional interface that provides the PathNodeType, given the block state.
This module has been moved into fabric-rendering-v1.
Called when feature renderers for a living entity renderer are registered.
This module has been moved into fabric-rendering-v1.
A delegate object used to help register feature renderers for an entity renderer.
Events related to living entity FeatureRenderers.
Use Registries.LOOT_POOL_ENTRY_TYPE from vanilla instead.
Use LootGsons.getTableGsonBuilder() from vanilla instead.
Events for manipulating loot tables.
Replaced with LootTableEvents.
Describes where a loot table has been loaded from.
Finds standard RenderMaterial instances used to communicate quad rendering characteristics to a RenderContext.
A bundle of one or more QuadView instances encoded by the renderer, typically via Renderer.meshBuilder().
Similar in purpose to BufferBuilder but simpler and not tied to NIO or any other specific implementation, plus designed to handle both static and dynamic building.
Provides custom comparator output for minecarts resting on detector rails.
Provides access to block mining levels.
use ExtraModelProvider, which supports loading of plain Identifiers
Collection of utilities for model implementations.
The model loading context used during model providing.
Interface for model resource providers.
Interface for model variant providers.
To achieve a predictable order for biome modifiers, and to aid with mod compatibility, modifiers need to declare the phase in which they will be applied.
Stack-aware attribute modifier callback for foreign items.
Interface implemented by mod-provided resource packs.
A mutable QuadView instance.
Use the constants in NbtElement instead.
API that exposes the internals of Minecraft's nether biome code.
Provides methods for registering oxidizable and waxable blocks.
Helper methods for working with and creating PacketByteBufs.
See the corresponding play packet handler in ClientPlayNetworking or ServerPlayNetworking
Represents something that supports sending packets to channels.
Registry for adding particle factories on the client for particle types created using FabricParticleTypes (or otherwise).
A pending particle factory.
A Storage<ItemVariant> implementation for a PlayerInventory.
For example, a block entity may use the methods in this class to send a packet to all clients which can see the block entity in order notify clients about a change.
Please use PlayerLookup instead.
This class provides utilities to create a PointOfInterestType.
Specialized MutableQuadView obtained via MeshBuilder.getEmitter() to append quads during mesh building.
Interface for reading quad data encoded by MeshBuilder.
The remapping process functions as follows: RegistryEntryRemovedCallbacks are called to remove any objects culled in the process, with the old numeric ID.
BlockRenderView-extending interface to be used by FabricBakedModel for dynamic model customization.
Interface for BlockEntitys which provide dynamic model state data.
This defines the instance made available to models for buffering vertex data at render time.
Interface for rendering plug-ins that provide enhanced capabilities for model lighting, buffering and rendering.
Registration and access for rendering extensions.
All model quads have an associated render material governing how the quad will be rendered.
An immutable object storing both a resource and an amount, provided for convenience.
Registration and access to resource loading conditions.
Helper for working with ResourceManager instances, and other resource loader generalities.
Represents the resource pack activation type.
This class contains default keys for various Minecraft resource reload listeners.
Please migrate to C2SPlayChannelEvents since this was incorrectly named.
Offers access to events related to the indication of a connected client's ability to receive packets in certain channels.
Holds events related to Screens.
Replaced by Creating simple screen handler types directly with ScreenHandlerType using an access widener in Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1) Creating extended screen handler types with ExtendedScreenHandlerType Registering using Registries.SCREEN_HANDLER directly
Replaced by access widener for
invalid @link
in Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1).
Events related to use of the keyboard in a Screen.
Events related to use of the mouse in a Screen.
Use ScreenRegistry instead.
Replaced by access wideners for HandledScreens.register(ScreenHandlerType, HandledScreens.Provider) and
invalid @link
in Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1).
A factory for handled screens.
Utility methods related to screens.
Provides a method for registering sculk sensor frequencies.
Events related to entities in combat.
Events related to an entity being moved to another world.
Various server-side only events related to living entities.
Offers access to events related to the connection to a client on a logical server while a client is logging in.
Offers access to login stage server-side networking functionalities.
Allows blocking client log-in until all futures passed into ServerLoginNetworking.LoginSynchronizer.waitFor(Future) are completed.
A class for registering a MessageDecorator.
Contains server-side events triggered when broadcasting messages.
Offers access to events related to the connection to a client on a logical server while a client is in game.
Use the more general ServerLivingEntityEvents.ALLOW_DEATH event instead and check for instanceof ServerPlayerEntity.
Offers access to play stage server-side networking functionalities.
Please migrate to ServerPlayNetworking.
Optional helper class that can be implemented on block entities that wish to provide a sided fluid storage and/or a sided item storage without having to register a provider for each block entity type.
This class allows registering SignTypes.
Extend this class and implement Consumer.accept(T).
A simple fluid render handler that uses and loads sprites given by their identifiers.
A simplified version of the "resource reload listener" interface, hiding the peculiarities of the API.
A simplified version of the "resource reload listener" interface, hiding the peculiarities of the API and ensuring all data is loaded on the main thread.
A storage that can store a single fluid variant at any given time.
A storage that can store a single item variant at any given time.
A storage that is also its only storage view.
An item variant storage backed by an ItemStack.
Base implementation of a fixed-capacity "continuous" storage for item-provided storage APIs.
A storage that can store a single transfer variant at any given time.
A base participant implementation that modifies itself during transactions, saving snapshots of its state in objects of type T in case it needs to revert to a previous state.
Indexes a texture atlas to allow fast lookup of Sprites from baked vertex coordinates.
An object that can store resources.
Preconditions that can be used when working with storages.
Helper functions to work with Storages.
A view of a single stored resource in a Storage, for use with Storage.iterator() or Storage.exactView(T).
A registry for axe stripping interactions.
A Helper class for checking whether a TagKey contains some entry.
API that exposes some internals of the minecraft default biome source for The End.
A registry for hoe tilling interactions.
Allows registering a mapping from TooltipData to TooltipComponent.
Utilities to help with registration of trade offers.
A global operation where participants guarantee atomicity: either the whole operation succeeds, or it is completely aborted and rolled back.
A subset of a Transaction that lets participants properly take part in transactions, manage their state, or open nested transactions, but does not allow them to close the transaction they are passed.
A callback that is invoked when a transaction is closed.
A callback that is invoked after the outer transaction is closed.
The result of a transaction operation.
An immutable association of an immutable object instance (for example Item or Fluid) and an optional NBT tag.
Represents a boolean value which can be true, false or refer to a default value.
Callback for right-clicking ("using") a block.
Callback for right-clicking ("using") an entity.
Callback for right-clicking ("using") an item.
A type of game rule which can validate an input.
Registries for modifying villager interactions that villagers have with the world.
Registry of items that farmer villagers can plant on farmland.
Replaced by access wideners for VillagerType.create(java.lang.String) and VillagerType.BIOME_TO_TYPE in Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1).
Except as noted below, the properties exposed here match the parameters passed to WorldRenderer.render(MatrixStack, float, long, boolean, Camera, GameRenderer, LightmapTextureManager, Matrix4f).
Used in BLOCK_OUTLINE to convey the parameters normally sent to WorldRenderer.drawBlockOutline.
An interface to be implemented by models that wrap and replace another model, such as ForwardingBakedModel.