Interface QuadView

All Known Subinterfaces:
MutableQuadView, QuadEmitter

public interface QuadView
Interface for reading quad data encoded by MeshBuilder. Enables models to do analysis, re-texturing or translation without knowing the renderer's vertex formats and without retaining redundant information.

Only the renderer should implement or extend this interface.

  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    Count of integers in a conventional (un-modded) block or item quad.
    static final int
    Count of integers in a conventional (un-modded) block or item vertex.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    color(int vertexIndex)
    Retrieve vertex color.
    Retrieves the quad color index serialized with the quad.
    @Nullable org.joml.Vector3f
    copyNormal(int vertexIndex, @Nullable org.joml.Vector3f target)
    Pass a non-null target to avoid allocation - will be returned with values.
    copyPos(int vertexIndex, @Nullable org.joml.Vector3f target)
    Pass a non-null target to avoid allocation - will be returned with values.
    default void
    copyUv(int vertexIndex, @Nullable org.joml.Vector2f target)
    Pass a non-null target to avoid allocation - will be returned with values.
    @Nullable Direction
    If non-null, quad should not be rendered in-world if the opposite face of a neighbor block occludes it.
    Normal of the quad as implied by geometry.
    hasNormal(int vertexIndex)
    If false, no vertex normal was provided.
    @NotNull Direction
    Equivalent to BakedQuad.getFace().
    lightmap(int vertexIndex)
    Minimum block brightness.
    Retrieves the material serialized with the quad.
    @Nullable Direction
    normalX(int vertexIndex)
    Will return Float.NaN if normal not present.
    normalY(int vertexIndex)
    Will return Float.NaN if normal not present.
    normalZ(int vertexIndex)
    Will return Float.NaN if normal not present.
    posByIndex(int vertexIndex, int coordinateIndex)
    Convenience: access x, y, z by index 0-2.
    default int
    spriteColor(int vertexIndex, int spriteIndex)
    Use color(int) instead.
    default float
    spriteU(int vertexIndex, int spriteIndex)
    Use u(int) instead.
    default float
    spriteV(int vertexIndex, int spriteIndex)
    Use v(int) instead.
    Retrieves the integer tag encoded with this quad via MutableQuadView.tag(int).
    default BakedQuad
    toBakedQuad(int spriteIndex, Sprite sprite, boolean isItem)
    Use toBakedQuad(Sprite) instead.
    default BakedQuad
    Generates a new BakedQuad instance with texture coordinates and colors from the given sprite.
    toVanilla(int[] target, int targetIndex)
    Reads baked vertex data and outputs standard baked quad vertex data in the given array and location.
    default void
    toVanilla(int spriteIndex, int[] target, int targetIndex, boolean isItem)
    u(int vertexIndex)
    Retrieve horizontal texture coordinates.
    v(int vertexIndex)
    Retrieve vertical texture coordinates.
    x(int vertexIndex)
    Retrieve geometric position, x coordinate.
    y(int vertexIndex)
    Retrieve geometric position, y coordinate.
    z(int vertexIndex)
    Retrieve geometric position, z coordinate.
  • Field Details


      static final int VANILLA_VERTEX_STRIDE
      Count of integers in a conventional (un-modded) block or item vertex.

      static final int VANILLA_QUAD_STRIDE
      Count of integers in a conventional (un-modded) block or item quad.
  • Method Details

    • x

      float x(int vertexIndex)
      Retrieve geometric position, x coordinate.
    • y

      float y(int vertexIndex)
      Retrieve geometric position, y coordinate.
    • z

      float z(int vertexIndex)
      Retrieve geometric position, z coordinate.
    • posByIndex

      float posByIndex(int vertexIndex, int coordinateIndex)
      Convenience: access x, y, z by index 0-2.
    • copyPos

      org.joml.Vector3f copyPos(int vertexIndex, @Nullable @Nullable org.joml.Vector3f target)
      Pass a non-null target to avoid allocation - will be returned with values. Otherwise returns a new instance.
    • color

      int color(int vertexIndex)
      Retrieve vertex color.
    • u

      float u(int vertexIndex)
      Retrieve horizontal texture coordinates.
    • v

      float v(int vertexIndex)
      Retrieve vertical texture coordinates.
    • copyUv

      org.joml.Vector2f copyUv(int vertexIndex, @Nullable @Nullable org.joml.Vector2f target)
      Pass a non-null target to avoid allocation - will be returned with values. Otherwise returns a new instance.
    • lightmap

      int lightmap(int vertexIndex)
      Minimum block brightness. Zero if not set.
    • hasNormal

      boolean hasNormal(int vertexIndex)
      If false, no vertex normal was provided. Lighting should use face normal in that case.
    • normalX

      float normalX(int vertexIndex)
      Will return Float.NaN if normal not present.
    • normalY

      float normalY(int vertexIndex)
      Will return Float.NaN if normal not present.
    • normalZ

      float normalZ(int vertexIndex)
      Will return Float.NaN if normal not present.
    • copyNormal

      @Nullable @Nullable org.joml.Vector3f copyNormal(int vertexIndex, @Nullable @Nullable org.joml.Vector3f target)
      Pass a non-null target to avoid allocation - will be returned with values. Otherwise returns a new instance. Returns null if normal not present.
    • cullFace

      @Nullable @Nullable Direction cullFace()
      If non-null, quad should not be rendered in-world if the opposite face of a neighbor block occludes it.
      See Also:
    • lightFace

      @NotNull @NotNull Direction lightFace()
      Equivalent to BakedQuad.getFace(). This is the face used for vanilla lighting calculations and will be the block face to which the quad is most closely aligned. Always the same as cull face for quads that are on a block face, but never null.
    • nominalFace

      @Nullable @Nullable Direction nominalFace()
    • faceNormal

      org.joml.Vector3f faceNormal()
      Normal of the quad as implied by geometry. Will be invalid if quad vertices are not co-planar. Typically computed lazily on demand and not encoded.

      Not typically needed by models. Exposed to enable standard lighting utility functions for use by renderers.

    • material

      RenderMaterial material()
      Retrieves the material serialized with the quad.
    • colorIndex

      int colorIndex()
      Retrieves the quad color index serialized with the quad.
    • tag

      int tag()
      Retrieves the integer tag encoded with this quad via MutableQuadView.tag(int). Will return zero if no tag was set. For use by models.
    • toVanilla

      void toVanilla(int[] target, int targetIndex)
      Reads baked vertex data and outputs standard baked quad vertex data in the given array and location.
      target - Target array for the baked quad data.
      targetIndex - Starting position in target array - array must have at least 28 elements available at this index.
    • toBakedQuad

      default BakedQuad toBakedQuad(Sprite sprite)
      Generates a new BakedQuad instance with texture coordinates and colors from the given sprite.
      sprite - MutableQuadView does not serialize sprites so the sprite must be provided by the caller.
      A new baked quad instance with the closest-available appearance supported by vanilla features. Will retain emissive light maps, for example, but the standard Minecraft renderer will not use them.
    • spriteColor

      @Deprecated default int spriteColor(int vertexIndex, int spriteIndex)
      Use color(int) instead.
    • spriteU

      @Deprecated default float spriteU(int vertexIndex, int spriteIndex)
      Use u(int) instead.
    • spriteV

      @Deprecated default float spriteV(int vertexIndex, int spriteIndex)
      Use v(int) instead.
    • copyTo

      @Deprecated default void copyTo(MutableQuadView target)
      Use MutableQuadView.copyFrom(QuadView) instead. Unlike copyFrom, this method will not copy the material.
    • toVanilla

      @Deprecated default void toVanilla(int spriteIndex, int[] target, int targetIndex, boolean isItem)
    • toBakedQuad

      @Deprecated default BakedQuad toBakedQuad(int spriteIndex, Sprite sprite, boolean isItem)
      Use toBakedQuad(Sprite) instead.