Interface RenderContext

public interface RenderContext
This defines the instance made available to models for buffering vertex data at render time.

Only the renderer should implement or extend this interface.

  • Method Details

    • meshConsumer

      Consumer<Mesh> meshConsumer()
      Used by models to send vertex data previously baked via MeshBuilder. The fastest option and preferred whenever feasible.
    • bakedModelConsumer

      RenderContext.BakedModelConsumer bakedModelConsumer()
      Fallback consumer that can process a vanilla BakedModel. Fabric causes vanilla baked models to send themselves via this interface. Can also be used by compound models that contain a mix of vanilla baked models, packaged quads and/or dynamic elements.
    • getEmitter

      QuadEmitter getEmitter()
      Returns a QuadEmitter instance that emits directly to the render buffer. It remains necessary to call QuadEmitter.emit() to output the quad.

      This method will always be less performant than passing pre-baked meshes via meshConsumer(). It should be used sparingly for model components that demand it - text, icons, dynamic indicators, or other elements that vary too much for static baking to be feasible.

      Calling this method invalidates any QuadEmitter returned earlier. Will be threadlocal/re-used - do not retain references.

    • pushTransform

      void pushTransform(RenderContext.QuadTransform transform)
      Causes all models/quads/meshes sent to this consumer to be transformed by the provided RenderContext.QuadTransform that edits each quad before buffering. Quads in the mesh will be passed to the RenderContext.QuadTransform for modification before offsets, face culling or lighting are applied. Meant for animation and mesh customization.

      You MUST call popTransform() after model is done outputting quads.

      More than one transformer can be added to the context. Transformers are applied in reverse order. (Last pushed is applied first.)

      Meshes are never mutated by the transformer - only buffered quads. This ensures thread-safe use of meshes/models across multiple chunk builders.

    • popTransform

      void popTransform()
      Removes the transformation added by the last call to pushTransform(QuadTransform). MUST be called before exiting from FabricBakedModel .emit... methods.
    • fallbackConsumer

      @Deprecated default Consumer<BakedModel> fallbackConsumer()
      Prefer using the more flexible bakedModelConsumer().
      Fabric causes vanilla baked models to send themselves via this interface. Can also be used by compound models that contain a mix of vanilla baked models, packaged quads and/or dynamic elements.