Interface BiomeModificationContext.GenerationSettingsContext

Enclosing interface:

public static interface BiomeModificationContext.GenerationSettingsContext
  • Method Details

    • removeFeature

      boolean removeFeature(GenerationStep.Feature step, RegistryKey<PlacedFeature> placedFeatureKey)
      Removes a feature from one of this biomes generation steps, and returns if any features were removed.
    • removeFeature

      default boolean removeFeature(RegistryKey<PlacedFeature> placedFeatureKey)
      Removes a feature from all of this biomes generation steps, and returns if any features were removed.
    • addFeature

      void addFeature(GenerationStep.Feature step, RegistryKey<PlacedFeature> placedFeatureKey)
      Adds a feature to one of this biomes generation steps, identified by the placed feature's registry key.
    • addCarver

      void addCarver(GenerationStep.Carver step, RegistryKey<ConfiguredCarver<?>> carverKey)
      Adds a configured carver to one of this biomes generation steps.
    • removeCarver

      boolean removeCarver(GenerationStep.Carver step, RegistryKey<ConfiguredCarver<?>> configuredCarverKey)
      Removes all carvers with the given key from one of this biomes generation steps.
      True if any carvers were removed.
    • removeCarver

      default boolean removeCarver(RegistryKey<ConfiguredCarver<?>> configuredCarverKey)
      Removes all carvers with the given key from all of this biomes generation steps.
      True if any carvers were removed.