Package net.fabricmc.fabric.api.datagen.v1.provider
package net.fabricmc.fabric.api.datagen.v1.provider
ClassDescriptionExtend this class and implement
.Extend this class and implementFabricBlockLootTableProvider.generate()
.Extend this class and implementFabricCodecDataProvider.configure(java.util.function.BiConsumer<net.minecraft.util.Identifier, T>)
.A provider to help with data-generation of dynamic registry objects, such as biomes, features, or message types.Extend this class and implementFabricLanguageProvider.generateTranslations(TranslationBuilder)
.A consumer used byFabricLanguageProvider.generateTranslations(TranslationBuilder)
.A base interface for Loot table providers.Extend this class and implementFabricRecipeProvider.generate(java.util.function.Consumer<>)
.Implement this class (or one of the inner classes) to generate a tag list.Extend this class to createBlock
tags in the "/blocks" tag directory.Extend this class to createEnchantment
tags in the "/enchantments" tag directory.Extend this class to createEntityType
tags in the "/entity_types" tag directory.Extend this class to createFluid
tags in the "/fluids" tag directory.Extend this class to createGameEvent
tags in the "/game_events" tag directory.Extend this class to createItem
tags in the "/items" tag directory.Extend this class and implementLootTableGenerator.accept(java.util.function.BiConsumer<net.minecraft.util.Identifier, net.minecraft.loot.LootTable.Builder>)