Class ItemStorage


@Experimental public final class ItemStorage extends Object
Access to Storage<ItemVariant> instances.

Experimental feature, we reserve the right to remove or change it without further notice. The transfer API is a complex addition, and we want to be able to correct possible design mistakes.

  • Field Details Link icon

    • SIDED Link icon

      public static final BlockApiLookup<Storage<ItemVariant>,@Nullable Direction> SIDED
      Sided block access to item variant storages. The Direction parameter may be null, meaning that the full inventory (ignoring side restrictions) should be queried. Refer to BlockApiLookup for documentation on how to use this field.

      When the operations supported by a storage change, that is if the return value of Storage.supportsInsertion() or Storage.supportsExtraction() changes, the storage should notify its neighbors with a block update so that they can refresh their connections if necessary.

      Block entities directly implementing Inventory or SidedInventory are automatically handled by a fallback provider, and don't need to do anything. Blocks that implement InventoryProvider and whose returned inventory is constant (it's the same for two subsequent calls) are also handled automatically and don't need to do anything. The fallback provider assumes that the Inventory "owns" its contents. If that's not the case, for example because it redirects all function calls to another inventory, then implementing Inventory should be avoided.

      Hoppers and droppers will interact with storages exposed through this lookup, thus implementing one of the vanilla APIs is not necessary.

      Depending on the use case, the following strategies can be used to offer a Storage<ItemVariant> implementation:

      A simple way to expose item variant storages for a block entity hierarchy is to extend SidedStorageBlockEntity.

      This may be queried safely both on the logical server and on the logical client threads. On the server thread (i.e. with a server world), all transfer functionality is always supported. On the client thread (i.e. with a client world), contents of queried Storages are unreliable and should not be modified.