Interface ServerPlayNetworking.PlayChannelHandler

Enclosing class:
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public static interface ServerPlayNetworking.PlayChannelHandler
  • Method Details

    • receive

      void receive(MinecraftServer server, ServerPlayerEntity player, ServerPlayNetworkHandler handler, PacketByteBuf buf, PacketSender responseSender)
      Handles an incoming packet.

      This method is executed on netty's event loops. Modification to the game should be scheduled using the provided Minecraft server instance.

      An example usage of this is to create an explosion where the player is looking:

       ServerPlayNetworking.registerReceiver(new Identifier("mymod", "boom"), (server, player, handler, buf, responseSender) -> {
       	boolean fire = buf.readBoolean();
       	// All operations on the server or world must be executed on the server thread
       	server.execute(() -> {
       		ModPacketHandler.createExplosion(player, fire);
      server - the server
      player - the player
      handler - the network handler that received this packet, representing the player/client who sent the packet
      buf - the payload of the packet
      responseSender - the packet sender