Interface WrapperBakedModel

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface WrapperBakedModel
An interface to be implemented by models that wrap and replace another model, such as ForwardingBakedModel. This allows mods to access the wrapped model without having to know the exact type of the wrapper model.

If you need to access data stored in one of your BakedModel subclasses, and you would normally access the model by its identifier and then cast it: call unwrap(BakedModel) on the model before, in case another mod is wrapping your model to alter its rendering.

  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    @Nullable BakedModel
    Return the wrapped model, if there is one at the moment, or null otherwise.
    static BakedModel
    Fully unwrap a model, i.e.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getWrappedModel Link icon

      @Nullable @Nullable BakedModel getWrappedModel()
      Return the wrapped model, if there is one at the moment, or null otherwise.

      If there are multiple layers of wrapping, this method does not necessarily return the innermost model.

    • unwrap Link icon

      static BakedModel unwrap(BakedModel model)
      Fully unwrap a model, i.e. return the innermost model.