Interface EquipmentSlotProvider

Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface EquipmentSlotProvider
A provider for the preferred equipment slot of an item. This can be used to give non-armor items, such as blocks, an armor slot that they can go in.

The preferred requipment slot of an item stack can be queried using LivingEntity.getPreferredEquipmentSlot().

Equipment slot providers can be set with FabricItem.Settings.equipmentSlot(EquipmentSlotProvider).

Note that items extending ArmorItem don't need to use this as there's ArmorItem.getSlotType().

  • Method Details

    • getPreferredEquipmentSlot

      EquipmentSlot getPreferredEquipmentSlot(ItemStack stack)
      Gets the preferred equipment slot for an item stack.

      If there is no preferred armor equipment slot for the stack, EquipmentSlot.MAINHAND can be returned.

      stack - the item stack
      the preferred equipment slot