Class ComposterBlock.DummyInventory

All Implemented Interfaces:
Inventory, SidedInventory, RecipeInputProvider, Clearable
Enclosing class:

static class ComposterBlock.DummyInventory
extends SimpleInventory
implements SidedInventory
  • Constructor Details

    • DummyInventory

      public DummyInventory()
  • Method Details

    • getAvailableSlots

      public int[] getAvailableSlots​(Direction side)
      Gets the available slot positions that are reachable from a given side.
      Specified by:
      getAvailableSlots in interface SidedInventory
    • canInsert

      public boolean canInsert​(int slot, ItemStack stack, @Nullable Direction dir)
      Determines whether the given stack can be inserted into this inventory at the specified slot position from the given direction.
      Specified by:
      canInsert in interface SidedInventory
    • canExtract

      public boolean canExtract​(int slot, ItemStack stack, Direction dir)
      Determines whether the given stack can be removed from this inventory at the specified slot position from the given direction.
      Specified by:
      canExtract in interface SidedInventory