Class FishingRodItem

All Implemented Interfaces:
ItemConvertible, Vanishable

public class FishingRodItem
extends Item
implements Vanishable
  • Constructor Details

    • FishingRodItem

      public FishingRodItem​(Item.Settings settings)
  • Method Details

    • use

      public TypedActionResult<ItemStack> use​(World world, PlayerEntity user, Hand hand)
      Called when an item is used by a player. The use action, by default, is bound to the right mouse button.

      This method is called on both the logical client and logical server, so take caution when overriding this method. The logical side can be checked using world.isClient().

      use in class Item
      world - the world the item was used in
      user - the player who used the item
      hand - the hand used
      a typed action result that specifies whether using the item was successful. The action result contains the new item stack that the player's hand will be set to.
    • getEnchantability

      public int getEnchantability()
      Gets the enchantability of an item. This specifies the ability of an item to receive enchantments when enchanted using an enchanting table. As the value increases, the amount and level of enchantments applied increase.

      If the value of this method is 0, the item cannot be enchanted using an enchanting table.

      getEnchantability in class Item