Class ScreenHandler

Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractRecipeScreenHandler, BeaconScreenHandler, BrewingStandScreenHandler, CartographyTableScreenHandler, CreativeInventoryScreen.CreativeScreenHandler, EnchantmentScreenHandler, ForgingScreenHandler, Generic3x3ContainerScreenHandler, GenericContainerScreenHandler, GrindstoneScreenHandler, HopperScreenHandler, HorseScreenHandler, LecternScreenHandler, LoomScreenHandler, MerchantScreenHandler, ShulkerBoxScreenHandler, StonecutterScreenHandler

public abstract class ScreenHandler
extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • canUse

      protected static boolean canUse​(ScreenHandlerContext context, PlayerEntity player, Block block)
    • getType

      public ScreenHandlerType<?> getType()
    • checkSize

      protected static void checkSize​(Inventory inventory, int expectedSize)
      Checks that the size of the provided inventory is at least as large as the expectedSize.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the inventory size is smaller than expectedSize
    • checkDataCount

      protected static void checkDataCount​(PropertyDelegate data, int expectedCount)
      Checks that the size of the data is at least as large as the expectedCount.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the data has a smaller size than expectedCount
    • addSlot

      protected Slot addSlot​(Slot slot)
    • addProperty

      protected Property addProperty​(Property property)
    • addProperties

      protected void addProperties​(PropertyDelegate propertyDelegate)
    • addListener

      public void addListener​(ScreenHandlerListener listener)
    • removeListener

      @Environment(CLIENT) public void removeListener​(ScreenHandlerListener listener)
    • getStacks

      public DefaultedList<ItemStack> getStacks()
    • sendContentUpdates

      public void sendContentUpdates()
      Sends updates to listeners if any properties or slot stacks have changed.
    • onButtonClick

      public boolean onButtonClick​(PlayerEntity player, int id)
    • getSlot

      public Slot getSlot​(int index)
    • transferSlot

      public ItemStack transferSlot​(PlayerEntity player, int index)
    • onSlotClick

      public ItemStack onSlotClick​(int int2, int int3, SlotActionType actionType, PlayerEntity playerEntity)
      Performs a slot click. This can behave in many different ways depending mainly on the action type.
      actionType - The type of slot click. Check the docs for each SlotActionType value for details
      The stack that was clicked on before anything changed, used mostly for verifying that the client and server are in sync
    • method_30010

      private ItemStack method_30010​(int int2, int int3, SlotActionType slotActionType, PlayerEntity playerEntity)
    • canStacksCombine

      public static boolean canStacksCombine​(ItemStack first, ItemStack second)
    • canInsertIntoSlot

      public boolean canInsertIntoSlot​(ItemStack stack, Slot slot)
    • close

      public void close​(PlayerEntity player)
    • dropInventory

      protected void dropInventory​(PlayerEntity player, World world, Inventory inventory)
    • onContentChanged

      public void onContentChanged​(Inventory inventory)
    • setStackInSlot

      public void setStackInSlot​(int slot, ItemStack stack)
    • updateSlotStacks

      @Environment(CLIENT) public void updateSlotStacks​(List<ItemStack> stacks)
    • setProperty

      public void setProperty​(int id, int value)
    • getNextActionId

      @Environment(CLIENT) public short getNextActionId​(PlayerInventory playerInventory)
    • isNotRestricted

      public boolean isNotRestricted​(PlayerEntity player)
    • setPlayerRestriction

      public void setPlayerRestriction​(PlayerEntity player, boolean unrestricted)
    • canUse

      public abstract boolean canUse​(PlayerEntity player)
    • insertItem

      protected boolean insertItem​(ItemStack stack, int startIndex, int endIndex, boolean fromLast)
    • unpackQuickCraftButton

      public static int unpackQuickCraftButton​(int quickCraftData)
    • unpackQuickCraftStage

      public static int unpackQuickCraftStage​(int quickCraftData)
    • packQuickCraftData

      @Environment(CLIENT) public static int packQuickCraftData​(int quickCraftStage, int buttonId)
    • shouldQuickCraftContinue

      public static boolean shouldQuickCraftContinue​(int stage, PlayerEntity player)
    • endQuickCraft

      protected void endQuickCraft()
    • canInsertItemIntoSlot

      public static boolean canInsertItemIntoSlot​(@Nullable Slot slot, ItemStack stack, boolean allowOverflow)
    • calculateStackSize

      public static void calculateStackSize​(Set<Slot> slots, int mode, ItemStack stack, int stackSize)
    • canInsertIntoSlot

      public boolean canInsertIntoSlot​(Slot slot)
    • calculateComparatorOutput

      public static int calculateComparatorOutput​(@Nullable BlockEntity entity)
    • calculateComparatorOutput

      public static int calculateComparatorOutput​(@Nullable Inventory inventory)