Interface ProfileLocationInfo

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ProfileLocationInfo
Profiling information on a specific profiler location.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Object2LongMap<String> getCounts()
    Returns a marker to count map indicating the times each marker has been visited in the profiler location.
    long getTotalTime()
    Returns the total time spent visiting the profiler location.
    long getVisitCount()
    Returns the number of times the profiler location has been visited.
  • Method Details

    • getTotalTime

      long getTotalTime()
      Returns the total time spent visiting the profiler location.
    • getVisitCount

      long getVisitCount()
      Returns the number of times the profiler location has been visited.
    • getCounts

      Object2LongMap<String> getCounts()
      Returns a marker to count map indicating the times each marker has been visited in the profiler location.