Uses of Interface
Packages that use TestableWorld
Uses of TestableWorld in
Classes in that implement TestableWorld -
Uses of TestableWorld in
Classes in that implement TestableWorld -
Uses of TestableWorld in
Subinterfaces of TestableWorld in net.minecraft.worldModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
A world view orWorld
's superinterface that exposes access to a registry manager.interface
Represents access to a world on a logical Minecraft server.interface
Classes in that implement TestableWorld -
Uses of TestableWorld in
Methods in with parameters of type TestableWorldModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic boolean
TreeFeature.canReplace(TestableWorld world, BlockPos pos)
static boolean
TreeFeature.canTreeReplace(TestableWorld world, BlockPos pos)
private int
TreeFeature.getTopPosition(TestableWorld world, int height, BlockPos pos, TreeFeatureConfig config)
static boolean
Feature.isAir(TestableWorld world, BlockPos pos)
static boolean
TreeFeature.isAirOrLeaves(TestableWorld world, BlockPos pos)
private static boolean
TreeFeature.isReplaceablePlant(TestableWorld world, BlockPos pos)
static boolean
Feature.isSoil(TestableWorld world, BlockPos pos)
private static boolean
TreeFeature.isVine(TestableWorld world, BlockPos pos)
private static boolean
TreeFeature.isWater(TestableWorld world, BlockPos pos)
Uses of TestableWorld in
Methods in with parameters of type TestableWorldModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Optional<CaveSurface>
CaveSurface.create(TestableWorld world, BlockPos pos, int height, Predicate<BlockState> canGenerate, Predicate<BlockState> canReplace)
private static OptionalInt
CaveSurface.getCaveSurface(TestableWorld world, int height, Predicate<BlockState> canGenerate, Predicate<BlockState> canReplace, BlockPos.Mutable mutablePos, int y, Direction direction)
Uses of TestableWorld in
Methods in with parameters of type TestableWorldModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
AcaciaFoliagePlacer.generate(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, TreeFeatureConfig config, int trunkHeight, FoliagePlacer.TreeNode treeNode, int foliageHeight, int radius, int offset)
This is the main method used to generate foliage.protected void
BlobFoliagePlacer.generate(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, TreeFeatureConfig config, int trunkHeight, FoliagePlacer.TreeNode treeNode, int foliageHeight, int radius, int offset)
This is the main method used to generate foliage.protected void
BushFoliagePlacer.generate(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, TreeFeatureConfig config, int trunkHeight, FoliagePlacer.TreeNode treeNode, int foliageHeight, int radius, int offset)
This is the main method used to generate foliage.protected void
DarkOakFoliagePlacer.generate(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, TreeFeatureConfig config, int trunkHeight, FoliagePlacer.TreeNode treeNode, int foliageHeight, int radius, int offset)
This is the main method used to generate foliage.void
FoliagePlacer.generate(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, TreeFeatureConfig config, int trunkHeight, FoliagePlacer.TreeNode treeNode, int foliageHeight, int radius)
protected abstract void
FoliagePlacer.generate(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, TreeFeatureConfig config, int trunkHeight, FoliagePlacer.TreeNode treeNode, int foliageHeight, int radius, int offset)
This is the main method used to generate foliage.protected void
JungleFoliagePlacer.generate(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, TreeFeatureConfig config, int trunkHeight, FoliagePlacer.TreeNode treeNode, int foliageHeight, int radius, int offset)
This is the main method used to generate foliage.protected void
LargeOakFoliagePlacer.generate(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, TreeFeatureConfig config, int trunkHeight, FoliagePlacer.TreeNode treeNode, int foliageHeight, int radius, int offset)
This is the main method used to generate foliage.protected void
MegaPineFoliagePlacer.generate(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, TreeFeatureConfig config, int trunkHeight, FoliagePlacer.TreeNode treeNode, int foliageHeight, int radius, int offset)
This is the main method used to generate foliage.protected void
PineFoliagePlacer.generate(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, TreeFeatureConfig config, int trunkHeight, FoliagePlacer.TreeNode treeNode, int foliageHeight, int radius, int offset)
This is the main method used to generate foliage.protected void
RandomSpreadFoliagePlacer.generate(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, TreeFeatureConfig config, int trunkHeight, FoliagePlacer.TreeNode treeNode, int foliageHeight, int radius, int offset)
This is the main method used to generate foliage.protected void
SpruceFoliagePlacer.generate(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, TreeFeatureConfig config, int trunkHeight, FoliagePlacer.TreeNode treeNode, int foliageHeight, int radius, int offset)
This is the main method used to generate foliage.protected void
FoliagePlacer.generateSquare(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, TreeFeatureConfig config, BlockPos centerPos, int radius, int y, boolean giantTrunk)
Generates a square of leaves with the given radius.protected static void
FoliagePlacer.placeFoliageBlock(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, TreeFeatureConfig config, BlockPos pos)
Uses of TestableWorld in
Methods in with parameters of type TestableWorldModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
AlterGroundTreeDecorator.generate(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, List<BlockPos> logPositions, List<BlockPos> leavesPositions)
BeehiveTreeDecorator.generate(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, List<BlockPos> logPositions, List<BlockPos> leavesPositions)
CocoaBeansTreeDecorator.generate(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, List<BlockPos> logPositions, List<BlockPos> leavesPositions)
LeavesVineTreeDecorator.generate(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, List<BlockPos> logPositions, List<BlockPos> leavesPositions)
abstract void
TreeDecorator.generate(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, List<BlockPos> logPositions, List<BlockPos> leavesPositions)
TrunkVineTreeDecorator.generate(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, List<BlockPos> logPositions, List<BlockPos> leavesPositions)
private static void
LeavesVineTreeDecorator.placeVines(TestableWorld world, BlockPos pos, BooleanProperty facing, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer)
Places a vine at a given position and then up to 4 more vines going downwards.private void
AlterGroundTreeDecorator.setArea(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, BlockPos pos)
private void
AlterGroundTreeDecorator.setColumn(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, BlockPos pos)
Uses of TestableWorld in
Methods in with parameters of type TestableWorldModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprivate static boolean
TrunkPlacer.canGenerate(TestableWorld world, BlockPos pos)
BendingTrunkPlacer.generate(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, int height, BlockPos startPos, TreeFeatureConfig config)
Generates the trunk blocks and return a list of tree nodes to place foliage aroundDarkOakTrunkPlacer.generate(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, int height, BlockPos startPos, TreeFeatureConfig config)
Generates the trunk blocks and return a list of tree nodes to place foliage aroundForkingTrunkPlacer.generate(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, int height, BlockPos startPos, TreeFeatureConfig config)
Generates the trunk blocks and return a list of tree nodes to place foliage aroundGiantTrunkPlacer.generate(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, int height, BlockPos startPos, TreeFeatureConfig config)
Generates the trunk blocks and return a list of tree nodes to place foliage aroundLargeOakTrunkPlacer.generate(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, int height, BlockPos startPos, TreeFeatureConfig config)
Generates the trunk blocks and return a list of tree nodes to place foliage aroundMegaJungleTrunkPlacer.generate(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, int height, BlockPos startPos, TreeFeatureConfig config)
Generates the trunk blocks and return a list of tree nodes to place foliage aroundStraightTrunkPlacer.generate(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, int height, BlockPos startPos, TreeFeatureConfig config)
Generates the trunk blocks and return a list of tree nodes to place foliage aroundabstract List<FoliagePlacer.TreeNode>
TrunkPlacer.generate(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, int height, BlockPos startPos, TreeFeatureConfig config)
Generates the trunk blocks and return a list of tree nodes to place foliage aroundprotected static boolean
TrunkPlacer.getAndSetState(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, BlockPos pos, TreeFeatureConfig config)
protected static boolean
TrunkPlacer.getAndSetState(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, BlockPos pos, TreeFeatureConfig config, Function<BlockState,BlockState> stateProvider)
private void
LargeOakTrunkPlacer.makeBranches(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, int treeHeight, BlockPos startPos, List<LargeOakTrunkPlacer.BranchPosition> branchPositions, TreeFeatureConfig config)
private boolean
LargeOakTrunkPlacer.makeOrCheckBranch(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, BlockPos startPos, BlockPos branchPos, boolean make, TreeFeatureConfig config)
private static void
GiantTrunkPlacer.setLog(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, BlockPos.Mutable pos, TreeFeatureConfig config, BlockPos startPos, int x, int y, int z)
protected static void
TrunkPlacer.setToDirt(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, BlockPos pos, TreeFeatureConfig config)
protected static void
TrunkPlacer.trySetState(TestableWorld world, BiConsumer<BlockPos,BlockState> replacer, Random random, BlockPos.Mutable pos, TreeFeatureConfig config)