Uses of Class
Packages that use BlockEntityType
Uses of BlockEntityType in net.minecraft.block
Fields in net.minecraft.block with type parameters of type BlockEntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected final Supplier
<BlockEntityType<? extends E>> AbstractChestBlock.entityTypeRetriever
Methods in net.minecraft.block that return BlockEntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBlockEntityType
<? extends ChestBlockEntity> ChestBlock.getExpectedEntityType()
Methods in net.minecraft.block with parameters of type BlockEntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescription<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> AbstractBlock.AbstractBlockState.getBlockEntityTicker
(World world, BlockEntityType<T> blockEntityType) <T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> AbstractSignBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> AbstractSkullBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> BeaconBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> BeehiveBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> BellBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> BlastFurnaceBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.default <T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> BlockEntityProvider.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> BrewingStandBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> CalibratedSculkSensorBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> CampfireBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> ChestBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> ConduitBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> CrafterBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> DaylightDetectorBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> EnchantingTableBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> EnderChestBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> EndGatewayBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> FurnaceBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> HangingSignBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> HopperBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> JukeboxBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> PistonExtensionBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> SculkCatalystBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> SculkSensorBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> SculkShriekerBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> ShulkerBoxBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> SmokerBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> SpawnerBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> TrialSpawnerBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> VaultBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> WallHangingSignBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.static <S extends BlockEntity>
DoubleBlockProperties.PropertySource<S> DoubleBlockProperties.toPropertySource
(BlockEntityType<S> blockEntityType, Function<BlockState, DoubleBlockProperties.Type> typeMapper, Function<BlockState, Direction> directionMapper, DirectionProperty directionProperty, BlockState state, WorldAccess world, BlockPos pos, BiPredicate<WorldAccess, BlockPos> fallbackTester) protected static <T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> AbstractFurnaceBlock.validateTicker
(World world, BlockEntityType<T> givenType, BlockEntityType<? extends AbstractFurnaceBlockEntity> expectedType) protected static <E extends BlockEntity,
A extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<A> BlockWithEntity.validateTicker
(BlockEntityType<A> givenType, BlockEntityType<E> expectedType, BlockEntityTicker<? super E> ticker) Returns the ticker if the given type and expected type are the same, ornull
if they are different.Constructor parameters in net.minecraft.block with type arguments of type BlockEntityTypeModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(AbstractBlock.Settings settings, Supplier<BlockEntityType<? extends E>> entityTypeSupplier) protected
(AbstractBlock.Settings settings, Supplier<BlockEntityType<? extends ChestBlockEntity>> entityTypeSupplier) -
Uses of BlockEntityType in net.minecraft.block.entity
Fields in net.minecraft.block.entity declared as BlockEntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final BlockEntityType
<BannerBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.BANNER
static final BlockEntityType
<BarrelBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.BARREL
static final BlockEntityType
<BeaconBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.BEACON
static final BlockEntityType
<BedBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.BED
static final BlockEntityType
<BeehiveBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.BEEHIVE
static final BlockEntityType
<BellBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.BELL
static final BlockEntityType
<BlastFurnaceBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.BLAST_FURNACE
static final BlockEntityType
<BrewingStandBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.BREWING_STAND
static final BlockEntityType
<BrushableBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.BRUSHABLE_BLOCK
static final BlockEntityType
<CalibratedSculkSensorBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.CALIBRATED_SCULK_SENSOR
static final BlockEntityType
<CampfireBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.CAMPFIRE
static final BlockEntityType
<ChestBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.CHEST
static final BlockEntityType
<ChiseledBookshelfBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.CHISELED_BOOKSHELF
static final BlockEntityType
<CommandBlockBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.COMMAND_BLOCK
static final BlockEntityType
<ComparatorBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.COMPARATOR
static final BlockEntityType
<ConduitBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.CONDUIT
static final BlockEntityType
<CrafterBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.CRAFTER
static final BlockEntityType
<DaylightDetectorBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR
static final BlockEntityType
<DecoratedPotBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.DECORATED_POT
static final BlockEntityType
<DispenserBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.DISPENSER
static final BlockEntityType
<DropperBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.DROPPER
static final BlockEntityType
<EnchantingTableBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.ENCHANTING_TABLE
static final BlockEntityType
<EndGatewayBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.END_GATEWAY
static final BlockEntityType
<EndPortalBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.END_PORTAL
static final BlockEntityType
<EnderChestBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.ENDER_CHEST
static final BlockEntityType
<FurnaceBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.FURNACE
static final BlockEntityType
<HangingSignBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.HANGING_SIGN
static final BlockEntityType
<HopperBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.HOPPER
static final BlockEntityType
<JigsawBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.JIGSAW
static final BlockEntityType
<JukeboxBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.JUKEBOX
static final BlockEntityType
<LecternBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.LECTERN
static final BlockEntityType
<MobSpawnerBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.MOB_SPAWNER
static final BlockEntityType
<PistonBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.PISTON
static final BlockEntityType
<SculkCatalystBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.SCULK_CATALYST
static final BlockEntityType
<SculkSensorBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.SCULK_SENSOR
static final BlockEntityType
<SculkShriekerBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.SCULK_SHRIEKER
static final BlockEntityType
<ShulkerBoxBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.SHULKER_BOX
static final BlockEntityType
<SignBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.SIGN
static final BlockEntityType
<SkullBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.SKULL
static final BlockEntityType
<SmokerBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.SMOKER
static final BlockEntityType
<StructureBlockBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.STRUCTURE_BLOCK
static final BlockEntityType
<TrappedChestBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.TRAPPED_CHEST
static final BlockEntityType
<TrialSpawnerBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.TRIAL_SPAWNER
private final BlockEntityType
<?> BlockEntity.type
static final BlockEntityType
<VaultBlockEntity> BlockEntityType.VAULT
Fields in net.minecraft.block.entity with type parameters of type BlockEntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate final RegistryEntry.Reference
<BlockEntityType<?>> BlockEntityType.registryEntry
Methods in net.minecraft.block.entity that return BlockEntityTypeModifier and
(com.mojang.datafixers.types.Type<?> type) Builds the block entity type.private static <T extends BlockEntity>
BlockEntityType<T> BlockEntityType.create
(String id, BlockEntityType.Builder<T> builder) BlockEntity.getType()
Methods in net.minecraft.block.entity that return types with arguments of type BlockEntityTypeMethods in net.minecraft.block.entity with parameters of type BlockEntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic @Nullable Identifier
(BlockEntityType<?> type) Returns the block entity type's ID, ornull
if it is unregistered.static void
(NbtCompound nbt, BlockEntityType<?> type) Writes the ID oftype
under theid
key.Constructors in net.minecraft.block.entity with parameters of type BlockEntityTypeModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(BlockEntityType<?> blockEntityType, BlockPos pos, BlockState state, RecipeType<? extends AbstractCookingRecipe> recipeType) BlockEntity
(BlockEntityType<?> type, BlockPos pos, BlockState state) protected
(BlockEntityType<?> type, BlockPos pos, BlockState state) protected
(BlockEntityType<?> type, BlockPos pos, BlockState state) protected
(BlockEntityType<?> type, BlockPos pos, BlockState state) protected
(BlockEntityType<?> type, BlockPos pos, BlockState state) protected
(BlockEntityType<?> type, BlockPos pos, BlockState state) protected
(BlockEntityType<?> type, BlockPos pos, BlockState state) SignBlockEntity
(BlockEntityType type, BlockPos pos, BlockState state) -
Uses of BlockEntityType in net.minecraft.client.render.block.entity
Fields in net.minecraft.client.render.block.entity with type parameters of type BlockEntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate static final Map
<BlockEntityType<?>, BlockEntityRendererFactory<?>> BlockEntityRendererFactories.FACTORIES
private Map
<BlockEntityType<?>, BlockEntityRenderer<?>> BlockEntityRenderDispatcher.renderers
Methods in net.minecraft.client.render.block.entity that return types with arguments of type BlockEntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Map
<BlockEntityType<?>, BlockEntityRenderer<?>> BlockEntityRendererFactories.reload
(BlockEntityRendererFactory.Context args) Methods in net.minecraft.client.render.block.entity with parameters of type BlockEntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprivate static <T extends BlockEntity>
(BlockEntityType<? extends T> type, BlockEntityRendererFactory<T> factory) -
Uses of BlockEntityType in net.minecraft.item
Methods in net.minecraft.item with parameters of type BlockEntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(ItemStack stack, BlockEntityType<?> type, NbtCompound nbt) -
Uses of BlockEntityType in net.minecraft.loot.function
Fields in net.minecraft.loot.function with type parameters of type BlockEntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate final RegistryEntry
<BlockEntityType<?>> SetLootTableLootFunction.type
Methods in net.minecraft.loot.function with parameters of type BlockEntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic ConditionalLootFunction.Builder
<?> SetLootTableLootFunction.builder
(BlockEntityType<?> type, RegistryKey<LootTable> lootTable) static ConditionalLootFunction.Builder
<?> SetLootTableLootFunction.builder
(BlockEntityType<?> type, RegistryKey<LootTable> lootTable, long seed) Constructor parameters in net.minecraft.loot.function with type arguments of type BlockEntityTypeModifierConstructorDescriptionprivate
(List<LootCondition> conditions, RegistryKey<LootTable> lootTable, long seed, RegistryEntry<BlockEntityType<?>> blockEntityType) -
Uses of BlockEntityType in
Fields in declared as BlockEntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate final BlockEntityType
<?> BlockEntityUpdateS2CPacket.blockEntityType
(package private) final BlockEntityType
<?> ChunkData.BlockEntityData.type
Methods in that return BlockEntityTypeMethods in with parameters of type BlockEntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(BlockPos pos, BlockEntityType<?> type, @Nullable NbtCompound nbt) Constructors in with parameters of type BlockEntityTypeModifierConstructorDescriptionprivate
(int localXz, int y, BlockEntityType<?> type, @Nullable NbtCompound nbt) private
(BlockPos pos, BlockEntityType<?> blockEntityType, NbtCompound nbt) -
Uses of BlockEntityType in net.minecraft.registry
Fields in net.minecraft.registry with type parameters of type BlockEntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final Registry
<BlockEntityType<?>> Registries.BLOCK_ENTITY_TYPE
static final RegistryKey
<Registry<BlockEntityType<?>>> RegistryKeys.BLOCK_ENTITY_TYPE
Uses of BlockEntityType in
Methods in with parameters of type BlockEntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault <T extends BlockEntity>
Optional<T> BlockView.getBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockEntityType<T> type) default <T extends BlockEntity>
Optional<T> RegistryWorldView.getBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockEntityType<T> type) <T extends BlockEntity>
Optional<T> TestableWorld.getBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockEntityType<T> type)