Uses of Class
Packages that use TestContext
Uses of TestContext in net.minecraft.test
Fields in net.minecraft.test with type parameters of type TestContextModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate final Consumer
<TestContext> TestFunction.starter
The field for thestarter
record component.Methods in net.minecraft.test that return types with arguments of type TestContextModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTestFunction.starter()
Returns the value of thestarter
record component.Methods in net.minecraft.test with parameters of type TestContextConstructor parameters in net.minecraft.test with type arguments of type TestContextModifierConstructorDescriptionTestFunction
(String batchId, String templatePath, String templateName, int tickLimit, long duration, boolean required, Consumer<TestContext> starter) TestFunction
(String batchId, String templatePath, String templateName, BlockRotation rotation, int tickLimit, long duration, boolean required, boolean bool, int int2, int int3, boolean bool2, Consumer<TestContext> consumer) TestFunction
(String batchId, String templatePath, String templateName, BlockRotation rotation, int tickLimit, long setupTicks, boolean required, Consumer<TestContext> starter)