Uses of Package
Packages that use net.minecraft.block.entity
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.blockClassDescriptionA block entity is an object holding extra data about a block in a world.A functional interface that ticks a block entity.Represents a type of block entities.An interface implemented by block entities with openable lids, such as chests or ender chests.A piston block entity represents the block being pushed by a piston.
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.block.entityClassDescriptionA block entity is an object holding extra data about a block in a world.Represents a type of block entities.A functional interface for a factory that creates a new block entity instance.Handles the animation for opening and closing chests and ender chests.An interface implemented by block entities with openable lids, such as chests or ender chests.A piston block entity represents the block being pushed by a piston.Handles the viewer count for container block entities, like chests, ender chests, and barrels.
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.block.patternClassDescriptionA block entity is an object holding extra data about a block in a world.
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.clientClassDescriptionA block entity is an object holding extra data about a block in a world.
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.client.networkClassDescription
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.client.renderClassDescriptionA block entity is an object holding extra data about a block in a world.
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.client.render.block.entityClassDescriptionA block entity is an object holding extra data about a block in a world.Represents a type of block entities.An interface implemented by block entities with openable lids, such as chests or ender chests.A piston block entity represents the block being pushed by a piston.
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.client.render.block.entity.model
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.client.render.chunkClassDescriptionA block entity is an object holding extra data about a block in a world.
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.client.render.entity.stateClassDescriptionA block entity is an object holding extra data about a block in a world.
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.client.render.item
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.commandClassDescriptionA block entity is an object holding extra data about a block in a world.
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.component
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.component.typeClassDescriptionA block entity is an object holding extra data about a block in a world.
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.entity.passive
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.entity.player
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.entity.vehicle
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.inventoryClassDescriptionA block entity is an object holding extra data about a block in a world.
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.item
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.loot.contextClassDescriptionA block entity is an object holding extra data about a block in a world.
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.loot.function
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by block entity is an object holding extra data about a block in a world.Represents a type of block entities.
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.predicateClassDescriptionA block entity is an object holding extra data about a block in a world.
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.registry
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.registry.tag
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.screenClassDescriptionA block entity is an object holding extra data about a block in a world.
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.server.command
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.server.networkClassDescription
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.structure
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.testClassDescriptionA block entity is an object holding extra data about a block in a world.
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.util.math
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by net.minecraft.worldClassDescriptionA block entity is an object holding extra data about a block in a world.Represents a type of block entities.
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity used by block entity is an object holding extra data about a block in a world.A functional interface that ticks a block entity.