Uses of Enum Class
Uses of WallShape in net.minecraft.block
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate static final EnumProperty
<WallShape> PaleMossCarpetBlock.EAST
static final EnumProperty
<WallShape> WallBlock.EAST_SHAPE
private static final EnumProperty
<WallShape> PaleMossCarpetBlock.NORTH
static final EnumProperty
<WallShape> WallBlock.NORTH_SHAPE
private static final EnumProperty
<WallShape> PaleMossCarpetBlock.SOUTH
static final EnumProperty
<WallShape> WallBlock.SOUTH_SHAPE
private static final Map
<Direction, EnumProperty<WallShape>> PaleMossCarpetBlock.WALL_SHAPES
private static final EnumProperty
<WallShape> PaleMossCarpetBlock.WEST
static final EnumProperty
<WallShape> WallBlock.WEST_SHAPE
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprivate WallShape
(boolean connected, VoxelShape aboveShape, VoxelShape tallShape) Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic @Nullable EnumProperty
<WallShape> PaleMossCarpetBlock.getWallShape
(Direction face) Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprivate static VoxelShape
(VoxelShape base, WallShape wallShape, VoxelShape tall, VoxelShape low) Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprivate static boolean
(BlockState state, Property<WallShape> property) -
Uses of WallShape in net.minecraft.block.enums
Uses of WallShape in
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final EnumProperty
<WallShape> Properties.EAST_WALL_SHAPE
A property that specifies how a wall extends from the center post to the east.static final EnumProperty
<WallShape> Properties.NORTH_WALL_SHAPE
A property that specifies how a wall extends from the center post to the north.static final EnumProperty
<WallShape> Properties.SOUTH_WALL_SHAPE
A property that specifies how a wall extends from the center post to the south.static final EnumProperty
<WallShape> Properties.WEST_WALL_SHAPE
A property that specifies how a wall extends from the center post to the west.