Uses of Enum Class
Packages that use EntityPose
Uses of EntityPose in net.minecraft.client.render.entity.state
Fields in net.minecraft.client.render.entity.state declared as EntityPoseMethods in net.minecraft.client.render.entity.state with parameters of type EntityPose -
Uses of EntityPose in net.minecraft.entity
Fields in net.minecraft.entity with type parameters of type EntityPoseModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final IntFunction
<EntityPose> EntityPose.INDEX_TO_VALUE
static final PacketCodec
<ByteBuf, EntityPose> EntityPose.PACKET_CODEC
protected static final TrackedData
<EntityPose> Entity.POSE
Methods in net.minecraft.entity that return EntityPoseModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEntity.getPose()
static EntityPose
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.static EntityPose[]
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.Methods in net.minecraft.entity that return types with arguments of type EntityPoseMethods in net.minecraft.entity with parameters of type EntityPoseModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic boolean
(CollisionView world, Vec3d offset, LivingEntity entity, EntityPose pose) protected EntityDimensions
(EntityPose pose) LivingEntity.getBoundingBox
(EntityPose pose) AreaEffectCloudEntity.getDimensions
(EntityPose pose) Returns the dimensions of the entity with the givenpose
(EntityPose pose) Returns the dimensions of the entity with the givenpose
.final EntityDimensions
(EntityPose pose) Returns the dimensions of the entity with the givenpose
.final float
(EntityPose pose) Returns the eye height forpose
(EntityPose pose) void
(EntityPose pose) protected boolean
(EntityPose pose) -
Uses of EntityPose in net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon
Methods in net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon with parameters of type EntityPoseModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEnderDragonPart.getDimensions
(EntityPose pose) Returns the dimensions of the entity with the givenpose
. -
Uses of EntityPose in
Fields in with type parameters of type EntityPoseModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final TrackedDataHandler
<EntityPose> TrackedDataHandlerRegistry.ENTITY_POSE
Uses of EntityPose in net.minecraft.entity.decoration
Methods in net.minecraft.entity.decoration with parameters of type EntityPoseModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionArmorStandEntity.getBaseDimensions
(EntityPose pose) InteractionEntity.getDimensions
(EntityPose pose) Returns the dimensions of the entity with the givenpose
. -
Uses of EntityPose in net.minecraft.entity.mob
Methods in net.minecraft.entity.mob with parameters of type EntityPoseModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPhantomEntity.getBaseDimensions
(EntityPose pose) PiglinEntity.getBaseDimensions
(EntityPose pose) SkeletonHorseEntity.getBaseDimensions
(EntityPose pose) SlimeEntity.getBaseDimensions
(EntityPose pose) WardenEntity.getBaseDimensions
(EntityPose pose) ZombieEntity.getBaseDimensions
(EntityPose pose) ZombieHorseEntity.getBaseDimensions
(EntityPose pose) ZombifiedPiglinEntity.getBaseDimensions
(EntityPose pose) -
Uses of EntityPose in net.minecraft.entity.passive
Methods in net.minecraft.entity.passive with parameters of type EntityPoseModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAbstractDonkeyEntity.getBaseDimensions
(EntityPose pose) CamelEntity.getBaseDimensions
(EntityPose pose) ChickenEntity.getBaseDimensions
(EntityPose pose) CowEntity.getBaseDimensions
(EntityPose pose) FoxEntity.getBaseDimensions
(EntityPose pose) GoatEntity.getBaseDimensions
(EntityPose pose) HorseEntity.getBaseDimensions
(EntityPose pose) LlamaEntity.getBaseDimensions
(EntityPose pose) PandaEntity.getBaseDimensions
(EntityPose pose) PolarBearEntity.getBaseDimensions
(EntityPose pose) PufferfishEntity.getBaseDimensions
(EntityPose pose) protected EntityDimensions
(EntityPose pose) SnifferEntity.getBaseDimensions
(EntityPose pose) TurtleEntity.getBaseDimensions
(EntityPose pose) -
Uses of EntityPose in net.minecraft.entity.player
Fields in net.minecraft.entity.player with type parameters of type EntityPoseModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate static final Map
<EntityPose, EntityDimensions> PlayerEntity.POSE_DIMENSIONS
Methods in net.minecraft.entity.player that return types with arguments of type EntityPoseMethods in net.minecraft.entity.player with parameters of type EntityPoseModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected boolean
(EntityPose pose) PlayerEntity.getBaseDimensions
(EntityPose pose) -
Uses of EntityPose in net.minecraft.entity.vehicle
Fields in net.minecraft.entity.vehicle with type parameters of type EntityPoseModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate static final ImmutableMap
<EntityPose, ImmutableList<Integer>> AbstractMinecartEntity.DISMOUNT_FREE_Y_SPACES_NEEDED