Uses of Class
Packages that use EnumProperty
Uses of EnumProperty in net.minecraft.block
Fields in net.minecraft.block declared as EnumPropertyModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final EnumProperty
<Attachment> BellBlock.ATTACHMENT
static final EnumProperty
<Direction.Axis> CreakingHeartBlock.AXIS
static final EnumProperty
<Direction.Axis> NetherPortalBlock.AXIS
static final EnumProperty
<Direction.Axis> PillarBlock.AXIS
static final EnumProperty
<ChestType> ChestBlock.CHEST_TYPE
static final EnumProperty
<CreakingHeartBlock.Creaking> CreakingHeartBlock.CREAKING
private static final EnumProperty
<WallShape> PaleMossCarpetBlock.EAST
static final EnumProperty
<WallShape> WallBlock.EAST_SHAPE
static final EnumProperty
<BlockFace> WallMountedBlock.FACE
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> AbstractFurnaceBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> AmethystClusterBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> AnvilBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> AttachedStemBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> BarrelBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> BeehiveBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> BellBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> CalibratedSculkSensorBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> CampfireBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> CarvedPumpkinBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> ChestBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> CommandBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> DeadCoralWallFanBlock.FACING
private static final EnumProperty
<Direction> DecoratedPotBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> DispenserBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> DoorBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> EnderChestBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> EndPortalFrameBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> FacingBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> FlowerbedBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> HopperBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> HorizontalFacingBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> LadderBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> LecternBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> PistonExtensionBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> ShulkerBoxBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> SmallDripleafBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> StairsBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> StonecutterBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> TripwireHookBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> VaultBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> WallBannerBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> WallHangingSignBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> WallRedstoneTorchBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> WallSignBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> WallSkullBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> WallTorchBlock.FACING
static final EnumProperty
<DoubleBlockHalf> DoorBlock.HALF
static final EnumProperty
<BlockHalf> StairsBlock.HALF
static final EnumProperty
<DoubleBlockHalf> TallPlantBlock.HALF
static final EnumProperty
<DoubleBlockHalf> TallSeagrassBlock.HALF
static final EnumProperty
<BlockHalf> TrapdoorBlock.HALF
static final EnumProperty
<DoorHinge> DoorBlock.HINGE
static final EnumProperty
<NoteBlockInstrument> NoteBlock.INSTRUMENT
static final EnumProperty
<BambooLeaves> BambooBlock.LEAVES
static final EnumProperty
<ComparatorMode> ComparatorBlock.MODE
static final EnumProperty
<StructureBlockMode> StructureBlock.MODE
private static final EnumProperty
<WallShape> PaleMossCarpetBlock.NORTH
static final EnumProperty
<WallShape> WallBlock.NORTH_SHAPE
private static final EnumProperty
<Orientation> CrafterBlock.ORIENTATION
static final EnumProperty
<Orientation> JigsawBlock.ORIENTATION
static final EnumProperty
<BedPart> BedBlock.PART
static final EnumProperty
<SculkSensorPhase> SculkSensorBlock.SCULK_SENSOR_PHASE
static final EnumProperty
<RailShape> DetectorRailBlock.SHAPE
static final EnumProperty
<RailShape> PoweredRailBlock.SHAPE
static final EnumProperty
<RailShape> RailBlock.SHAPE
static final EnumProperty
<StairShape> StairsBlock.SHAPE
private static final EnumProperty
<WallShape> PaleMossCarpetBlock.SOUTH
static final EnumProperty
<WallShape> WallBlock.SOUTH_SHAPE
static final EnumProperty
<Thickness> PointedDripstoneBlock.THICKNESS
private static final EnumProperty
<Tilt> BigDripleafBlock.TILT
static final EnumProperty
<TrialSpawnerState> TrialSpawnerBlock.TRIAL_SPAWNER_STATE
static final EnumProperty
<PistonType> PistonExtensionBlock.TYPE
static final EnumProperty
<PistonType> PistonHeadBlock.TYPE
static final EnumProperty
<SlabType> SlabBlock.TYPE
static final EnumProperty
<Direction> PointedDripstoneBlock.VERTICAL_DIRECTION
private static final EnumProperty
<WallShape> PaleMossCarpetBlock.WEST
static final EnumProperty
<WallShape> WallBlock.WEST_SHAPE
static final EnumProperty
<WireConnection> RedstoneWireBlock.WIRE_CONNECTION_EAST
static final EnumProperty
<WireConnection> RedstoneWireBlock.WIRE_CONNECTION_NORTH
static final EnumProperty
<WireConnection> RedstoneWireBlock.WIRE_CONNECTION_SOUTH
static final EnumProperty
<WireConnection> RedstoneWireBlock.WIRE_CONNECTION_WEST
Fields in net.minecraft.block with type parameters of type EnumPropertyModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final Map
<Direction, EnumProperty<WireConnection>> RedstoneWireBlock.DIRECTION_TO_WIRE_CONNECTION_PROPERTY
private static final Map
<Direction, EnumProperty<WallShape>> PaleMossCarpetBlock.WALL_SHAPES
Methods in net.minecraft.block that return EnumPropertyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic @Nullable EnumProperty
<WallShape> PaleMossCarpetBlock.getWallShape
(Direction face) -
Uses of EnumProperty in
Fields in declared as EnumPropertyModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final EnumProperty
<Attachment> Properties.ATTACHMENT
A property that specifies how a bell is attached to a block.static final EnumProperty
<Direction.Axis> Properties.AXIS
A property that specifies the axis a block is oriented to.static final EnumProperty
<BambooLeaves> Properties.BAMBOO_LEAVES
A property that specifies the size of bamboo leaves.static final EnumProperty
<BedPart> Properties.BED_PART
A property that specifies what part of a bed a block is.static final EnumProperty
<BlockFace> Properties.BLOCK_FACE
A property that specifies the block face a block is attached to.static final EnumProperty
<BlockHalf> Properties.BLOCK_HALF
A property that specifies if a block is the upper or lower half.static final EnumProperty
<ChestType> Properties.CHEST_TYPE
A property that specifies what type of chest a block is.static final EnumProperty
<ComparatorMode> Properties.COMPARATOR_MODE
A property that specifies the mode a comparator is set to.static final EnumProperty
<CreakingHeartBlock.Creaking> Properties.CREAKING
A property that specifies the state of a creaking heart.static final EnumProperty
<DoorHinge> Properties.DOOR_HINGE
A property that specifies whether a door's hinge is to the right or left.static final EnumProperty
<DoubleBlockHalf> Properties.DOUBLE_BLOCK_HALF
A property that specifies whether a double height block is the upper or lower half.static final EnumProperty
<WallShape> Properties.EAST_WALL_SHAPE
A property that specifies how a wall extends from the center post to the east.static final EnumProperty
<WireConnection> Properties.EAST_WIRE_CONNECTION
A property that specifies how redstone wire attaches to the east.static final EnumProperty
<Direction> Properties.FACING
A property that specifies the direction a block is facing.static final EnumProperty
<Direction> Properties.HOPPER_FACING
A property that specifies the direction a hopper's output faces.static final EnumProperty
<Direction.Axis> Properties.HORIZONTAL_AXIS
A property that specifies the axis a block is oriented to.static final EnumProperty
<Direction> Properties.HORIZONTAL_FACING
A property that specifies the direction a block is facing.static final EnumProperty
<NoteBlockInstrument> Properties.INSTRUMENT
A property that specifies what instrument a note block will play.static final EnumProperty
<WallShape> Properties.NORTH_WALL_SHAPE
A property that specifies how a wall extends from the center post to the north.static final EnumProperty
<WireConnection> Properties.NORTH_WIRE_CONNECTION
A property that specifies how redstone wire attaches to the north.static final EnumProperty
<Orientation> Properties.ORIENTATION
A property that specifies the orientation of a jigsaw or crafter.static final EnumProperty
<PistonType> Properties.PISTON_TYPE
A property that specifies the type of a piston.static final EnumProperty
<RailShape> Properties.RAIL_SHAPE
A property that specifies the two directions a rail connects to.static final EnumProperty
<SculkSensorPhase> Properties.SCULK_SENSOR_PHASE
A property that specifies the current phase of a sculk sensor.static final EnumProperty
<SlabType> Properties.SLAB_TYPE
A property that specifies the type of slab.static final EnumProperty
<WallShape> Properties.SOUTH_WALL_SHAPE
A property that specifies how a wall extends from the center post to the south.static final EnumProperty
<WireConnection> Properties.SOUTH_WIRE_CONNECTION
A property that specifies how redstone wire attaches to the south.static final EnumProperty
<StairShape> Properties.STAIR_SHAPE
A property that specifies the shape of a stair block.static final EnumProperty
<RailShape> Properties.STRAIGHT_RAIL_SHAPE
A property that specifies the two directions a rail connects to.static final EnumProperty
<StructureBlockMode> Properties.STRUCTURE_BLOCK_MODE
A property that specifies the mode of a structure block.static final EnumProperty
<Thickness> Properties.THICKNESS
A property that specifies the thickness of a pointed dripstone.static final EnumProperty
<Tilt> Properties.TILT
A property that specifies how a big dripleaf is tilted down.static final EnumProperty
<TrialSpawnerState> Properties.TRIAL_SPAWNER_STATE
A property that specifies the state of a trial spawner.static final EnumProperty
<VaultState> Properties.VAULT_STATE
A property that specifies the state of a vault.static final EnumProperty
<Direction> Properties.VERTICAL_DIRECTION
A property that specifies the direction a pointed dripstone is facing.static final EnumProperty
<WallShape> Properties.WEST_WALL_SHAPE
A property that specifies how a wall extends from the center post to the west.static final EnumProperty
<WireConnection> Properties.WEST_WIRE_CONNECTION
A property that specifies how redstone wire attaches to the west.Methods in that return EnumPropertyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T extends Enum<T> & StringIdentifiable>
EnumProperty<T> Creates an enum property with all values of the given enum class.static <T extends Enum<T> & StringIdentifiable>
EnumProperty<T> Creates an enum property with the values allowed by the given filter.static <T extends Enum<T> & StringIdentifiable>
EnumProperty<T> Creates an enum property with the given values.static <T extends Enum<T> & StringIdentifiable>
EnumProperty<T> Creates an enum property with the given values.