Uses of Class
Packages that use BlockEntity
Uses of BlockEntity in net.minecraft.block
Classes in net.minecraft.block with type parameters of type BlockEntityMethods in net.minecraft.block with type parameters of type BlockEntityModifier and TypeMethodDescription<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> AbstractBlock.AbstractBlockState.getBlockEntityTicker
(World world, BlockEntityType<T> blockEntityType) default <T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable GameEventListenerBlockEntityProvider.getGameEventListener
(ServerWorld world, T blockEntity) Returns the game event listener for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not listen to game events.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> AbstractSignBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> AbstractSkullBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> BeaconBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> BeehiveBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> BellBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> BlastFurnaceBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.default <T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> BlockEntityProvider.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> BrewingStandBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> CalibratedSculkSensorBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> CampfireBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> ChestBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> ConduitBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> CrafterBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> CreakingHeartBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> DaylightDetectorBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> EnchantingTableBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> EnderChestBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> EndGatewayBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> FurnaceBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> HangingSignBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> HopperBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> JukeboxBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> PistonExtensionBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> SculkCatalystBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> SculkSensorBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> SculkShriekerBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> ShulkerBoxBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> SmokerBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> SpawnerBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> TrialSpawnerBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> VaultBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.<T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> WallHangingSignBlock.getTicker
(World world, BlockState state, BlockEntityType<T> type) Returns the "ticker" for the block's block entity, ornull
if the block entity does not need to be ticked.static <S extends BlockEntity>
DoubleBlockProperties.PropertySource<S> DoubleBlockProperties.toPropertySource
(BlockEntityType<S> blockEntityType, Function<BlockState, DoubleBlockProperties.Type> typeMapper, Function<BlockState, Direction> directionMapper, Property<Direction> property, BlockState state, WorldAccess world, BlockPos pos, BiPredicate<WorldAccess, BlockPos> fallbackTester) protected static <T extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<T> AbstractFurnaceBlock.validateTicker
(World world, BlockEntityType<T> givenType, BlockEntityType<? extends AbstractFurnaceBlockEntity> expectedType) protected static <E extends BlockEntity,
A extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<A> BlockWithEntity.validateTicker
(BlockEntityType<A> givenType, BlockEntityType<E> expectedType, BlockEntityTicker<? super E> ticker) Returns the ticker if the given type and expected type are the same, ornull
if they are different.protected static <E extends BlockEntity,
A extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityTicker<A> BlockWithEntity.validateTicker
(BlockEntityType<A> givenType, BlockEntityType<E> expectedType, BlockEntityTicker<? super E> ticker) Returns the ticker if the given type and expected type are the same, ornull
if they are different.Methods in net.minecraft.block that return BlockEntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAbstractBannerBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.AbstractSignBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.AbstractSkullBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.BarrelBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.BeaconBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.BedBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.BeehiveBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.BellBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.BlastFurnaceBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.BlockEntityProvider.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.BrewingStandBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.BrushableBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.CalibratedSculkSensorBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.CampfireBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.ChestBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.ChiseledBookshelfBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.CommandBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.ComparatorBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.ConduitBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.CrafterBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.CreakingHeartBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.DaylightDetectorBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.DecoratedPotBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.DispenserBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.DropperBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.EnchantingTableBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.EnderChestBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.EndGatewayBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.EndPortalBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.FurnaceBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.HangingSignBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.HopperBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.JigsawBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.JukeboxBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.LecternBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.PistonExtensionBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.SculkCatalystBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.SculkSensorBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.SculkShriekerBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.ShulkerBoxBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.SmokerBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.SpawnerBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.StructureBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.TrappedChestBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.TrialSpawnerBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.VaultBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.WallHangingSignBlock.createBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state) Returns a new block entity instance.static BlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state, BlockState pushedBlock, Direction facing, boolean extending, boolean source) Methods in net.minecraft.block with parameters of type BlockEntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(World world, PlayerEntity player, BlockPos pos, BlockState state, @Nullable BlockEntity blockEntity, ItemStack tool) Called server-side when the block is broken by the player using correct tool.void
(World world, PlayerEntity player, BlockPos pos, BlockState state, @Nullable BlockEntity blockEntity, ItemStack tool) Called server-side when the block is broken by the player using correct tool.void
(World world, PlayerEntity player, BlockPos pos, BlockState state, @Nullable BlockEntity blockEntity, ItemStack tool) Called server-side when the block is broken by the player using correct tool.void
(World world, PlayerEntity player, BlockPos pos, BlockState state, @Nullable BlockEntity blockEntity, ItemStack tool) Called server-side when the block is broken by the player using correct tool.void
(World world, PlayerEntity player, BlockPos pos, BlockState state, @Nullable BlockEntity blockEntity, ItemStack tool) Called server-side when the block is broken by the player using correct tool.static void
(BlockState state, WorldAccess world, BlockPos pos, @Nullable BlockEntity blockEntity) static void
(BlockState state, World world, BlockPos pos, @Nullable BlockEntity blockEntity, @Nullable Entity entity, ItemStack tool) Block.getDroppedStacks
(BlockState state, ServerWorld world, BlockPos pos, @Nullable BlockEntity blockEntity) Block.getDroppedStacks
(BlockState state, ServerWorld world, BlockPos pos, @Nullable BlockEntity blockEntity, @Nullable Entity entity, ItemStack stack) private void
(@Nullable BlockEntity blockEntity, boolean triggered) -
Uses of BlockEntity in net.minecraft.block.entity
Classes in net.minecraft.block.entity with type parameters of type BlockEntityModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
BlockEntityTicker<T extends BlockEntity>
A functional interface that ticks a block entity.class
BlockEntityType<T extends BlockEntity>
Represents a type of block entities.private static interface
BlockEntityType.BlockEntityFactory<T extends BlockEntity>
A functional interface for a factory that creates a new block entity instance.Subclasses of BlockEntity in net.minecraft.block.entityModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A piston block entity represents the block being pushed by a piston.class
Methods in net.minecraft.block.entity with type parameters of type BlockEntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprivate static <T extends BlockEntity>
BlockEntityType<T> BlockEntityType.create
(String id, BlockEntityType.BlockEntityFactory<? extends T> factory, Block[] blocks) Methods in net.minecraft.block.entity that return BlockEntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDecoratedPotBlockEntity.asBlockEntity()
static @Nullable BlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockState state, NbtCompound nbt, RegistryWrapper.WrapperLookup registries) Returns the new block entity loaded fromnbt
, ornull
if it fails. -
Uses of BlockEntity in net.minecraft.block.pattern
Fields in net.minecraft.block.pattern declared as BlockEntityMethods in net.minecraft.block.pattern that return BlockEntity -
Uses of BlockEntity in net.minecraft.client.render
Fields in net.minecraft.client.render with type parameters of type BlockEntityModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate final Set
<BlockEntity> WorldRenderer.noCullingBlockEntities
Methods in net.minecraft.client.render with parameters of type BlockEntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic SpriteIdentifier
(BlockEntity blockEntity, ChestType type, boolean christmas) Method parameters in net.minecraft.client.render with type arguments of type BlockEntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Collection<BlockEntity> removed, Collection<BlockEntity> added) -
Uses of BlockEntity in net.minecraft.client.render.block.entity
Classes in net.minecraft.client.render.block.entity with type parameters of type BlockEntityModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
BlockEntityRenderer<T extends BlockEntity>
BlockEntityRendererFactory<T extends BlockEntity>
ChestBlockEntityRenderer<T extends BlockEntity & LidOpenable>
LightmapCoordinatesRetriever<S extends BlockEntity>
Methods in net.minecraft.client.render.block.entity with type parameters of type BlockEntityModifier and TypeMethodDescription<E extends BlockEntity>
@Nullable BlockEntityRenderer<E> BlockEntityRenderDispatcher.get
(E blockEntity) private static <T extends BlockEntity>
(BlockEntityType<? extends T> type, BlockEntityRendererFactory<T> factory) <E extends BlockEntity>
(E blockEntity, float tickDelta, MatrixStack matrices, VertexConsumerProvider vertexConsumers) private static <T extends BlockEntity>
(BlockEntityRenderer<T> renderer, T blockEntity, float tickDelta, MatrixStack matrices, VertexConsumerProvider vertexConsumers) -
Uses of BlockEntity in net.minecraft.client.render.chunk
Fields in net.minecraft.client.render.chunk with type parameters of type BlockEntityModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate final Set
<BlockEntity> ChunkBuilder.BuiltChunk.blockEntities
(package private) final List
<BlockEntity> ChunkBuilder.ChunkData.blockEntities
private final Map
<BlockPos, BlockEntity> RenderedChunk.blockEntities
final List
<BlockEntity> SectionBuilder.RenderData.blockEntities
final List
<BlockEntity> SectionBuilder.RenderData.noCullingBlockEntities
Methods in net.minecraft.client.render.chunk with type parameters of type BlockEntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprivate <E extends BlockEntity>
(SectionBuilder.RenderData data, E blockEntity) Methods in net.minecraft.client.render.chunk that return BlockEntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionChunkRendererRegion.getBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos) Returns the block entity atpos
, ornull
if there is none.RenderedChunk.getBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos) Methods in net.minecraft.client.render.chunk that return types with arguments of type BlockEntityMethod parameters in net.minecraft.client.render.chunk with type arguments of type BlockEntityModifier and TypeMethodDescription(package private) void
(Collection<BlockEntity> blockEntities) -
Uses of BlockEntity in net.minecraft.client.render.entity.state
Methods in net.minecraft.client.render.entity.state that return BlockEntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionFallingBlockEntityRenderState.getBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos) Returns the block entity atpos
, ornull
if there is none. -
Uses of BlockEntity in net.minecraft.command
Fields in net.minecraft.command declared as BlockEntityConstructors in net.minecraft.command with parameters of type BlockEntity -
Uses of BlockEntity in net.minecraft.component.type
Methods in net.minecraft.component.type with parameters of type BlockEntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(BlockEntity blockEntity, RegistryWrapper.WrapperLookup registries) -
Uses of BlockEntity in net.minecraft.inventory
Methods in net.minecraft.inventory that return BlockEntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSingleStackInventory.SingleStackBlockEntityInventory.asBlockEntity()
Methods in net.minecraft.inventory with parameters of type BlockEntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic boolean
(BlockEntity blockEntity, PlayerEntity player) Returns whetherplayer
can use thisblockEntity
.static boolean
(BlockEntity blockEntity, PlayerEntity player, float range) Returns whetherplayer
can use thisblockEntity
. -
Uses of BlockEntity in net.minecraft.loot.context
Fields in net.minecraft.loot.context with type parameters of type BlockEntityModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final ContextParameter
<BlockEntity> LootContextParameters.BLOCK_ENTITY
Uses of BlockEntity in
Methods in with parameters of type BlockEntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic BlockEntityUpdateS2CPacket
(BlockEntity blockEntity) static BlockEntityUpdateS2CPacket
(BlockEntity blockEntity, BiFunction<BlockEntity, DynamicRegistryManager, NbtCompound> nbtGetter) (package private) static ChunkData.BlockEntityData
(BlockEntity blockEntity) Method parameters in with type arguments of type BlockEntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic BlockEntityUpdateS2CPacket
(BlockEntity blockEntity, BiFunction<BlockEntity, DynamicRegistryManager, NbtCompound> nbtGetter) -
Uses of BlockEntity in net.minecraft.predicate
Methods in net.minecraft.predicate with parameters of type BlockEntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprivate static boolean
(WorldView world, @Nullable BlockEntity blockEntity, NbtPredicate nbtPredicate) -
Uses of BlockEntity in net.minecraft.screen
Methods in net.minecraft.screen with parameters of type BlockEntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic int
(@Nullable BlockEntity entity) -
Uses of BlockEntity in net.minecraft.test
Methods in net.minecraft.test with type parameters of type BlockEntityModifier and TypeMethodDescription<T extends BlockEntity>
(BlockPos pos, Predicate<T> predicate, Supplier<String> errorMessageSupplier) <T extends BlockEntity>
(BlockPos pos) -
Uses of BlockEntity in
Methods in with type parameters of type BlockEntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault <T extends BlockEntity>
Optional<T> BlockView.getBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockEntityType<T> type) default <T extends BlockEntity>
Optional<T> RegistryWorldView.getBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockEntityType<T> type) <T extends BlockEntity>
Optional<T> TestableWorld.getBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, BlockEntityType<T> type) Methods in that return BlockEntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBlockView.getBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos) Returns the block entity atpos
, ornull
if there is none.ChunkRegion.getBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos) Returns the block entity atpos
, ornull
if there is none.EmptyBlockRenderView.getBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos) Returns the block entity atpos
, ornull
if there is none.EmptyBlockView.getBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos) Returns the block entity atpos
, ornull
if there is none.World.getBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos) Returns the block entity atpos
, ornull
if there is none.Methods in with parameters of type BlockEntity -
Uses of BlockEntity in
Classes in with type parameters of type BlockEntityModifier and TypeClassDescriptionprivate class
Fields in declared as BlockEntityModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate final T
Fields in with type parameters of type BlockEntityMethods in with type parameters of type BlockEntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprivate <T extends BlockEntity>
(T blockEntity, ServerWorld world) private <T extends BlockEntity>
(T blockEntity, ServerWorld world) private <T extends BlockEntity>
(T blockEntity) private <T extends BlockEntity>
(T blockEntity, BlockEntityTicker<T> blockEntityTicker) Methods in that return BlockEntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprivate @Nullable BlockEntity
(BlockPos pos) ChunkCache.getBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos) Returns the block entity atpos
, ornull
if there is none.EmptyChunk.getBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, WorldChunk.CreationType creationType) ProtoChunk.getBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos) Returns the block entity atpos
, ornull
if there is none.WorldChunk.getBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos) Returns the block entity atpos
, ornull
if there is none.WorldChunk.getBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, WorldChunk.CreationType creationType) WrapperProtoChunk.getBlockEntity
(BlockPos pos) Returns the block entity atpos
, ornull
if there is none.private @Nullable BlockEntity
(BlockPos pos, NbtCompound nbt) Methods in that return types with arguments of type BlockEntityMethods in with parameters of type BlockEntityModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(BlockEntity blockEntity) void
(BlockEntity blockEntity) abstract void
(BlockEntity blockEntity) void
(BlockEntity blockEntity) void
(BlockEntity blockEntity) void
(BlockEntity blockEntity) void
(BlockEntity blockEntity)