Uses of Interface
Packages that use ParsingRule
Uses of ParsingRule in net.minecraft.command.argument.packrat
Classes in net.minecraft.command.argument.packrat that implement ParsingRuleModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
private static class
private static class
private static class
private static class
static final record
Fields in net.minecraft.command.argument.packrat declared as ParsingRuleModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final ParsingRule
<com.mojang.brigadier.StringReader, Identifier> AnyIdParsingRule.INSTANCE
static final ParsingRule
<com.mojang.brigadier.StringReader, NbtElement> NbtParsingRule.INSTANCE
Fields in net.minecraft.command.argument.packrat with type parameters of type ParsingRuleModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate final Map
<Symbol<?>, ParsingRule<S, ?>> ParsingRules.rules
Methods in net.minecraft.command.argument.packrat that return ParsingRuleModifier and TypeMethodDescription<T> @Nullable ParsingRule
<S, T> static <S,
T> ParsingRule <S, T> ParsingRule.of
(Term<S> term, ParsingRule.RuleAction<S, T> action) static <S,
T> ParsingRule <S, T> ParsingRule.of
(Term<S> term, ParsingRule.StatelessAction<T> action) Methods in net.minecraft.command.argument.packrat with parameters of type ParsingRuleModifier and TypeMethodDescription<T> void
(Symbol<T> symbol, ParsingRule<S, T> rule)