Class TimeHelper


public class TimeHelper extends Object
A class holding utility methods related to time and durations.
Namespace Name
named net/minecraft/util/TimeHelper
intermediary net/minecraft/class_4802
official bab
  • Field Details Link icon

    • SECOND_IN_NANOS Link icon

      public static final long SECOND_IN_NANOS
      The equivalent of 1 second, in nanoseconds. Is 1000000000.
      Namespace Name Mixin selector
      named SECOND_IN_NANOS Lnet/minecraft/util/TimeHelper;SECOND_IN_NANOS:J
      intermediary field_33868 Lnet/minecraft/class_4802;field_33868:J
      official a Lbab;a:J
    • MILLI_IN_NANOS Link icon

      public static final long MILLI_IN_NANOS
      The equivalent of 1 millisecond, in nanoseconds. Is 1000000.
      Namespace Name Mixin selector
      named MILLI_IN_NANOS Lnet/minecraft/util/TimeHelper;MILLI_IN_NANOS:J
      intermediary field_33869 Lnet/minecraft/class_4802;field_33869:J
      official b Lbab;b:J
    • SECOND_IN_MILLIS Link icon

      public static final long SECOND_IN_MILLIS
      The equivalent of 1 second, in milliseconds. Is 1000.
      Namespace Name Mixin selector
      named SECOND_IN_MILLIS Lnet/minecraft/util/TimeHelper;SECOND_IN_MILLIS:J
      intermediary field_46957 Lnet/minecraft/class_4802;field_46957:J
      official c Lbab;c:J
    • HOUR_IN_SECONDS Link icon

      public static final long HOUR_IN_SECONDS
      The equivalent of 1 hour, in seconds. Is 3600.
      Namespace Name Mixin selector
      named HOUR_IN_SECONDS Lnet/minecraft/util/TimeHelper;HOUR_IN_SECONDS:J
      intermediary field_46958 Lnet/minecraft/class_4802;field_46958:J
      official d Lbab;d:J
    • MINUTE_IN_SECONDS Link icon

      public static final int MINUTE_IN_SECONDS
      The equivalent of 1 minute, in seconds. Is 60.
      Namespace Name Mixin selector
      named MINUTE_IN_SECONDS Lnet/minecraft/util/TimeHelper;MINUTE_IN_SECONDS:I
      intermediary field_47726 Lnet/minecraft/class_4802;field_47726:I
      official e Lbab;e:I
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • TimeHelper Link icon

      public TimeHelper()
  • Method Details Link icon

    • betweenSeconds Link icon

      public static UniformIntProvider betweenSeconds(int min, int max)
      Returns an int provider that provides a time in ticks, between min * 20 and max * 20 (both inclusive).
      an int provider that provides a time in ticks, between min * 20 and max * 20 (both inclusive)
      Namespace Name Mixin selector
      named betweenSeconds Lnet/minecraft/util/TimeHelper;betweenSeconds(II)Lnet/minecraft/util/math/intprovider/UniformIntProvider;
      intermediary method_24505 Lnet/minecraft/class_4802;method_24505(II)Lnet/minecraft/class_6019;
      official a Lbab;a(II)Lbrw;