Uses of Class
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.block
Modifier and TypeFieldDescription(package private) AbstractBlock.TypedContextPredicate
<EntityType<?>> AbstractBlock.Settings.allowsSpawningPredicate
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(BlockView world, BlockPos pos, EntityType<?> type) private static Boolean
(BlockState state, BlockView world, BlockPos pos, EntityType<?> type) A shortcut to always returntrue
in a typed context predicate with anEntityType
, used likesettings.allowSpawning(Blocks::always)
.private static Boolean
(BlockState state, BlockView world, BlockPos pos, EntityType<?> type) RespawnAnchorBlock.findRespawnPosition
(EntityType<?> entity, CollisionView world, BlockPos pos) RespawnAnchorBlock.findRespawnPosition
(EntityType<?> entity, CollisionView world, BlockPos pos, boolean ignoreInvalidPos) BedBlock.findWakeUpPosition
(EntityType<?> type, CollisionView world, BlockPos pos, int[][] possibleOffsets, boolean ignoreInvalidPos) BedBlock.findWakeUpPosition
(EntityType<?> type, CollisionView world, BlockPos pos, Direction bedDirection, float spawnAngle) BedBlock.findWakeUpPosition
(EntityType<?> type, CollisionView world, BlockPos pos, Direction bedDirection, Direction respawnDirection) private static Boolean
(BlockState state, BlockView world, BlockPos pos, EntityType<?> type) A shortcut to always returnfalse
in a typed context predicate with anEntityType
, used likesettings.allowSpawning(Blocks::never)
.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAbstractBlock.Settings.allowsSpawning
(AbstractBlock.TypedContextPredicate<EntityType<?>> predicate) Specifies logic that calculates whether an entity can spawn on a block. -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.block.entity
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(EntityType<?> type, Random random) void
(EntityType<?> type, Random random) void
(EntityType<?> type, Random random) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.block.spawner
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(EntityType<?> type, @Nullable World world, Random random, BlockPos pos) void
(TrialSpawnerLogic logic, Random random, EntityType<?> type) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.client.gui.screen
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.client.render.entity
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate static final Map
<EntityType<?>, EntityRendererFactory<?>> EntityRenderers.RENDERER_FACTORIES
private Map
<EntityType<?>, EntityRenderer<?>> EntityRenderDispatcher.renderers
private static final Map
<EntityType<?>, Identifier> DonkeyEntityRenderer.TEXTURES
private static final Map
<EntityType<?>, Identifier> PiglinEntityRenderer.TEXTURES
private static final Map
<EntityType<?>, Identifier> ZombieHorseEntityRenderer.TEXTURES
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Map
<EntityType<?>, EntityRenderer<?>> EntityRenderers.reloadEntityRenderers
(EntityRendererFactory.Context ctx) Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprivate static <T extends Entity>
(EntityType<? extends T> type, EntityRendererFactory<T> factory) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.command
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(EntityType<?> entityType) ModifierConstructorDescriptionEntitySelector
(int count, boolean includesNonPlayers, boolean localWorldOnly, Predicate<Entity> basePredicate, NumberRange.DoubleRange distance, Function<Vec3d, Vec3d> positionOffset, @Nullable Box box, BiConsumer<Vec3d, List<? extends Entity>> sorter, boolean senderOnly, @Nullable String playerName, @Nullable UUID uuid, @Nullable EntityType<?> type, boolean usesAt) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.command.argument
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic RegistryEntry.Reference
<EntityType<?>> RegistryEntryReferenceArgumentType.getEntityType
(com.mojang.brigadier.context.CommandContext<ServerCommandSource> context, String name) static RegistryEntry.Reference
<EntityType<?>> RegistryEntryReferenceArgumentType.getSummonableEntityType
(com.mojang.brigadier.context.CommandContext<ServerCommandSource> context, String name) -
Uses of EntityType in
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final List
<EntityType<?>> VanillaHusbandryTabAdvancementGenerator.BREEDABLE_ANIMALS
static final List
<EntityType<?>> VanillaHusbandryTabAdvancementGenerator.EGG_LAYING_ANIMALS
protected static final List
<EntityType<?>> VanillaAdventureTabAdvancementGenerator.MONSTERS
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprivate static AdvancementCriterion
<UsingItemCriterion.Conditions> VanillaAdventureTabAdvancementGenerator.createLookingAtEntityUsing
(EntityType<?> entity, Item item) Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic AdvancementEntry
(AdvancementEntry parent, Consumer<AdvancementEntry> exporter, Stream<EntityType<?>> breedableAnimals, Stream<EntityType<?>> eggLayingAnimals) static AdvancementEntry
(AdvancementEntry parent, Consumer<AdvancementEntry> exporter, List<EntityType<?>> monsters) private static Advancement.Builder
(Advancement.Builder advancementBuilder, Stream<EntityType<?>> breedableAnimals, Stream<EntityType<?>> eggLayingAnimals) private static Advancement.Builder
(Advancement.Builder builder, List<EntityType<?>> entityTypes) -
Uses of EntityType in
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate static final Set
<EntityType<?>> EntityLootTableGenerator.ENTITY_TYPES_IN_MISC_GROUP_TO_CHECK
private final Map
<EntityType<?>, Map<RegistryKey<LootTable>, LootTable.Builder>> EntityLootTableGenerator.lootTables
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(EntityType<?> entityType, LootTable.Builder lootTable) protected void
(EntityType<?> entityType, RegistryKey<LootTable> tableKey, LootTable.Builder lootTable) private static boolean
(EntityType<?> entityType) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.enchantment.effect.entity
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate final RegistryEntryList
<EntityType<?>> SummonEntityEnchantmentEffectType.entityTypes
The field for theentityTypes
record component.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSummonEntityEnchantmentEffectType.entityTypes()
Returns the value of theentityTypes
record component.ModifierConstructorDescriptionSummonEntityEnchantmentEffectType
(RegistryEntryList<EntityType<?>> registryEntryList, boolean bool) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.entity
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final EntityType
<AllayEntity> EntityType.ALLAY
static final EntityType
<AreaEffectCloudEntity> EntityType.AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD
static final EntityType
<ArmadilloEntity> EntityType.ARMADILLO
static final EntityType
<ArmorStandEntity> EntityType.ARMOR_STAND
static final EntityType
<ArrowEntity> EntityType.ARROW
static final EntityType
<AxolotlEntity> EntityType.AXOLOTL
static final EntityType
<BatEntity> EntityType.BAT
static final EntityType
<BeeEntity> EntityType.BEE
static final EntityType
<BlazeEntity> EntityType.BLAZE
static final EntityType
<DisplayEntity.BlockDisplayEntity> EntityType.BLOCK_DISPLAY
static final EntityType
<BoatEntity> EntityType.BOAT
static final EntityType
<BoggedEntity> EntityType.BOGGED
static final EntityType
<BreezeEntity> EntityType.BREEZE
static final EntityType
<BreezeWindChargeEntity> EntityType.BREEZE_WIND_CHARGE
static final EntityType
<CamelEntity> EntityType.CAMEL
static final EntityType
<CatEntity> EntityType.CAT
static final EntityType
<CaveSpiderEntity> EntityType.CAVE_SPIDER
static final EntityType
<ChestBoatEntity> EntityType.CHEST_BOAT
static final EntityType
<ChestMinecartEntity> EntityType.CHEST_MINECART
static final EntityType
<ChickenEntity> EntityType.CHICKEN
static final EntityType
<CodEntity> EntityType.COD
static final EntityType
<CommandBlockMinecartEntity> EntityType.COMMAND_BLOCK_MINECART
static final EntityType
<CowEntity> EntityType.COW
static final EntityType
<CreeperEntity> EntityType.CREEPER
static final EntityType
<DolphinEntity> EntityType.DOLPHIN
static final EntityType
<DonkeyEntity> EntityType.DONKEY
static final EntityType
<DragonFireballEntity> EntityType.DRAGON_FIREBALL
static final EntityType
<DrownedEntity> EntityType.DROWNED
static final EntityType
<EggEntity> EntityType.EGG
static final EntityType
<ElderGuardianEntity> EntityType.ELDER_GUARDIAN
static final EntityType
<EndCrystalEntity> EntityType.END_CRYSTAL
static final EntityType
<EnderDragonEntity> EntityType.ENDER_DRAGON
static final EntityType
<EnderPearlEntity> EntityType.ENDER_PEARL
static final EntityType
<EndermanEntity> EntityType.ENDERMAN
static final EntityType
<EndermiteEntity> EntityType.ENDERMITE
static final EntityType
<EvokerEntity> EntityType.EVOKER
static final EntityType
<EvokerFangsEntity> EntityType.EVOKER_FANGS
static final EntityType
<ExperienceBottleEntity> EntityType.EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE
static final EntityType
<ExperienceOrbEntity> EntityType.EXPERIENCE_ORB
static final EntityType
<EyeOfEnderEntity> EntityType.EYE_OF_ENDER
static final EntityType
<FallingBlockEntity> EntityType.FALLING_BLOCK
static final EntityType
<FireballEntity> EntityType.FIREBALL
static final EntityType
<FireworkRocketEntity> EntityType.FIREWORK_ROCKET
static final EntityType
<FishingBobberEntity> EntityType.FISHING_BOBBER
static final EntityType
<FoxEntity> EntityType.FOX
static final EntityType
<FrogEntity> EntityType.FROG
static final EntityType
<FurnaceMinecartEntity> EntityType.FURNACE_MINECART
static final EntityType
<GhastEntity> EntityType.GHAST
static final EntityType
<GiantEntity> EntityType.GIANT
static final EntityType
<GlowItemFrameEntity> EntityType.GLOW_ITEM_FRAME
static final EntityType
<GlowSquidEntity> EntityType.GLOW_SQUID
static final EntityType
<GoatEntity> EntityType.GOAT
static final EntityType
<GuardianEntity> EntityType.GUARDIAN
static final EntityType
<HoglinEntity> EntityType.HOGLIN
static final EntityType
<HopperMinecartEntity> EntityType.HOPPER_MINECART
static final EntityType
<HorseEntity> EntityType.HORSE
static final EntityType
<HuskEntity> EntityType.HUSK
static final EntityType
<IllusionerEntity> EntityType.ILLUSIONER
static final EntityType
<InteractionEntity> EntityType.INTERACTION
static final EntityType
<IronGolemEntity> EntityType.IRON_GOLEM
static final EntityType
<ItemEntity> EntityType.ITEM
static final EntityType
<DisplayEntity.ItemDisplayEntity> EntityType.ITEM_DISPLAY
static final EntityType
<ItemFrameEntity> EntityType.ITEM_FRAME
static final EntityType
<LeashKnotEntity> EntityType.LEASH_KNOT
static final EntityType
<LightningEntity> EntityType.LIGHTNING_BOLT
static final EntityType
<LlamaEntity> EntityType.LLAMA
static final EntityType
<LlamaSpitEntity> EntityType.LLAMA_SPIT
static final EntityType
<MagmaCubeEntity> EntityType.MAGMA_CUBE
static final EntityType
<MarkerEntity> EntityType.MARKER
static final EntityType
<MinecartEntity> EntityType.MINECART
static final EntityType
<MooshroomEntity> EntityType.MOOSHROOM
static final EntityType
<MuleEntity> EntityType.MULE
static final EntityType
<OcelotEntity> EntityType.OCELOT
static final EntityType
<OminousItemSpawnerEntity> EntityType.OMINOUS_ITEM_SPAWNER
static final EntityType
<PaintingEntity> EntityType.PAINTING
static final EntityType
<PandaEntity> EntityType.PANDA
static final EntityType
<ParrotEntity> EntityType.PARROT
static final EntityType
<PhantomEntity> EntityType.PHANTOM
static final EntityType
<PigEntity> EntityType.PIG
static final EntityType
<PiglinEntity> EntityType.PIGLIN
static final EntityType
<PiglinBruteEntity> EntityType.PIGLIN_BRUTE
static final EntityType
<PillagerEntity> EntityType.PILLAGER
static final EntityType
<PlayerEntity> EntityType.PLAYER
static final EntityType
<PolarBearEntity> EntityType.POLAR_BEAR
static final EntityType
<PotionEntity> EntityType.POTION
static final EntityType
<PufferfishEntity> EntityType.PUFFERFISH
static final EntityType
<RabbitEntity> EntityType.RABBIT
static final EntityType
<RavagerEntity> EntityType.RAVAGER
static final EntityType
<SalmonEntity> EntityType.SALMON
static final EntityType
<SheepEntity> EntityType.SHEEP
static final EntityType
<ShulkerEntity> EntityType.SHULKER
static final EntityType
<ShulkerBulletEntity> EntityType.SHULKER_BULLET
static final EntityType
<SilverfishEntity> EntityType.SILVERFISH
static final EntityType
<SkeletonEntity> EntityType.SKELETON
static final EntityType
<SkeletonHorseEntity> EntityType.SKELETON_HORSE
static final EntityType
<SlimeEntity> EntityType.SLIME
static final EntityType
<SmallFireballEntity> EntityType.SMALL_FIREBALL
static final EntityType
<SnifferEntity> EntityType.SNIFFER
static final EntityType
<SnowGolemEntity> EntityType.SNOW_GOLEM
static final EntityType
<SnowballEntity> EntityType.SNOWBALL
static final EntityType
<SpawnerMinecartEntity> EntityType.SPAWNER_MINECART
static final EntityType
<SpectralArrowEntity> EntityType.SPECTRAL_ARROW
static final EntityType
<SpiderEntity> EntityType.SPIDER
static final EntityType
<SquidEntity> EntityType.SQUID
static final EntityType
<StrayEntity> EntityType.STRAY
static final EntityType
<StriderEntity> EntityType.STRIDER
static final EntityType
<TadpoleEntity> EntityType.TADPOLE
static final EntityType
<DisplayEntity.TextDisplayEntity> EntityType.TEXT_DISPLAY
static final EntityType
<TntEntity> EntityType.TNT
static final EntityType
<TntMinecartEntity> EntityType.TNT_MINECART
static final EntityType
<TraderLlamaEntity> EntityType.TRADER_LLAMA
static final EntityType
<TridentEntity> EntityType.TRIDENT
static final EntityType
<TropicalFishEntity> EntityType.TROPICAL_FISH
static final EntityType
<TurtleEntity> EntityType.TURTLE
private final EntityType
<?> Entity.type
static final EntityType
<VexEntity> EntityType.VEX
static final EntityType
<VillagerEntity> EntityType.VILLAGER
static final EntityType
<VindicatorEntity> EntityType.VINDICATOR
static final EntityType
<WanderingTraderEntity> EntityType.WANDERING_TRADER
static final EntityType
<WardenEntity> EntityType.WARDEN
static final EntityType
<WindChargeEntity> EntityType.WIND_CHARGE
static final EntityType
<WitchEntity> EntityType.WITCH
static final EntityType
<WitherEntity> EntityType.WITHER
static final EntityType
<WitherSkeletonEntity> EntityType.WITHER_SKELETON
static final EntityType
<WitherSkullEntity> EntityType.WITHER_SKULL
static final EntityType
<WolfEntity> EntityType.WOLF
static final EntityType
<ZoglinEntity> EntityType.ZOGLIN
static final EntityType
<ZombieEntity> EntityType.ZOMBIE
static final EntityType
<ZombieHorseEntity> EntityType.ZOMBIE_HORSE
static final EntityType
<ZombieVillagerEntity> EntityType.ZOMBIE_VILLAGER
static final EntityType
<ZombifiedPiglinEntity> EntityType.ZOMBIFIED_PIGLIN
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate final RegistryEntry.Reference
<EntityType<?>> EntityType.registryEntry
private static final Map
<EntityType<?>, SpawnRestriction.Entry> SpawnRestriction.RESTRICTIONS
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEntityType
<?> Entity.getType()
private static <T extends Entity>
EntityType<T> EntityType.register
(String id, EntityType.Builder<T> type) Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Optional
<EntityType<?>> EntityType.fromNbt
(NbtCompound nbt) static Optional
<EntityType<?>> EntityType.getRegistryEntry()
Deprecated.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T extends Entity>
(EntityType<T> type, ServerWorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) boolean
(EntityType<?> type) EntityType.EntityFactory.create
(EntityType<T> type, World world) Dismounting.findRespawnPos
(EntityType<?> entityType, CollisionView world, BlockPos pos, boolean ignoreInvalidPos) static Heightmap.Type
(@Nullable EntityType<?> type) static Identifier
(EntityType<?> type) static SpawnLocation
(EntityType<?> type) static boolean
(EntityType<?> type, WorldView world, BlockPos pos) boolean
(WorldView world, BlockPos pos, @Nullable EntityType<?> entityType) private static <T extends MobEntity>
(EntityType<T> type, SpawnLocation location, Heightmap.Type heightmapType, SpawnRestriction.SpawnPredicate<T> predicate) boolean
(EntityType<T> type, ServerWorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) LargeEntitySpawnHelper.trySpawnAt
(EntityType<T> entityType, SpawnReason reason, ServerWorld world, BlockPos pos, int tries, int horizontalRange, int verticalRange, LargeEntitySpawnHelper.Requirements requirements) Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(RegistryEntryList<EntityType<?>> entityTypeEntryList) boolean
(TagKey<EntityType<?>> tag) ModifierConstructorDescriptionAreaEffectCloudEntity
(EntityType<? extends AreaEffectCloudEntity> type, World world) Entity
(EntityType<?> type, World world) ExperienceOrbEntity
(EntityType<? extends ExperienceOrbEntity> type, World world) EyeOfEnderEntity
(EntityType<? extends EyeOfEnderEntity> type, World world) FallingBlockEntity
(EntityType<? extends FallingBlockEntity> type, World world) ItemEntity
(EntityType<? extends ItemEntity> type, World world) LightningEntity
(EntityType<? extends LightningEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends LivingEntity> type, World world) MarkerEntity
(EntityType<?> type, World world) OminousItemSpawnerEntity
(EntityType<? extends OminousItemSpawnerEntity> type, World world) TntEntity
(EntityType<? extends TntEntity> type, World world) -
Uses of EntityType in
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate static final ImmutableMap
<EntityType<?>, Float> VillagerHostilesSensor.SQUARED_DISTANCES_FOR_DANGER
Uses of EntityType in
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate final EntityType
<? extends AnimalEntity> BreedTask.targetType
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic boolean
(Brain<?> brain, MemoryModuleType<? extends LivingEntity> memoryModuleType, EntityType<?> entityType) static <E extends LivingEntity,
T extends LivingEntity>
Task<E> FindEntityTask.create
(EntityType<? extends T> type, int maxDistance, Predicate<E> entityPredicate, Predicate<T> targetPredicate, MemoryModuleType<T> targetModule, float speed, int completionRange) static <T extends LivingEntity>
Task<LivingEntity> FindEntityTask.create
(EntityType<? extends T> type, int maxDistance, MemoryModuleType<T> targetModule, float speed, int completionRange) static Task
<LivingEntity> FindInteractionTargetTask.create
(EntityType<?> type, int maxDistance) static SingleTickTask
<LivingEntity> LookAtMobTask.create
(EntityType<?> type, float maxDistance) static Task
<LivingEntity> LookAtMobWithIntervalTask.follow
(EntityType<?> type, float maxDistance, UniformIntProvider interval) Deprecated.ModifierConstructorDescriptionBreedTask
(EntityType<? extends AnimalEntity> targetType) BreedTask
(EntityType<? extends AnimalEntity> targetType, float speed, int approachDistance) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.entity.attribute
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate static final Map
<EntityType<? extends LivingEntity>, DefaultAttributeContainer> DefaultAttributeRegistry.DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_REGISTRY
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic DefaultAttributeContainer
(EntityType<? extends LivingEntity> type) static boolean
(EntityType<?> type) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.entity.boss
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon
(EntityType<? extends EnderDragonEntity> type, World world) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.entity.decoration
(EntityType<? extends AbstractDecorationEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends AbstractDecorationEntity> type, World world, BlockPos pos) ArmorStandEntity
(EntityType<? extends ArmorStandEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends BlockAttachedEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends BlockAttachedEntity> type, World world, BlockPos attachedBlockPos) BlockDisplayEntity
(EntityType<?> type, World world) DisplayEntity
(EntityType<?> type, World world) EndCrystalEntity
(EntityType<? extends EndCrystalEntity> type, World world) GlowItemFrameEntity
(EntityType<? extends ItemFrameEntity> type, World world) InteractionEntity
(EntityType<?> type, World world) ItemDisplayEntity
(EntityType<?> type, World world) ItemFrameEntity
(EntityType<? extends ItemFrameEntity> type, World world) ItemFrameEntity
(EntityType<? extends ItemFrameEntity> type, World world, BlockPos pos, Direction facing) LeashKnotEntity
(EntityType<? extends LeashKnotEntity> type, World world) TextDisplayEntity
(EntityType<?> type, World world) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.entity.decoration.painting
(EntityType<? extends PaintingEntity> type, World world) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.entity.mob
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic boolean
(EntityType<MagmaCubeEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<? extends MobEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<DrownedEntity> type, ServerWorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<EndermiteEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<GhastEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<? extends GuardianEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<HoglinEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<HuskEntity> type, ServerWorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<? extends PatrolEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<PiglinEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<SilverfishEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<? extends AnimalEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason reason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<SlimeEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<StrayEntity> type, ServerWorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<? extends WaterCreatureEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason reason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<? extends AnimalEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason reason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<ZombifiedPiglinEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<? extends HostileEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<? extends HostileEntity> type, ServerWorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) boolean
(EntityType<?> type) boolean
(EntityType<?> type) boolean
(EntityType<?> type) <T extends MobEntity>
(EntityType<T> entityType, boolean keepEquipment) Converts this entity to the providedentityType
.protected void
(EntityType<? extends ZombieEntity> entityType) static boolean
(EntityType<?> entityType) ModifierConstructorDescriptionAbstractPiglinEntity
(EntityType<? extends AbstractPiglinEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends AbstractSkeletonEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends AmbientEntity> type, World world) BlazeEntity
(EntityType<? extends BlazeEntity> type, World world) BoggedEntity
(EntityType<? extends BoggedEntity> type, World world) BreezeEntity
(EntityType<? extends HostileEntity> type, World world) CaveSpiderEntity
(EntityType<? extends CaveSpiderEntity> type, World world) CreeperEntity
(EntityType<? extends CreeperEntity> type, World world) DrownedEntity
(EntityType<? extends DrownedEntity> type, World world) ElderGuardianEntity
(EntityType<? extends ElderGuardianEntity> type, World world) EndermanEntity
(EntityType<? extends EndermanEntity> type, World world) EndermiteEntity
(EntityType<? extends EndermiteEntity> type, World world) EvokerEntity
(EntityType<? extends EvokerEntity> type, World world) EvokerFangsEntity
(EntityType<? extends EvokerFangsEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends FlyingEntity> type, World world) GhastEntity
(EntityType<? extends GhastEntity> type, World world) GiantEntity
(EntityType<? extends GiantEntity> type, World world) GuardianEntity
(EntityType<? extends GuardianEntity> type, World world) HoglinEntity
(EntityType<? extends HoglinEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends HostileEntity> type, World world) HuskEntity
(EntityType<? extends HuskEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends IllagerEntity> type, World world) IllusionerEntity
(EntityType<? extends IllusionerEntity> type, World world) MagmaCubeEntity
(EntityType<? extends MagmaCubeEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends MobEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends PathAwareEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends PatrolEntity> type, World world) PhantomEntity
(EntityType<? extends PhantomEntity> type, World world) PiglinBruteEntity
(EntityType<? extends PiglinBruteEntity> type, World world) PiglinEntity
(EntityType<? extends AbstractPiglinEntity> type, World world) PillagerEntity
(EntityType<? extends PillagerEntity> type, World world) RavagerEntity
(EntityType<? extends RavagerEntity> type, World world) ShulkerEntity
(EntityType<? extends ShulkerEntity> type, World world) SilverfishEntity
(EntityType<? extends SilverfishEntity> type, World world) SkeletonEntity
(EntityType<? extends SkeletonEntity> type, World world) SkeletonHorseEntity
(EntityType<? extends SkeletonHorseEntity> type, World world) SlimeEntity
(EntityType<? extends SlimeEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends SpellcastingIllagerEntity> type, World world) SpiderEntity
(EntityType<? extends SpiderEntity> type, World world) StrayEntity
(EntityType<? extends StrayEntity> type, World world) VexEntity
(EntityType<? extends VexEntity> type, World world) VindicatorEntity
(EntityType<? extends VindicatorEntity> type, World world) WardenEntity
(EntityType<? extends HostileEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends WaterCreatureEntity> type, World world) WitchEntity
(EntityType<? extends WitchEntity> type, World world) WitherSkeletonEntity
(EntityType<? extends WitherSkeletonEntity> type, World world) ZoglinEntity
(EntityType<? extends ZoglinEntity> type, World world) ZombieEntity
(EntityType<? extends ZombieEntity> type, World world) ZombieHorseEntity
(EntityType<? extends ZombieHorseEntity> type, World world) ZombieVillagerEntity
(EntityType<? extends ZombieVillagerEntity> type, World world) ZombifiedPiglinEntity
(EntityType<? extends ZombifiedPiglinEntity> type, World world) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.entity.passive
Modifier and TypeFieldDescription(package private) static final Map
<EntityType<?>, SoundEvent> ParrotEntity.MOB_SOUNDS
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic boolean
(EntityType<ArmadilloEntity> entityType, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<? extends LivingEntity> type, ServerWorldAccess world, SpawnReason reason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<BatEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<FoxEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<? extends AnimalEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason reason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<? extends LivingEntity> type, ServerWorldAccess world, SpawnReason reason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<? extends AnimalEntity> entityType, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<MooshroomEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<OcelotEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<ParrotEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<PolarBearEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<RabbitEntity> entity, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<StriderEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<TurtleEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<WolfEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) boolean
(EntityType<?> type) static boolean
(EntityType<TropicalFishEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason reason, BlockPos pos, Random random) private static SoundEvent
(EntityType<?> imitate) static boolean
(EntityType<? extends AnimalEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) ModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(EntityType<? extends AbstractDonkeyEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends AbstractHorseEntity> type, World world) AllayEntity
(EntityType<? extends AllayEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends AnimalEntity> type, World world) ArmadilloEntity
(EntityType<? extends AnimalEntity> type, World world) AxolotlEntity
(EntityType<? extends AxolotlEntity> type, World world) BatEntity
(EntityType<? extends BatEntity> type, World world) BeeEntity
(EntityType<? extends BeeEntity> type, World world) CamelEntity
(EntityType<? extends CamelEntity> type, World world) CatEntity
(EntityType<? extends CatEntity> type, World world) ChickenEntity
(EntityType<? extends ChickenEntity> type, World world) CodEntity
(EntityType<? extends CodEntity> type, World world) CowEntity
(EntityType<? extends CowEntity> type, World world) DolphinEntity
(EntityType<? extends DolphinEntity> type, World world) DonkeyEntity
(EntityType<? extends DonkeyEntity> type, World world) FishEntity
(EntityType<? extends FishEntity> type, World world) FoxEntity
(EntityType<? extends FoxEntity> type, World world) FrogEntity
(EntityType<? extends AnimalEntity> type, World world) GlowSquidEntity
(EntityType<? extends GlowSquidEntity> type, World world) GoatEntity
(EntityType<? extends GoatEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends GolemEntity> type, World world) HorseEntity
(EntityType<? extends HorseEntity> type, World world) IronGolemEntity
(EntityType<? extends IronGolemEntity> type, World world) LlamaEntity
(EntityType<? extends LlamaEntity> type, World world) MerchantEntity
(EntityType<? extends MerchantEntity> type, World world) MooshroomEntity
(EntityType<? extends MooshroomEntity> type, World world) MuleEntity
(EntityType<? extends MuleEntity> type, World world) OcelotEntity
(EntityType<? extends OcelotEntity> type, World world) PandaEntity
(EntityType<? extends PandaEntity> type, World world) ParrotEntity
(EntityType<? extends ParrotEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends PassiveEntity> type, World world) PigEntity
(EntityType<? extends PigEntity> type, World world) PolarBearEntity
(EntityType<? extends PolarBearEntity> type, World world) PufferfishEntity
(EntityType<? extends PufferfishEntity> type, World world) RabbitEntity
(EntityType<? extends RabbitEntity> type, World world) SalmonEntity
(EntityType<? extends SalmonEntity> type, World world) SchoolingFishEntity
(EntityType<? extends SchoolingFishEntity> type, World world) SheepEntity
(EntityType<? extends SheepEntity> type, World world) SnifferEntity
(EntityType<? extends AnimalEntity> type, World world) SnowGolemEntity
(EntityType<? extends SnowGolemEntity> type, World world) SquidEntity
(EntityType<? extends SquidEntity> type, World world) StriderEntity
(EntityType<? extends StriderEntity> type, World world) TadpoleEntity
(EntityType<? extends FishEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends TameableEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends TameableShoulderEntity> type, World world) TraderLlamaEntity
(EntityType<? extends TraderLlamaEntity> type, World world) TropicalFishEntity
(EntityType<? extends TropicalFishEntity> type, World world) TurtleEntity
(EntityType<? extends TurtleEntity> type, World world) VillagerEntity
(EntityType<? extends VillagerEntity> type, World world) VillagerEntity
(EntityType<? extends VillagerEntity> entityType, World world, VillagerType type) WanderingTraderEntity
(EntityType<? extends WanderingTraderEntity> type, World world) WolfEntity
(EntityType<? extends WolfEntity> type, World world) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.entity.projectile
(EntityType<? extends AbstractFireballEntity> type, double x, double y, double z, Vec3d velocity, World world) AbstractFireballEntity
(EntityType<? extends AbstractFireballEntity> type, LivingEntity owner, Vec3d velocity, World world) AbstractFireballEntity
(EntityType<? extends AbstractFireballEntity> type, World world) (package private)
(EntityType<? extends AbstractWindChargeEntity> type, double x, double y, double z, Vec3d velocity, World world) AbstractWindChargeEntity
(EntityType<? extends AbstractWindChargeEntity> type, World world) AbstractWindChargeEntity
(EntityType<? extends AbstractWindChargeEntity> type, World world, Entity owner, double x, double y, double z) ArrowEntity
(EntityType<? extends ArrowEntity> type, World world) BreezeWindChargeEntity
(EntityType<? extends AbstractWindChargeEntity> type, World world) DragonFireballEntity
(EntityType<? extends DragonFireballEntity> type, World world) ExplosiveProjectileEntity
(EntityType<? extends ExplosiveProjectileEntity> type, double x, double y, double z, Vec3d velocity, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends ExplosiveProjectileEntity> type, double x, double y, double z, World world) ExplosiveProjectileEntity
(EntityType<? extends ExplosiveProjectileEntity> type, LivingEntity owner, Vec3d velocity, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends ExplosiveProjectileEntity> type, World world) FireballEntity
(EntityType<? extends FireballEntity> type, World world) FireworkRocketEntity
(EntityType<? extends FireworkRocketEntity> type, World world) FishingBobberEntity
(EntityType<? extends FishingBobberEntity> type, World world) private
(EntityType<? extends FishingBobberEntity> type, World world, int luckBonus, int waitTimeReductionTicks) LlamaSpitEntity
(EntityType<? extends LlamaSpitEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends PersistentProjectileEntity> type, double x, double y, double z, World world, ItemStack stack, @Nullable ItemStack weapon) protected
(EntityType<? extends PersistentProjectileEntity> type, LivingEntity owner, World world, ItemStack stack, @Nullable ItemStack shotFrom) protected
(EntityType<? extends PersistentProjectileEntity> type, World world) (package private)
(EntityType<? extends ProjectileEntity> type, World world) ShulkerBulletEntity
(EntityType<? extends ShulkerBulletEntity> type, World world) SmallFireballEntity
(EntityType<? extends SmallFireballEntity> type, World world) SpectralArrowEntity
(EntityType<? extends SpectralArrowEntity> type, World world) TridentEntity
(EntityType<? extends TridentEntity> type, World world) WindChargeEntity
(EntityType<? extends AbstractWindChargeEntity> type, World world) WitherSkullEntity
(EntityType<? extends WitherSkullEntity> type, World world) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.entity.projectile.thrown
(EntityType<? extends EggEntity> type, World world) EnderPearlEntity
(EntityType<? extends EnderPearlEntity> type, World world) ExperienceBottleEntity
(EntityType<? extends ExperienceBottleEntity> type, World world) PotionEntity
(EntityType<? extends PotionEntity> type, World world) SnowballEntity
(EntityType<? extends SnowballEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends ThrownEntity> type, double x, double y, double z, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends ThrownEntity> type, LivingEntity owner, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends ThrownEntity> type, World world) ThrownItemEntity
(EntityType<? extends ThrownItemEntity> type, double x, double y, double z, World world) ThrownItemEntity
(EntityType<? extends ThrownItemEntity> type, LivingEntity owner, World world) ThrownItemEntity
(EntityType<? extends ThrownItemEntity> type, World world) -
Uses of EntityType in
(EntityType<? extends RaiderEntity> type, World world) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.entity.vehicle
(EntityType<?> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<?> type, World world, double x, double y, double z) BoatEntity
(EntityType<? extends BoatEntity> type, World world) ChestBoatEntity
(EntityType<? extends BoatEntity> type, World world) ChestMinecartEntity
(EntityType<? extends ChestMinecartEntity> type, World world) CommandBlockMinecartEntity
(EntityType<? extends CommandBlockMinecartEntity> type, World world) FurnaceMinecartEntity
(EntityType<? extends FurnaceMinecartEntity> type, World world) HopperMinecartEntity
(EntityType<? extends HopperMinecartEntity> type, World world) MinecartEntity
(EntityType<?> type, World world) SpawnerMinecartEntity
(EntityType<? extends SpawnerMinecartEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<?> type, double x, double y, double z, World world) protected
(EntityType<?> type, World world) TntMinecartEntity
(EntityType<? extends TntMinecartEntity> type, World world) VehicleEntity
(EntityType<?> type, World world) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.item
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate final EntityType
<? extends AbstractDecorationEntity> DecorationItem.entityType
private final EntityType
<?> EntityBucketItem.entityType
private final EntityType
private final EntityType
<?> SpawnEggItem.type
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate static final com.mojang.serialization.MapCodec
<EntityType<?>> SpawnEggItem.ENTITY_TYPE_MAP_CODEC
private static final Map
<EntityType<? extends MobEntity>, SpawnEggItem> SpawnEggItem.SPAWN_EGGS
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic @Nullable SpawnEggItem
(@Nullable EntityType<?> type) boolean
(ItemStack stack, EntityType<?> type) SpawnEggItem.spawnBaby
(PlayerEntity user, MobEntity entity, EntityType<? extends MobEntity> entityType, ServerWorld world, Vec3d pos, ItemStack stack) ModifierConstructorDescriptionDecorationItem
(EntityType<? extends AbstractDecorationEntity> type, Item.Settings settings) EntityBucketItem
(EntityType<?> type, Fluid fluid, SoundEvent emptyingSound, Item.Settings settings) ItemFrameItem
(EntityType<? extends AbstractDecorationEntity> type, Item.Settings settings) OnAStickItem
(Item.Settings settings, EntityType<T> target, int damagePerUse) SpawnEggItem
(EntityType<? extends MobEntity> type, int primaryColor, int secondaryColor, Item.Settings settings) -
Uses of EntityType in
(int id, UUID uuid, double x, double y, double z, float pitch, float yaw, EntityType<?> entityType, int entityData, Vec3d velocity, double headYaw) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.predicate.entity
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate final RegistryEntryList
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypePredicate.types
The field for thetypes
record component.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEntityTypePredicate.types()
Returns the value of thetypes
record component.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic EntityTypePredicate
(EntityType<?> type) boolean
(EntityType<?> type) EntityPredicate.Builder.type
(EntityType<?> type) Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic EntityTypePredicate
(TagKey<EntityType<?>> tag) EntityPredicate.Builder.type
(TagKey<EntityType<?>> tag) ModifierConstructorDescriptionEntityTypePredicate
(RegistryEntryList<EntityType<?>> registryEntryList) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.registry
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final DefaultedRegistry
<EntityType<?>> Registries.ENTITY_TYPE
static final RegistryKey
<Registry<EntityType<?>>> RegistryKeys.ENTITY_TYPE
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.registry.tag
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.AQUATIC
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.ARROWS
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.ARTHROPOD
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.AXOLOTL_ALWAYS_HOSTILES
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.AXOLOTL_HUNT_TARGETS
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.BEEHIVE_INHABITORS
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.CAN_BREATHE_UNDER_WATER
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.CAN_TURN_IN_BOATS
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.DEFLECTS_PROJECTILES
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.DISMOUNTS_UNDERWATER
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.FALL_DAMAGE_IMMUNE
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.FREEZE_HURTS_EXTRA_TYPES
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.FREEZE_IMMUNE_ENTITY_TYPES
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.FROG_FOOD
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.IGNORES_POISON_AND_REGEN
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.ILLAGER
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.ILLAGER_FRIENDS
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.IMMUNE_TO_INFESTED
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.IMMUNE_TO_OOZING
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.IMPACT_PROJECTILES
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.INVERTED_HEALING_AND_HARM
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.NO_ANGER_FROM_WIND_CHARGE
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.NON_CONTROLLING_RIDER
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.NOT_SCARY_FOR_PUFFERFISH
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.POWDER_SNOW_WALKABLE_MOBS
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.RAIDERS
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.REDIRECTABLE_PROJECTILE
static final TagKey
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.SENSITIVE_TO_IMPALING
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.SENSITIVE_TO_SMITE
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.SKELETONS
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.UNDEAD
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.WITHER_FRIENDS
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.ZOMBIES
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.server.command
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprivate static int
(ServerCommandSource source, RegistryEntry.Reference<EntityType<?>> entityType, Vec3d pos, NbtCompound nbt, boolean initialize) private static ServerCommandSource
(ServerCommandSource source, RegistryEntry.Reference<EntityType<?>> entityType) static Entity
(ServerCommandSource source, RegistryEntry.Reference<EntityType<?>> entityType, Vec3d pos, NbtCompound nbt, boolean initialize) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.stat
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final StatType
<EntityType<?>> Stats.KILLED
static final StatType
<EntityType<?>> Stats.KILLED_BY
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.test
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(EntityType<?> type) void
(EntityType<?> type, int x, int y, int z) void
(EntityType<?> type, BlockPos pos) void
(EntityType<?> type, int x, int y, int z) void
(EntityType<?> type, BlockPos pos) void
(EntityType<?> type, Vec3d pos1, Vec3d pos2) void
(EntityType<?> type, double x, double y, double z) void
(EntityType<?> type, int amount) void
(EntityType<?> type, BlockPos pos, int amount, double radius) void
(EntityType<?> type) <E extends Entity>
(EntityType<E> type, int x, int y, int z, double margin) void
(EntityType<?> type, BlockPos pos, double radius) void
(EntityType<?> type, int x, int y, int z) void
(EntityType<?> type, BlockPos pos) void
(EntityType<?> type, int x, int y, int z) void
(EntityType<?> type, BlockPos pos) <E extends Entity>
(EntityType<E> type) <E extends LivingEntity>
(BlockPos pos, EntityType<E> entityType, Item item) void
(EntityType<?> type, Vec3d pos1, Vec3d pos2) void
(EntityType<?> type, double x, double y, double z) <E extends Entity,
(BlockPos pos, EntityType<E> type, Function<? super E, T> entityDataGetter, T data) <E extends Entity,
(BlockPos pos, EntityType<E> type, Function<E, T> entityDataGetter, T data) <E extends Entity & InventoryOwner>
(BlockPos pos, EntityType<E> entityType, Item item) TestContext.getEntities
(EntityType<T> type) TestContext.getEntitiesAround
(EntityType<E> type, int x, int y, int z, double margin) TestContext.getEntitiesAround
(EntityType<E> type, Vec3d pos, double margin) TestContext.getEntitiesAround
(EntityType<T> type, BlockPos pos, double radius) <E extends Entity>
(EntityType<E> type, float x, float y, float z) <E extends Entity>
(EntityType<E> type, int x, int y, int z) <E extends Entity>
(EntityType<E> type, BlockPos pos) <E extends Entity>
(EntityType<E> type, Vec3d pos) <E extends MobEntity>
(EntityType<E> type, float x, float y, float z) <E extends MobEntity>
(EntityType<E> type, int x, int y, int z) <E extends MobEntity>
(EntityType<E> type, BlockPos pos) <E extends MobEntity>
(EntityType<E> type, Vec3d pos) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.text
(EntityType<?> entityType, UUID uuid, Optional<Text> name) EntityContent
(EntityType<?> entityType, UUID uuid, @Nullable Text name) -
Uses of EntityType in
Modifier and TypeFieldDescription(package private) final EntityType
<? extends RaiderEntity> Raid.Member.type
(EntityType<? extends RaiderEntity> type, int[] countInWave) -
Uses of EntityType in
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate @Nullable EntityType
<?> SpawnHelper.Info.cachedEntityType
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSpawnHelper.createMob
(ServerWorld world, EntityType<?> type) private static BlockPos
(WorldView world, EntityType<?> entityType, int x, int z) static boolean
(BlockView blockView, BlockPos pos, BlockState state, FluidState fluidState, EntityType<?> entityType) boolean
(EntityType<?> type, BlockPos pos, Chunk chunk) private boolean
(EntityType<?> type, BlockPos pos, Chunk chunk) -
Uses of EntityType in
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate final Map
<EntityType<?>, SpawnSettings.SpawnDensity> SpawnSettings.Builder.spawnCosts
private final Map
<EntityType<?>, SpawnSettings.SpawnDensity> SpawnSettings.spawnCosts
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSpawnSettings.getSpawnDensity
(EntityType<?> entityType) SpawnSettings.Builder.spawnCost
(EntityType<?> entityType, double mass, double gravityLimit) ModifierConstructorDescriptionSpawnEntry
(EntityType<?> type, int weight, int minGroupSize, int maxGroupSize) SpawnEntry
(EntityType<?> type, Weight weight, int minGroupSize, int maxGroupSize) -
Uses of EntityType in
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate static final EntityType<?>[]
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprivate EntityType
<?> DungeonFeature.getMobSpawnerEntity
(Random random)