Interface SmithingRecipe

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
SmithingTransformRecipe, SmithingTrimRecipe

public interface SmithingRecipe extends Recipe<SmithingRecipeInput>
Namespace Name
named net/minecraft/recipe/SmithingRecipe
intermediary net/minecraft/class_8059
official czp
  • Method Details

    • getType

      default RecipeType<?> getType()
      Returns the type of this recipe.

      The type in the recipe JSON format is the serializer instead.

      Specified by:
      getType in interface Recipe<SmithingRecipeInput>
      the type of this recipe
      Namespace Name Mixin selector
      named getType Lnet/minecraft/recipe/Recipe;getType()Lnet/minecraft/recipe/RecipeType;
      intermediary method_17716 Lnet/minecraft/class_1860;method_17716()Lnet/minecraft/class_3956;
      official e Lcyx;e()Lczd;
    • fits

      default boolean fits(int width, int height)
      Returns whether this recipe will fit into the given grid size.

      This is currently only used by recipe book.

      Specified by:
      fits in interface Recipe<SmithingRecipeInput>
      width - the width of the input inventory
      height - the height of the input inventory
      whether this recipe will fit into the given grid size
      Namespace Name Mixin selector
      named fits Lnet/minecraft/recipe/Recipe;fits(II)Z
      intermediary method_8113 Lnet/minecraft/class_1860;method_8113(II)Z
      official a Lcyx;a(II)Z
    • createIcon

      default ItemStack createIcon()
      Returns an item rendered on the top left of the output preview on the recipe toast when a new recipe is unlocked. This can be interpreted as a catalyst for the recipe.
      Specified by:
      createIcon in interface Recipe<SmithingRecipeInput>
      an item rendered on the top left of the output preview on the recipe toast when a new recipe is unlocked
      Namespace Name Mixin selector
      named createIcon Lnet/minecraft/recipe/Recipe;createIcon()Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;
      intermediary method_17447 Lnet/minecraft/class_1860;method_17447()Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;
      official g Lcyx;g()Lcuo;
    • testTemplate

      boolean testTemplate(ItemStack stack)
      Namespace Name Mixin selector
      named testTemplate Lnet/minecraft/recipe/SmithingRecipe;testTemplate(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)Z
      intermediary method_48453 Lnet/minecraft/class_8059;method_48453(Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)Z
      official a Lczp;a(Lcuo;)Z
    • testBase

      boolean testBase(ItemStack stack)
      Namespace Name Mixin selector
      named testBase Lnet/minecraft/recipe/SmithingRecipe;testBase(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)Z
      intermediary method_48454 Lnet/minecraft/class_8059;method_48454(Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)Z
      official b Lczp;b(Lcuo;)Z
    • testAddition

      boolean testAddition(ItemStack stack)
      Namespace Name Mixin selector
      named testAddition Lnet/minecraft/recipe/SmithingRecipe;testAddition(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)Z
      intermediary method_30029 Lnet/minecraft/class_8059;method_30029(Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)Z
      official c Lczp;c(Lcuo;)Z