Interface TransferVariant<O>

Type Parameters:
O - The type of the immutable object instance, for example Item or Fluid.
All Known Subinterfaces:
FluidVariant, ItemVariant

public interface TransferVariant<O>
An immutable association of an immutable object instance (for example Item or Fluid) and data components.

This is exposed for convenience for code that needs to be generic across multiple transfer variants, but note that a Storage is not necessarily bound to TransferVariant. Its generic parameter can be any immutable object.

Transfer variants must always be compared with equals, never by reference! hashCode is guaranteed to be correct and constant time independently of the size of the components.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default boolean
    Return true if the tag of this variant matches the passed tag, and false otherwise.
    Return the immutable object instance of this variant.
    default boolean
    Return true if this variant has a component changes.
    Return true if this variant is blank, and false otherwise.
    default boolean
    isOf(O object)
    Return true if the object of this variant matches the passed fluid.
  • Method Details

    • isBlank

      boolean isBlank()
      Return true if this variant is blank, and false otherwise.
    • getObject

      O getObject()
      Return the immutable object instance of this variant.
    • getComponents

      ComponentChanges getComponents()
      The ComponentChanges of this variant.
    • hasComponents

      default boolean hasComponents()
      Return true if this variant has a component changes.
    • componentsMatch

      default boolean componentsMatch(ComponentChanges other)
      Return true if the tag of this variant matches the passed tag, and false otherwise.

      Note: True is returned if both tags are null.

    • isOf

      default boolean isOf(O object)
      Return true if the object of this variant matches the passed fluid.