Class CombinedStorage<T,​S extends Storage<T>>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of the stored resources.
S - The class of every part. ? extends Storage<T> can be used if the parts are of different types.
All Implemented Interfaces:

@Experimental @Deprecated public class CombinedStorage<T,​S extends Storage<T>> extends Object implements Storage<T>
Experimental feature, we reserve the right to remove or change it without further notice. The transfer API is a complex addition, and we want to be able to correct possible design mistakes.
A Storage wrapping multiple storages.

The storages passed to the constructor will be iterated in order.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • CombinedStorage

      public CombinedStorage(List<S> parts)
  • Method Details

    • supportsInsertion

      public boolean supportsInsertion()
      Description copied from interface: Storage
      Return false if calling Storage.insert(T, long, net.fabricmc.fabric.api.transfer.v1.transaction.TransactionContext) will absolutely always return 0, or true otherwise or in doubt.

      Note: This function is meant to be used by pipes or other devices that can transfer resources to know if they should interact with this storage at all.

      Specified by:
      supportsInsertion in interface Storage<T>
    • insert

      public long insert(T resource, long maxAmount, TransactionContext transaction)
      Description copied from interface: Storage
      Try to insert up to some amount of a resource into this storage.
      Specified by:
      insert in interface Storage<T>
      resource - The resource to insert. May not be blank.
      maxAmount - The maximum amount of resource to insert. May not be negative.
      transaction - The transaction this operation is part of.
      A nonnegative integer not greater than maxAmount: the amount that was inserted.
    • supportsExtraction

      public boolean supportsExtraction()
      Description copied from interface: Storage
      Return false if calling Storage.extract(T, long, net.fabricmc.fabric.api.transfer.v1.transaction.TransactionContext) will absolutely always return 0, or true otherwise or in doubt.

      Note: This function is meant to be used by pipes or other devices that can transfer resources to know if they should interact with this storage at all.

      Specified by:
      supportsExtraction in interface Storage<T>
    • extract

      public long extract(T resource, long maxAmount, TransactionContext transaction)
      Description copied from interface: Storage
      Try to extract up to some amount of a resource from this storage.
      Specified by:
      extract in interface Storage<T>
      resource - The resource to extract. May not be blank.
      maxAmount - The maximum amount of resource to extract. May not be negative.
      transaction - The transaction this operation is part of.
      A nonnegative integer not greater than maxAmount: the amount that was extracted.
    • iterator

      public Iterator<StorageView<T>> iterator(TransactionContext transaction)
      Description copied from interface: Storage
      Iterate through the contents of this storage, for the scope of the passed transaction. Every visited StorageView represents a stored resource and an amount. The iterator doesn't guarantee that a single resource only occurs once during an iteration.

      The returned iterator and any view it returns are only valid for the scope of to the passed transaction. They should not be used once that transaction is closed.

      More precisely, as soon as the transaction is closed, hasNext() must return false, and any call to next() must throw a NoSuchElementException.

      Storage.insert(T, long, net.fabricmc.fabric.api.transfer.v1.transaction.TransactionContext) and Storage.extract(T, long, net.fabricmc.fabric.api.transfer.v1.transaction.TransactionContext) may be called safely during iteration. Extractions should be visible to an open iterator, but insertions are not required to. In particular, inventories with a fixed amount of slots may wish to make insertions visible to iterators, but inventories with a dynamic or very large amount of slots should not do that to ensure timely termination of the iteration.

      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Storage<T>
      transaction - The transaction to which the scope of the returned iterator is tied.
      An iterator over the contents of this storage.