Class FabricTagProvider<T>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
FabricTagProvider.BlockTagProvider, FabricTagProvider.DynamicRegistryTagProvider, FabricTagProvider.EntityTypeTagProvider, FabricTagProvider.FluidTagProvider, FabricTagProvider.GameEventTagProvider, FabricTagProvider.ItemTagProvider

public abstract class FabricTagProvider<T> extends<T>
Implement this class (or one of the inner classes) to generate a tag list.

Register your implementation using FabricDataGenerator.addProvider(java.util.function.Function<net.fabricmc.fabric.api.datagen.v1.FabricDataGenerator, P>) in a DataGeneratorEntrypoint

Commonly used implementations of this class are provided:

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • FabricTagProvider

      protected FabricTagProvider(FabricDataGenerator dataGenerator, net.minecraft.util.registry.Registry<T> registry, String name)
      Construct a new FabricTagProvider with the default computed path.

      Common implementations of this class are provided. For example @see BlockTagProvider

      dataGenerator - The data generator instance
      registry - The backing registry for the Tag type.
      name - The name used for DataProvider.getName()
    • FabricTagProvider

      protected FabricTagProvider(FabricDataGenerator dataGenerator, net.minecraft.util.registry.Registry<T> registry, String path, String name)
      Construct a new FabricTagProvider.

      Common implementations of this class are provided. For example @see BlockTagProvider

      dataGenerator - The data generator instance
      registry - The backing registry for the Tag type.
      path - The directory name to write the tag file names. Example: "blocks" or "items"
      name - The name used for DataProvider.getName()
  • Method Details