Interface BlockRenderLayerMap

public interface BlockRenderLayerMap
Use to associate blocks or fluids with block render layer other than default.

RenderLayers control how sprite pixels for fluids and blocks are blended with the scene. Consult the vanilla RenderLayers implementation for examples.

The Fabric Renderer API can be used to control this at a per-quad level at the code via BlendMode.

Client-side only.

  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • putBlock

      void putBlock(Block block, RenderLayer renderLayer)
      Map (or re-map) a block state with a render layer. Re-mapping is not recommended but if done, last one in wins. Must be called from client thread prior to world load/rendering. Best practice will be to call from mod's client initializer.
      block - Identifies block to be mapped.
      renderLayer - Render layer. Should be one of the layers used for terrain rendering.
    • putBlocks

      void putBlocks(RenderLayer renderLayer, Block... blocks)
      Map (or re-map) multiple block states with a render layer. Re-mapping is not recommended but if done, last one in wins. Must be called from client thread prior to world load/rendering. Best practice will be to call from mod's client initializer.
      renderLayer - Render layer. Should be one of the layers used for terrain rendering.
      blocks - Identifies blocks to be mapped.
    • putItem

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) void putItem(Item item, RenderLayer renderLayer)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      For blocks, calling putBlock(Block, RenderLayer) is enough. Other items always use a translucent render layer.
    • putItems

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) void putItems(RenderLayer renderLayer, Item... items)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      For blocks, calling putBlocks(RenderLayer, Block...) is enough. Other items always use a translucent render layer.
    • putFluid

      void putFluid(Fluid fluid, RenderLayer renderLayer)
      Map (or re-map) a fluid state with a render layer. Re-mapping is not recommended but if done, last one in wins. Must be called from client thread prior to world load/rendering. Best practice will be to call from mod's client initializer.
      fluid - Identifies fluid to be mapped.
      renderLayer - Render layer. Should be one of the layers used for terrain rendering.
    • putFluids

      void putFluids(RenderLayer renderLayer, Fluid... fluids)
      Map (or re-map) multiple fluid states with a render layer. Re-mapping is not recommended but if done, last one in wins. Must be called from client thread prior to world load/rendering. Best practice will be to call from mod's client initializer.
      renderLayer - Render layer. Should be one of the layers used for terrain rendering.
      fluids - Identifies fluids to be mapped.