Class Mouse


public class Mouse
extends Object
  • Field Details

    • client

      private final MinecraftClient client
    • leftButtonClicked

      private boolean leftButtonClicked
    • middleButtonClicked

      private boolean middleButtonClicked
    • rightButtonClicked

      private boolean rightButtonClicked
    • x

      private double x
    • y

      private double y
    • controlLeftTicks

      private int controlLeftTicks
    • activeButton

      private int activeButton
    • hasResolutionChanged

      private boolean hasResolutionChanged
    • field_1796

      private int field_1796
    • glfwTime

      private double glfwTime
    • cursorXSmoother

      private final SmoothUtil cursorXSmoother
    • cursorYSmoother

      private final SmoothUtil cursorYSmoother
    • cursorDeltaX

      private double cursorDeltaX
    • cursorDeltaY

      private double cursorDeltaY
    • eventDeltaWheel

      private double eventDeltaWheel
    • lastMouseUpdateTime

      private double lastMouseUpdateTime
    • cursorLocked

      private boolean cursorLocked
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • onMouseButton

      private void onMouseButton​(long window, int button, int action, int mods)
    • onMouseScroll

      private void onMouseScroll​(long window, double horizontal, double vertical)
      Called when a mouse is used to scroll.
      window - the window handle
      horizontal - the horizontal scroll distance
      vertical - the vertical scroll distance
    • method_29616

      private void method_29616​(long long2, List<Path> list)
    • setup

      public void setup​(long long2)
    • onCursorPos

      private void onCursorPos​(long window, double x, double y)
    • updateMouse

      public void updateMouse()
    • wasLeftButtonClicked

      public boolean wasLeftButtonClicked()
    • wasRightButtonClicked

      public boolean wasRightButtonClicked()
    • getX

      public double getX()
    • getY

      public double getY()
    • onResolutionChanged

      public void onResolutionChanged()
    • isCursorLocked

      public boolean isCursorLocked()
    • lockCursor

      public void lockCursor()
    • unlockCursor

      public void unlockCursor()
    • method_30134

      public void method_30134()