Class MinecraftClient

All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoCloseable, Executor, WindowEventHandler, SnooperListener, MessageListener<Runnable>

public class MinecraftClient
extends ReentrantThreadExecutor<Runnable>
implements SnooperListener, WindowEventHandler
  • Field Details

    • instance

      private static MinecraftClient instance
    • LOGGER

      private static final Logger LOGGER

      public static final boolean IS_SYSTEM_MAC

      public static final Identifier DEFAULT_FONT_ID

      public static final Identifier UNICODE_FONT_ID

      public static final Identifier ALT_TEXT_RENDERER_ID

      private static final CompletableFuture<Unit> COMPLETED_UNIT_FUTURE
    • field_26841

      private static final Text field_26841
    • memoryReservedForCrash

      public static byte[] memoryReservedForCrash
    • currentFps

      private static int currentFps
    • resourcePackDir

      private final File resourcePackDir
    • sessionPropertyMap

      private final sessionPropertyMap
    • textureManager

      private final TextureManager textureManager
    • dataFixer

      private final com.mojang.datafixers.DataFixer dataFixer
    • windowProvider

      private final WindowProvider windowProvider
    • window

      private final Window window
    • renderTickCounter

      private final RenderTickCounter renderTickCounter
    • snooper

      private final Snooper snooper
    • bufferBuilders

      private final BufferBuilderStorage bufferBuilders
    • worldRenderer

      public final WorldRenderer worldRenderer
    • entityRenderDispatcher

      private final EntityRenderDispatcher entityRenderDispatcher
    • itemRenderer

      private final ItemRenderer itemRenderer
    • heldItemRenderer

      private final HeldItemRenderer heldItemRenderer
    • particleManager

      public final ParticleManager particleManager
    • searchManager

      private final SearchManager searchManager
    • session

      private final Session session
    • textRenderer

      public final TextRenderer textRenderer
    • gameRenderer

      public final GameRenderer gameRenderer
    • debugRenderer

      public final DebugRenderer debugRenderer
    • worldGenProgressTracker

      private final AtomicReference<WorldGenerationProgressTracker> worldGenProgressTracker
    • inGameHud

      public final InGameHud inGameHud
    • options

      public final GameOptions options
    • creativeHotbarStorage

      private final HotbarStorage creativeHotbarStorage
    • mouse

      public final Mouse mouse
    • keyboard

      public final Keyboard keyboard
    • runDirectory

      public final File runDirectory
    • gameVersion

      private final String gameVersion
    • versionType

      private final String versionType
    • netProxy

      private final Proxy netProxy
    • levelStorage

      private final LevelStorage levelStorage
    • metricsData

      public final MetricsData metricsData
    • is64Bit

      private final boolean is64Bit
    • isDemo

      private final boolean isDemo
    • multiplayerEnabled

      private final boolean multiplayerEnabled
    • onlineChatEnabled

      private final boolean onlineChatEnabled
    • resourceManager

      private final ReloadableResourceManager resourceManager
    • builtinPackProvider

      private final ClientBuiltinResourcePackProvider builtinPackProvider
    • resourcePackManager

      private final ResourcePackManager resourcePackManager
    • languageManager

      private final LanguageManager languageManager
    • blockColors

      private final BlockColors blockColors
    • itemColors

      private final ItemColors itemColors
    • framebuffer

      private final Framebuffer framebuffer
    • soundManager

      private final SoundManager soundManager
    • musicTracker

      private final MusicTracker musicTracker
    • fontManager

      private final FontManager fontManager
    • splashTextLoader

      private final SplashTextResourceSupplier splashTextLoader
    • videoWarningManager

      private final VideoWarningManager videoWarningManager
    • sessionService

      private final com.mojang.authlib.minecraft.MinecraftSessionService sessionService
    • field_26902

      private final com.mojang.authlib.minecraft.SocialInteractionsService field_26902
    • skinProvider

      private final PlayerSkinProvider skinProvider
    • bakedModelManager

      private final BakedModelManager bakedModelManager
    • blockRenderManager

      private final BlockRenderManager blockRenderManager
    • paintingManager

      private final PaintingManager paintingManager
    • statusEffectSpriteManager

      private final StatusEffectSpriteManager statusEffectSpriteManager
    • toastManager

      private final ToastManager toastManager
    • game

      private final MinecraftClientGame game
    • tutorialManager

      private final TutorialManager tutorialManager
    • socialInteractionsManager

      private final SocialInteractionsManager socialInteractionsManager
    • interactionManager

      @Nullable public ClientPlayerInteractionManager interactionManager
    • world

      @Nullable public ClientWorld world
      Represents the world the client is currently viewing. This field is not null when in game.
    • player

      Represents the client's own player. This field is not null when in game.
    • server

      @Nullable private IntegratedServer server
    • currentServerEntry

      @Nullable private ServerInfo currentServerEntry
    • connection

      @Nullable private ClientConnection connection
    • integratedServerRunning

      private boolean integratedServerRunning
    • cameraEntity

      @Nullable public Entity cameraEntity
    • targetedEntity

      @Nullable public Entity targetedEntity
    • crosshairTarget

      @Nullable public HitResult crosshairTarget
    • itemUseCooldown

      private int itemUseCooldown
    • attackCooldown

      protected int attackCooldown
    • paused

      private boolean paused
    • pausedTickDelta

      private float pausedTickDelta
    • lastMetricsSampleTime

      private long lastMetricsSampleTime
    • nextDebugInfoUpdateTime

      private long nextDebugInfoUpdateTime
    • fpsCounter

      private int fpsCounter
    • skipGameRender

      public boolean skipGameRender
    • currentScreen

      @Nullable public Screen currentScreen
    • overlay

      @Nullable public Overlay overlay
    • connectedToRealms

      private boolean connectedToRealms
    • thread

      private Thread thread
    • running

      private volatile boolean running
    • crashReport

      @Nullable private CrashReport crashReport
    • fpsDebugString

      public String fpsDebugString
    • debugChunkInfo

      public boolean debugChunkInfo
    • debugChunkOcclusion

      public boolean debugChunkOcclusion
    • chunkCullingEnabled

      public boolean chunkCullingEnabled
    • windowFocused

      private boolean windowFocused
    • renderTaskQueue

      private final Queue<Runnable> renderTaskQueue
    • resourceReloadFuture

      @Nullable private CompletableFuture<Void> resourceReloadFuture
    • field_26843

      @Nullable private TutorialToast field_26843
    • profiler

      private Profiler profiler
    • trackingTick

      private int trackingTick
    • tickTimeTracker

      private final TickTimeTracker tickTimeTracker
    • tickProfilerResult

      @Nullable private ProfileResult tickProfilerResult
    • openProfilerSection

      private String openProfilerSection
  • Constructor Details

    • MinecraftClient

      public MinecraftClient​(RunArgs args)
  • Method Details