Class SkyProperties

Direct Known Subclasses:
SkyProperties.End, SkyProperties.Nether, SkyProperties.Overworld

public abstract class SkyProperties
extends Object
  • Field Details


      private static final Object2ObjectMap<Identifier,​SkyProperties> BY_IDENTIFIER
    • rgba

      private final float[] rgba
    • cloudsHeight

      private final float cloudsHeight
    • alternateSkyColor

      private final boolean alternateSkyColor
    • skyType

      private final SkyProperties.SkyType skyType
    • brightenLighting

      private final boolean brightenLighting
    • darkened

      private final boolean darkened
  • Constructor Details

    • SkyProperties

      public SkyProperties​(float cloudsHeight, boolean alternateSkyColor, SkyProperties.SkyType skyType, boolean brightenLighting, boolean darkened)
  • Method Details

    • byDimensionType

      public static SkyProperties byDimensionType​(DimensionType dimensionType)
    • getFogColorOverride

      @Nullable public float[] getFogColorOverride​(float skyAngle, float tickDelta)
      Returns a fog color override based on the current sky angle. This is used in vanilla to render sunset and sunrise fog.
      an RGBA array of four floats, or null if fog color should not be overridden
    • getCloudsHeight

      public float getCloudsHeight()
    • isAlternateSkyColor

      public boolean isAlternateSkyColor()
    • adjustFogColor

      public abstract Vec3d adjustFogColor​(Vec3d color, float sunHeight)
      Transforms the given fog color based on the current height of the sun. This is used in vanilla to darken fog during night.
    • useThickFog

      public abstract boolean useThickFog​(int camX, int camY)
    • getSkyType

      public SkyProperties.SkyType getSkyType()
    • shouldBrightenLighting

      public boolean shouldBrightenLighting()
    • isDarkened

      public boolean isDarkened()