Class SquidEntity

All Implemented Interfaces:
CommandOutput, Nameable

public class SquidEntity
extends WaterCreatureEntity
  • Field Details

    • tiltAngle

      public float tiltAngle
    • prevTiltAngle

      public float prevTiltAngle
    • rollAngle

      public float rollAngle
    • prevRollAngle

      public float prevRollAngle
    • thrustTimer

      public float thrustTimer
      Timer between thrusts as the squid swims. Represented as an angle from 0 to 2PI.
    • prevThrustTimer

      public float prevThrustTimer
      This serves no real purpose.
    • tentacleAngle

      public float tentacleAngle
    • prevTentacleAngle

      public float prevTentacleAngle
    • swimVelocityScale

      private float swimVelocityScale
      A scale factor for the squid's swimming speed. Gets reset to 1 at the beginning of each thrust and gradually decreases to make the squid lurch around.
    • thrustTimerSpeed

      private float thrustTimerSpeed
    • turningSpeed

      private float turningSpeed
    • swimX

      private float swimX
    • swimY

      private float swimY
    • swimZ

      private float swimZ
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details