Interface WorldView

All Superinterfaces:
BiomeAccess.Storage, BlockRenderView, BlockView, CollisionView
All Known Subinterfaces:
class_5423, LunarWorldView, ServerWorldAccess, StructureWorldAccess, WorldAccess
All Known Implementing Classes:
ChunkRegion, ClientWorld, ServerWorld, World

public interface WorldView
extends BlockRenderView, CollisionView, BiomeAccess.Storage
Represents a scoped, read-only view of a world like structure that contains biomes, chunks and is bound to a dimension.
  • Method Details

    • getChunk

      @Nullable Chunk getChunk​(int chunkX, int chunkZ, ChunkStatus leastStatus, boolean create)
    • isChunkLoaded

      @Deprecated boolean isChunkLoaded​(int chunkX, int chunkZ)
    • getTopY

      int getTopY​(Heightmap.Type heightmap, int x, int z)
    • getAmbientDarkness

      int getAmbientDarkness()
    • getBiomeAccess

      BiomeAccess getBiomeAccess()
    • getBiome

      default Biome getBiome​(BlockPos pos)
    • method_29556

      default Stream<BlockState> method_29556​(Box box)
    • getColor

      @Environment(CLIENT) default int getColor​(BlockPos pos, ColorResolver colorResolver)
      Specified by:
      getColor in interface BlockRenderView
    • getBiomeForNoiseGen

      default Biome getBiomeForNoiseGen​(int biomeX, int biomeY, int biomeZ)
      Specified by:
      getBiomeForNoiseGen in interface BiomeAccess.Storage
    • getGeneratorStoredBiome

      Biome getGeneratorStoredBiome​(int biomeX, int biomeY, int biomeZ)
    • isClient

      boolean isClient()
      Checks if this world view is on the logical client.

      If the value returned is false, it is expected that this world is present on a logical server.

    • getSeaLevel

      @Deprecated int getSeaLevel()
    • getDimension

      DimensionType getDimension()
    • getTopPosition

      default BlockPos getTopPosition​(Heightmap.Type heightmap, BlockPos pos)
    • isAir

      default boolean isAir​(BlockPos pos)
    • isSkyVisibleAllowingSea

      default boolean isSkyVisibleAllowingSea​(BlockPos pos)
    • getBrightness

      @Deprecated default float getBrightness​(BlockPos pos)
    • getStrongRedstonePower

      default int getStrongRedstonePower​(BlockPos pos, Direction direction)
    • getChunk

      default Chunk getChunk​(BlockPos pos)
    • getChunk

      default Chunk getChunk​(int chunkX, int chunkZ)
    • getChunk

      default Chunk getChunk​(int chunkX, int chunkZ, ChunkStatus status)
    • getExistingChunk

      @Nullable default BlockView getExistingChunk​(int chunkX, int chunkZ)
      Specified by:
      getExistingChunk in interface CollisionView
    • isWater

      default boolean isWater​(BlockPos pos)
    • containsFluid

      default boolean containsFluid​(Box box)
    • getLightLevel

      default int getLightLevel​(BlockPos pos)
    • getLightLevel

      default int getLightLevel​(BlockPos pos, int ambientDarkness)
    • isChunkLoaded

      @Deprecated default boolean isChunkLoaded​(BlockPos pos)
    • isRegionLoaded

      @Deprecated default boolean isRegionLoaded​(BlockPos min, BlockPos max)
    • isRegionLoaded

      @Deprecated default boolean isRegionLoaded​(int minX, int minY, int minZ, int maxX, int maxY, int maxZ)