Interface Summary Interface Description BlockRenderView BlockView Represents a scoped, read-only view of block states, fluid states and block entities.CollisionView EntityView GameRules.Acceptor<T extends GameRules.Rule<T>> GameRules.Visitor A visitor used to visit all game rules.LunarWorldView ModifiableTestableWorld ModifiableWorld Represents a modifiable world where block states can be changed and entities spawned.MutableWorldProperties RaycastContext.ShapeProvider SaveProperties ServerWorldAccess Represents access to a world on a logical Minecraft server.SpawnHelper.Checker SpawnHelper.ChunkSource SpawnHelper.Runner StructureHolder StructureWorldAccess TestableWorld TickScheduler<T> WorldAccess WorldProperties WorldView Represents a scoped, read-only view of a world like structure that contains biomes, chunks and is bound to a dimension. -
Enum Summary Enum Description Difficulty EmptyBlockView GameMode GameRules.Category Heightmap.Purpose Heightmap.Type LightType RaycastContext.FluidHandling RaycastContext.ShapeType TickPriority