Uses of Class
Uses of Box in net.minecraft.block
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprivate Box
DetectorRailBlock.getCartDetectionBox(BlockPos pos)
Uses of Box in net.minecraft.block.entity
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprivate static Box
ConduitBlockEntity.getAttackZone(BlockPos pos)
ShulkerBoxBlockEntity.getBoundingBox(BlockState state)
private static Box
PistonBlockEntity.offsetHeadBox(BlockPos pos, Box box, PistonBlockEntity blockEntity)
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprivate static boolean
PistonBlockEntity.canMoveEntity(Box box, Entity entity)
private static double
PistonBlockEntity.getIntersectionSize(Box box, Direction direction, Box box2)
private static Box
PistonBlockEntity.offsetHeadBox(BlockPos pos, Box box, PistonBlockEntity blockEntity)
Uses of Box in net.minecraft.client.particle
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate Box
private static Box
Uses of Box in net.minecraft.client.render
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
WorldRenderer.drawBox(MatrixStack matrices, VertexConsumer vertexConsumer, Box box, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha)
Draws a box.boolean
Uses of Box in net.minecraft.client.render.chunk
Uses of Box in net.minecraft.client.render.debug
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
private static void
GameEventDebugRenderer.method_33089(Box box, float float2, float float3, float float4, float float5)
Uses of Box in net.minecraft.command
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprivate Box
EntitySelectorReader.createBox(double x, double y, double z)
ModifierConstructorDescriptionEntitySelector(int count, boolean includesNonPlayers, boolean localWorldOnly, Predicate<Entity> basePredicate, NumberRange.FloatRange distance, Function<Vec3d,Vec3d> positionOffset, @Nullable Box box, BiConsumer<Vec3d,List<? extends Entity>> sorter, boolean senderOnly, @Nullable String playerName, @Nullable UUID uuid, @Nullable EntityType<?> type, boolean usesAt)
Uses of Box in net.minecraft.entity
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate Box
private static Box
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected Box
protected Box
Entity.calculateBoundsForPose(EntityPose pos)
EntityType.createSimpleBoundingBox(double feetX, double feetY, double feetZ)
LivingEntity.getBoundingBox(EntityPose pose)
EntityDimensions.getBoxAt(double x, double y, double z)
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Vec3d
Entity.adjustMovementForCollisions(@Nullable Entity entity, Vec3d movement, Box entityBoundingBox, World world, ShapeContext context, ReusableStream<VoxelShape> collisions)
static Vec3d
Entity.adjustMovementForCollisions(Vec3d movement, Box entityBoundingBox, ReusableStream<VoxelShape> collisions)
static Vec3d
Entity.adjustSingleAxisMovementForCollisions(Vec3d movement, Box entityBoundingBox, WorldView world, ShapeContext context, ReusableStream<VoxelShape> collisions)
static boolean
Dismounting.canPlaceEntityAt(CollisionView world, LivingEntity entity, Box targetBox)
private boolean
Entity.doesNotCollide(Box box)
protected static double
EntityType.getOriginY(WorldView world, BlockPos pos, boolean invertY, Box boundingBox)
Entity.setBoundingBox(Box boundingBox)
protected void
LivingEntity.tickRiptide(Box a, Box b)
Uses of Box in
Uses of Box in
Uses of Box in net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon
Uses of Box in net.minecraft.entity.mob
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected Box
protected Box
ShulkerEntity.SearchForPlayerGoal.getSearchBox(double distance)
protected Box
ShulkerEntity.SearchForTargetGoal.getSearchBox(double distance)
static Box
ShulkerEntity.method_33346(Direction direction, float float2)
static Box
ShulkerEntity.method_33347(Direction direction, float float2, float float3)
Uses of Box in net.minecraft.entity.projectile
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic @Nullable EntityHitResult
ProjectileUtil.getEntityCollision(World world, Entity entity, Vec3d vec3d, Vec3d vec3d2, Box box, Predicate<Entity> predicate)
static @Nullable EntityHitResult
ProjectileUtil.method_37226(World world, Entity entity, Vec3d vec3d, Vec3d vec3d2, Box box, Predicate<Entity> predicate, float float2)
static @Nullable EntityHitResult
ProjectileUtil.raycast(Entity entity, Vec3d vec3d, Vec3d vec3d2, Box box, Predicate<Entity> predicate, double double2)
Uses of Box in net.minecraft.entity.vehicle
Uses of Box in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprivate boolean
ServerPlayNetworkHandler.isPlayerNotCollidingWithBlocks(WorldView world, Box box)
Uses of Box in net.minecraft.test
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGameTestState.getBoundingBox()
static Box
StructureTestUtil.getStructureBoundingBox(StructureBlockBlockEntity structureBlockEntity)
private Box
private Box
Uses of Box in net.minecraft.util.math
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBox.contract(double value)
Box.contract(double x, double y, double z)
Box.expand(double value)
Box.expand(double x, double y, double z)
static Box
static Box
Box.intersection(Box box)
Creates the maximum box that this box and the given box contain.static Box
Box.offset(double x, double y, double z)
Creates a box that is translated byx
on each axis from this box.Creates a box that is translated byblockPos.getX()
on each axis from this box.Creates a box that is translated byvec.x
on each axis from this box.Box.shrink(double x, double y, double z)
Box.stretch(double x, double y, double z)
static Box
Creates the minimum box that contains this box and the given box.Box.withMaxX(double maxX)
Creates a box with the maximum X provided and all other coordinates of this box.Box.withMaxY(double maxY)
Creates a box with the maximum Y provided and all other coordinates of this box.Box.withMaxZ(double maxZ)
Creates a box with the maximum Z provided and all other coordinates of this box.Box.withMinX(double minX)
Creates a box with the minimum X provided and all other coordinates of this box.Box.withMinY(double minY)
Creates a box with the minimum Y provided and all other coordinates of this box.Box.withMinZ(double minZ)
Creates a box with the minimum Z provided and all other coordinates of this box.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBox.intersection(Box box)
Creates the maximum box that this box and the given box contain.boolean
Box.intersects(Box box)
Checks if this box intersects the given box.static boolean
MathHelper.method_34945(Vec3d vec3d, Vec3d vec3d2, Box box)
static Box
Box.traceCollisionSide(Box box, Vec3d intersectingVector, double[] traceDistanceResult, @Nullable Direction approachDirection, double deltaX, double deltaY, double deltaZ)
Creates the minimum box that contains this box and the given box. -
Uses of Box in net.minecraft.util.shape
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected double
VoxelShape.calculateMaxDistance(AxisCycleDirection axisCycle, Box box, double maxDist)
VoxelShape.calculateMaxDistance(Direction.Axis axis, Box box, double maxDist)
static double
VoxelShapes.calculateMaxOffset(Direction.Axis axis, Box box, Stream<VoxelShape> shapes, double maxDist)
private static double
VoxelShapes.calculatePushVelocity(Box box, WorldView world, double initial, ShapeContext context, AxisCycleDirection direction, Stream<VoxelShape> shapes)
static double
VoxelShapes.calculatePushVelocity(Direction.Axis axis, Box box, WorldView world, double initial, ShapeContext context, Stream<VoxelShape> shapes)
static VoxelShape
Uses of Box in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault boolean
WorldView.containsFluid(Box box)
default Stream<VoxelShape>
CollisionView.getBlockCollisions(@Nullable Entity entity, Box box)
default Stream<VoxelShape>
CollisionView.getBlockCollisions(@Nullable Entity entity, Box box, BiPredicate<BlockState,BlockPos> biPredicate)
default <T extends LivingEntity>
TEntityView.getClosestEntity(Class<? extends T> entityClass, TargetPredicate targetPredicate, @Nullable LivingEntity entity, double x, double y, double z, Box box)
default Stream<VoxelShape>
EntityView.getEntitiesByClass(Class<T> entityClass, Box box, Predicate<? super T> predicate)
Computes a list of entities within some box whose runtime Java class is the same as or is a subclass of the given class.ChunkRegion.getEntitiesByType(TypeFilter<Entity,T> filter, Box box, Predicate<? super T> predicate)
EntityView.getEntitiesByType(TypeFilter<Entity,T> filter, Box box, Predicate<? super T> predicate)
World.getEntitiesByType(TypeFilter<Entity,T> filter, Box box, Predicate<? super T> predicate)
default Stream<VoxelShape>
default Stream<VoxelShape>
RegistryWorldView.getEntityCollisions(@Nullable Entity entity, Box box, Predicate<Entity> predicate)
EntityView.getNonSpectatingEntities(Class<T> entityClass, Box box)
ChunkRegion.getOtherEntities(@Nullable Entity except, Box box, @Nullable Predicate<? super Entity> predicate)
Computes a list of entities within some box, excluding the given entity, that satisfy the given predicate.EntityView.getOtherEntities(@Nullable Entity except, Box box)
Computes a list of entities within some box, excluding the given entity, that are not spectators.Computes a list of entities within some box, excluding the given entity, that satisfy the given predicate.Computes a list of entities within some box, excluding the given entity, that satisfy the given predicate.default List<PlayerEntity>
EntityView.getPlayers(TargetPredicate targetPredicate, LivingEntity entity, Box box)
default Stream<BlockState>
BlockView.getStatesInBox(Box box)
default Stream<BlockState>
WorldView.getStatesInBoxIfLoaded(Box box)
default <T extends LivingEntity>
List<T>EntityView.getTargets(Class<T> entityClass, TargetPredicate targetPredicate, LivingEntity targetingEntity, Box box)
default boolean
CollisionView.isBlockSpaceEmpty(@Nullable Entity entity, Box box, BiPredicate<BlockState,BlockPos> biPredicate)
static boolean
BlockCollisionSpliterator.isInWorldBorder(WorldBorder border, Box box)
default boolean
default boolean
CollisionView.isSpaceEmpty(Entity entity, Box box)
default boolean
CollisionView.isSpaceEmpty(Box box)
private static boolean
BlockCollisionSpliterator.method_30130(VoxelShape voxelShape, Box box)
private static boolean
BlockCollisionSpliterator.method_30131(VoxelShape voxelShape, Box box)
ModifierConstructorDescriptionBlockCollisionSpliterator(CollisionView world, @Nullable Entity entity, Box box)
BlockCollisionSpliterator(CollisionView world, @Nullable Entity entity, Box box, BiPredicate<BlockState,BlockPos> blockPredicate)
Uses of Box in
Uses of Box in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescription -
Uses of Box in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
SectionedEntityCache.forEachInBox(Box box, Consumer<EntityTrackingSection<T>> action)
Runs the given action on each collection of entities in the chunk sections within the given box.void
EntityLookup.forEachIntersects(Box box, Consumer<T> action)
<U extends T>
voidEntityLookup.forEachIntersects(TypeFilter<T,U> filter, Box box, Consumer<U> action)
SectionedEntityCache.forEachIntersects(Box box, Consumer<T> action)
<U extends T>
voidSectionedEntityCache.forEachIntersects(TypeFilter<T,U> filter, Box box, Consumer<U> action)
SimpleEntityLookup.forEachIntersects(Box box, Consumer<T> action)
<U extends T>
voidSimpleEntityLookup.forEachIntersects(TypeFilter<T,U> filter, Box box, Consumer<U> action)
private static <T extends EntityLike>
Predicate<T>SectionedEntityCache.intersecting(Box box)
Uses of Box in