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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


y - Variable in enum class com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager.Viewport
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.advancement.AdvancementDisplay
y - Variable in record class net.minecraft.client.font.BakedGlyph.DrawnGlyph
The field for the y record component.
y - Variable in record class net.minecraft.client.font.BitmapFont.BitmapFontGlyph
The field for the y record component.
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.font.GlyphAtlasTexture.Slot
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.font.TextRenderer.Drawer
y - Variable in record class net.minecraft.client.font.TrueTypeFontLoader.Shift
The field for the y record component.
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.advancement.AdvancementWidget
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.BookEditScreen.Line
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.BookEditScreen.Position
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.HandledScreen
y - Variable in record class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.recipebook.RecipeAlternativesWidget.AlternativeButtonWidget.InputSlot
The field for the y record component.
y - Variable in record class net.minecraft.client.gui.ScreenPos
The field for the y record component.
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ButtonWidget.Builder
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.CheckboxWidget.Builder
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ClickableWidget
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.EmptyWidget
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.WrapperWidget
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.Mouse
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.particle.Particle
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsAcceptRejectButton
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.RealmsLabel
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.Camera.Projection
Half of the height (y) of the rectangle.
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.ChunkBuilder.NormalizedRelativePos
y - Variable in enum class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.Octree.AxisOrder
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.state.EntityRenderState
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.Frustum
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.OverlayVertexConsumer
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.sound.AbstractSoundInstance
y - Variable in record class net.minecraft.client.texture.atlas.UnstitchAtlasSource.Region
The field for the y record component.
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.texture.Sprite
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.texture.TextureStitcher.Slot
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.util.math.Rect2i
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.util.math.Vector2f
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.util.Monitor
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.util.Window
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.command.argument.DefaultPosArgument
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.command.argument.LookingPosArgument
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.command.CommandSource.RelativePosition
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.command.EntitySelectorReader
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.ChunkPalettedStorageFix.Section
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.LeavesFix.ListFixer
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in record class net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon.EnderDragonFrameTracker.Frame
The field for the y record component.
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.decoration.DisplayEntity.InterpolationTarget
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.DrownedEntity.WanderAroundOnSurfaceGoal
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.vehicle.AbstractBoatEntity
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.vehicle.DefaultMinecartController
y - Variable in record class
The field for the y record component.
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in record class net.minecraft.predicate.entity.DistancePredicate
The field for the y record component.
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.predicate.entity.LocationPredicate.Builder
y - Variable in record class net.minecraft.predicate.entity.LocationPredicate.PositionRange
The field for the y record component.
y - Variable in record class net.minecraft.predicate.entity.MovementPredicate
The field for the y record component.
y - Variable in record class net.minecraft.screen.slot.ForgingSlotsManager.ForgingSlot
The field for the y record component.
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.screen.slot.Slot
y - Variable in record class
The field for the y record component.
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.util.CuboidBlockIterator
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.util.math.Vec2f
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d
The Y coordinate of this vector.
y - Variable in class net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i
y - Variable in record class
The field for the y record component.
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in record class
The field for the y record component.
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in record class
The field for the y record component.
y() - Method in record class net.minecraft.client.font.BakedGlyph.DrawnGlyph
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class net.minecraft.client.font.BitmapFont.BitmapFontGlyph
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class net.minecraft.client.font.TrueTypeFontLoader.Shift
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.recipebook.RecipeAlternativesWidget.AlternativeButtonWidget.InputSlot
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class net.minecraft.client.gui.ScreenPos
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class net.minecraft.client.texture.atlas.UnstitchAtlasSource.Region
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon.EnderDragonFrameTracker.Frame
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class net.minecraft.predicate.entity.DistancePredicate
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class net.minecraft.predicate.entity.LocationPredicate.PositionRange
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class net.minecraft.predicate.entity.MovementPredicate
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class net.minecraft.screen.slot.ForgingSlotsManager.ForgingSlot
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the y record component.
y() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the y record component.
y(NumberRange.DoubleRange) - Static method in record class net.minecraft.predicate.entity.DistancePredicate
y(NumberRange.DoubleRange) - Method in class net.minecraft.predicate.entity.LocationPredicate.Builder
Y - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.ChunkPalettedStorageFix.Facing.Axis
Y - Enum constant in enum class
Y - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.util.math.Direction.Axis
Y - Static variable in class
Y - Static variable in class
Y_AND_W_ONLY - Static variable in interface net.minecraft.client.particle.BillboardParticle.Rotator
Y_AXIS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper
Y_BIT_OFFSET - Static variable in class net.minecraft.util.collection.LinkedBlockPosHashSet.Storage
Y_CLAMPED_GRADIENT_CODEC - Static variable in record class
Y_NBT_KEY - Static variable in record class
Y_OFFSET - Static variable in class
Y_ROT - Enum constant in enum class
Y_SHAPE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.ChainBlock
Y_SHAPE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.RodBlock
yaw - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelPart
yaw - Variable in record class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelTransform
The field for the yaw record component.
yaw - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.Camera
yaw - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.state.ArmorStandEntityRenderState
yaw - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.state.BoatEntityRenderState
yaw - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.state.DisplayEntityRenderState
yaw - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.state.EvokerFangsEntityRenderState
yaw - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.state.LlamaSpitEntityRenderState
yaw - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.state.ProjectileEntityRenderState
yaw - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.state.ShulkerBulletEntityRenderState
yaw - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.state.TridentEntityRenderState
yaw - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.state.WitherSkullEntityRenderState
yaw - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.decoration.DisplayEntity.InterpolationTarget
yaw - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
yaw - Variable in record class net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerPosition
The field for the yaw record component.
yaw - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.vehicle.DefaultMinecartController
yaw - Variable in class
yaw - Variable in class
yaw - Variable in class
yaw - Variable in record class
The field for the yaw record component.
yaw - Variable in class
yaw - Variable in class
yaw - Variable in class
yaw - Variable in record class
The field for the yaw record component.
yaw - Variable in record class
The field for the yaw record component.
yaw - Variable in class net.minecraft.util.math.EulerAngle
yaw - Variable in record class
The field for the yaw record component.
yaw() - Method in record class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelTransform
Returns the value of the yaw record component.
yaw() - Method in record class net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerPosition
Returns the value of the yaw record component.
yaw() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the yaw record component.
yaw() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the yaw record component.
yaw() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the yaw record component.
yaw() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the yaw record component.
yawAcceleration - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon.EnderDragonEntity
YawAdjustingLookControl - Class in
The yaw adjusting look control adjusts the entity's body yaw to be close to the head yaw.
YawAdjustingLookControl(MobEntity, int) - Constructor for class
yawAdjustThreshold - Variable in class
yawChange - Variable in class
yawDegrees - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.state.LivingEntityRenderState
yawFlipped - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.vehicle.AbstractMinecartEntity
yawRange - Variable in class net.minecraft.command.EntitySelectorReader
yawVelocity - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.vehicle.AbstractBoatEntity
yClampedGradient(int, int, double, double) - Static method in class
YClampedGradient(int, int, double, double) - Constructor for record class
yd - Variable in record class net.minecraft.item.BrushItem.DustParticlesOffset
The field for the yd record component.
yd() - Method in record class net.minecraft.item.BrushItem.DustParticlesOffset
Returns the value of the yd record component.
YEARN_GOAT_HORN - Static variable in interface net.minecraft.item.Instruments
YELLOW - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.entity.boss.BossBar.Color
YELLOW - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.util.DyeColor
YELLOW - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.util.Formatting
YELLOW - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.MapColor
YELLOW - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.debug.ChunkBorderDebugRenderer
YELLOW - Static variable in class net.minecraft.scoreboard.number.StyledNumberFormat
YELLOW - Static variable in class net.minecraft.util.Colors
Represents the color yellow, 0xFFFFFF00.
YELLOW_BANNER - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
YELLOW_BANNER - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
YELLOW_BED - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
YELLOW_BED - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
YELLOW_BLUE - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.entity.passive.ParrotEntity.Variant
YELLOW_BUNDLE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
YELLOW_CANDLE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
YELLOW_CANDLE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
YELLOW_CANDLE_CAKE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
YELLOW_CARPET - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
YELLOW_CARPET - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
YELLOW_CONCRETE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
YELLOW_CONCRETE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
YELLOW_CONCRETE_POWDER - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
YELLOW_CONCRETE_POWDER - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
YELLOW_DYE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
YELLOW_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
YELLOW_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
YELLOW_SHULKER_BOX - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
YELLOW_SHULKER_BOX - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
YELLOW_TERRACOTTA - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
YELLOW_TERRACOTTA - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
YELLOW_TERRACOTTA - Static variable in class
YELLOW_TEXTURE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.ParrotEntityRenderer
YELLOW_WALL_BANNER - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
YELLOW_WOOL - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
YELLOW_WOOL - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
YES - Static variable in class net.minecraft.screen.ScreenTexts
yesText - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ConfirmScreen
yFactor - Variable in class net.minecraft.util.math.noise.InterpolatedNoiseSampler
YLevels - Class in
YLevels() - Constructor for class
yMargin() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.AccessibilityOnboardingScreen
yOffset - Variable in record class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.feature.HeadFeatureRenderer.HeadTransformation
The field for the yOffset record component.
yOffset - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PhantomEntity.CircleMovementGoal
yOffset - Variable in class
yOffset() - Method in record class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.feature.HeadFeatureRenderer.HeadTransformation
Returns the value of the yOffset record component.
YOffset - Interface in
YOffset.AboveBottom - Record Class in
YOffset.BelowTop - Record Class in
YOffset.Fixed - Record Class in
yPoints - Variable in class net.minecraft.util.shape.ArrayVoxelShape
yRot - Variable in record class net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon.EnderDragonFrameTracker.Frame
The field for the yRot record component.
yRot - Variable in record class net.minecraft.entity.vehicle.ExperimentalMinecartController.Step
The field for the yRot record component.
yRot - Variable in record class
The field for the yRot record component.
yRot() - Method in record class net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon.EnderDragonFrameTracker.Frame
Returns the value of the yRot record component.
yRot() - Method in record class net.minecraft.entity.vehicle.ExperimentalMinecartController.Step
Returns the value of the yRot record component.
yRot() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the yRot record component.
yRotation - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.PlayerSkinWidget
yScale - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelPart
yScale - Variable in record class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelTransform
The field for the yScale record component.
yScale - Variable in class net.minecraft.util.math.noise.InterpolatedNoiseSampler
yScale - Variable in class
yScale - Variable in record class
The field for the yScale record component.
yScale - Variable in record class
The field for the yScale record component.
yScale() - Method in record class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelTransform
Returns the value of the yScale record component.
yScale() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the yScale record component.
yScale() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the yScale record component.
ySectionCoord - Variable in class
ySide - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.model.CubeFace.Corner
ySpread - Variable in record class
The field for the ySpread record component.
ySpread() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the ySpread record component.
YXZ - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.Octree.AxisOrder
YZX - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.Octree.AxisOrder
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form