Interface Spawner

All Known Implementing Classes:
CatSpawner, PhantomSpawner, PillagerSpawner, WanderingTraderManager, ZombieSiegeManager

public interface Spawner
Handles spawning entities in a world.

A spawner is typically used to spawn entities within a special context, such as cats in a village or wandering traders.

Namespace Name
official bth
intermediary net/minecraft/class_5304
named net/minecraft/world/gen/Spawner
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    int spawn​(ServerWorld world, boolean spawnMonsters, boolean spawnAnimals)
    Spawns entities into a world.
  • Method Details

    • spawn

      int spawn​(ServerWorld world, boolean spawnMonsters, boolean spawnAnimals)
      Spawns entities into a world.
      spawnMonsters - whether monsters should be spawned
      spawnAnimals - whether animals should be spawned
      the number of entities spawned
      Namespace Name Mixin selector
      official a Lbth;a(Laav;ZZ)I
      intermediary method_6445 Lnet/minecraft/class_5304;method_6445(Lnet/minecraft/class_3218;ZZ)I
      named spawn Lnet/minecraft/world/gen/Spawner;spawn(Lnet/minecraft/server/world/ServerWorld;ZZ)I