Package net.minecraft.entity
Interface Summary Interface Description Bucketable CrossbowUser Entity.PositionUpdater EntityData EntityInteraction EntityLike EntityType.EntityFactory<T extends Entity> Flutterer FlyingItemEntity InteractionObserver ItemSteerable JumpingMount Npc Saddleable Represents an entity that can be saddled, either by a player or a dispenser.Shearable Represents an entity that can be sheared, either by a player or a dispenser.SpawnRestriction.SpawnPredicate<T extends Entity> -
Class Summary Class Description AreaEffectCloudEntity DamageUtil Dismounting Entity EntityDimensions EntityGroup EntityType<T extends Entity> EntityType.Builder<T extends Entity> ExperienceOrbEntity EyeOfEnderEntity FallingBlockEntity ItemEntity LightningEntity LivingEntity Represents an entity which has a health value and can receive damage.SaddledComponent SpawnRestriction SpawnRestriction.Entry TntEntity -
Enum Summary Enum Description Entity.class_5799 Entity.RemovalReason EntityPose EquipmentSlot EquipmentSlot.Type MovementType SpawnGroup SpawnReason SpawnRestriction.Location