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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


JACK_O_LANTERN - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
JACK_O_LANTERN - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
jacket - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.PlayerEntityModel
JACKET - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.PlayerModelPart
JACKET - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.EntityModelPartNames
The key of a jacket model part, whose value is "jacket".
JAGGED - Static variable in class
JAGGED_PEAKS - Static variable in class
JAGGEDNESS_AMPLIFIER - Static variable in class
JAGGEDNESS_OVERWORLD - Static variable in class
JAR_FILE_SYSTEM_PROVIDER - Static variable in class net.minecraft.util.Util
The file system provider for handling jar and zip files.
JAVA_ACCOUNT_SETTINGS_URL - Static variable in enum class net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.ChatRestriction
JAVA_FEEDBACK_URL - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.GameMenuScreen
JAVA_MODERATION_URL - Static variable in class
JAVA_VERSION - Static variable in class net.minecraft.util.SystemDetails
javaFunctions - Variable in class net.minecraft.loot.LootPool
jaw - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.EnderDragonEntityRenderer.DragonEntityModel
jaw - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.DragonHeadEntityModel
jaw - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.RavagerEntityModel
JAW - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.EntityModelPartNames
The key of a jaw model part, whose value is "jaw".
JELLIE - Static variable in record class net.minecraft.entity.passive.CatVariant
JFR_DUMP_FAILED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class net.minecraft.server.command.JfrCommand
JFR_START_FAILED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class net.minecraft.server.command.JfrCommand
JfrCommand - Class in net.minecraft.server.command
JfrCommand() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.server.command.JfrCommand
JfrJsonReport - Class in net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr
JfrJsonReport() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.JfrJsonReport
JfrListener - Class in net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr
JfrListener(Runnable) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.JfrListener
JfrProfile - Record Class in net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr
JfrProfile(Instant, Instant, Duration, Duration, List<ServerTickTimeSample>, List<CpuLoadSample>, GcHeapSummarySample.Statistics, ThreadAllocationStatisticsSample.AllocationMap, NetworkIoStatistics, NetworkIoStatistics, FileIoSample.Statistics, FileIoSample.Statistics, List<ChunkGenerationSample>) - Constructor for record class net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.JfrProfile
JfrProfiler - Class in net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr
JfrProfiler() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.JfrProfiler
JfrProfileRecorder - Class in net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr
JfrProfileRecorder(Stream<RecordedEvent>) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.JfrProfileRecorder
JfrProfileRecorder.PacketCounter - Class in net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr
jigsaw - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.JigsawBlockScreen
JIGSAW - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
JIGSAW - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.entity.BlockEntityType
JIGSAW - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
JIGSAW - Static variable in record class net.minecraft.structure.StructurePiecesList
JIGSAW - Static variable in interface net.minecraft.structure.StructurePieceType
JIGSAW - Static variable in interface
JIGSAW_FAILED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class net.minecraft.server.command.PlaceCommand
JIGSAW_REPLACEMENT - Static variable in interface net.minecraft.structure.processor.StructureProcessorType
JigsawBlock - Class in net.minecraft.block
JigsawBlock(AbstractBlock.Settings) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.JigsawBlock
JigsawBlockEntity - Class in net.minecraft.block.entity
JigsawBlockEntity(BlockPos, BlockState) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.entity.JigsawBlockEntity
JigsawBlockEntity.Joint - Enum Class in net.minecraft.block.entity
JigsawBlockNameFix - Class in net.minecraft.datafixer.fix
A block (re)name fix that updates the block references within Jigsaw block entities.
JigsawBlockNameFix(Schema, String) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.JigsawBlockNameFix
JigsawBlockScreen - Class in net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame
JigsawBlockScreen(JigsawBlockEntity) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.JigsawBlockScreen
JigsawGeneratingC2SPacket - Class in
JigsawGeneratingC2SPacket(PacketByteBuf) - Constructor for class
JigsawGeneratingC2SPacket(BlockPos, int, boolean) - Constructor for class
JigsawJunction - Class in net.minecraft.structure
JigsawJunction(int, int, int, int, StructurePool.Projection) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.structure.JigsawJunction
JigsawOrientation - Enum Class in net.minecraft.block.enums
JigsawOrientation(String, Direction, Direction) - Constructor for enum class net.minecraft.block.enums.JigsawOrientation
JigsawPropertiesFix - Class in net.minecraft.datafixer.fix
JigsawPropertiesFix(Schema, boolean) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.JigsawPropertiesFix
JigsawReplacementStructureProcessor - Class in net.minecraft.structure.processor
JigsawReplacementStructureProcessor() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.structure.processor.JigsawReplacementStructureProcessor
JigsawRotationFix - Class in net.minecraft.datafixer.fix
JigsawRotationFix(Schema, boolean) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.JigsawRotationFix
JigsawStructure - Class in
JigsawStructure(Structure.Config, RegistryEntry<StructurePool>, int, HeightProvider, boolean) - Constructor for class
JigsawStructure(Structure.Config, RegistryEntry<StructurePool>, int, HeightProvider, boolean, Heightmap.Type) - Constructor for class
JigsawStructure(Structure.Config, RegistryEntry<StructurePool>, Optional<Identifier>, int, HeightProvider, boolean, Optional<Heightmap.Type>, int) - Constructor for class
JOB_SITE - Static variable in class
JOB_WALKING_SPEED - Static variable in class
JOCKEY - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.entity.SpawnReason
johnny - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.VindicatorEntity
JOHNNY_KEY - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.VindicatorEntity
join - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.task.OpenServerTask
join() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.realms.task.RealmsGetServerDetailsTask
join(long) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.realms.RealmsClient
join(Collection<? extends Text>, Text) - Static method in class net.minecraft.text.Texts
join(Collection<? extends T>, Function<T, Text>) - Static method in class net.minecraft.text.Texts
join(Collection<? extends T>, Optional<? extends Text>, Function<T, Text>) - Static method in class net.minecraft.text.Texts
join(Collection<? extends T>, Text, Function<T, Text>) - Static method in class net.minecraft.text.Texts
join(BiFunction<ItemStack, LootContext, ItemStack>[]) - Static method in class net.minecraft.loot.function.LootFunctionTypes
JOIN - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.RealmsWorldSlotButton.Action
JOIN_PC_ENDPOINT - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.RealmsClient
joinAnd(Predicate<T>[]) - Static method in class net.minecraft.loot.condition.LootConditionTypes
joinBlockPos(short, int, ChunkPos) - Static method in class
joined - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.font.TextHandler.LineWrappingCollector
joinedFirstServer - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.option.GameOptions
joinEncoder - Variable in class net.minecraft.server.filter.TextFilterer
joinEndpoint - Variable in class net.minecraft.server.filter.TextFilterer
joiner - Variable in class net.minecraft.loot.function.ConditionalLootFunction.Joiner
Joiner(Function<LootCondition[], LootFunction>) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.loot.function.ConditionalLootFunction.Joiner
JOINER - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.pattern.BlockPatternBuilder
joinGroupOf(SchoolingFishEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.SchoolingFishEntity
joinInvulnerabilityTicks - Variable in class
joinKeys() - Method in class net.minecraft.util.InvalidHierarchicalFileException.File
joinLines(Collection<? extends Text>) - Static method in class net.minecraft.screen.ScreenTexts
joinLines(Text[]) - Static method in class net.minecraft.screen.ScreenTexts
joinOr(Predicate<T>[]) - Static method in class net.minecraft.loot.condition.LootConditionTypes
joinOrdered(Collection<String>) - Static method in class net.minecraft.text.Texts
joinOrdered(Collection<T>, Function<T, Text>) - Static method in class net.minecraft.text.Texts
joinPath() - Method in class net.minecraft.nbt.visitor.NbtOrderedStringFormatter
joinRealm(RealmsServer) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsConfigureWorldScreen
joinSentences(Text[]) - Static method in class net.minecraft.screen.ScreenTexts
joinServerSession(String) - Method in class
joint - Variable in class net.minecraft.block.entity.JigsawBlockEntity
joint - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.JigsawBlockScreen
Joint(String) - Constructor for enum class net.minecraft.block.entity.JigsawBlockEntity.Joint
JOINT_KEY - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.entity.JigsawBlockEntity
JOINT_LABEL_TEXT - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.JigsawBlockScreen
joinTime - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.dto.PlayerActivity
jointRotationButton - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.JigsawBlockScreen
jointType - Variable in class
joinWorld(ClientWorld) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient
JOURNEYMAN_BUY_XP - Static variable in class net.minecraft.village.TradeOffers
JOURNEYMAN_SELL_XP - Static variable in class net.minecraft.village.TradeOffers
json(String) - Static method in class net.minecraft.resource.ResourceFinder
JSON - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.RealmsClient
JSON_ELEMENT - Static variable in class net.minecraft.util.dynamic.Codecs
JSON_ERROR_TEXT - Static variable in record class
JSON_KEY_SORT_ORDER - Static variable in interface
JSON_KEY_SORTING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in interface
JSON_PARSER - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.dto.RealmsServerPlayerList
JSON_READER_LINE_START - Static variable in class net.minecraft.text.Text.Serializer
JSON_READER_POS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.text.Text.Serializer
JSON_TYPE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.advancement.PlayerAdvancementTracker
JsonDataLoader - Class in net.minecraft.resource
An abstract implementation of resource reloader that reads JSON files into Gson representations in the prepare stage.
JsonDataLoader(Gson, String) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.resource.JsonDataLoader
JsonEffectShaderProgram - Class in
JsonEffectShaderProgram(ResourceManager, String) - Constructor for class
JsonHelper - Class in net.minecraft.util
Provides methods for validating and deserializing JSON elements.
JsonHelper() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.util.JsonHelper
jsonPath - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.util.ProfileKeysImpl
JsonSerializableType<T> - Class in net.minecraft.util
JsonSerializableType(JsonSerializer<? extends T>) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.util.JsonSerializableType
jsonSerializer - Variable in class net.minecraft.util.JsonSerializableType
JsonSerializer<T> - Interface in net.minecraft.util
JsonSerializing - Class in net.minecraft.util
JsonSerializing() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.util.JsonSerializing
JsonSerializing.ElementSerializer<T> - Interface in net.minecraft.util
JsonSerializing.GsonSerializer<E,T extends JsonSerializableType<E>> - Class in net.minecraft.util
JsonSerializing.SerializerBuilder<E,T extends JsonSerializableType<E>> - Class in net.minecraft.util
A builder for serializing types to JSON that can either obtain a type from a registry to handle JSON conversion or handle with a custom logic bound to a type.
jsonToCompound(JsonObject) - Static method in class net.minecraft.stat.ServerStatHandler
JsonUnbakedModel - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.model.json
JsonUnbakedModel(Identifier, List<ModelElement>, Map<String, Either<SpriteIdentifier, String>>, boolean, JsonUnbakedModel.GuiLight, ModelTransformation, List<ModelOverride>) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.model.json.JsonUnbakedModel
JsonUnbakedModel.Deserializer - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.model.json
JsonUnbakedModel.GuiLight - Enum Class in net.minecraft.client.render.model.json
JsonUnbakedModel.UncheckedModelException - Exception Class in net.minecraft.client.render.model.json
An unused unchecked exception.
jsonUnbakedModels - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.model.ModelLoader
JsonUtils - Class in net.minecraft.client.realms.util
JsonUtils() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.realms.util.JsonUtils
JUKEBOX - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
JUKEBOX - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.entity.BlockEntityType
JUKEBOX - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
JUKEBOX_PLAY - Static variable in class
JUKEBOX_STOP_PLAY - Static variable in class
JukeboxBlock - Class in net.minecraft.block
JukeboxBlock(AbstractBlock.Settings) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.JukeboxBlock
JukeboxBlockEntity - Class in net.minecraft.block.entity
JukeboxBlockEntity(BlockPos, BlockState) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.entity.JukeboxBlockEntity
jukeboxEventHandler - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AllayEntity
JukeboxEventListener(PositionSource, int) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AllayEntity.JukeboxEventListener
jukeboxPos - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AllayEntity
jump() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity
jump() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.MagmaCubeEntity
jump() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.SlimeEntity
jump() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.RabbitEntity
jump() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity
jump(float, float, float) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AbstractHorseEntity
jump(float, float, float) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.CamelEntity
JUMP - Enum constant in enum class
JUMP - Static variable in class net.minecraft.stat.Stats
JUMP_BOOST - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.effect.StatusEffects
JUMP_TIME_VARIANCE - Static variable in class
JumpChasingGoal() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity.JumpChasingGoal
jumpControl - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.MobEntity
JumpControl - Class in
JumpControl(MobEntity) - Constructor for class
jumpDuration - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.RabbitEntity
JumpInBedTask - Class in
JumpInBedTask(float) - Constructor for class
jumping - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.input.Input
jumping - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity
jumping - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AbstractHorseEntity
jumping - Variable in class
JUMPING - Enum constant in enum class
JUMPING_MASK - Static variable in class
jumpingCooldown - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity
JumpingMount - Interface in net.minecraft.entity
jumpKey - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.option.GameOptions
A key binding for jumping.
jumpOften - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.SlimeEntity.SlimeMoveControl
jumpProgress - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.RabbitEntityModel
jumpsRemaining - Variable in class
jumpStrength - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AbstractHorseEntity
jumpTicks - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.RabbitEntity
jumpToPage(int) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.BookScreen
jumpToPage(int) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.LecternScreen
jumpToPredicate - Variable in class
jumpVelocityMultiplier - Variable in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock
jumpVelocityMultiplier - Variable in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock.Settings
jumpVelocityMultiplier(float) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock.Settings
junctionIterator - Variable in class
junctions - Variable in class net.minecraft.structure.PoolStructurePiece
jungle() - Static method in class
JUNGLE - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.entity.vehicle.BoatEntity.Type
JUNGLE - Static variable in class
JUNGLE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.util.SignType
JUNGLE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.village.VillagerType
JUNGLE - Static variable in class
JUNGLE_BOAT - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
JUNGLE_BUSH - Static variable in class
JUNGLE_BUSH - Static variable in class
JUNGLE_BUTTON - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
JUNGLE_BUTTON - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
JUNGLE_CHEST_BOAT - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
JUNGLE_DOOR - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
JUNGLE_DOOR - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
JUNGLE_FENCE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
JUNGLE_FENCE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
JUNGLE_FENCE_GATE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
JUNGLE_FENCE_GATE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
JUNGLE_FOLIAGE_PLACER - Static variable in class
JUNGLE_HANGING_SIGN - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
JUNGLE_HANGING_SIGN - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
JUNGLE_LEAVES - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
JUNGLE_LEAVES - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
JUNGLE_LOG - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
JUNGLE_LOG - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
JUNGLE_LOGS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.registry.tag.BlockTags
JUNGLE_LOGS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.registry.tag.ItemTags
JUNGLE_PLANKS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
JUNGLE_PLANKS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
JUNGLE_PRESSURE_PLATE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
JUNGLE_PRESSURE_PLATE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
JUNGLE_PYRAMID - Static variable in interface
JUNGLE_PYRAMID_STRUCTURE_ID - Static variable in class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.StructureSeparationDataFix
JUNGLE_SAPLING - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
JUNGLE_SAPLING - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
JUNGLE_SAPLING_DROP_CHANCE - Static variable in class
JUNGLE_SIGN - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
JUNGLE_SIGN - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
JUNGLE_SLAB - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
JUNGLE_SLAB - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
JUNGLE_STAIRS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
JUNGLE_STAIRS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
JUNGLE_TEMPLE - Static variable in interface net.minecraft.structure.StructurePieceType
JUNGLE_TEMPLE - Static variable in interface
JUNGLE_TEMPLE_CHEST - Static variable in class net.minecraft.loot.LootTables
JUNGLE_TEMPLE_DISPENSER_CHEST - Static variable in class net.minecraft.loot.LootTables
JUNGLE_TEMPLE_HAS_STRUCTURE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.registry.tag.BiomeTags
JUNGLE_TEMPLES - Static variable in interface net.minecraft.structure.StructureSetKeys
JUNGLE_TRAPDOOR - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
JUNGLE_TRAPDOOR - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
JUNGLE_TREE - Static variable in class
JUNGLE_TREE - Static variable in class
JUNGLE_TREE_NO_VINE - Static variable in class
JUNGLE_WALL_HANGING_SIGN - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
JUNGLE_WALL_SIGN - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
JUNGLE_WOOD - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
JUNGLE_WOOD - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
JungleFoliagePlacer - Class in
JungleFoliagePlacer(IntProvider, IntProvider, int) - Constructor for class
JungleSaplingGenerator - Class in net.minecraft.block.sapling
JungleSaplingGenerator() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.sapling.JungleSaplingGenerator
JungleTempleGenerator - Class in net.minecraft.structure
JungleTempleGenerator(NbtCompound) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.structure.JungleTempleGenerator
JungleTempleGenerator(Random, int, int) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.structure.JungleTempleGenerator
JungleTempleGenerator.CobblestoneRandomizer - Class in net.minecraft.structure
JungleTempleStructure - Class in
JungleTempleStructure(Structure.Config) - Constructor for class
JUST_ATTACKED_SOMETHING_FILTER - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity
justBody - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.WardenEntityModel
justClosedPopup - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsMainScreen
justLoaded - Variable in class net.minecraft.server.function.CommandFunctionManager
Whether this command function manager has just loaded and should run all functions in the minecraft:load function tag.
justUpdated - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.toast.RecipeToast
justUpdated - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.toast.SystemToast
jvm - Variable in record class net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.sample.CpuLoadSample
The field for the jvm record component.
jvm() - Method in record class net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.sample.CpuLoadSample
Returns the value of the jvm record component.
JVM - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.util.profiler.SampleType
JVM_VERSION - Static variable in class net.minecraft.util.SystemDetails
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form