Uses of Class
Packages that use EntityType
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.block
Fields in net.minecraft.block with type parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescription(package private) AbstractBlock.TypedContextPredicate
<EntityType<?>> AbstractBlock.Settings.allowsSpawningPredicate
Methods in net.minecraft.block with parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(BlockView world, BlockPos pos, EntityType<?> type) private static Boolean
(BlockState state, BlockView world, BlockPos pos, EntityType<?> type) A shortcut to always returntrue
in a typed context predicate with anEntityType
, used likesettings.allowSpawning(Blocks::always)
.private static Boolean
(BlockState state, BlockView world, BlockPos pos, EntityType<?> type) RespawnAnchorBlock.findRespawnPosition
(EntityType<?> entity, CollisionView world, BlockPos pos) RespawnAnchorBlock.findRespawnPosition
(EntityType<?> entity, CollisionView world, BlockPos pos, boolean ignoreInvalidPos) BedBlock.findWakeUpPosition
(EntityType<?> type, CollisionView world, BlockPos pos, int[][] possibleOffsets, boolean ignoreInvalidPos) BedBlock.findWakeUpPosition
(EntityType<?> type, CollisionView world, BlockPos pos, Direction bedDirection, float spawnAngle) BedBlock.findWakeUpPosition
(EntityType<?> type, CollisionView world, BlockPos pos, Direction bedDirection, Direction respawnDirection) private static Boolean
(BlockState state, BlockView world, BlockPos pos, EntityType<?> type) A shortcut to always returnfalse
in a typed context predicate with anEntityType
, used likesettings.allowSpawning(Blocks::never)
.Method parameters in net.minecraft.block with type arguments of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAbstractBlock.Settings.allowsSpawning
(AbstractBlock.TypedContextPredicate<EntityType<?>> predicate) Specifies logic that calculates whether an entity can spawn on a block. -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.block.entity
Methods in net.minecraft.block.entity with parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(EntityType<?> type, Random random) void
(EntityType<?> type, Random random) void
(EntityType<?> type, Random random) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.block.spawner
Methods in net.minecraft.block.spawner with parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(EntityType<?> type, @Nullable World world, Random random, BlockPos pos) void
(TrialSpawnerLogic logic, Random random, EntityType<?> type) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.client.gui.screen
Constructors in net.minecraft.client.gui.screen with parameters of type EntityType -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.client.render.entity
Fields in net.minecraft.client.render.entity with type parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate static final Map
<EntityType<?>, EntityRendererFactory<?>> EntityRenderers.RENDERER_FACTORIES
private Map
<EntityType<?>, EntityRenderer<?>> EntityRenderDispatcher.renderers
private static final Map
<EntityType<?>, Identifier> DonkeyEntityRenderer.TEXTURES
private static final Map
<EntityType<?>, Identifier> PiglinEntityRenderer.TEXTURES
private static final Map
<EntityType<?>, Identifier> ZombieHorseEntityRenderer.TEXTURES
Methods in net.minecraft.client.render.entity that return types with arguments of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Map
<EntityType<?>, EntityRenderer<?>> EntityRenderers.reloadEntityRenderers
(EntityRendererFactory.Context ctx) Methods in net.minecraft.client.render.entity with parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprivate static <T extends Entity>
(EntityType<? extends T> type, EntityRendererFactory<T> factory) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.command
Fields in net.minecraft.command declared as EntityTypeMethods in net.minecraft.command with parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(EntityType<?> entityType) Constructors in net.minecraft.command with parameters of type EntityTypeModifierConstructorDescriptionEntitySelector
(int count, boolean includesNonPlayers, boolean localWorldOnly, List<Predicate<Entity>> predicates, NumberRange.DoubleRange distance, Function<Vec3d, Vec3d> positionOffset, @Nullable Box box, BiConsumer<Vec3d, List<? extends Entity>> sorter, boolean senderOnly, @Nullable String playerName, @Nullable UUID uuid, @Nullable EntityType<?> type, boolean usesAt) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.command.argument
Methods in net.minecraft.command.argument that return types with arguments of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic RegistryEntry.Reference
<EntityType<?>> RegistryEntryReferenceArgumentType.getEntityType
(com.mojang.brigadier.context.CommandContext<ServerCommandSource> context, String name) static RegistryEntry.Reference
<EntityType<?>> RegistryEntryReferenceArgumentType.getSummonableEntityType
(com.mojang.brigadier.context.CommandContext<ServerCommandSource> context, String name) -
Uses of EntityType in
Fields in with type parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final List
<EntityType<?>> VanillaHusbandryTabAdvancementGenerator.BREEDABLE_ANIMALS
static final List
<EntityType<?>> VanillaHusbandryTabAdvancementGenerator.EGG_LAYING_ANIMALS
protected static final List
<EntityType<?>> VanillaAdventureTabAdvancementGenerator.MONSTERS
Methods in with parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprivate static AdvancementCriterion
<UsingItemCriterion.Conditions> VanillaAdventureTabAdvancementGenerator.createLookingAtEntityUsing
(EntityType<?> entity, Item item) Method parameters in with type arguments of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic AdvancementEntry
(AdvancementEntry parent, Consumer<AdvancementEntry> exporter, Stream<EntityType<?>> breedableAnimals, Stream<EntityType<?>> eggLayingAnimals) static AdvancementEntry
(AdvancementEntry parent, Consumer<AdvancementEntry> exporter, List<EntityType<?>> monsters) private static Advancement.Builder
(Advancement.Builder advancementBuilder, Stream<EntityType<?>> breedableAnimals, Stream<EntityType<?>> eggLayingAnimals) private static Advancement.Builder
(Advancement.Builder builder, List<EntityType<?>> entityTypes) -
Uses of EntityType in
Fields in with type parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate static final Set
<EntityType<?>> EntityLootTableGenerator.ENTITY_TYPES_IN_MISC_GROUP_TO_CHECK
private final Map
<EntityType<?>, Map<RegistryKey<LootTable>, LootTable.Builder>> EntityLootTableGenerator.lootTables
Methods in with parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(EntityType<?> entityType, LootTable.Builder lootTable) protected void
(EntityType<?> entityType, RegistryKey<LootTable> tableKey, LootTable.Builder lootTable) private static boolean
(EntityType<?> entityType) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.enchantment.effect.entity
Fields in net.minecraft.enchantment.effect.entity with type parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate final RegistryEntryList
<EntityType<?>> SummonEntityEnchantmentEffect.entityTypes
The field for theentityTypes
record component.Methods in net.minecraft.enchantment.effect.entity that return types with arguments of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSummonEntityEnchantmentEffect.entityTypes()
Returns the value of theentityTypes
record component.Constructor parameters in net.minecraft.enchantment.effect.entity with type arguments of type EntityTypeModifierConstructorDescriptionSummonEntityEnchantmentEffect
(RegistryEntryList<EntityType<?>> registryEntryList, boolean bool) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.entity
Fields in net.minecraft.entity declared as EntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final EntityType
<AllayEntity> EntityType.ALLAY
static final EntityType
<AreaEffectCloudEntity> EntityType.AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD
static final EntityType
<ArmadilloEntity> EntityType.ARMADILLO
static final EntityType
<ArmorStandEntity> EntityType.ARMOR_STAND
static final EntityType
<ArrowEntity> EntityType.ARROW
static final EntityType
<AxolotlEntity> EntityType.AXOLOTL
static final EntityType
<BatEntity> EntityType.BAT
static final EntityType
<BeeEntity> EntityType.BEE
static final EntityType
<BlazeEntity> EntityType.BLAZE
static final EntityType
<DisplayEntity.BlockDisplayEntity> EntityType.BLOCK_DISPLAY
static final EntityType
<BoatEntity> EntityType.BOAT
static final EntityType
<BoggedEntity> EntityType.BOGGED
static final EntityType
<BreezeEntity> EntityType.BREEZE
static final EntityType
<BreezeWindChargeEntity> EntityType.BREEZE_WIND_CHARGE
static final EntityType
<CamelEntity> EntityType.CAMEL
static final EntityType
<CatEntity> EntityType.CAT
static final EntityType
<CaveSpiderEntity> EntityType.CAVE_SPIDER
static final EntityType
<ChestBoatEntity> EntityType.CHEST_BOAT
static final EntityType
<ChestMinecartEntity> EntityType.CHEST_MINECART
static final EntityType
<ChickenEntity> EntityType.CHICKEN
static final EntityType
<CodEntity> EntityType.COD
static final EntityType
<CommandBlockMinecartEntity> EntityType.COMMAND_BLOCK_MINECART
static final EntityType
<CowEntity> EntityType.COW
static final EntityType
<CreeperEntity> EntityType.CREEPER
static final EntityType
<DolphinEntity> EntityType.DOLPHIN
static final EntityType
<DonkeyEntity> EntityType.DONKEY
static final EntityType
<DragonFireballEntity> EntityType.DRAGON_FIREBALL
static final EntityType
<DrownedEntity> EntityType.DROWNED
static final EntityType
<EggEntity> EntityType.EGG
static final EntityType
<ElderGuardianEntity> EntityType.ELDER_GUARDIAN
static final EntityType
<EndCrystalEntity> EntityType.END_CRYSTAL
static final EntityType
<EnderDragonEntity> EntityType.ENDER_DRAGON
static final EntityType
<EnderPearlEntity> EntityType.ENDER_PEARL
static final EntityType
<EndermanEntity> EntityType.ENDERMAN
static final EntityType
<EndermiteEntity> EntityType.ENDERMITE
static final EntityType
<EvokerEntity> EntityType.EVOKER
static final EntityType
<EvokerFangsEntity> EntityType.EVOKER_FANGS
static final EntityType
<ExperienceBottleEntity> EntityType.EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE
static final EntityType
<ExperienceOrbEntity> EntityType.EXPERIENCE_ORB
static final EntityType
<EyeOfEnderEntity> EntityType.EYE_OF_ENDER
static final EntityType
<FallingBlockEntity> EntityType.FALLING_BLOCK
static final EntityType
<FireballEntity> EntityType.FIREBALL
static final EntityType
<FireworkRocketEntity> EntityType.FIREWORK_ROCKET
static final EntityType
<FishingBobberEntity> EntityType.FISHING_BOBBER
static final EntityType
<FoxEntity> EntityType.FOX
static final EntityType
<FrogEntity> EntityType.FROG
static final EntityType
<FurnaceMinecartEntity> EntityType.FURNACE_MINECART
static final EntityType
<GhastEntity> EntityType.GHAST
static final EntityType
<GiantEntity> EntityType.GIANT
static final EntityType
<GlowItemFrameEntity> EntityType.GLOW_ITEM_FRAME
static final EntityType
<GlowSquidEntity> EntityType.GLOW_SQUID
static final EntityType
<GoatEntity> EntityType.GOAT
static final EntityType
<GuardianEntity> EntityType.GUARDIAN
static final EntityType
<HoglinEntity> EntityType.HOGLIN
static final EntityType
<HopperMinecartEntity> EntityType.HOPPER_MINECART
static final EntityType
<HorseEntity> EntityType.HORSE
static final EntityType
<HuskEntity> EntityType.HUSK
static final EntityType
<IllusionerEntity> EntityType.ILLUSIONER
static final EntityType
<InteractionEntity> EntityType.INTERACTION
static final EntityType
<IronGolemEntity> EntityType.IRON_GOLEM
static final EntityType
<ItemEntity> EntityType.ITEM
static final EntityType
<DisplayEntity.ItemDisplayEntity> EntityType.ITEM_DISPLAY
static final EntityType
<ItemFrameEntity> EntityType.ITEM_FRAME
static final EntityType
<LeashKnotEntity> EntityType.LEASH_KNOT
static final EntityType
<LightningEntity> EntityType.LIGHTNING_BOLT
static final EntityType
<LlamaEntity> EntityType.LLAMA
static final EntityType
<LlamaSpitEntity> EntityType.LLAMA_SPIT
static final EntityType
<MagmaCubeEntity> EntityType.MAGMA_CUBE
static final EntityType
<MarkerEntity> EntityType.MARKER
static final EntityType
<MinecartEntity> EntityType.MINECART
static final EntityType
<MooshroomEntity> EntityType.MOOSHROOM
static final EntityType
<MuleEntity> EntityType.MULE
static final EntityType
<OcelotEntity> EntityType.OCELOT
static final EntityType
<OminousItemSpawnerEntity> EntityType.OMINOUS_ITEM_SPAWNER
static final EntityType
<PaintingEntity> EntityType.PAINTING
static final EntityType
<PandaEntity> EntityType.PANDA
static final EntityType
<ParrotEntity> EntityType.PARROT
static final EntityType
<PhantomEntity> EntityType.PHANTOM
static final EntityType
<PigEntity> EntityType.PIG
static final EntityType
<PiglinEntity> EntityType.PIGLIN
static final EntityType
<PiglinBruteEntity> EntityType.PIGLIN_BRUTE
static final EntityType
<PillagerEntity> EntityType.PILLAGER
static final EntityType
<PlayerEntity> EntityType.PLAYER
static final EntityType
<PolarBearEntity> EntityType.POLAR_BEAR
static final EntityType
<PotionEntity> EntityType.POTION
static final EntityType
<PufferfishEntity> EntityType.PUFFERFISH
static final EntityType
<RabbitEntity> EntityType.RABBIT
static final EntityType
<RavagerEntity> EntityType.RAVAGER
static final EntityType
<SalmonEntity> EntityType.SALMON
static final EntityType
<SheepEntity> EntityType.SHEEP
static final EntityType
<ShulkerEntity> EntityType.SHULKER
static final EntityType
<ShulkerBulletEntity> EntityType.SHULKER_BULLET
static final EntityType
<SilverfishEntity> EntityType.SILVERFISH
static final EntityType
<SkeletonEntity> EntityType.SKELETON
static final EntityType
<SkeletonHorseEntity> EntityType.SKELETON_HORSE
static final EntityType
<SlimeEntity> EntityType.SLIME
static final EntityType
<SmallFireballEntity> EntityType.SMALL_FIREBALL
static final EntityType
<SnifferEntity> EntityType.SNIFFER
static final EntityType
<SnowGolemEntity> EntityType.SNOW_GOLEM
static final EntityType
<SnowballEntity> EntityType.SNOWBALL
static final EntityType
<SpawnerMinecartEntity> EntityType.SPAWNER_MINECART
static final EntityType
<SpectralArrowEntity> EntityType.SPECTRAL_ARROW
static final EntityType
<SpiderEntity> EntityType.SPIDER
static final EntityType
<SquidEntity> EntityType.SQUID
static final EntityType
<StrayEntity> EntityType.STRAY
static final EntityType
<StriderEntity> EntityType.STRIDER
static final EntityType
<TadpoleEntity> EntityType.TADPOLE
static final EntityType
<DisplayEntity.TextDisplayEntity> EntityType.TEXT_DISPLAY
static final EntityType
<TntEntity> EntityType.TNT
static final EntityType
<TntMinecartEntity> EntityType.TNT_MINECART
static final EntityType
<TraderLlamaEntity> EntityType.TRADER_LLAMA
static final EntityType
<TridentEntity> EntityType.TRIDENT
static final EntityType
<TropicalFishEntity> EntityType.TROPICAL_FISH
static final EntityType
<TurtleEntity> EntityType.TURTLE
private final EntityType
<?> Entity.type
static final EntityType
<VexEntity> EntityType.VEX
static final EntityType
<VillagerEntity> EntityType.VILLAGER
static final EntityType
<VindicatorEntity> EntityType.VINDICATOR
static final EntityType
<WanderingTraderEntity> EntityType.WANDERING_TRADER
static final EntityType
<WardenEntity> EntityType.WARDEN
static final EntityType
<WindChargeEntity> EntityType.WIND_CHARGE
static final EntityType
<WitchEntity> EntityType.WITCH
static final EntityType
<WitherEntity> EntityType.WITHER
static final EntityType
<WitherSkeletonEntity> EntityType.WITHER_SKELETON
static final EntityType
<WitherSkullEntity> EntityType.WITHER_SKULL
static final EntityType
<WolfEntity> EntityType.WOLF
static final EntityType
<ZoglinEntity> EntityType.ZOGLIN
static final EntityType
<ZombieEntity> EntityType.ZOMBIE
static final EntityType
<ZombieHorseEntity> EntityType.ZOMBIE_HORSE
static final EntityType
<ZombieVillagerEntity> EntityType.ZOMBIE_VILLAGER
static final EntityType
<ZombifiedPiglinEntity> EntityType.ZOMBIFIED_PIGLIN
Fields in net.minecraft.entity with type parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate final RegistryEntry.Reference
<EntityType<?>> EntityType.registryEntry
private static final Map
<EntityType<?>, SpawnRestriction.Entry> SpawnRestriction.RESTRICTIONS
Methods in net.minecraft.entity that return EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEntityType
<?> Entity.getType()
private static <T extends Entity>
EntityType<T> EntityType.register
(String id, EntityType.Builder<T> type) Methods in net.minecraft.entity that return types with arguments of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Optional
<EntityType<?>> EntityType.fromNbt
(NbtCompound nbt) static Optional
<EntityType<?>> EntityType.getRegistryEntry()
Deprecated.Methods in net.minecraft.entity with parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T extends Entity>
(EntityType<T> type, ServerWorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) boolean
(EntityType<?> type) EntityType.EntityFactory.create
(EntityType<T> type, World world) Dismounting.findRespawnPos
(EntityType<?> entityType, CollisionView world, BlockPos pos, boolean ignoreInvalidPos) static Heightmap.Type
(@Nullable EntityType<?> type) static Identifier
(EntityType<?> type) static SpawnLocation
(EntityType<?> type) static boolean
(EntityType<?> type, WorldView world, BlockPos pos) boolean
(WorldView world, BlockPos pos, @Nullable EntityType<?> entityType) private static <T extends MobEntity>
(EntityType<T> type, SpawnLocation location, Heightmap.Type heightmapType, SpawnRestriction.SpawnPredicate<T> predicate) boolean
(EntityType<T> type, ServerWorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) LargeEntitySpawnHelper.trySpawnAt
(EntityType<T> entityType, SpawnReason reason, ServerWorld world, BlockPos pos, int tries, int horizontalRange, int verticalRange, LargeEntitySpawnHelper.Requirements requirements) Method parameters in net.minecraft.entity with type arguments of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(RegistryEntryList<EntityType<?>> entityTypeEntryList) boolean
(TagKey<EntityType<?>> tag) Constructors in net.minecraft.entity with parameters of type EntityTypeModifierConstructorDescriptionAreaEffectCloudEntity
(EntityType<? extends AreaEffectCloudEntity> type, World world) Entity
(EntityType<?> type, World world) ExperienceOrbEntity
(EntityType<? extends ExperienceOrbEntity> type, World world) EyeOfEnderEntity
(EntityType<? extends EyeOfEnderEntity> type, World world) FallingBlockEntity
(EntityType<? extends FallingBlockEntity> type, World world) ItemEntity
(EntityType<? extends ItemEntity> type, World world) LightningEntity
(EntityType<? extends LightningEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends LivingEntity> type, World world) MarkerEntity
(EntityType<?> type, World world) OminousItemSpawnerEntity
(EntityType<? extends OminousItemSpawnerEntity> type, World world) TntEntity
(EntityType<? extends TntEntity> type, World world) -
Uses of EntityType in
Fields in with type parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate static final ImmutableMap
<EntityType<?>, Float> VillagerHostilesSensor.SQUARED_DISTANCES_FOR_DANGER
Uses of EntityType in
Fields in declared as EntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate final EntityType
<? extends AnimalEntity> BreedTask.targetType
Methods in with parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic boolean
(Brain<?> brain, MemoryModuleType<? extends LivingEntity> memoryModuleType, EntityType<?> entityType) static <E extends LivingEntity,
T extends LivingEntity>
Task<E> FindEntityTask.create
(EntityType<? extends T> type, int maxDistance, Predicate<E> entityPredicate, Predicate<T> targetPredicate, MemoryModuleType<T> targetModule, float speed, int completionRange) static <T extends LivingEntity>
Task<LivingEntity> FindEntityTask.create
(EntityType<? extends T> type, int maxDistance, MemoryModuleType<T> targetModule, float speed, int completionRange) static Task
<LivingEntity> FindInteractionTargetTask.create
(EntityType<?> type, int maxDistance) static SingleTickTask
<LivingEntity> LookAtMobTask.create
(EntityType<?> type, float maxDistance) static Task
<LivingEntity> LookAtMobWithIntervalTask.follow
(EntityType<?> type, float maxDistance, UniformIntProvider interval) Deprecated.Constructors in with parameters of type EntityTypeModifierConstructorDescriptionBreedTask
(EntityType<? extends AnimalEntity> targetType) BreedTask
(EntityType<? extends AnimalEntity> targetType, float speed, int approachDistance) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.entity.attribute
Fields in net.minecraft.entity.attribute with type parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate static final Map
<EntityType<? extends LivingEntity>, DefaultAttributeContainer> DefaultAttributeRegistry.DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_REGISTRY
Methods in net.minecraft.entity.attribute with parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic DefaultAttributeContainer
(EntityType<? extends LivingEntity> type) static boolean
(EntityType<?> type) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.entity.boss
Constructors in net.minecraft.entity.boss with parameters of type EntityType -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon
Constructors in net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon with parameters of type EntityTypeModifierConstructorDescriptionEnderDragonEntity
(EntityType<? extends EnderDragonEntity> type, World world) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.entity.decoration
Constructors in net.minecraft.entity.decoration with parameters of type EntityTypeModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(EntityType<? extends AbstractDecorationEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends AbstractDecorationEntity> type, World world, BlockPos pos) ArmorStandEntity
(EntityType<? extends ArmorStandEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends BlockAttachedEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends BlockAttachedEntity> type, World world, BlockPos attachedBlockPos) BlockDisplayEntity
(EntityType<?> type, World world) DisplayEntity
(EntityType<?> type, World world) EndCrystalEntity
(EntityType<? extends EndCrystalEntity> type, World world) GlowItemFrameEntity
(EntityType<? extends ItemFrameEntity> type, World world) InteractionEntity
(EntityType<?> type, World world) ItemDisplayEntity
(EntityType<?> type, World world) ItemFrameEntity
(EntityType<? extends ItemFrameEntity> type, World world) ItemFrameEntity
(EntityType<? extends ItemFrameEntity> type, World world, BlockPos pos, Direction facing) LeashKnotEntity
(EntityType<? extends LeashKnotEntity> type, World world) TextDisplayEntity
(EntityType<?> type, World world) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.entity.decoration.painting
Constructors in net.minecraft.entity.decoration.painting with parameters of type EntityTypeModifierConstructorDescriptionPaintingEntity
(EntityType<? extends PaintingEntity> type, World world) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.entity.mob
Methods in net.minecraft.entity.mob that return EntityTypeMethods in net.minecraft.entity.mob with parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic boolean
(EntityType<MagmaCubeEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<? extends MobEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<DrownedEntity> type, ServerWorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<EndermiteEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<GhastEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<? extends GuardianEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<HoglinEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<HuskEntity> type, ServerWorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<? extends PatrolEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<PiglinEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<SilverfishEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<? extends AnimalEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason reason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<SlimeEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<StrayEntity> type, ServerWorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<? extends WaterCreatureEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason reason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<? extends AnimalEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason reason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<ZombifiedPiglinEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<? extends HostileEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<? extends HostileEntity> type, ServerWorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) boolean
(EntityType<?> type) boolean
(EntityType<?> type) boolean
(EntityType<?> type) <T extends MobEntity>
(EntityType<T> entityType, boolean keepEquipment) Converts this entity to the providedentityType
.protected void
(EntityType<? extends ZombieEntity> entityType) static boolean
(EntityType<?> entityType) Constructors in net.minecraft.entity.mob with parameters of type EntityTypeModifierConstructorDescriptionAbstractPiglinEntity
(EntityType<? extends AbstractPiglinEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends AbstractSkeletonEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends AmbientEntity> type, World world) BlazeEntity
(EntityType<? extends BlazeEntity> type, World world) BoggedEntity
(EntityType<? extends BoggedEntity> type, World world) BreezeEntity
(EntityType<? extends HostileEntity> type, World world) CaveSpiderEntity
(EntityType<? extends CaveSpiderEntity> type, World world) CreeperEntity
(EntityType<? extends CreeperEntity> type, World world) DrownedEntity
(EntityType<? extends DrownedEntity> type, World world) ElderGuardianEntity
(EntityType<? extends ElderGuardianEntity> type, World world) EndermanEntity
(EntityType<? extends EndermanEntity> type, World world) EndermiteEntity
(EntityType<? extends EndermiteEntity> type, World world) EvokerEntity
(EntityType<? extends EvokerEntity> type, World world) EvokerFangsEntity
(EntityType<? extends EvokerFangsEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends FlyingEntity> type, World world) GhastEntity
(EntityType<? extends GhastEntity> type, World world) GiantEntity
(EntityType<? extends GiantEntity> type, World world) GuardianEntity
(EntityType<? extends GuardianEntity> type, World world) HoglinEntity
(EntityType<? extends HoglinEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends HostileEntity> type, World world) HuskEntity
(EntityType<? extends HuskEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends IllagerEntity> type, World world) IllusionerEntity
(EntityType<? extends IllusionerEntity> type, World world) MagmaCubeEntity
(EntityType<? extends MagmaCubeEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends MobEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends PathAwareEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends PatrolEntity> type, World world) PhantomEntity
(EntityType<? extends PhantomEntity> type, World world) PiglinBruteEntity
(EntityType<? extends PiglinBruteEntity> type, World world) PiglinEntity
(EntityType<? extends AbstractPiglinEntity> type, World world) PillagerEntity
(EntityType<? extends PillagerEntity> type, World world) RavagerEntity
(EntityType<? extends RavagerEntity> type, World world) ShulkerEntity
(EntityType<? extends ShulkerEntity> type, World world) SilverfishEntity
(EntityType<? extends SilverfishEntity> type, World world) SkeletonEntity
(EntityType<? extends SkeletonEntity> type, World world) SkeletonHorseEntity
(EntityType<? extends SkeletonHorseEntity> type, World world) SlimeEntity
(EntityType<? extends SlimeEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends SpellcastingIllagerEntity> type, World world) SpiderEntity
(EntityType<? extends SpiderEntity> type, World world) StrayEntity
(EntityType<? extends StrayEntity> type, World world) VexEntity
(EntityType<? extends VexEntity> type, World world) VindicatorEntity
(EntityType<? extends VindicatorEntity> type, World world) WardenEntity
(EntityType<? extends HostileEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends WaterCreatureEntity> type, World world) WitchEntity
(EntityType<? extends WitchEntity> type, World world) WitherSkeletonEntity
(EntityType<? extends WitherSkeletonEntity> type, World world) ZoglinEntity
(EntityType<? extends ZoglinEntity> type, World world) ZombieEntity
(EntityType<? extends ZombieEntity> type, World world) ZombieHorseEntity
(EntityType<? extends ZombieHorseEntity> type, World world) ZombieVillagerEntity
(EntityType<? extends ZombieVillagerEntity> type, World world) ZombifiedPiglinEntity
(EntityType<? extends ZombifiedPiglinEntity> type, World world) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.entity.passive
Fields in net.minecraft.entity.passive with type parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescription(package private) static final Map
<EntityType<?>, SoundEvent> ParrotEntity.MOB_SOUNDS
Methods in net.minecraft.entity.passive with parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic boolean
(EntityType<ArmadilloEntity> entityType, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<? extends LivingEntity> type, ServerWorldAccess world, SpawnReason reason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<BatEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<FoxEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<? extends AnimalEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason reason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<? extends LivingEntity> type, ServerWorldAccess world, SpawnReason reason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<? extends AnimalEntity> entityType, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<MooshroomEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<OcelotEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<ParrotEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<PolarBearEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<RabbitEntity> entity, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<StriderEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<TurtleEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) static boolean
(EntityType<WolfEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) boolean
(EntityType<?> type) static boolean
(EntityType<TropicalFishEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason reason, BlockPos pos, Random random) private static SoundEvent
(EntityType<?> imitate) static boolean
(EntityType<? extends AnimalEntity> type, WorldAccess world, SpawnReason spawnReason, BlockPos pos, Random random) Constructors in net.minecraft.entity.passive with parameters of type EntityTypeModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(EntityType<? extends AbstractDonkeyEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends AbstractHorseEntity> type, World world) AllayEntity
(EntityType<? extends AllayEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends AnimalEntity> type, World world) ArmadilloEntity
(EntityType<? extends AnimalEntity> type, World world) AxolotlEntity
(EntityType<? extends AxolotlEntity> type, World world) BatEntity
(EntityType<? extends BatEntity> type, World world) BeeEntity
(EntityType<? extends BeeEntity> type, World world) CamelEntity
(EntityType<? extends CamelEntity> type, World world) CatEntity
(EntityType<? extends CatEntity> type, World world) ChickenEntity
(EntityType<? extends ChickenEntity> type, World world) CodEntity
(EntityType<? extends CodEntity> type, World world) CowEntity
(EntityType<? extends CowEntity> type, World world) DolphinEntity
(EntityType<? extends DolphinEntity> type, World world) DonkeyEntity
(EntityType<? extends DonkeyEntity> type, World world) FishEntity
(EntityType<? extends FishEntity> type, World world) FoxEntity
(EntityType<? extends FoxEntity> type, World world) FrogEntity
(EntityType<? extends AnimalEntity> type, World world) GlowSquidEntity
(EntityType<? extends GlowSquidEntity> type, World world) GoatEntity
(EntityType<? extends GoatEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends GolemEntity> type, World world) HorseEntity
(EntityType<? extends HorseEntity> type, World world) IronGolemEntity
(EntityType<? extends IronGolemEntity> type, World world) LlamaEntity
(EntityType<? extends LlamaEntity> type, World world) MerchantEntity
(EntityType<? extends MerchantEntity> type, World world) MooshroomEntity
(EntityType<? extends MooshroomEntity> type, World world) MuleEntity
(EntityType<? extends MuleEntity> type, World world) OcelotEntity
(EntityType<? extends OcelotEntity> type, World world) PandaEntity
(EntityType<? extends PandaEntity> type, World world) ParrotEntity
(EntityType<? extends ParrotEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends PassiveEntity> type, World world) PigEntity
(EntityType<? extends PigEntity> type, World world) PolarBearEntity
(EntityType<? extends PolarBearEntity> type, World world) PufferfishEntity
(EntityType<? extends PufferfishEntity> type, World world) RabbitEntity
(EntityType<? extends RabbitEntity> type, World world) SalmonEntity
(EntityType<? extends SalmonEntity> type, World world) SchoolingFishEntity
(EntityType<? extends SchoolingFishEntity> type, World world) SheepEntity
(EntityType<? extends SheepEntity> type, World world) SnifferEntity
(EntityType<? extends AnimalEntity> type, World world) SnowGolemEntity
(EntityType<? extends SnowGolemEntity> type, World world) SquidEntity
(EntityType<? extends SquidEntity> type, World world) StriderEntity
(EntityType<? extends StriderEntity> type, World world) TadpoleEntity
(EntityType<? extends FishEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends TameableEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends TameableShoulderEntity> type, World world) TraderLlamaEntity
(EntityType<? extends TraderLlamaEntity> type, World world) TropicalFishEntity
(EntityType<? extends TropicalFishEntity> type, World world) TurtleEntity
(EntityType<? extends TurtleEntity> type, World world) VillagerEntity
(EntityType<? extends VillagerEntity> type, World world) VillagerEntity
(EntityType<? extends VillagerEntity> entityType, World world, VillagerType type) WanderingTraderEntity
(EntityType<? extends WanderingTraderEntity> type, World world) WolfEntity
(EntityType<? extends WolfEntity> type, World world) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.entity.projectile
Constructors in net.minecraft.entity.projectile with parameters of type EntityTypeModifierConstructorDescriptionAbstractFireballEntity
(EntityType<? extends AbstractFireballEntity> type, double x, double y, double z, Vec3d velocity, World world) AbstractFireballEntity
(EntityType<? extends AbstractFireballEntity> type, LivingEntity owner, Vec3d velocity, World world) AbstractFireballEntity
(EntityType<? extends AbstractFireballEntity> type, World world) (package private)
(EntityType<? extends AbstractWindChargeEntity> type, double x, double y, double z, Vec3d velocity, World world) AbstractWindChargeEntity
(EntityType<? extends AbstractWindChargeEntity> type, World world) AbstractWindChargeEntity
(EntityType<? extends AbstractWindChargeEntity> type, World world, Entity owner, double x, double y, double z) ArrowEntity
(EntityType<? extends ArrowEntity> type, World world) BreezeWindChargeEntity
(EntityType<? extends AbstractWindChargeEntity> type, World world) DragonFireballEntity
(EntityType<? extends DragonFireballEntity> type, World world) ExplosiveProjectileEntity
(EntityType<? extends ExplosiveProjectileEntity> type, double x, double y, double z, Vec3d velocity, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends ExplosiveProjectileEntity> type, double x, double y, double z, World world) ExplosiveProjectileEntity
(EntityType<? extends ExplosiveProjectileEntity> type, LivingEntity owner, Vec3d velocity, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends ExplosiveProjectileEntity> type, World world) FireballEntity
(EntityType<? extends FireballEntity> type, World world) FireworkRocketEntity
(EntityType<? extends FireworkRocketEntity> type, World world) FishingBobberEntity
(EntityType<? extends FishingBobberEntity> type, World world) private
(EntityType<? extends FishingBobberEntity> type, World world, int luckBonus, int waitTimeReductionTicks) LlamaSpitEntity
(EntityType<? extends LlamaSpitEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends PersistentProjectileEntity> type, double x, double y, double z, World world, ItemStack stack, @Nullable ItemStack weapon) protected
(EntityType<? extends PersistentProjectileEntity> type, LivingEntity owner, World world, ItemStack stack, @Nullable ItemStack shotFrom) protected
(EntityType<? extends PersistentProjectileEntity> type, World world) (package private)
(EntityType<? extends ProjectileEntity> type, World world) ShulkerBulletEntity
(EntityType<? extends ShulkerBulletEntity> type, World world) SmallFireballEntity
(EntityType<? extends SmallFireballEntity> type, World world) SpectralArrowEntity
(EntityType<? extends SpectralArrowEntity> type, World world) TridentEntity
(EntityType<? extends TridentEntity> type, World world) WindChargeEntity
(EntityType<? extends AbstractWindChargeEntity> type, World world) WitherSkullEntity
(EntityType<? extends WitherSkullEntity> type, World world) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.entity.projectile.thrown
Constructors in net.minecraft.entity.projectile.thrown with parameters of type EntityTypeModifierConstructorDescriptionEggEntity
(EntityType<? extends EggEntity> type, World world) EnderPearlEntity
(EntityType<? extends EnderPearlEntity> type, World world) ExperienceBottleEntity
(EntityType<? extends ExperienceBottleEntity> type, World world) PotionEntity
(EntityType<? extends PotionEntity> type, World world) SnowballEntity
(EntityType<? extends SnowballEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends ThrownEntity> type, double x, double y, double z, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends ThrownEntity> type, LivingEntity owner, World world) protected
(EntityType<? extends ThrownEntity> type, World world) ThrownItemEntity
(EntityType<? extends ThrownItemEntity> type, double x, double y, double z, World world) ThrownItemEntity
(EntityType<? extends ThrownItemEntity> type, LivingEntity owner, World world) ThrownItemEntity
(EntityType<? extends ThrownItemEntity> type, World world) -
Uses of EntityType in
Constructors in with parameters of type EntityTypeModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(EntityType<? extends RaiderEntity> type, World world) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.entity.vehicle
Constructors in net.minecraft.entity.vehicle with parameters of type EntityTypeModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(EntityType<?> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<?> type, World world, double x, double y, double z) BoatEntity
(EntityType<? extends BoatEntity> type, World world) ChestBoatEntity
(EntityType<? extends BoatEntity> type, World world) ChestMinecartEntity
(EntityType<? extends ChestMinecartEntity> type, World world) CommandBlockMinecartEntity
(EntityType<? extends CommandBlockMinecartEntity> type, World world) FurnaceMinecartEntity
(EntityType<? extends FurnaceMinecartEntity> type, World world) HopperMinecartEntity
(EntityType<? extends HopperMinecartEntity> type, World world) MinecartEntity
(EntityType<?> type, World world) SpawnerMinecartEntity
(EntityType<? extends SpawnerMinecartEntity> type, World world) protected
(EntityType<?> type, double x, double y, double z, World world) protected
(EntityType<?> type, World world) TntMinecartEntity
(EntityType<? extends TntMinecartEntity> type, World world) VehicleEntity
(EntityType<?> type, World world) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.item
Fields in net.minecraft.item declared as EntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate final EntityType
<? extends AbstractDecorationEntity> DecorationItem.entityType
private final EntityType
<?> EntityBucketItem.entityType
private final EntityType
private final EntityType
<?> SpawnEggItem.type
Fields in net.minecraft.item with type parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate static final com.mojang.serialization.MapCodec
<EntityType<?>> SpawnEggItem.ENTITY_TYPE_MAP_CODEC
private static final Map
<EntityType<? extends MobEntity>, SpawnEggItem> SpawnEggItem.SPAWN_EGGS
Methods in net.minecraft.item that return EntityTypeMethods in net.minecraft.item with parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic @Nullable SpawnEggItem
(@Nullable EntityType<?> type) boolean
(ItemStack stack, EntityType<?> type) SpawnEggItem.spawnBaby
(PlayerEntity user, MobEntity entity, EntityType<? extends MobEntity> entityType, ServerWorld world, Vec3d pos, ItemStack stack) Constructors in net.minecraft.item with parameters of type EntityTypeModifierConstructorDescriptionDecorationItem
(EntityType<? extends AbstractDecorationEntity> type, Item.Settings settings) EntityBucketItem
(EntityType<?> type, Fluid fluid, SoundEvent emptyingSound, Item.Settings settings) ItemFrameItem
(EntityType<? extends AbstractDecorationEntity> type, Item.Settings settings) OnAStickItem
(Item.Settings settings, EntityType<T> target, int damagePerUse) SpawnEggItem
(EntityType<? extends MobEntity> type, int primaryColor, int secondaryColor, Item.Settings settings) -
Uses of EntityType in
Fields in declared as EntityTypeMethods in that return EntityTypeConstructors in with parameters of type EntityTypeModifierConstructorDescriptionEntitySpawnS2CPacket
(int entityId, UUID uuid, double x, double y, double z, float pitch, float yaw, EntityType<?> entityType, int entityData, Vec3d velocity, double headYaw) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.predicate.entity
Fields in net.minecraft.predicate.entity with type parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate final RegistryEntryList
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypePredicate.types
The field for thetypes
record component.Methods in net.minecraft.predicate.entity that return types with arguments of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEntityTypePredicate.types()
Returns the value of thetypes
record component.Methods in net.minecraft.predicate.entity with parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic EntityTypePredicate
(EntityType<?> type) boolean
(EntityType<?> type) EntityPredicate.Builder.type
(EntityType<?> type) Method parameters in net.minecraft.predicate.entity with type arguments of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic EntityTypePredicate
(TagKey<EntityType<?>> tag) EntityPredicate.Builder.type
(TagKey<EntityType<?>> tag) Constructor parameters in net.minecraft.predicate.entity with type arguments of type EntityTypeModifierConstructorDescriptionEntityTypePredicate
(RegistryEntryList<EntityType<?>> registryEntryList) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.registry
Fields in net.minecraft.registry with type parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final DefaultedRegistry
<EntityType<?>> Registries.ENTITY_TYPE
static final RegistryKey
<Registry<EntityType<?>>> RegistryKeys.ENTITY_TYPE
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.registry.tag
Fields in net.minecraft.registry.tag with type parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.AQUATIC
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.ARROWS
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.ARTHROPOD
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.AXOLOTL_ALWAYS_HOSTILES
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.AXOLOTL_HUNT_TARGETS
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.BEEHIVE_INHABITORS
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.CAN_BREATHE_UNDER_WATER
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.CAN_TURN_IN_BOATS
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.DEFLECTS_PROJECTILES
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.DISMOUNTS_UNDERWATER
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.FALL_DAMAGE_IMMUNE
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.FREEZE_HURTS_EXTRA_TYPES
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.FREEZE_IMMUNE_ENTITY_TYPES
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.FROG_FOOD
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.IGNORES_POISON_AND_REGEN
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.ILLAGER
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.ILLAGER_FRIENDS
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.IMMUNE_TO_INFESTED
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.IMMUNE_TO_OOZING
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.IMPACT_PROJECTILES
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.INVERTED_HEALING_AND_HARM
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.NO_ANGER_FROM_WIND_CHARGE
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.NON_CONTROLLING_RIDER
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.NOT_SCARY_FOR_PUFFERFISH
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.POWDER_SNOW_WALKABLE_MOBS
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.RAIDERS
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.REDIRECTABLE_PROJECTILE
static final TagKey
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.SENSITIVE_TO_IMPALING
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.SENSITIVE_TO_SMITE
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.SKELETONS
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.UNDEAD
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.WITHER_FRIENDS
static final TagKey
<EntityType<?>> EntityTypeTags.ZOMBIES
Methods in net.minecraft.registry.tag that return types with arguments of type EntityType -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.server.command
Method parameters in net.minecraft.server.command with type arguments of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprivate static int
(ServerCommandSource source, RegistryEntry.Reference<EntityType<?>> entityType, Vec3d pos, NbtCompound nbt, boolean initialize) private static ServerCommandSource
(ServerCommandSource source, RegistryEntry.Reference<EntityType<?>> entityType) static Entity
(ServerCommandSource source, RegistryEntry.Reference<EntityType<?>> entityType, Vec3d pos, NbtCompound nbt, boolean initialize) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.stat
Fields in net.minecraft.stat with type parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final StatType
<EntityType<?>> Stats.KILLED
static final StatType
<EntityType<?>> Stats.KILLED_BY
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.test
Methods in net.minecraft.test with parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(EntityType<?> type) void
(EntityType<?> type, int x, int y, int z) void
(EntityType<?> type, BlockPos pos) void
(EntityType<?> type, int x, int y, int z) void
(EntityType<?> type, BlockPos pos) void
(EntityType<?> type, Vec3d pos1, Vec3d pos2) void
(EntityType<?> type, double x, double y, double z) void
(EntityType<?> type, int amount) void
(EntityType<?> type, BlockPos pos, int amount, double radius) void
(EntityType<?> type) <E extends Entity>
(EntityType<E> type, int x, int y, int z, double margin) void
(EntityType<?> type, BlockPos pos, double radius) void
(EntityType<?> type, int x, int y, int z) void
(EntityType<?> type, BlockPos pos) void
(EntityType<?> type, int x, int y, int z) void
(EntityType<?> type, BlockPos pos) <E extends Entity>
(EntityType<E> type) <E extends LivingEntity>
(BlockPos pos, EntityType<E> entityType, Item item) void
(EntityType<?> type, Vec3d pos1, Vec3d pos2) void
(EntityType<?> type, double x, double y, double z) <E extends Entity,
(BlockPos pos, EntityType<E> type, Function<? super E, T> entityDataGetter, T data) <E extends Entity,
(BlockPos pos, EntityType<E> type, Function<E, T> entityDataGetter, T data) <E extends Entity & InventoryOwner>
(BlockPos pos, EntityType<E> entityType, Item item) TestContext.getEntities
(EntityType<T> type) TestContext.getEntitiesAround
(EntityType<E> type, int x, int y, int z, double margin) TestContext.getEntitiesAround
(EntityType<E> type, Vec3d pos, double margin) TestContext.getEntitiesAround
(EntityType<T> type, BlockPos pos, double radius) <E extends Entity>
(EntityType<E> type, float x, float y, float z) <E extends Entity>
(EntityType<E> type, int x, int y, int z) <E extends Entity>
(EntityType<E> type, BlockPos pos) <E extends Entity>
(EntityType<E> type, Vec3d pos) <E extends MobEntity>
(EntityType<E> type, float x, float y, float z) <E extends MobEntity>
(EntityType<E> type, int x, int y, int z) <E extends MobEntity>
(EntityType<E> type, BlockPos pos) <E extends MobEntity>
(EntityType<E> type, Vec3d pos) -
Uses of EntityType in net.minecraft.text
Fields in net.minecraft.text declared as EntityTypeConstructors in net.minecraft.text with parameters of type EntityTypeModifierConstructorDescriptionEntityContent
(EntityType<?> entityType, UUID uuid, Optional<Text> name) EntityContent
(EntityType<?> entityType, UUID uuid, @Nullable Text name) -
Uses of EntityType in
Fields in declared as EntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescription(package private) final EntityType
<? extends RaiderEntity> Raid.Member.type
Constructors in with parameters of type EntityTypeModifierConstructorDescriptionprivate
(EntityType<? extends RaiderEntity> type, int[] countInWave) -
Uses of EntityType in
Fields in declared as EntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate @Nullable EntityType
<?> SpawnHelper.Info.cachedEntityType
Methods in with parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSpawnHelper.createMob
(ServerWorld world, EntityType<?> type) private static BlockPos
(WorldView world, EntityType<?> entityType, int x, int z) static boolean
(BlockView blockView, BlockPos pos, BlockState state, FluidState fluidState, EntityType<?> entityType) boolean
(EntityType<?> type, BlockPos pos, Chunk chunk) private boolean
(EntityType<?> type, BlockPos pos, Chunk chunk) -
Uses of EntityType in
Fields in declared as EntityTypeFields in with type parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate final Map
<EntityType<?>, SpawnSettings.SpawnDensity> SpawnSettings.Builder.spawnCosts
private final Map
<EntityType<?>, SpawnSettings.SpawnDensity> SpawnSettings.spawnCosts
Methods in with parameters of type EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSpawnSettings.getSpawnDensity
(EntityType<?> entityType) SpawnSettings.Builder.spawnCost
(EntityType<?> entityType, double mass, double gravityLimit) Constructors in with parameters of type EntityTypeModifierConstructorDescriptionSpawnEntry
(EntityType<?> type, int weight, int minGroupSize, int maxGroupSize) SpawnEntry
(EntityType<?> type, Weight weight, int minGroupSize, int maxGroupSize) -
Uses of EntityType in
Fields in declared as EntityTypeModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprivate static final EntityType<?>[]
Methods in that return EntityTypeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprivate EntityType
<?> DungeonFeature.getMobSpawnerEntity
(Random random)