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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


cache - Variable in class net.minecraft.block.pattern.BlockPattern.Result
cache - Variable in record class net.minecraft.client.render.GameRenderer.CachedResourceFactory
The field for the cache record component.
cache - Variable in class
cache - Variable in record class
The field for the cache record component.
cache - Variable in class
cache - Variable in class
cache - Variable in class
cache - Variable in class
cache - Variable in class
cache - Variable in class
cache() - Method in record class net.minecraft.client.render.GameRenderer.CachedResourceFactory
Returns the value of the cache record component.
cache() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the cache record component.
cache(long, Object2IntMap<Structure>) - Method in class
cache(ChunkPos, Map<Structure, StructureStart>) - Method in class
Cache() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.nbt.NbtByte.Cache
Cache() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.nbt.NbtInt.Cache
Cache() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.nbt.NbtLong.Cache
Cache() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.nbt.NbtShort.Cache
CACHE - Static variable in class
CACHE_ALL_IN_CELL - Enum constant in enum class
CACHE_ONCE - Enum constant in enum class
CACHE_SIZE - Static variable in class
cache2d(DensityFunction) - Static method in class
Cache2D(DensityFunction) - Constructor for class
CACHE2D - Enum constant in enum class
cacheAllInCell(DensityFunction) - Static method in class
cacheArrays - Variable in class
cachedBeamTarget - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.GuardianEntity
cachedBlendAlphaDensityFunction - Variable in class
cachedBlendOffsetDensityFunction - Variable in class
CachedBlockPosition - Class in net.minecraft.block.pattern
CachedBlockPosition(WorldView, BlockPos, boolean) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.pattern.CachedBlockPosition
cachedChunkPositions - Variable in class
cachedChunks - Variable in class
cachedColor - Variable in class net.minecraft.block.entity.ShulkerBoxBlockEntity
CachedData(String, ImmutableMap<Path, HashCode>) - Constructor for record class
cachedDatas - Variable in class
CachedDataWriter(String, String, DataCache.CachedData) - Constructor for class
cachedDensityMass - Variable in class
cachedEntity - Variable in class net.minecraft.block.pattern.CachedBlockPosition
cachedEntityType - Variable in class
cachedEntries - Variable in class net.minecraft.registry.SimpleRegistry
cachedInvChangeCount - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.recipebook.RecipeBookWidget
cachedItem - Variable in class net.minecraft.block.Block
cachedPage - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.BookScreen
cachedPageIndex - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.BookScreen
cachedPos - Variable in class net.minecraft.item.BlockPredicatesChecker
cachedPos - Variable in class
cachedRegionFiles - Variable in class
CachedResourceFactory(ResourceFactory, Map<Identifier, Resource>) - Constructor for record class net.minecraft.client.render.GameRenderer.CachedResourceFactory
cachedSection - Variable in class
cachedState - Variable in class net.minecraft.block.entity.BlockEntity
cachedStructuresByChunkPos - Variable in class
cachedWorld - Variable in class
cacheEnabled - Variable in class
cacheFile - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.texture.PlayerSkinTexture
cacheFile - Variable in class net.minecraft.util.UserCache
cacheMissCount - Variable in class
cacheMissCount - Variable in record class
The field for the cacheMissCount record component.
cacheMissCount() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the cacheMissCount record component.
cacheOnce(DensityFunction) - Static method in class
CacheOnce(DensityFunction) - Constructor for class
cacheOnceUniqueIndex - Variable in class
cacheOnceUniqueIndex - Variable in class
cachePath - Variable in class
cachePositions - Variable in class
caches - Variable in class
cacheStructures(Chunk) - Method in class
caching(RegistryOps.RegistryInfoGetter) - Static method in class net.minecraft.registry.RegistryOps
CACTUS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CACTUS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Material
CACTUS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.damage.DamageSource
CACTUS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CactusBlock - Class in net.minecraft.block
CactusBlock(AbstractBlock.Settings) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.CactusBlock
CAERBANNOG_TEXTURE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.RabbitEntityRenderer
CAGE_TEXTURE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.block.entity.ConduitBlockEntityRenderer
CAKE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CAKE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Material
CAKE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CAKE_SHAPE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.CandleCakeBlock
CakeBlock - Class in net.minecraft.block
CakeBlock(AbstractBlock.Settings) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.CakeBlock
calcBlockBreakingDelta(BlockState, PlayerEntity, BlockView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock
calcBlockBreakingDelta(BlockState, PlayerEntity, BlockView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BambooBlock
calcBlockBreakingDelta(BlockState, PlayerEntity, BlockView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BambooSaplingBlock
calcBlockBreakingDelta(PlayerEntity, BlockView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock.AbstractBlockState
CALCITE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CALCITE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CALCITE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.sound.BlockSoundGroup
CALCITE - Static variable in class
CALCITE - Static variable in class
calculate() - Method in class
calculate(int, int) - Method in class
calculate(BlockPos, double) - Method in class net.minecraft.util.math.GravityField
Calculate the gravity on a potential point at pos with mass.
calculateAmbientDarkness() - Method in class
calculateAmplitudes(IntSortedSet) - Static method in class net.minecraft.util.math.noise.OctavePerlinNoiseSampler
calculateBlendResult(int, int) - Method in class
calculateBoundingBox() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
calculateBoundingBox() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.ShulkerEntity
calculateBoundingBox(StructurePlacementData, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.structure.StructureTemplate
calculateBoundingBox(BlockPos, BlockRotation, BlockPos, BlockMirror) - Method in class net.minecraft.structure.StructureTemplate
calculateBoundingBox(Direction, float) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.ShulkerEntity
calculateBoundingBox(Direction, float, float) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.ShulkerEntity
calculateBoundsForPose(EntityPose) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
calculateCollidableBlockDensityColumn(Chunk, int, int, int) - Method in class
calculateColor(BlockPos, ColorResolver) - Method in class
calculateComparatorOutput(BlockEntity) - Static method in class net.minecraft.screen.ScreenHandler
calculateComparatorOutput(Inventory) - Static method in class net.minecraft.screen.ScreenHandler
calculateConcentricsRingPlacementPos(RegistryEntry<StructureSet>, ConcentricRingsStructurePlacement) - Method in class
calculateCounts() - Method in class
calculated - Variable in class
calculateDensity(DensityFunction.NoisePos, MutableDouble, AquiferSampler.FluidLevel, AquiferSampler.FluidLevel) - Method in class
calculateDimensions() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.AreaEffectCloudEntity
Calculates and sets the dimension (bounding box) of the entity and refreshes its position.
calculateDimensions() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.decoration.AbstractDecorationEntity
Calculates and sets the dimension (bounding box) of the entity and refreshes its position.
calculateDimensions() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.decoration.ArmorStandEntity
Calculates and sets the dimension (bounding box) of the entity and refreshes its position.
calculateDimensions() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
Calculates and sets the dimension (bounding box) of the entity and refreshes its position.
calculateDimensions() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.SlimeEntity
Calculates and sets the dimension (bounding box) of the entity and refreshes its position.
calculateDistance(BlockView, BlockPos) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.ScaffoldingBlock
calculateDistances(PathNode, Set<TargetPathNode>) - Method in class
calculateFitness(List<MultiNoiseUtil.NoiseHypercube>, MultiNoiseUtil.MultiNoiseSampler, int, int) - Static method in class
calculateFluidHeight(BlockRenderView, Fluid, float, float, float, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.render.block.FluidRenderer
calculateMaxDistance(AxisCycleDirection, Box, double) - Method in class net.minecraft.util.shape.VoxelShape
calculateMaxDistance(Direction.Axis, Box, double) - Method in class net.minecraft.util.shape.VoxelShape
calculateMaxOffset(Direction.Axis, Box, Iterable<VoxelShape>, double) - Static method in class net.minecraft.util.shape.VoxelShapes
calculateNextStepSoundDistance() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
calculateNextStepSoundDistance() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.WardenEntity
calculateNextStepSoundDistance() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.StriderEntity
calculateNextStepSoundDistance() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.TurtleEntity
calculateOffset() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.HandledScreen
calculateOutputSignal(World, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.ComparatorBlock
calculatePistonMovementFactor(Direction.Axis, double) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
calculatePower(BlockHitResult, Vec3d) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.TargetBlock
calculatePush() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.piston.PistonHandler
calculateRamTarget(BlockPos, BlockPos) - Method in class
calculateRecursively() - Method in class net.minecraft.advancement.AdvancementPositioner
calculateRequiredExperienceLevel(Random, int, int, ItemStack) - Static method in class net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper
Returns the required experience level for an enchanting option in the enchanting table's screen, or the enchantment screen.
calculateScaleFactor(int, boolean) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.util.Window
calculateSpawnOffsetMultiplier(int) - Method in class
calculateStackSize(Set<Slot>, int, ItemStack, int) - Static method in class net.minecraft.screen.ScreenHandler
calculateStructureWeight(int, int, int) - Static method in class
Calculates the structure weight for the given position.
calculateSurfaceHeightEstimate(long) - Method in class
CALICO - Static variable in record class net.minecraft.entity.passive.CatVariant
call(ItemStack, ClientWorld, LivingEntity, int) - Method in interface net.minecraft.client.item.ClampedModelPredicateProvider
call(ItemStack, ClientWorld, LivingEntity, int) - Method in interface net.minecraft.client.item.ModelPredicateProvider
call(MinecraftServer, Timer<MinecraftServer>, long) - Method in class
call(MinecraftServer, Timer<MinecraftServer>, long) - Method in class
call(GameRules.Visitor, GameRules.Key<T>, GameRules.Type<T>) - Method in interface
call(T, Timer<T>, long) - Method in interface
CALL_GOAT_HORN - Static variable in interface net.minecraft.item.Instruments
callback - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.AddServerScreen
callback - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.BackupPromptScreen
callback - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ConfirmScreen
callback - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.DirectConnectScreen
callback - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.pack.ExperimentalWarningScreen
callback - Variable in class
callback - Variable in class
callback - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.CyclingButtonWidget
callback - Variable in class
callback - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsConfirmScreen
callback - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsLongConfirmationScreen
callback - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsResetNormalWorldScreen
callback - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsSelectWorldTemplateScreen
callback - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.task.ResettingWorldTask
callback - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.task.SwitchSlotTask
callback - Static variable in class net.minecraft.resource.DefaultResourcePackBuilder
callback - Variable in class
callback - Variable in class
callback - Variable in class
callback - Variable in class
CALLBACK_KEY - Static variable in class
CALLBACK_LOGICS - Static variable in class
callbackClass - Variable in class
callbacks - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.option.SimpleOption
callbacks - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.option.SimpleOption.OptionSliderWidgetImpl
callbacks - Variable in class
callForHelpGoal - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.SilverfishEntity
CallForHelpGoal(SilverfishEntity) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.entity.mob.SilverfishEntity.CallForHelpGoal
callSameTypeForRevenge() - Method in class
CALM - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.entity.mob.Angriness
CalmDownGoal() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity.CalmDownGoal
CAMEL - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.EntityModelLayers
CAMEL - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.EntityType
CAMEL_SPAWN_EGG - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CAMEL_TEMPTATIONS - Static variable in class
CamelAnimations - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.entity.animation
CamelAnimations() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.animation.CamelAnimations
CamelBodyControl(CamelEntity) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.entity.passive.CamelEntity.CamelBodyControl
CamelBrain - Class in net.minecraft.entity.passive
CamelBrain() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.entity.passive.CamelBrain
CamelBrain.CamelWalkTask - Class in net.minecraft.entity.passive
CamelBrain.SitOrStandTask - Class in net.minecraft.entity.passive
CamelEntity - Class in net.minecraft.entity.passive
CamelEntity(EntityType<? extends CamelEntity>, World) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.entity.passive.CamelEntity
CamelEntity.CamelBodyControl - Class in net.minecraft.entity.passive
CamelEntityModel<T extends CamelEntity> - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model
CamelEntityModel(ModelPart) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.CamelEntityModel
CamelEntityRenderer - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.entity
CamelEntityRenderer(EntityRendererFactory.Context, EntityModelLayer) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.CamelEntityRenderer
CamelWalkTask(float) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.entity.passive.CamelBrain.CamelWalkTask
camera - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.block.entity.BlockEntityRenderDispatcher
camera - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.EntityRenderDispatcher
camera - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.GameRenderer
Camera - Class in net.minecraft.client.render
Camera() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.Camera
CAMERA_DEPTH - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.GameRenderer
Since the camera is conceptualized as a single point, a depth of 0.05000000074505806f blocks is used to define a rectangular area to be rendered.
Camera.Projection - Class in net.minecraft.client.render
A projection of a camera.
cameraChunkX - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.WorldRenderer
cameraChunkY - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.WorldRenderer
cameraChunkZ - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.WorldRenderer
cameraEntity - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient
cameraEntity - Variable in class
cameraPosition - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.ChunkBuilder
CameraSubmersionType - Enum Class in net.minecraft.client.render
This class contains the various "fluids" and is used for camera rendering.
CameraSubmersionType() - Constructor for enum class net.minecraft.client.render.CameraSubmersionType
cameraX - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.BufferBuilder.TransparentSortingData
cameraY - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.BufferBuilder.TransparentSortingData
cameraY - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.Camera
cameraZ - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.BufferBuilder.TransparentSortingData
campfire(Block) - Static method in class
CAMPFIRE - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.client.recipebook.RecipeBookGroup
CAMPFIRE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CAMPFIRE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.entity.BlockEntityType
CAMPFIRE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CAMPFIRE_COOKING - Static variable in interface net.minecraft.recipe.RecipeSerializer
CAMPFIRE_COOKING - Static variable in interface net.minecraft.recipe.RecipeType
CAMPFIRE_COSY_SMOKE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.particle.ParticleTypes
CAMPFIRE_SIGNAL_SMOKE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.particle.ParticleTypes
CampfireBlock - Class in net.minecraft.block
CampfireBlock(boolean, int, AbstractBlock.Settings) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.CampfireBlock
CampfireBlockEntity - Class in net.minecraft.block.entity
CampfireBlockEntity(BlockPos, BlockState) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.entity.CampfireBlockEntity
CampfireBlockEntityRenderer - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.block.entity
CampfireBlockEntityRenderer(BlockEntityRendererFactory.Context) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.block.entity.CampfireBlockEntityRenderer
CampfireCookingRecipe - Class in net.minecraft.recipe
CampfireCookingRecipe(Identifier, String, CookingRecipeCategory, Ingredient, ItemStack, float, int) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.recipe.CampfireCookingRecipe
CAMPFIRES - Static variable in class net.minecraft.registry.tag.BlockTags
CampfireSmokeParticle - Class in net.minecraft.client.particle
CampfireSmokeParticle(ClientWorld, double, double, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.particle.CampfireSmokeParticle
CampfireSmokeParticle.CosySmokeFactory - Class in net.minecraft.client.particle
CampfireSmokeParticle.SignalSmokeFactory - Class in net.minecraft.client.particle
CAN_ATTACK_PREDICATE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.boss.WitherEntity
CAN_COLLIDE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.predicate.entity.EntityPredicates
CAN_DESTROY - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.item.ItemStack.TooltipSection
CAN_DESTROY_KEY - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
CAN_DUPLICATE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AllayEntity
CAN_GENERATE - Static variable in class
CAN_IMITATE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.ParrotEntity
CAN_PLACE - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.item.ItemStack.TooltipSection
CAN_PLACE_ON_KEY - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
CAN_SUMMON - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.SculkShriekerBlock
CAN_SUMMON - Static variable in class
CAN_TAKE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.DolphinEntity
CAN_TRACK - Static variable in class
canAccept(Enchantment) - Method in class net.minecraft.enchantment.DamageEnchantment
Returns whether this enchantment can exist on an item stack with the other enchantment.
canAccept(Enchantment) - Method in class net.minecraft.enchantment.DepthStriderEnchantment
Returns whether this enchantment can exist on an item stack with the other enchantment.
canAccept(Enchantment) - Method in class net.minecraft.enchantment.Enchantment
Returns whether this enchantment can exist on an item stack with the other enchantment.
canAccept(Enchantment) - Method in class net.minecraft.enchantment.FrostWalkerEnchantment
Returns whether this enchantment can exist on an item stack with the other enchantment.
canAccept(Enchantment) - Method in class net.minecraft.enchantment.InfinityEnchantment
Returns whether this enchantment can exist on an item stack with the other enchantment.
canAccept(Enchantment) - Method in class net.minecraft.enchantment.LuckEnchantment
Returns whether this enchantment can exist on an item stack with the other enchantment.
canAccept(Enchantment) - Method in class net.minecraft.enchantment.MultishotEnchantment
Returns whether this enchantment can exist on an item stack with the other enchantment.
canAccept(Enchantment) - Method in class net.minecraft.enchantment.PiercingEnchantment
Returns whether this enchantment can exist on an item stack with the other enchantment.
canAccept(Enchantment) - Method in class net.minecraft.enchantment.ProtectionEnchantment
Returns whether this enchantment can exist on an item stack with the other enchantment.
canAccept(Enchantment) - Method in class net.minecraft.enchantment.RiptideEnchantment
Returns whether this enchantment can exist on an item stack with the other enchantment.
canAccept(Enchantment) - Method in class net.minecraft.enchantment.SilkTouchEnchantment
Returns whether this enchantment can exist on an item stack with the other enchantment.
canAccept(GameEvent, GameEvent.Emitter) - Method in interface
canAcceptRecipeOutput(Recipe<?>, DefaultedList<ItemStack>, int) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.AbstractFurnaceBlockEntity
canAccessBookshelf(World, BlockPos, BlockPos) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.EnchantingTableBlock
canAdd(Predicate<Identifier>, Predicate<Identifier>) - Method in class net.minecraft.registry.tag.TagEntry
canAdd(ParticleGroup) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.particle.ParticleManager
Returns whether another particle from group can be rendered by this manager.
canAdd(NbtElement) - Method in class net.minecraft.nbt.NbtList
canAddBlock(WorldView, int, int, int, BlockBox) - Method in class net.minecraft.structure.MineshaftGenerator.MineshaftPart
canAddBlock(WorldView, int, int, int, BlockBox) - Method in class net.minecraft.structure.StructurePiece
canAddPassenger(Entity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
Returns whether entity can ride this entity.
canAddPassenger(Entity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.CamelEntity
Returns whether entity can ride this entity.
canAddPassenger(Entity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.StriderEntity
Returns whether entity can ride this entity.
canAddPassenger(Entity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.vehicle.BoatEntity
Returns whether entity can ride this entity.
canAlwaysCarveBlock(C, BlockState) - Method in class
canApplyDyePattern - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.LoomScreen
canApplyUpdateEffect(int, int) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.effect.InstantStatusEffect
canApplyUpdateEffect(int, int) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.effect.StatusEffect
canAttachAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.WallHangingSignBlock
canAttachTo(BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractPlantPartBlock
canAttachTo(BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.KelpBlock
canAttachTo(BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.KelpPlantBlock
canAttachTo(WorldView, BlockState, BlockPos, Direction) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.WallHangingSignBlock
canAttack() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.MagmaCubeEntity
canAttack() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.SlimeEntity
canAttackWithOwner(LivingEntity, LivingEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.TameableEntity
canAttackWithOwner(LivingEntity, LivingEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.WolfEntity
canAvoidTraps() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
Returns whether the entity cannot trigger pressure plates or tripwires.
canAvoidTraps() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.BatEntity
Returns whether the entity cannot trigger pressure plates or tripwires.
canBeCold - Variable in record class
The field for the canBeCold record component.
canBeCold() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the canBeCold record component.
canBecomePrimaryPassenger(Entity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.RavagerEntity
canBeControlledByRider(Entity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.PigEntity
canBeDisabled() - Method in interface net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.pack.ResourcePackOrganizer.Pack
canBeeContinue() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.BeeEntity.EnterHiveGoal
canBeeContinue() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.BeeEntity.FindHiveGoal
canBeeContinue() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.BeeEntity.GrowCropsGoal
canBeeContinue() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.BeeEntity.MoveToFlowerGoal
canBeeContinue() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.BeeEntity.MoveToHiveGoal
canBeeContinue() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.BeeEntity.NotAngryGoal
canBeeContinue() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.BeeEntity.PollinateGoal
canBeEnabled() - Method in interface net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.pack.ResourcePackOrganizer.Pack
canBeEnabledLater() - Method in interface net.minecraft.resource.ResourcePackSource
canBeeStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.BeeEntity.EnterHiveGoal
canBeeStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.BeeEntity.FindHiveGoal
canBeeStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.BeeEntity.GrowCropsGoal
canBeeStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.BeeEntity.MoveToFlowerGoal
canBeeStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.BeeEntity.MoveToHiveGoal
canBeeStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.BeeEntity.NotAngryGoal
canBeeStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.BeeEntity.PollinateGoal
canBeFilledByDripstone(Fluid) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractCauldronBlock
Checks if this cauldron block can be filled with the specified fluid by dripstone.
canBeFilledByDripstone(Fluid) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.CauldronBlock
Checks if this cauldron block can be filled with the specified fluid by dripstone.
canBeFilledByDripstone(Fluid) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.LeveledCauldronBlock
Checks if this cauldron block can be filled with the specified fluid by dripstone.
canBeHunted() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.HoglinEntity
canBeLeashedBy(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.AmbientEntity
canBeLeashedBy(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.HoglinEntity
canBeLeashedBy(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.MobEntity
canBeLeashedBy(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.WaterCreatureEntity
canBeLeashedBy(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.ZoglinEntity
canBeLeashedBy(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AxolotlEntity
canBeLeashedBy(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.DolphinEntity
canBeLeashedBy(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.MerchantEntity
canBeLeashedBy(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.PandaEntity
canBeLeashedBy(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.SquidEntity
canBeLeashedBy(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.TameableEntity
canBeLeashedBy(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.TurtleEntity
canBeLeashedBy(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.WolfEntity
canBeLit(BlockState) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.CampfireBlock
canBeLit(BlockState) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.CandleBlock
canBeLit(BlockState) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.CandleCakeBlock
canBeNested() - Method in class net.minecraft.item.BlockItem
canBeNested() - Method in class net.minecraft.item.Item
canBePushedBy(Entity) - Static method in class net.minecraft.predicate.entity.EntityPredicates
canBeReplacedBy(PrioritizedGoal) - Method in class
canBeReplacedWith(FluidState, BlockView, BlockPos, Fluid, Direction) - Method in class net.minecraft.fluid.EmptyFluid
canBeReplacedWith(FluidState, BlockView, BlockPos, Fluid, Direction) - Method in class net.minecraft.fluid.Fluid
canBeReplacedWith(FluidState, BlockView, BlockPos, Fluid, Direction) - Method in class net.minecraft.fluid.LavaFluid
canBeReplacedWith(FluidState, BlockView, BlockPos, Fluid, Direction) - Method in class net.minecraft.fluid.WaterFluid
canBeReplacedWith(BlockView, BlockPos, Fluid, Direction) - Method in class net.minecraft.fluid.FluidState
canBeRiddenInWater() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
Returns whether the passenger dismounts this entity when the entity is submerged in water.
canBeRiddenInWater() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity
Returns whether the passenger dismounts this entity when the entity is submerged in water.
canBeRiddenInWater() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.SkeletonHorseEntity
Returns whether the passenger dismounts this entity when the entity is submerged in water.
canBeSaddled() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AbstractHorseEntity
canBeSaddled() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.LlamaEntity
canBeSaddled() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.PigEntity
canBeSaddled() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.StriderEntity
canBeSaddled() - Method in interface net.minecraft.entity.Saddleable
canBeScared - Variable in class
canBeScared() - Method in class
canBeScared() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.CatEntity.TemptGoal
canBeScared() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.OcelotEntity.OcelotTemptGoal
canBeSpectated(ServerPlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
Returns whether spectator can spectate this entity.
canBeSpectated(ServerPlayerEntity) - Method in class
Returns whether spectator can spectate this entity.
canBoneMeal(BlockPos, ServerWorld) - Method in class
canBreakDoors - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.ZombieEntity
canBreakDoors() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.ZombieEntity
canBreatheInWater() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity
canBreatheInWater() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.GuardianEntity
canBreatheInWater() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.WaterCreatureEntity
canBreatheInWater() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AxolotlEntity
canBreatheInWater() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.DolphinEntity
canBreatheInWater() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FrogEntity
canBreatheInWater() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.TurtleEntity
canBreed() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AbstractHorseEntity
canBreed() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.VillagerEntity
canBreedWith(AnimalEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AbstractHorseEntity
canBreedWith(AnimalEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AnimalEntity
canBreedWith(AnimalEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.CamelEntity
canBreedWith(AnimalEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.CatEntity
canBreedWith(AnimalEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.DonkeyEntity
canBreedWith(AnimalEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.HorseEntity
canBreedWith(AnimalEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.LlamaEntity
canBreedWith(AnimalEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.ParrotEntity
canBreedWith(AnimalEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.WolfEntity
canBucketPlace(BlockState, Fluid) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock
canBucketPlace(BlockState, Fluid) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.EndGatewayBlock
Returns whether a bucket can replace the block with the fluid.
canBucketPlace(BlockState, Fluid) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.EndPortalBlock
Returns whether a bucket can replace the block with the fluid.
canBucketPlace(Fluid) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock.AbstractBlockState
canBypassPlayerLimit() - Method in class net.minecraft.server.OperatorEntry
canBypassPlayerLimit(GameProfile) - Method in class net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedPlayerManager
canBypassPlayerLimit(GameProfile) - Method in class net.minecraft.server.OperatorList
canBypassPlayerLimit(GameProfile) - Method in class net.minecraft.server.PlayerManager
canCalmDown() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity.CalmDownGoal
canCarveBranch(ChunkPos, double, double, int, int, float) - Static method in class
cancel() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.StructureBlockScreen
cancel() - Method in class
cancel() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.realms.FileDownload
cancel() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.realms.FileUpload
cancel() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.ChunkBuilder.BuiltChunk
cancel() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.ChunkBuilder.BuiltChunk.RebuildTask
cancel() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.ChunkBuilder.BuiltChunk.SortTask
cancel() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.ChunkBuilder.BuiltChunk.Task
cancel() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.BeeEntity.PollinateGoal
cancel() - Method in class
CANCEL - Static variable in class net.minecraft.screen.ScreenTexts
cancelAfterWarnings() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.resource.VideoWarningManager
cancelBlockBreaking() - Method in class
cancelButton - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.AbstractCommandBlockScreen
cancelButton - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.BookEditScreen
cancelButton - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsDownloadLatestWorldScreen
cancelButton - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsLongRunningMcoTaskScreen
cancelButton - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsUploadScreen
CancelButtonWidget(int, int) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.BeaconScreen.CancelButtonWidget
cancelled - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.FileDownload
cancelled - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.FileUpload
cancelled - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsDownloadLatestWorldScreen
cancelled - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsUploadScreen
cancelled - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.ChunkBuilder.BuiltChunk.Task
CANCELLED - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.ChunkBuilder.Result
cancelledAfterWarning - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.resource.VideoWarningManager
cancelNextRelease - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.HandledScreen
cancelOrBackButtonClicked() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsLongRunningMcoTaskScreen
cancelRebuild() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.ChunkBuilder.BuiltChunk
cancelRemoval() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.BlockEntity
cancelTasks() - Method in class net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor
cancelTimer() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.resource.PeriodicNotificationManager
canCharge(BlockState) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.RespawnAnchorBlock
canClip() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.decoration.ArmorStandEntity
canCollide(Entity, Box) - Method in interface
canCollide(Entity, Entity) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.vehicle.BoatEntity
canCollide(Entity, Box) - Method in class
canCombine(Enchantment) - Method in class net.minecraft.enchantment.Enchantment
Returns whether this enchantment can exist on an item stack with the other enchantment and the other enchantment can exist with this enchantment.
canCombine(ItemStack, ItemStack) - Static method in class net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
Returns whether the given item stacks' items and NBT are equal.
canConnect() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.multiplayer.MultiplayerServerListWidget.ServerEntry
canConnect(BlockState, boolean, Direction) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.FenceBlock
canConnect(RailPlacementHelper) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.RailPlacementHelper
canConnect(BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.RailPlacementHelper
canConnectToFence(BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.FenceBlock
canConsume(boolean) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity
canConvert() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.HoglinEntity
canConvertInWater() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.DrownedEntity
canConvertInWater() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.HuskEntity
canConvertInWater() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.ZombieEntity
canConvertInWater() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.ZombieVillagerEntity
canConvertInWater() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.ZombifiedPiglinEntity
canCraft - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.StonecutterScreen
canCraft() - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.StonecutterScreenHandler
canCraft(DefaultedList<ItemStack>) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.BrewingStandBlockEntity
canCull(Direction) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.render.WorldRenderer.ChunkInfo
canDespawn - Variable in class
canDespawn() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.TraderLlamaEntity
canDestroy(BlockState) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.boss.WitherEntity
canDestroy(Registry<Block>, CachedBlockPosition) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
canDestroyBlock(Explosion, BlockView, BlockPos, BlockState, float) - Method in class
canDestroyBlock(Explosion, BlockView, BlockPos, BlockState, float) - Method in class
canDismountInBlock(double) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.Dismounting
canDispense(World, BlockPos, ItemStack) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.WitherSkullBlock
canDispense(WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.CarvedPumpkinBlock
CANDLE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CANDLE - Static variable in class
CANDLE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CANDLE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.sound.BlockSoundGroup
CANDLE_CAKE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CANDLE_CAKES - Static variable in class net.minecraft.registry.tag.BlockTags
CANDLE_SHAPE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.CandleCakeBlock
CandleBlock - Class in net.minecraft.block
CandleBlock(AbstractBlock.Settings) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.CandleBlock
candleCake(Block, boolean) - Static method in class
CandleCakeBlock - Class in net.minecraft.block
CandleCakeBlock(Block, AbstractBlock.Settings) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.CandleCakeBlock
candleCakeDrops(Block) - Static method in class
candleDrops(Block) - Method in class
CANDLES - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.CandleBlock
CANDLES - Static variable in class net.minecraft.registry.tag.BlockTags
CANDLES - Static variable in class net.minecraft.registry.tag.ItemTags
CANDLES - Static variable in class
A property that specifies the amount of candles in a candle block.
CANDLES_TO_CANDLE_CAKES - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.CandleCakeBlock
CANDLES_TO_PARTICLE_OFFSETS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.CandleBlock
canDoActivity(Activity) - Method in class
canDrawEntityOutlines() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.render.WorldRenderer
canDrip(BlockState) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.PointedDripstoneBlock
canDripThrough(BlockView, BlockPos, BlockState) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.PointedDripstoneBlock
Returns whether it can drip through the block block at pos.
canDrownedAttackTarget(LivingEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.DrownedEntity
canDuplicate() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AllayEntity
canEat() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.HoglinEntity
canEat() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AnimalEntity
canEat() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.TurtleEntity
canEat(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity
canEat(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.PandaEntity
canEnterHive() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.BeeEntity
canEnterOpenDoors - Variable in class
canEnterOpenDoors() - Method in class
canEnterOpenDoors() - Method in class
canEnterOpenDoors() - Method in class
canEnterTrapdoor(BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity
canEntityControl(Entity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.StriderEntity
canEquip(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.decoration.ArmorStandEntity
canEquip(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity
canEquip(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.MobEntity
canEquip(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AllayEntity
canEquip(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.DolphinEntity
canEquip(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity
canEquip(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.PandaEntity
canEquip(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity
canEquipStack(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PiglinEntity
Returns whether this piglin can equip into or replace current equipment slot.
canExecute(Runnable) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient
canExecute(Runnable) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.sound.SoundExecutor
canExecute(Runnable) - Method in class
canExecute(ServerTask) - Method in class net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer
canExecute(R) - Method in class net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor
canExplosionDestroyBlock(Explosion, BlockView, BlockPos, BlockState, float) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
Returns whether explosion from this entity can destroy state.
canExplosionDestroyBlock(Explosion, BlockView, BlockPos, BlockState, float) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.vehicle.TntMinecartEntity
Returns whether explosion from this entity can destroy state.
canExtract(int, ItemStack, Direction) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.ComposterBlock.ComposterInventory
Determines whether the given stack can be removed from this inventory at the specified slot position from the given direction.
canExtract(int, ItemStack, Direction) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.ComposterBlock.DummyInventory
Determines whether the given stack can be removed from this inventory at the specified slot position from the given direction.
canExtract(int, ItemStack, Direction) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.ComposterBlock.FullComposterInventory
Determines whether the given stack can be removed from this inventory at the specified slot position from the given direction.
canExtract(int, ItemStack, Direction) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.AbstractFurnaceBlockEntity
Determines whether the given stack can be removed from this inventory at the specified slot position from the given direction.
canExtract(int, ItemStack, Direction) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.BrewingStandBlockEntity
Determines whether the given stack can be removed from this inventory at the specified slot position from the given direction.
canExtract(int, ItemStack, Direction) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.ShulkerBoxBlockEntity
Determines whether the given stack can be removed from this inventory at the specified slot position from the given direction.
canExtract(int, ItemStack, Direction) - Method in interface net.minecraft.inventory.SidedInventory
Determines whether the given stack can be removed from this inventory at the specified slot position from the given direction.
canExtract(Inventory, ItemStack, int, Direction) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.HopperBlockEntity
canFallThrough(BlockState) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.FallingBlock
canFill(BlockView, BlockPos, BlockState, Fluid) - Method in class net.minecraft.fluid.FlowableFluid
canFillNetherrack(WorldAccess, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.structure.RuinedPortalStructurePiece
canFillWithFluid(BlockView, BlockPos, BlockState, Fluid) - Method in interface net.minecraft.block.FluidFillable
canFillWithFluid(BlockView, BlockPos, BlockState, Fluid) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.KelpBlock
canFillWithFluid(BlockView, BlockPos, BlockState, Fluid) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.KelpPlantBlock
canFillWithFluid(BlockView, BlockPos, BlockState, Fluid) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SeagrassBlock
canFillWithFluid(BlockView, BlockPos, BlockState, Fluid) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SlabBlock
canFillWithFluid(BlockView, BlockPos, BlockState, Fluid) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.TallSeagrassBlock
canFillWithFluid(BlockView, BlockPos, BlockState, Fluid) - Method in interface net.minecraft.block.Waterloggable
canFillWithPrecipitation(World, Biome.Precipitation) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.CauldronBlock
canFlow(BlockView, BlockPos, BlockState, Direction, BlockPos, BlockState, FluidState, Fluid) - Method in class net.minecraft.fluid.FlowableFluid
canFlowDownTo(BlockView, Fluid, BlockPos, BlockState, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.fluid.FlowableFluid
canFlowThrough(BlockView, Fluid, BlockPos, BlockState, Direction, BlockPos, BlockState, FluidState) - Method in class net.minecraft.fluid.FlowableFluid
canFollow(LlamaEntity, int) - Method in class
canFoodHeal() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity
canFreeze() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
Returns whether the entity can freeze.
canFreeze() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity
Returns whether the entity can freeze.
canFreeze() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.SkeletonEntity
Returns whether the entity can freeze.
canGather(PiglinEntity, ItemStack) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PiglinBrain
canGather(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.MobEntity
canGather(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PiglinBruteEntity
canGather(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PiglinEntity
canGather(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.ZombieEntity
canGather(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.ZombifiedPiglinEntity
canGather(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AllayEntity
canGather(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.VillagerEntity
canGenerate() - Method in class net.minecraft.structure.NetherFortressGenerator.PieceData
canGenerate() - Method in class net.minecraft.structure.StrongholdGenerator.PieceData
canGenerate(int) - Method in class net.minecraft.structure.NetherFortressGenerator.PieceData
canGenerate(int) - Method in class net.minecraft.structure.StrongholdGenerator.PieceData
canGenerate(BlockState) - Static method in class
canGenerate(RegistryEntry<StructureSet>, int, int, int) - Method in class
canGenerate(OceanMonumentGenerator.PieceSetting) - Method in class net.minecraft.structure.OceanMonumentGenerator.DoubleXRoomFactory
canGenerate(OceanMonumentGenerator.PieceSetting) - Method in class net.minecraft.structure.OceanMonumentGenerator.DoubleXYRoomFactory
canGenerate(OceanMonumentGenerator.PieceSetting) - Method in class net.minecraft.structure.OceanMonumentGenerator.DoubleYRoomFactory
canGenerate(OceanMonumentGenerator.PieceSetting) - Method in class net.minecraft.structure.OceanMonumentGenerator.DoubleYZRoomFactory
canGenerate(OceanMonumentGenerator.PieceSetting) - Method in class net.minecraft.structure.OceanMonumentGenerator.DoubleZRoomFactory
canGenerate(OceanMonumentGenerator.PieceSetting) - Method in interface net.minecraft.structure.OceanMonumentGenerator.PieceFactory
canGenerate(OceanMonumentGenerator.PieceSetting) - Method in class net.minecraft.structure.OceanMonumentGenerator.SimpleRoomFactory
canGenerate(OceanMonumentGenerator.PieceSetting) - Method in class net.minecraft.structure.OceanMonumentGenerator.SimpleRoomTopFactory
canGenerate(StructureWorldAccess, LargeDripstoneFeature.WindModifier) - Method in class
canGenerate(TestableWorld, BlockPos) - Static method in class
canGenerate(WorldAccess, BlockPos) - Method in class
canGenerate(WorldAccess, BlockPos) - Static method in class
canGenerate(WorldAccess, BlockPos.Mutable) - Static method in class
canGenerate(WorldAccess, BlockPos, int, BlockPos.Mutable, HugeMushroomFeatureConfig) - Method in class
canGenerateBase(StructureWorldAccess, BlockPos, int) - Static method in class
canGenerateLargeTree(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, int, int) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.sapling.LargeTreeSaplingGenerator
canGenerateOrLava(BlockState) - Static method in class
canGenerateOrLava(WorldAccess, BlockPos) - Static method in class
canGoToLookTarget(LivingEntity) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AxolotlBrain
canGoToVillage() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity.GoToVillageGoal
canGrow(BlockState) - Method in interface net.minecraft.block.LichenGrower.GrowChecker
canGrow(BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SculkVeinBlock.SculkVeinGrowChecker
canGrow(BlockState, BlockState) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.PointedDripstoneBlock
canGrow(BlockState, ServerWorld, BlockPos) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.PointedDripstoneBlock
canGrow(BlockState, Direction) - Method in interface net.minecraft.block.LichenGrower.GrowChecker
canGrow(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, Direction) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.LichenGrower
canGrow(BlockView, BlockPos, LichenGrower.GrowPos) - Method in interface net.minecraft.block.LichenGrower.GrowChecker
canGrow(BlockView, BlockPos, LichenGrower.GrowPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.LichenGrower.LichenGrowChecker
canGrow(BlockView, BlockPos, BlockPos, Direction, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.LichenGrower.LichenGrowChecker
canGrow(BlockView, BlockPos, BlockPos, Direction, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SculkVeinBlock.SculkVeinGrowChecker
canGrow(TestableWorld, Random, BlockPos, Direction, BlockPos, List<BlockPos>, int) - Method in class
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractPlantBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractPlantStemBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AzaleaBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BambooBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BambooSaplingBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BigDripleafBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BigDripleafStemBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.CaveVinesBodyBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.CaveVinesHeadBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.CocoaBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.CropBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.FernBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in interface net.minecraft.block.Fertilizable
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.FungusBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.GlowLichenBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.GrassBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.MangroveLeavesBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.MossBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.MushroomPlantBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.NetherrackBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.NyliumBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.PropaguleBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.RootedDirtBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SaplingBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SeagrassBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SeaPickleBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SmallDripleafBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.StemBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SweetBerryBushBlock
canGrow(World, Random, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.TallFlowerBlock
canGrowAt(BlockView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.VineBlock
canGrowIn(BlockState) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.BuddingAmethystBlock
canGrowInto(BlockState) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.BigDripleafBlock
canGrowInto(HeightLimitView, BlockPos, BlockState) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.BigDripleafBlock
canGrowOn(BlockView, Direction, BlockPos, BlockState) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.MultifaceGrowthBlock
canGrowThrough - Variable in record class
The field for the canGrowThrough record component.
canGrowThrough - Variable in class
canGrowThrough() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the canGrowThrough record component.
canGrowThrough(TestableWorld, BlockPos) - Method in class
canGrowThrough(TestableWorld, BlockPos) - Method in class
canGrowWithDirection(BlockView, BlockState, BlockPos, Direction) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.MultifaceGrowthBlock
canHarvest(BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity
Determines whether the player is able to harvest drops from the specified block state.
canHaveDirection(Direction) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.MultifaceGrowthBlock
canHaveMoreFishInGroup() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.SchoolingFishEntity
canHaveStatusEffect(StatusEffectInstance) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.boss.WitherEntity
canHaveStatusEffect(StatusEffectInstance) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity
canHaveStatusEffect(StatusEffectInstance) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.SpiderEntity
canHaveStatusEffect(StatusEffectInstance) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.WitherSkeletonEntity
canHit() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon.EnderDragonEntity
Returns whether the entity can be hit with a projectile or be targeted by the player crosshair.
canHit() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon.EnderDragonPart
Returns whether the entity can be hit with a projectile or be targeted by the player crosshair.
canHit() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.decoration.AbstractDecorationEntity
Returns whether the entity can be hit with a projectile or be targeted by the player crosshair.
canHit() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.decoration.ArmorStandEntity
Returns whether the entity can be hit with a projectile or be targeted by the player crosshair.
canHit() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.decoration.EndCrystalEntity
Returns whether the entity can be hit with a projectile or be targeted by the player crosshair.
canHit() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
Returns whether the entity can be hit with a projectile or be targeted by the player crosshair.
canHit() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.FallingBlockEntity
Returns whether the entity can be hit with a projectile or be targeted by the player crosshair.
canHit() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity
Returns whether the entity can be hit with a projectile or be targeted by the player crosshair.
canHit() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.projectile.DragonFireballEntity
Returns whether the entity can be hit with a projectile or be targeted by the player crosshair.
canHit() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.projectile.ExplosiveProjectileEntity
Returns whether the entity can be hit with a projectile or be targeted by the player crosshair.
canHit() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.projectile.ShulkerBulletEntity
Returns whether the entity can be hit with a projectile or be targeted by the player crosshair.
canHit() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.projectile.SmallFireballEntity
Returns whether the entity can be hit with a projectile or be targeted by the player crosshair.
canHit() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.projectile.WitherSkullEntity
Returns whether the entity can be hit with a projectile or be targeted by the player crosshair.
canHit() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.TntEntity
Returns whether the entity can be hit with a projectile or be targeted by the player crosshair.
canHit() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.vehicle.AbstractMinecartEntity
Returns whether the entity can be hit with a projectile or be targeted by the player crosshair.
canHit() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.vehicle.BoatEntity
Returns whether the entity can be hit with a projectile or be targeted by the player crosshair.
canHit(Entity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.projectile.ExplosiveProjectileEntity
canHit(Entity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.projectile.FishingBobberEntity
canHit(Entity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.projectile.PersistentProjectileEntity
canHit(Entity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.projectile.ProjectileEntity
canHit(Entity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.projectile.ShulkerBulletEntity
canHunt() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.AbstractPiglinEntity
canHunt() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PiglinBruteEntity
canHunt() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PiglinEntity
canHunt(LivingEntity, LivingEntity) - Method in class
canImmediatelyDespawn(double) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.HoglinEntity
canImmediatelyDespawn(double) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.MobEntity
canImmediatelyDespawn(double) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PatrolEntity
canImmediatelyDespawn(double) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PiglinEntity
canImmediatelyDespawn(double) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.WardenEntity
canImmediatelyDespawn(double) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.ZombieVillagerEntity
canImmediatelyDespawn(double) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AllayEntity
canImmediatelyDespawn(double) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AnimalEntity
canImmediatelyDespawn(double) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AxolotlEntity
canImmediatelyDespawn(double) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.CatEntity
canImmediatelyDespawn(double) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.ChickenEntity
canImmediatelyDespawn(double) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FishEntity
canImmediatelyDespawn(double) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.GolemEntity
canImmediatelyDespawn(double) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.OcelotEntity
canImmediatelyDespawn(double) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.VillagerEntity
canImmediatelyDespawn(double) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.WanderingTraderEntity
canImmediatelyDespawn(double) - Method in class
canIncreaseWarningLevel(ServerWorld, BlockPos) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.SculkShriekerWarningManager
canInfest - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.SilverfishEntity.WanderAndInfestGoal
canInsert(int, ItemStack, Direction) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.ComposterBlock.ComposterInventory
Determines whether the given stack can be inserted into this inventory at the specified slot position from the given direction.
canInsert(int, ItemStack, Direction) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.ComposterBlock.DummyInventory
Determines whether the given stack can be inserted into this inventory at the specified slot position from the given direction.
canInsert(int, ItemStack, Direction) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.ComposterBlock.FullComposterInventory
Determines whether the given stack can be inserted into this inventory at the specified slot position from the given direction.
canInsert(int, ItemStack, Direction) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.AbstractFurnaceBlockEntity
Determines whether the given stack can be inserted into this inventory at the specified slot position from the given direction.
canInsert(int, ItemStack, Direction) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.BrewingStandBlockEntity
Determines whether the given stack can be inserted into this inventory at the specified slot position from the given direction.
canInsert(int, ItemStack, Direction) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.ShulkerBoxBlockEntity
Determines whether the given stack can be inserted into this inventory at the specified slot position from the given direction.
canInsert(int, ItemStack, Direction) - Method in interface net.minecraft.inventory.SidedInventory
Determines whether the given stack can be inserted into this inventory at the specified slot position from the given direction.
canInsert(Inventory, ItemStack, int, Direction) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.HopperBlockEntity
canInsert(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.CreativeInventoryScreen.CreativeSlot
canInsert(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.inventory.SimpleInventory
canInsert(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.BeaconScreenHandler.PaymentSlot
canInsert(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.BrewingStandScreenHandler.FuelSlot
canInsert(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.BrewingStandScreenHandler.IngredientSlot
canInsert(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.BrewingStandScreenHandler.PotionSlot
canInsert(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.slot.CraftingResultSlot
canInsert(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.slot.FurnaceFuelSlot
canInsert(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.slot.FurnaceOutputSlot
canInsert(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.slot.ShulkerBoxSlot
canInsert(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.slot.Slot
canInsert(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.slot.TradeOutputSlot
canInsertIntoInventory(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PiglinEntity
canInsertIntoSlot(int) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.AbstractFurnaceScreenHandler
canInsertIntoSlot(int) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.AbstractRecipeScreenHandler
canInsertIntoSlot(int) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.CraftingScreenHandler
canInsertIntoSlot(int) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.PlayerScreenHandler
canInsertIntoSlot(ItemStack, Slot) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.CreativeInventoryScreen.CreativeScreenHandler
Returns whether stack can be inserted to slot.
canInsertIntoSlot(ItemStack, Slot) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.CartographyTableScreenHandler
Returns whether stack can be inserted to slot.
canInsertIntoSlot(ItemStack, Slot) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.CraftingScreenHandler
Returns whether stack can be inserted to slot.
canInsertIntoSlot(ItemStack, Slot) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.MerchantScreenHandler
Returns whether stack can be inserted to slot.
canInsertIntoSlot(ItemStack, Slot) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.PlayerScreenHandler
Returns whether stack can be inserted to slot.
canInsertIntoSlot(ItemStack, Slot) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.ScreenHandler
Returns whether stack can be inserted to slot.
canInsertIntoSlot(ItemStack, Slot) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.SmithingScreenHandler
Returns whether stack can be inserted to slot.
canInsertIntoSlot(ItemStack, Slot) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.StonecutterScreenHandler
Returns whether stack can be inserted to slot.
canInsertIntoSlot(Slot) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.CreativeInventoryScreen.CreativeScreenHandler
canInsertIntoSlot(Slot) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.ScreenHandler
canInsertItemIntoSlot(Slot, ItemStack, boolean) - Static method in class net.minecraft.screen.ScreenHandler
canJoinRaid() - Method in class
canJump - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.RabbitEntity.RabbitJumpControl
canJump() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.RabbitEntity.RabbitJumpControl
canJump(PlayerEntity) - Method in interface net.minecraft.entity.JumpingMount
canJump(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AbstractHorseEntity
canJump(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.CamelEntity
canJumpChase(FoxEntity, LivingEntity) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity
canJumpOutOfWater - Variable in class
canJumpOutOfWater - Variable in class
canJumpTo(ServerWorld, E, BlockPos) - Method in class
canJumpToNextPathNode(PathNodeType) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.MobEntity
Returns if this entity can jump to the next node in path given the type of the node.
canJumpToNextPathNode(PathNodeType) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FrogEntity
Returns if this entity can jump to the next node in path given the type of the node.
canLayAt(BlockView, BlockPos) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.FrogspawnBlock
canLead() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PatrolEntity
canLead() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.RavagerEntity
canLead() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.WitchEntity
canLevelUp() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.VillagerEntity
canLevelUp(int) - Static method in class net.minecraft.village.VillagerData
canLightFire(WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.fluid.LavaFluid
canLootHome(BlockPos) - Method in class
canMagmaCubeSpawn(EntityType<MagmaCubeEntity>, WorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.MagmaCubeEntity
canMelt(BlockView, BlockPos, int) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.FrostedIceBlock
canMerge() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.ItemEntity
canMerge(ItemStack, ItemStack) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.ItemEntity
canMergeItems(ItemStack, ItemStack) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.HopperBlockEntity
canMergeStack(ItemStack, NbtList) - Static method in class net.minecraft.item.BundleItem
canMine(BlockState, World, BlockPos, PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.DebugStickItem
Returns whether a player can break a block while holding the item.
canMine(BlockState, World, BlockPos, PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.Item
Returns whether a player can break a block while holding the item.
canMine(BlockState, World, BlockPos, PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.SwordItem
Returns whether a player can break a block while holding the item.
canMine(BlockState, World, BlockPos, PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.TridentItem
Returns whether a player can break a block while holding the item.
canMirrorX - Variable in class net.minecraft.block.MultifaceGrowthBlock
canMirrorZ - Variable in class net.minecraft.block.MultifaceGrowthBlock
canMobSpawn(EntityType<? extends MobEntity>, WorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.MobEntity
canMobSpawnInside() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractBannerBlock
canMobSpawnInside() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractPressurePlateBlock
canMobSpawnInside() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractSignBlock
canMobSpawnInside() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.Block
canModifyAt(World, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
Returns whether the entity can modify the world at pos.
canModifyAt(World, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.projectile.ProjectileEntity
Returns whether the entity can modify the world at pos.
canModifyAt(World, BlockPos) - Method in class
Returns whether the entity can modify the world at pos.
canModifyBlocks() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity
canMoveEntity(Box, Entity) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.PistonBlockEntity
canMoveTowardEnd() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.pack.ResourcePackOrganizer.AbstractPack
canMoveTowardEnd() - Method in interface net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.pack.ResourcePackOrganizer.Pack
canMoveTowardStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.pack.ResourcePackOrganizer.AbstractPack
canMoveTowardStart() - Method in interface net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.pack.ResourcePackOrganizer.Pack
canMoveVoluntarily() - Method in class
canMoveVoluntarily() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.decoration.ArmorStandEntity
canMoveVoluntarily() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity
canMoveVoluntarily() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.MobEntity
canNavigateFlag - Variable in class
canNavigateToEntity(LivingEntity) - Method in class
CANNOT_CONNECT_TEXT - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.multiplayer.MultiplayerServerListWidget
CANNOT_CONNECT_TEXT - Static variable in class
CANNOT_ENTER_HIVE_TICKS_KEY - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.BeeEntity
CANNOT_PICK_UP_DELAY - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.ItemEntity
CANNOT_REPLACE_BLOCKS - Static variable in class
CANNOT_REPLACE_BLOCKS - Static variable in class
CANNOT_RESOLVE_TEXT - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.multiplayer.MultiplayerServerListWidget
CANNOT_TRACK - Static variable in class
cannotBeHunted - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.HoglinEntity
cannotBeSilenced() - Method in interface net.minecraft.server.command.CommandOutput
cannotBeSilenced() - Method in class net.minecraft.server.command.DebugCommand.Tracer
canNotCalmDown() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity.DelayedCalmDownGoal
cannotConnect(BlockState) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.Block
cannotDespawn() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.EndermanEntity
cannotDespawn() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.MobEntity
cannotDespawn() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AxolotlEntity
cannotDespawn() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FishEntity
cannotDespawn() - Method in class
cannotEnterHiveTicks - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.BeeEntity
cannotGenerate(BlockState) - Static method in class
cannotGenerate(WorldAccess, BlockBox) - Method in class net.minecraft.structure.MineshaftGenerator.MineshaftPart
cannotHunt - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PiglinEntity
cannotMakeCurves() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractRailBlock
cannotPickup() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.ItemEntity
Returns whether the pickup delay of this item entity is greater than 0.
cannotReachDoor(ServerWorld, LivingEntity, GlobalPos) - Static method in class
cannotReachTarget(LivingEntity, Optional<Long>) - Static method in class
cannotReplace - Variable in class
cannotSleep() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.CatEntity.SleepWithOwnerGoal
canOpen(BlockState, World, BlockPos, ShulkerBoxBlockEntity) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.ShulkerBoxBlock
canOpen(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerLock
Returns true if this lock can be opened with the key item stack.
canOpenDoors - Variable in class
canOpenDoors() - Method in class
canOperate() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.vehicle.HopperMinecartEntity
canPathDirectlyThrough(Vec3d, Vec3d) - Method in class
canPathDirectlyThrough(Vec3d, Vec3d) - Method in class
canPathDirectlyThrough(Vec3d, Vec3d) - Method in class
canPathDirectlyThrough(Vec3d, Vec3d) - Method in class
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractCauldronBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractSkullBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AnvilBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BambooBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BedBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BellBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BrewingStandBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.CactusBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.CakeBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.CampfireBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.CandleCakeBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.ChainBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.ChestBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.ChorusPlantBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.CocoaBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.ComposterBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.ConduitBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.DirtPathBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.DoorBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.DragonEggBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.EnchantingTableBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.EnderChestBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.EndPortalFrameBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.FarmlandBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.FenceBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.FenceGateBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.FlowerPotBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.FluidBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.GrindstoneBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.HopperBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.HorizontalConnectingBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.LanternBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.LecternBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.MudBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.PistonBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.PistonExtensionBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.PistonHeadBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.PlantBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.PointedDripstoneBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.PowderSnowBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.RespawnAnchorBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.RodBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SculkSensorBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SeaPickleBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SlabBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SnowBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SoulSandBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.StairsBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.StonecutterBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.TrapdoorBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.WallBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.WallHangingSignBlock
Returns if an entity using navigation type type can navigate through this block.
canPathfindThrough(BlockView, BlockPos, NavigationType) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock.AbstractBlockState
canPathThrough(PathNode, PathNode, PathNode) - Method in class
canPathThrough(BlockPos) - Method in class
canPathThrough(BlockPos) - Method in class
canPickupItem(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.MobEntity
canPickupItem(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.ZombieEntity
canPickupItem(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity
canPickUpLoot - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.MobEntity
canPickUpLoot() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.MobEntity
canPickUpLoot() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AllayEntity
canPlace() - Method in class net.minecraft.item.AutomaticItemPlacementContext
canPlace() - Method in class net.minecraft.item.ItemPlacementContext
canPlace(BlockState, BlockPos, ShapeContext) - Method in interface
canPlace(ItemPlacementContext, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.BlockItem
canPlace(ServerPlayerEntity, ItemStack) - Static method in class
Checks if a player can place a block or fluid from a bucket.
canPlace(WorldAccess, BlockPos, Random) - Method in class
canPlace(WorldAccess, BlockPos, DeltaFeatureConfig) - Static method in class
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractPlantPartBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractPressurePlateBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractRailBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractRedstoneGateBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AmethystClusterBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BambooBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BambooSaplingBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BannerBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BellBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BigDripleafBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BigDripleafStemBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BubbleColumnBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.CactusBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.CakeBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.CandleBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.CandleCakeBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.CarpetBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.ChorusFlowerBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.ChorusPlantBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.CocoaBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.CoralParentBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.CropBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.DeadCoralWallFanBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.DirtPathBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.DoorBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.FarmlandBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.FireBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.FrogspawnBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.GrindstoneBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.HangingRootsBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.HangingSignBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.LadderBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.LanternBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.MultifaceGrowthBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.MushroomPlantBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.PistonHeadBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.PlantBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.PointedDripstoneBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.PropaguleBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.RedstoneWireBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.ScaffoldingBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SeaPickleBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SignBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SmallDripleafBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SnowBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SoulFireBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SporeBlossomBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SugarCaneBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.TallPlantBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.TallSeagrassBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.TorchBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.TripwireHookBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.VineBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.WallBannerBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.WallMountedBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.WallRedstoneTorchBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.WallSignBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.WallTorchBlock
Returns whether the block can be placed at pos.
canPlaceAt(WorldAccess, int, BlockPos.Mutable) - Static method in class
canPlaceAt(World, BlockPos, Direction) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractFireBlock
canPlaceAt(WorldView, BlockState, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.HangingSignItem
canPlaceAt(WorldView, BlockState, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.VerticallyAttachableBlockItem
canPlaceAt(WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock.AbstractBlockState
canPlaceAt(WorldView, BlockPos, Direction) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.WallMountedBlock
canPlaceAtWithDirection(WorldView, BlockPos, Direction) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.PointedDripstoneBlock
canPlaceEntityAt(CollisionView, LivingEntity, Box) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.Dismounting
canPlaceEntityAt(CollisionView, Vec3d, LivingEntity, EntityPose) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.Dismounting
canPlaceOn - Variable in class
canPlaceOn(PlayerEntity, Direction, ItemStack, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.DecorationItem
canPlaceOn(PlayerEntity, Direction, ItemStack, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.ItemFrameItem
canPlaceOn(Registry<Block>, CachedBlockPosition) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
canPlaceOn(BlockPos, Direction, ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity
canPlaceOn(BlockView, BlockPos, Direction) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.LadderBlock
canPlaceOn(World, BlockPos, BlockState, BlockState, BlockState, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.EndermanEntity.PlaceBlockGoal
canPlantOnTop(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AttachedStemBlock
canPlantOnTop(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AzaleaBlock
canPlantOnTop(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.CropBlock
canPlantOnTop(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.DeadBushBlock
canPlantOnTop(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.FungusBlock
canPlantOnTop(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.LilyPadBlock
canPlantOnTop(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.MushroomPlantBlock
canPlantOnTop(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.NetherWartBlock
canPlantOnTop(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.PlantBlock
canPlantOnTop(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.PropaguleBlock
canPlantOnTop(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.RootsBlock
canPlantOnTop(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SeagrassBlock
canPlantOnTop(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SeaPickleBlock
canPlantOnTop(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SmallDripleafBlock
canPlantOnTop(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SproutsBlock
canPlantOnTop(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.StemBlock
canPlantOnTop(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.TallSeagrassBlock
canPlantOnTop(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.WitherRoseBlock
canPlay() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.sound.AbstractBeeSoundInstance
canPlay() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.sound.EntityTrackingSoundInstance
canPlay() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.sound.GuardianAttackSoundInstance
canPlay() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.sound.MinecartInsideSoundInstance
canPlay() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.sound.MovingMinecartSoundInstance
canPlay() - Method in interface net.minecraft.client.sound.SoundInstance
canPlayerAccess(PlayerEntity) - Method in interface net.minecraft.entity.vehicle.VehicleInventory
canPlayerModifyAt(PlayerEntity, BlockPos) - Method in class
Returns whether player can modify blocks at pos.
canPlayerModifyAt(PlayerEntity, BlockPos) - Method in class
Returns whether player can modify blocks at pos.
canPlayerUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.AbstractFurnaceBlockEntity
canPlayerUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.BrewingStandBlockEntity
canPlayerUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.ChiseledBookshelfBlockEntity
canPlayerUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.EnderChestBlockEntity
canPlayerUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.LootableContainerBlockEntity
canPlayerUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerInventory
canPlayerUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.vehicle.ChestBoatEntity
canPlayerUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.vehicle.StorageMinecartEntity
canPlayerUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.inventory.CraftingInventory
canPlayerUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.inventory.CraftingResultInventory
canPlayerUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.inventory.DoubleInventory
canPlayerUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.inventory.EnderChestInventory
canPlayerUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in interface net.minecraft.inventory.Inventory
canPlayerUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.inventory.SimpleInventory
canPlayerUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.village.MerchantInventory
canPointTo(Entity, GlobalPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.item.CompassAnglePredicateProvider
canProcess() - Method in class
canReach(MobEntity, EntityDimensions, Vec3d, Vec3d) - Method in class
canReach(PathAwareEntity, BlockPos) - Method in class
canReachHome(VillagerEntity, BlockPos, RegistryEntry<PointOfInterestType>) - Method in class
canReachJobSite(PathAwareEntity, BlockPos, PointOfInterestType) - Static method in class
canReadDemoWorldData() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.TitleScreen
canRecord() - Method in class
canRefreshTrades - Variable in class net.minecraft.screen.MerchantScreenHandler
canRefreshTrades() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.VillagerEntity
canRefreshTrades() - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.MerchantScreenHandler
canRefreshTrades() - Method in interface net.minecraft.village.Merchant
canRenderCapeTexture() - Method in class
canRenderElytraTexture() - Method in class
canRepair(ItemStack, ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.ArmorItem
Returns whether stack can be repaired using ingredient.
canRepair(ItemStack, ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.ElytraItem
Returns whether stack can be repaired using ingredient.
canRepair(ItemStack, ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.Item
Returns whether stack can be repaired using ingredient.
canRepair(ItemStack, ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.ShieldItem
Returns whether stack can be repaired using ingredient.
canRepair(ItemStack, ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.ToolItem
Returns whether stack can be repaired using ingredient.
canRepeatInstantly(SoundInstance) - Static method in class net.minecraft.client.sound.SoundSystem
canReplace() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.sound.SoundEntry
canReplace(BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.structure.StructurePiece
canReplace(BlockState) - Method in class
canReplace(BlockState) - Static method in class
canReplace(BlockState, ItemPlacementContext) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock
canReplace(BlockState, ItemPlacementContext) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractPlantBlock
Returns whether the item can replace the block.
canReplace(BlockState, ItemPlacementContext) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.CandleBlock
Returns whether the item can replace the block.
canReplace(BlockState, ItemPlacementContext) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.GlowLichenBlock
Returns whether the item can replace the block.
canReplace(BlockState, ItemPlacementContext) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.MultifaceGrowthBlock
Returns whether the item can replace the block.
canReplace(BlockState, ItemPlacementContext) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.ScaffoldingBlock
Returns whether the item can replace the block.
canReplace(BlockState, ItemPlacementContext) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SculkVeinBlock
Returns whether the item can replace the block.
canReplace(BlockState, ItemPlacementContext) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SeaPickleBlock
Returns whether the item can replace the block.
canReplace(BlockState, ItemPlacementContext) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SlabBlock
Returns whether the item can replace the block.
canReplace(BlockState, ItemPlacementContext) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.SnowBlock
Returns whether the item can replace the block.
canReplace(BlockState, ItemPlacementContext) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.TallFlowerBlock
Returns whether the item can replace the block.
canReplace(BlockState, ItemPlacementContext) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.TurtleEggBlock
Returns whether the item can replace the block.
canReplace(BlockState, ItemPlacementContext) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.VineBlock
Returns whether the item can replace the block.
canReplace(ItemPlacementContext) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock.AbstractBlockState
canReplace(TestableWorld, BlockPos) - Static method in class
canReplace(TestableWorld, BlockPos) - Method in class
canReplace(TestableWorld, BlockPos) - Method in class
canReplaceAll(PrioritizedGoal, Map<Goal.Control, PrioritizedGoal>) - Static method in class
canReplaceExisting - Variable in class net.minecraft.item.ItemPlacementContext
canReplaceExisting() - Method in class net.minecraft.item.AutomaticItemPlacementContext
canReplaceExisting() - Method in class net.minecraft.item.ItemPlacementContext
canReplaceOrIsLog(TestableWorld, BlockPos) - Method in class
canReplaceOrLava(BlockState) - Static method in class
canResetTime(int, List<ServerPlayerEntity>) - Method in class
Returns if the night can actually be skipped at the tick this is called.
canResetTimeBySleeping() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity
Returns whether this player has been sleeping long enough to count towards resetting the time of day and weather of the server.
canRestock() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.VillagerEntity
canReturnInputs() - Method in class net.minecraft.recipe.InputSlotFiller
canRide(PiglinEntity, Entity) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PiglinBrain
canRideHoglin(PiglinEntity) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PiglinBrain
canRideTarget(LivingEntity, Entity, int) - Static method in class
canRunOnTop(BlockView, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.RedstoneWireBlock
canScroll(int) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.MerchantScreen
canSee(Advancement) - Method in class net.minecraft.advancement.PlayerAdvancementTracker
canSee(Brain<?>, MemoryModuleType<? extends LivingEntity>, Predicate<LivingEntity>) - Static method in class
canSee(Brain<?>, MemoryModuleType<? extends LivingEntity>, EntityType<?>) - Static method in class
canSee(Brain<?>, LivingEntity) - Static method in class
canSee(Entity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity
canSee(Entity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.MobVisibilityCache
canSee(Entity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.RavagerEntity
canSelect() - Method in class
canSelect() - Method in class
canSendReports - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.multiplayer.SocialInteractionsPlayerListEntry
canSendReports() - Method in interface
canSendReports() - Method in record class
canSetBlock(BlockPos) - Method in class
canSetIce(WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class
canSetIce(WorldView, BlockPos, boolean) - Method in class
canSetSnow(WorldView, BlockPos) - Method in class
canShakeWaterOff - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.WolfEntity
canShowChatDisabledScreen - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.hud.InGameHud
canSkipElementChecks - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.BufferBuilder
Whether this builder is aware of the vertex format and can skip checks for the current target element while building a vertex in BufferBuilder.vertex(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int, int, float, float, float).
canSkipNight(int) - Method in class
Returns if the number of sleeping players has reached a percentage out of all players.
canSpawn(EntityType<? extends LivingEntity>, ServerWorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AxolotlEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<? extends LivingEntity>, ServerWorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.GlowSquidEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<? extends GuardianEntity>, WorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.GuardianEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<? extends PatrolEntity>, WorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PatrolEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<? extends WaterCreatureEntity>, WorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.WaterCreatureEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<? extends AnimalEntity>, WorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FrogEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<? extends AnimalEntity>, WorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.GoatEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<DrownedEntity>, ServerWorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.DrownedEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<EndermiteEntity>, WorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.EndermiteEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<GhastEntity>, WorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.GhastEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<HoglinEntity>, WorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.HoglinEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<HuskEntity>, ServerWorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.HuskEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<PiglinEntity>, WorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PiglinEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<SilverfishEntity>, WorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.SilverfishEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<SlimeEntity>, WorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.SlimeEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<StrayEntity>, ServerWorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.StrayEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<ZombifiedPiglinEntity>, WorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.ZombifiedPiglinEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<BatEntity>, WorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.BatEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<FoxEntity>, WorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<MooshroomEntity>, WorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.MooshroomEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<OcelotEntity>, WorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.OcelotEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<ParrotEntity>, WorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.ParrotEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<PolarBearEntity>, WorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.PolarBearEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<RabbitEntity>, WorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.RabbitEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<StriderEntity>, WorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.StriderEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<TurtleEntity>, WorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.TurtleEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<WolfEntity>, WorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.WolfEntity
canSpawn(EntityType<T>, ServerWorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.SpawnRestriction
canSpawn(SpawnGroup) - Method in class
canSpawn(SpawnGroup, ChunkPos) - Method in class
canSpawn(SpawnRestriction.Location, WorldView, BlockPos, EntityType<?>) - Static method in class
canSpawn(ServerWorld, SpawnGroup, StructureAccessor, ChunkGenerator, SpawnSettings.SpawnEntry, BlockPos.Mutable, double) - Static method in class
canSpawn(WorldAccess, SpawnReason) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.MobEntity
canSpawn(WorldAccess, SpawnReason) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PathAwareEntity
canSpawn(WorldView) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.DrownedEntity
canSpawn(WorldView) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.GuardianEntity
canSpawn(WorldView) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.MagmaCubeEntity
canSpawn(WorldView) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.MobEntity
canSpawn(WorldView) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.RavagerEntity
canSpawn(WorldView) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.WardenEntity
canSpawn(WorldView) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.WaterCreatureEntity
canSpawn(WorldView) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.ZombifiedPiglinEntity
canSpawn(WorldView) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AxolotlEntity
canSpawn(WorldView) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.IronGolemEntity
canSpawn(WorldView) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.OcelotEntity
canSpawn(WorldView) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.StriderEntity
canSpawnBaby() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.PassiveEntity.PassiveData
canSpawnIgnoreLightLevel(EntityType<? extends HostileEntity>, WorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.HostileEntity
canSpawnInDark(EntityType<? extends HostileEntity>, ServerWorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.HostileEntity
canSpawnInside - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.EntityType.Builder
canSpawnInside - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.EntityType
canSpawnOn(ServerWorld, BlockPos, BlockState, BlockPos, BlockState) - Method in interface net.minecraft.entity.LargeEntitySpawnHelper.Requirements
canSpawnOnLeaves(BlockState, BlockView, BlockPos, EntityType<?>) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
canSpawnRaiders() - Method in class
canSpread(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.SpreadableBlock
canSpread(WorldAccess, BlockPos, boolean) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.SculkSpreadManager.Cursor
canSpread(WorldAccess, BlockPos, BlockPos) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.SculkSpreadManager.Cursor
canSpread(WorldAccess, BlockPos, Direction) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.SculkSpreadManager.Cursor
canSprint() - Method in class
canStackAddMore(ItemStack, ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerInventory
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.boss.WitherEntity.DescendAtHalfHealthGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.BlazeEntity.ShootFireballGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.DrownedEntity.DrownedAttackGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.DrownedEntity.LeaveWaterGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.DrownedEntity.TargetAboveWaterGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.DrownedEntity.TridentAttackGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.DrownedEntity.WanderAroundOnSurfaceGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.EndermanEntity.ChasePlayerGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.EndermanEntity.PickUpBlockGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.EndermanEntity.PlaceBlockGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.EndermanEntity.TeleportTowardsPlayerGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.EvokerEntity.SummonVexGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.EvokerEntity.WololoGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.GhastEntity.FlyRandomlyGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.GhastEntity.LookAtTargetGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.GhastEntity.ShootFireballGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.GuardianEntity.FireBeamGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.IllagerEntity.LongDoorInteractGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.IllusionerEntity.BlindTargetGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.IllusionerEntity.GiveInvisibilityGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PatrolEntity.PatrolGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PhantomEntity.CircleMovementGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PhantomEntity.FindTargetGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PhantomEntity.StartAttackGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PhantomEntity.SwoopMovementGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.ShulkerEntity.PeekGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.ShulkerEntity.ShootBulletGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.ShulkerEntity.TargetOtherTeamGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.ShulkerEntity.TargetPlayerGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.SilverfishEntity.CallForHelpGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.SilverfishEntity.WanderAndInfestGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.SlimeEntity.FaceTowardTargetGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.SlimeEntity.MoveGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.SlimeEntity.RandomLookGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.SlimeEntity.SwimmingGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.SpellcastingIllagerEntity.CastSpellGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.SpellcastingIllagerEntity.LookAtTargetGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.SpiderEntity.AttackGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.SpiderEntity.TargetGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.VexEntity.ChargeTargetGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.VexEntity.LookAtTargetGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.VexEntity.TrackOwnerTargetGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.VindicatorEntity.BreakDoorGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.VindicatorEntity.TargetGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.BeeEntity.BeeWanderAroundGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.BeeEntity.NotAngryGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.BeeEntity.StingGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.BeeEntity.StingTargetGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.CatEntity.CatFleeGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.CatEntity.SleepWithOwnerGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.CatEntity.TemptGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.DolphinEntity.LeadToNearbyTreasureGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.DolphinEntity.PlayWithItemsGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.DolphinEntity.SwimWithPlayerGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FishEntity.SwimToRandomPlaceGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity.AttackGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity.AvoidDaylightGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity.DefendFriendGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity.DelayedCalmDownGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity.EatBerriesGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity.FollowParentGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity.FoxSwimGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity.GoToVillageGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity.JumpChasingGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity.LookAtEntityGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity.MoveToHuntGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity.PickupItemGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity.SitDownAndLookAroundGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity.StopWanderingGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.OcelotEntity.FleeGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.PandaEntity.AttackGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.PandaEntity.LieOnBackGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.PandaEntity.LookAtEntityGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.PandaEntity.PandaFleeGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.PandaEntity.PandaMateGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.PandaEntity.PickUpFoodGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.PandaEntity.PlayGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.PandaEntity.SneezeGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.PolarBearEntity.ProtectBabiesGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.PufferfishEntity.InflateGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.RabbitEntity.EatCarrotCropGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.RabbitEntity.FleeGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.SquidEntity.EscapeAttackerGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.SquidEntity.SwimGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.StriderEntity.GoBackToLavaGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.TraderLlamaEntity.DefendTraderGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.TurtleEntity.GoHomeGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.TurtleEntity.LayEggGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.TurtleEntity.MateGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.TurtleEntity.TravelGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.TurtleEntity.TurtleEscapeDangerGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.TurtleEntity.WanderInWaterGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.TurtleEntity.WanderOnLandGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.WanderingTraderEntity.WanderToTargetGoal
canStart() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.WolfEntity.AvoidLlamaGoal
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStart() - Method in class
canStartRiding(Entity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon.EnderDragonEntity
Returns whether this entity can ride entity.
canStartRiding(Entity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.boss.WitherEntity
Returns whether this entity can ride entity.
canStartRiding(Entity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
Returns whether this entity can ride entity.
canStartRiding(Entity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.WardenEntity
Returns whether this entity can ride entity.
canStartRiding(Entity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.DolphinEntity
Returns whether this entity can ride entity.
canStartUniversalAnger() - Method in class
canStay(BlockPos, Direction) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.ShulkerEntity
canStayAttached() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.decoration.AbstractDecorationEntity
canStayAttached() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.decoration.ItemFrameEntity
canStayAttached() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.decoration.LeashKnotEntity
canSting() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.BeeEntity.StingTargetGoal
canStop() - Method in class
canStop() - Method in class
canStop() - Method in class
canStop() - Method in class
canStop() - Method in class
canStop() - Method in class
canStop() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.DolphinEntity.LeadToNearbyTreasureGoal
canStop() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity.JumpChasingGoal
canStop() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.PandaEntity.PlayGoal
canSuggestElements() - Method in enum class net.minecraft.command.CommandSource.SuggestedIdType
canSuggestTags() - Method in enum class net.minecraft.command.CommandSource.SuggestedIdType
canSummonGolem(long) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.VillagerEntity
canSurvive(BlockState, WorldView, BlockPos) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.SpreadableBlock
canSwim - Variable in class
canSwim() - Method in class
canSwim() - Method in class
CANT_REACH_WALK_TARGET_SINCE - Static variable in class
canTakeDamage() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity
canTakeDamage() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AxolotlEntity
canTakeDamage() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity
canTakeItems(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.CreativeInventoryScreen.CreativeSlot
canTakeItems(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.CreativeInventoryScreen.LockableSlot
canTakeItems(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.slot.Slot
canTakeOutput(PlayerEntity, boolean) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.AnvilScreenHandler
canTakeOutput(PlayerEntity, boolean) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.ForgingScreenHandler
canTakeOutput(PlayerEntity, boolean) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.SmithingScreenHandler
canTakePartial(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.slot.Slot
canTarget(EntityType<?>) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity
canTarget(EntityType<?>) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.MobEntity
canTarget(EntityType<?>) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PhantomEntity
canTarget(EntityType<?>) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.IronGolemEntity
canTarget(LivingEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon.EnderDragonEntity
canTarget(LivingEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity
canTarget(LivingEntity) - Method in interface net.minecraft.entity.mob.Angerable
canTarget(LivingEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.IllagerEntity
canTarget(LivingEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.TameableEntity
canTeleport(Entity) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.EndGatewayBlockEntity
canTeleportTo(BlockPos) - Method in class
canTickBlockEntities() - Method in class
canTickBlockEntity(BlockPos) - Method in class
canTickChunk(ServerPlayerEntity, ChunkPos) - Method in class
Returns whether the player can tick the chunk at pos.
canTillFarmland(ItemUsageContext) - Static method in class net.minecraft.item.HoeItem
Returns whether the used block can be tilled into farmland.
canTrack(LivingEntity, TargetPredicate) - Method in class
canTropicalFishSpawn(EntityType<TropicalFishEntity>, WorldAccess, SpawnReason, BlockPos, Random) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.TropicalFishEntity
canTrust(UUID) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity
canUse(BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.AnvilScreenHandler
canUse(BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.ForgingScreenHandler
canUse(BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.SmithingScreenHandler
canUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.CreativeInventoryScreen.CreativeScreenHandler
Returns whether the screen handler can be used.
canUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.AbstractFurnaceScreenHandler
Returns whether the screen handler can be used.
canUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.BeaconScreenHandler
Returns whether the screen handler can be used.
canUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.BrewingStandScreenHandler
Returns whether the screen handler can be used.
canUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.CartographyTableScreenHandler
Returns whether the screen handler can be used.
canUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.CraftingScreenHandler
Returns whether the screen handler can be used.
canUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.EnchantmentScreenHandler
Returns whether the screen handler can be used.
canUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.ForgingScreenHandler
Returns whether the screen handler can be used.
canUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.Generic3x3ContainerScreenHandler
Returns whether the screen handler can be used.
canUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.GenericContainerScreenHandler
Returns whether the screen handler can be used.
canUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.GrindstoneScreenHandler
Returns whether the screen handler can be used.
canUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.HopperScreenHandler
Returns whether the screen handler can be used.
canUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.HorseScreenHandler
Returns whether the screen handler can be used.
canUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.LecternScreenHandler
Returns whether the screen handler can be used.
canUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.LoomScreenHandler
Returns whether the screen handler can be used.
canUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.MerchantScreenHandler
Returns whether the screen handler can be used.
canUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.PlayerScreenHandler
Returns whether the screen handler can be used.
canUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.ScreenHandler
Returns whether the screen handler can be used.
canUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.ShulkerBoxScreenHandler
Returns whether the screen handler can be used.
canUse(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.StonecutterScreenHandler
Returns whether the screen handler can be used.
canUse(ScreenHandlerContext, PlayerEntity, Block) - Static method in class net.minecraft.screen.ScreenHandler
Returns whether the screen handler can be used.
canUseAsFuel(ItemStack) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.AbstractFurnaceBlockEntity
canUseCache(CachedBlockPosition, CachedBlockPosition, boolean) - Static method in class net.minecraft.item.BlockPredicatesChecker
canUseJobSite(RegistryEntry<PointOfInterestType>, VillagerEntity, BlockPos) - Static method in class
canUsePortals() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon.EnderDragonEntity
Returns whether the entity can use nether portals and end portals.
canUsePortals() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.boss.WitherEntity
Returns whether the entity can use nether portals and end portals.
canUsePortals() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
Returns whether the entity can use nether portals and end portals.
canUsePortals() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.projectile.FishingBobberEntity
Returns whether the entity can use nether portals and end portals.
canUseRangedWeapon(RangedWeaponItem) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.AbstractSkeletonEntity
canUseRangedWeapon(RangedWeaponItem) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.MobEntity
canUseRangedWeapon(RangedWeaponItem) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PiglinEntity
canUseRangedWeapon(RangedWeaponItem) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PillagerEntity
canVerifyFrom(UUID) - Method in record class
Returns whether the message can be verified as from sender.
canVillagerSummonGolem(VillagerEntity) - Method in class
canWalkOnFluid(FluidState) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity
canWalkOnFluid(FluidState) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.StriderEntity
canWalkOnFluid(FluidState, FluidState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.EntityShapeContext
canWalkOnFluid(FluidState, FluidState) - Method in interface net.minecraft.block.ShapeContext
canWalkOnPath(PathNodeType) - Method in class
canWalkOnPath(PathNodeType) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.StriderEntity.Navigation
canWalkOnPowderSnow(Entity) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.PowderSnowBlock
canWalkOverFences - Variable in class
canWalkOverFences() - Method in class
canWallConnect(BlockState, Direction) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.FenceGateBlock
canWander(LivingEntity) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PiglinBrain
canWarn() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.resource.VideoWarningManager
canWarn(ServerWorld) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.SculkShriekerBlockEntity
canWaterSpawn(StructureWorldAccess, BlockPos) - Method in class
CANYON - Static variable in class
cap - Variable in class com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager.CapabilityTracker
CapabilityTracker(int) - Constructor for class com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager.CapabilityTracker
capacity - Variable in enum class net.minecraft.entity.SpawnGroup
capacity() - Method in class
capacity(int) - Method in class
CAPE - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.PlayerModelPart
CapeFeatureRenderer - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.entity.feature
CapeFeatureRenderer(FeatureRendererContext<AbstractClientPlayerEntity, PlayerEntityModel<AbstractClientPlayerEntity>>) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.feature.CapeFeatureRenderer
capeX - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity
capeY - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity
capeZ - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity
capFill - Variable in class com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager.PolygonOffsetState
capLine - Variable in class com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager.PolygonOffsetState
capProvider - Variable in class
capState - Variable in class com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager.BlendFuncState
capState - Variable in class com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager.CullFaceState
capState - Variable in class com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager.DepthTestState
capState - Variable in class com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager.LogicOpState
capState - Variable in class com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager.ScissorTestState
capState - Variable in class com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager.Texture2DState
capturedFrustum - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.WorldRenderer
capturedFrustumOrientation - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.WorldRenderer
capturedFrustumPosition - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.WorldRenderer
captureFrustum() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.render.WorldRenderer
captureFrustum(Matrix4f, Matrix4f, double, double, double, Frustum) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.render.WorldRenderer
CARET - Static variable in class net.minecraft.command.argument.LookingPosArgument
carouselIndex - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsMainScreen
carouselTick - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsMainScreen
CARPET - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Material
CARPET - Static variable in class
CARPET - Static variable in class
CARPET_CELL_FLAG - Static variable in class net.minecraft.structure.WoodlandMansionGenerator.MansionParameters
Whether the cell has carpet.
CARPET_COLOR - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.LlamaEntity
CarpetBlock - Class in net.minecraft.block
CarpetBlock(AbstractBlock.Settings) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.CarpetBlock
CARRIED_BLOCK - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.EndermanEntity
CARROT - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.FoodComponents
CARROT - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CARROT_ON_A_STICK - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CARROTS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CarrotsBlock - Class in net.minecraft.block
CarrotsBlock(AbstractBlock.Settings) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.CarrotsBlock
carryingBlock - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.EndermanEntityModel
CARTOGRAPHER - Static variable in record class net.minecraft.village.VillagerProfession
CARTOGRAPHER - Static variable in class
CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.screen.ScreenHandlerType
CartographyTableBlock - Class in net.minecraft.block
CartographyTableBlock(AbstractBlock.Settings) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.CartographyTableBlock
CartographyTableScreen - Class in net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame
CartographyTableScreen(CartographyTableScreenHandler, PlayerInventory, Text) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.CartographyTableScreen
CartographyTableScreenHandler - Class in net.minecraft.screen
CartographyTableScreenHandler(int, PlayerInventory) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.screen.CartographyTableScreenHandler
CartographyTableScreenHandler(int, PlayerInventory, ScreenHandlerContext) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.screen.CartographyTableScreenHandler
carvableFluids - Variable in class
carve(ChunkRegion, long, NoiseConfig, BiomeAccess, StructureAccessor, Chunk, GenerationStep.Carver) - Method in class
Generates caves for the given chunk.
carve(ChunkRegion, long, NoiseConfig, BiomeAccess, StructureAccessor, Chunk, GenerationStep.Carver) - Method in class
Generates caves for the given chunk.
carve(ChunkRegion, long, NoiseConfig, BiomeAccess, StructureAccessor, Chunk, GenerationStep.Carver) - Method in class
Generates caves for the given chunk.
carve(ChunkRegion, long, NoiseConfig, BiomeAccess, StructureAccessor, Chunk, GenerationStep.Carver) - Method in class
Generates caves for the given chunk.
carve(CarverContext, C, Chunk, Function<BlockPos, RegistryEntry<Biome>>, Random, AquiferSampler, ChunkPos, CarvingMask) - Method in class
carve(CarverContext, Chunk, Function<BlockPos, RegistryEntry<Biome>>, Random, AquiferSampler, ChunkPos, CarvingMask) - Method in record class
carve(CarverContext, CaveCarverConfig, Chunk, Function<BlockPos, RegistryEntry<Biome>>, Random, AquiferSampler, ChunkPos, CarvingMask) - Method in class
carve(CarverContext, RavineCarverConfig, Chunk, Function<BlockPos, RegistryEntry<Biome>>, Random, AquiferSampler, ChunkPos, CarvingMask) - Method in class
carveAtPoint(CarverContext, C, Chunk, Function<BlockPos, RegistryEntry<Biome>>, CarvingMask, BlockPos.Mutable, BlockPos.Mutable, AquiferSampler, MutableBoolean) - Method in class
carveAtPoint(CarverContext, CaveCarverConfig, Chunk, Function<BlockPos, RegistryEntry<Biome>>, CarvingMask, BlockPos.Mutable, BlockPos.Mutable, AquiferSampler, MutableBoolean) - Method in class
carveCave(CarverContext, CaveCarverConfig, Chunk, Function<BlockPos, RegistryEntry<Biome>>, AquiferSampler, double, double, double, float, double, CarvingMask, Carver.SkipPredicate) - Method in class
CARVED_PUMPKIN - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CARVED_PUMPKIN - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CarvedPumpkinBlock - Class in net.minecraft.block
CarvedPumpkinBlock(AbstractBlock.Settings) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.CarvedPumpkinBlock
carver - Variable in record class
The field for the carver record component.
carver() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the carver record component.
carver(GenerationStep.Carver, RegistryEntry<ConfiguredCarver<?>>) - Method in class
carver(GenerationStep.Carver, RegistryKey<ConfiguredCarver<?>>) - Method in class
Carver<C extends CarverConfig> - Class in
Carver(Codec<C>) - Constructor for class
Carver(String) - Constructor for enum class
CARVER - Static variable in class net.minecraft.registry.Registries
CARVER - Static variable in class net.minecraft.registry.RegistryKeys
Carver.SkipPredicate - Interface in
carveRavine(CarverContext, RavineCarverConfig, Chunk, Function<BlockPos, RegistryEntry<Biome>>, long, AquiferSampler, double, double, double, float, float, float, int, int, double, CarvingMask) - Method in class
CarverConfig - Class in
CarverConfig(float, HeightProvider, FloatProvider, YOffset, CarverDebugConfig, RegistryEntryList<Block>) - Constructor for class
CarverContext - Class in
CarverContext(NoiseChunkGenerator, DynamicRegistryManager, HeightLimitView, ChunkNoiseSampler, NoiseConfig, MaterialRules.MaterialRule) - Constructor for class
CarverDebugConfig - Class in
CarverDebugConfig(boolean, BlockState, BlockState, BlockState, BlockState) - Constructor for class
carveRegion(CarverContext, C, Chunk, Function<BlockPos, RegistryEntry<Biome>>, AquiferSampler, double, double, double, double, double, CarvingMask, Carver.SkipPredicate) - Method in class
carvers - Variable in class
CARVERS - Static variable in class
carverStepsToCarvers - Variable in class
carveTunnels(CarverContext, CaveCarverConfig, Chunk, Function<BlockPos, RegistryEntry<Biome>>, long, AquiferSampler, double, double, double, double, double, float, float, float, int, int, double, CarvingMask, Carver.SkipPredicate) - Method in class
CARVING_MASK - Static variable in interface
CarvingMask - Class in
CarvingMask(int, int) - Constructor for class
CarvingMask(long[], int) - Constructor for class
CarvingMask.MaskPredicate - Interface in
CarvingMaskPlacementModifier - Class in
CarvingMaskPlacementModifier(GenerationStep.Carver) - Constructor for class
carvingMasks - Variable in class
cast(App<TaskTriggerer.K1<E>, M>) - Static method in class
cast(Object) - Method in class net.minecraft.text.HoverEvent.Action
cast(Object[]) - Static method in class net.minecraft.util.collection.SortedArraySet
castSpell() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.EvokerEntity.ConjureFangsGoal
castSpell() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.EvokerEntity.SummonVexGoal
castSpell() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.EvokerEntity.WololoGoal
castSpell() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.IllusionerEntity.BlindTargetGoal
castSpell() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.IllusionerEntity.GiveInvisibilityGoal
castSpell() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.SpellcastingIllagerEntity.CastSpellGoal
CastSpellGoal() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.entity.mob.SpellcastingIllagerEntity.CastSpellGoal
cat - Variable in class
cat - Variable in class
cat - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.CatEntity.CatFleeGoal
cat - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.CatEntity.SleepWithOwnerGoal
cat - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.CatEntity.TemptGoal
cat(CatVariant) - Static method in interface net.minecraft.predicate.entity.TypeSpecificPredicate
CAT - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.EntityModelLayers
CAT - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.EntityType
CAT - Static variable in class net.minecraft.predicate.entity.TypeSpecificPredicate.Deserializers
CAT_CHECK_INTERVAL - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PhantomEntity.SwoopMovementGoal
CAT_COLLAR - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.EntityModelLayers
CAT_MORNING_GIFT_GAMEPLAY - Static variable in class net.minecraft.loot.LootTables
CAT_SPAWN_EGG - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CAT_VARIANT - Static variable in class
CAT_VARIANT - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.CatEntity
CAT_VARIANT - Static variable in class net.minecraft.registry.Registries
CAT_VARIANT - Static variable in class net.minecraft.registry.RegistryKeys
catalystChance - Variable in record class
The field for the catalystChance record component.
catalystChance() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the catalystChance record component.
CATCH_ANIMATION - Enum constant in enum class
CATCH_DURATION - Static variable in class
CatCollarFeatureRenderer - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.entity.feature
CatCollarFeatureRenderer(FeatureRendererContext<CatEntity, CatEntityModel<CatEntity>>, EntityModelLoader) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.feature.CatCollarFeatureRenderer
categorize(StructureTemplate.StructureBlockInfo, List<StructureTemplate.StructureBlockInfo>, List<StructureTemplate.StructureBlockInfo>, List<StructureTemplate.StructureBlockInfo>) - Static method in class net.minecraft.structure.StructureTemplate
Categorizes blockInfo based on its properties, modifying the passed lists in-place.
category - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.recipebook.RecipeGroupButtonWidget
category - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.option.KeyBinding
category - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.sound.AbstractSoundInstance
category - Variable in class
category - Variable in class
category - Variable in class
category - Variable in class
category - Variable in class
category - Variable in class
category - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.effect.StatusEffect
category - Variable in class
category - Variable in class
category - Variable in class
category - Variable in class
category - Variable in class net.minecraft.recipe.AbstractCookingRecipe
category - Variable in class net.minecraft.recipe.ShapedRecipe
category - Variable in class net.minecraft.recipe.ShapelessRecipe
category - Variable in class net.minecraft.recipe.SpecialCraftingRecipe
category - Variable in class net.minecraft.screen.AbstractFurnaceScreenHandler
category - Variable in enum class
category - Variable in class
Category(String) - Constructor for enum class
CATEGORY - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.item.ItemGroup.Type
CATEGORY_MASK - Static variable in class
CATEGORY_OPTION_NAMES - Static variable in class
CATEGORY_ORDER_MAP - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.option.KeyBinding
CategoryEntry(Text) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.option.ControlsListWidget.CategoryEntry
CategoryOption(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
categoryOptions - Variable in class
CatEntity - Class in net.minecraft.entity.passive
CatEntity(EntityType<? extends CatEntity>, World) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.entity.passive.CatEntity
CatEntity.CatFleeGoal<T extends LivingEntity> - Class in net.minecraft.entity.passive
CatEntity.SleepWithOwnerGoal - Class in net.minecraft.entity.passive
CatEntity.TemptGoal - Class in net.minecraft.entity.passive
CatEntityModel<T extends CatEntity> - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model
Represents the model of a CatEntity.
CatEntityModel(ModelPart) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.CatEntityModel
CatEntityRenderer - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.entity
CatEntityRenderer(EntityRendererFactory.Context) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.CatEntityRenderer
CatFleeGoal(CatEntity, Class<T>, float, double, double) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.entity.passive.CatEntity.CatFleeGoal
catmullRom(float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper
Interpolates a point on a Catmull-Rom Spline.
CATS_SPAWN_AS_BLACK - Static variable in interface net.minecraft.registry.tag.StructureTags
CATS_SPAWN_IN - Static variable in interface net.minecraft.registry.tag.StructureTags
CatSitOnBlockGoal - Class in
CatSitOnBlockGoal(CatEntity, double) - Constructor for class
catsNearby - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PhantomEntity.SwoopMovementGoal
CatSpawner - Class in
A spawner for cats in villages and swamp huts.
CatSpawner() - Constructor for class
CatTypeFix - Class in net.minecraft.datafixer.fix
CatTypeFix(Schema, boolean) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.CatTypeFix
CatVariant - Record Class in net.minecraft.entity.passive
CatVariant(Identifier) - Constructor for record class net.minecraft.entity.passive.CatVariant
CatVariantTagProvider - Class in
CatVariantTagProvider(DataOutput, CompletableFuture<RegistryWrapper.WrapperLookup>) - Constructor for class
CatVariantTags - Class in net.minecraft.registry.tag
CatVariantTags() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.registry.tag.CatVariantTags
CAUGHT_FISH - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.projectile.FishingBobberEntity
caughtFish - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.projectile.FishingBobberEntity
caughtItem - Variable in class net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.FishingRodHookedCriterion.Conditions
cauldron(Identifier) - Static method in class
CAULDRON - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CAULDRON - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CauldronBehavior - Interface in net.minecraft.block.cauldron
Cauldron behaviors control what happens when a player interacts with cauldrons using a specific item.
CauldronBlock - Class in net.minecraft.block
An empty cauldron block.
CauldronBlock(AbstractBlock.Settings) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.CauldronBlock
CauldronRenameFix - Class in net.minecraft.datafixer.fix
CauldronRenameFix(Schema, boolean) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.CauldronRenameFix
CAULDRONS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.registry.tag.BlockTags
CAULDRONS - Static variable in class
cause - Variable in class net.minecraft.util.crash.CrashReport
CAUSED_BY - Static variable in interface net.minecraft.util.function.BooleanBiFunction
A BooleanBiFunction that returns true if the first argument is true or the second argument is false.
CAUSES - Static variable in interface net.minecraft.util.function.BooleanBiFunction
A BooleanBiFunction that returns true if the first argument is false or the second argument is true.
causingEntity - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.TntEntity
CAVE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.sound.BiomeMoodSound
CAVE - Static variable in class
CAVE - Static variable in class
CAVE_AIR - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CAVE_AIR - Static variable in class
CAVE_AIR - Static variable in class
CAVE_BIOMES - Static variable in class
CAVE_CHEESE - Static variable in class
CAVE_CODEC - Static variable in class
CAVE_ENTRANCE - Static variable in class
CAVE_EXTRA_UNDERGROUND - Static variable in class
CAVE_LAYER - Static variable in class
CAVE_SPIDER - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.EntityModelLayers
CAVE_SPIDER - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.EntityType
CAVE_SPIDER_SPAWN_EGG - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CAVE_VINE - Static variable in class
CAVE_VINE_IN_MOSS - Static variable in class
CAVE_VINES - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CAVE_VINES - Static variable in class net.minecraft.registry.tag.BlockTags
CAVE_VINES - Static variable in class net.minecraft.sound.BlockSoundGroup
CAVE_VINES - Static variable in class
CAVE_VINES_PLANT - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CaveCarver - Class in
CaveCarver(Codec<CaveCarverConfig>) - Constructor for class
CaveCarverConfig - Class in
CaveCarverConfig(float, HeightProvider, FloatProvider, YOffset, RegistryEntryList<Block>, FloatProvider, FloatProvider, FloatProvider) - Constructor for class
CaveCarverConfig(float, HeightProvider, FloatProvider, YOffset, CarverDebugConfig, RegistryEntryList<Block>, FloatProvider, FloatProvider, FloatProvider) - Constructor for class
CaveCarverConfig(CarverConfig, FloatProvider, FloatProvider, FloatProvider) - Constructor for class
CAVES - Static variable in record class
CAVES - Static variable in record class
CAVES_ENTRANCES_OVERWORLD - Static variable in class
CAVES_NOODLE_OVERWORLD - Static variable in class
CAVES_PILLARS_OVERWORLD - Static variable in class
CAVES_SPAGHETTI_2D_OVERWORLD - Static variable in class
CaveScaler() - Constructor for class
CaveSpiderEntity - Class in net.minecraft.entity.mob
CaveSpiderEntity(EntityType<? extends CaveSpiderEntity>, World) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.entity.mob.CaveSpiderEntity
CaveSpiderEntityRenderer - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.entity
CaveSpiderEntityRenderer(EntityRendererFactory.Context) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.CaveSpiderEntityRenderer
CaveSurface - Class in
CaveSurface() - Constructor for class
CaveSurface.Bounded - Class in
CaveSurface.Empty - Class in
CaveSurface.Half - Class in
CaveVines - Interface in net.minecraft.block
CaveVinesBodyBlock - Class in net.minecraft.block
CaveVinesBodyBlock(AbstractBlock.Settings) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.CaveVinesBodyBlock
CaveVinesHeadBlock - Class in net.minecraft.block
CaveVinesHeadBlock(AbstractBlock.Settings) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.CaveVinesHeadBlock
ceil(double) - Static method in class net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper
ceil(float) - Static method in class net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper
ceil(float, float) - Static method in class net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper
ceilDiv(int, int) - Static method in class net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper
ceiling - Variable in class
CEILING - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.block.enums.Attachment
CEILING - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.block.enums.WallMountLocation
CEILING - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.util.math.VerticalSurfaceType
CEILING_HANGING_SIGNS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.registry.tag.BlockTags
CEILING_X_AXIS_SHAPE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.LeverBlock
CEILING_X_PRESSED_SHAPE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.ButtonBlock
CEILING_X_SHAPE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.ButtonBlock
CEILING_Z_AXIS_SHAPE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.LeverBlock
CEILING_Z_PRESSED_SHAPE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.ButtonBlock
CEILING_Z_SHAPE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.ButtonBlock
ceilLog2(int) - Static method in class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.ChunkHeightAndBiomeFix
ceilLog2(int) - Static method in class net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper
Returns ceil(log2(value)).
CELEBRATE - Static variable in class
CELEBRATE_LOCATION - Static variable in class
CELEBRATE_TIME - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.WardenBrain
CelebrateGoal(RaiderEntity) - Constructor for class
CelebrateRaidWinTask - Class in
CelebrateRaidWinTask(int, int) - Constructor for class
CELEBRATING - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.entity.mob.IllagerEntity.State
CELEBRATING - Static variable in class
cellBlockX - Variable in class
cellBlockY - Variable in class
cellBlockZ - Variable in class
CellCache(DensityFunction) - Constructor for class
cellHeight - Variable in class
censored(String) - Static method in record class net.minecraft.server.filter.FilteredMessage
center - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.Camera.Projection
center - Variable in class
center - Variable in class
CENTER - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.block.SideShapeType
CENTER_FAILED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class net.minecraft.server.command.WorldBorderCommand
CENTER_HEAD - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.WitherEntityModel
The key of the center head model part, whose value is "center_head".
centerBiome - Variable in class
centerChunkX - Variable in class
centerChunkZ - Variable in class
centered - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.MultilineTextWidget
CENTERED_LINE_PREFIX - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.CreditsScreen
centeredLines - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.CreditsScreen
centerHead - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.WitherEntityModel
centerIndicesToUpgrade - Variable in class
centerIntegers - Variable in class net.minecraft.command.argument.Vec2ArgumentType
centerIntegers - Variable in class net.minecraft.command.argument.Vec3ArgumentType
centerListVertically - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.EntryListWidget
centerPos - Variable in record class net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.sample.ChunkGenerationSample
The field for the centerPos record component.
centerPos - Variable in class
centerPos() - Method in record class net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.sample.ChunkGenerationSample
Returns the value of the centerPos record component.
centerScrollOn(E) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.EntryListWidget
centerSize - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.WorldGenerationProgressTracker
centerX - Variable in class
The scaled center coordinate of the map state on the X axis.
centerX - Variable in class
centerX - Variable in class
centerX - Variable in class
centerX - Variable in class
centerX - Variable in class
centerZ - Variable in class
The scaled center coordinate of the map state on the Z axis.
centerZ - Variable in class
centerZ - Variable in class
centerZ - Variable in class
centerZ - Variable in class
centerZ - Variable in class
chain(Consumer<SignedMessage>, ServerCommandSource, SignedMessage) - Static method in class net.minecraft.command.argument.MessageArgumentType
CHAIN - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.item.ArmorMaterials
CHAIN - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CHAIN - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CHAIN - Static variable in class net.minecraft.sound.BlockSoundGroup
CHAIN_COMMAND_BLOCK - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CHAIN_COMMAND_BLOCK - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CHAIN_L1 - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.block.entity.HangingSignBlockEntityRenderer
CHAIN_L2 - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.block.entity.HangingSignBlockEntityRenderer
CHAIN_R1 - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.block.entity.HangingSignBlockEntityRenderer
CHAIN_R2 - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.block.entity.HangingSignBlockEntityRenderer
ChainBlock - Class in net.minecraft.block
ChainBlock(AbstractBlock.Settings) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.ChainBlock
ChainedBlockSource - Record Class in
ChainedBlockSource(List<ChunkNoiseSampler.BlockStateSampler>) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a ChainedBlockSource record class.
chainLength - Variable in class net.minecraft.structure.StructurePiece
CHAINMAIL_BOOTS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CHAINMAIL_HELMET - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
ChainRestrictedNeighborUpdater - Class in
ChainRestrictedNeighborUpdater(World, int) - Constructor for class
ChainRestrictedNeighborUpdater.Entry - Interface in
ChainRestrictedNeighborUpdater.SimpleEntry - Record Class in
ChainRestrictedNeighborUpdater.SixWayEntry - Class in
ChainRestrictedNeighborUpdater.StatefulEntry - Record Class in
ChainRestrictedNeighborUpdater.StateReplacementEntry - Record Class in
chainUnsigned(Consumer<SignedMessage>, ServerCommandSource, SignedMessage) - Static method in class net.minecraft.command.argument.MessageArgumentType
CHALLENGE - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.advancement.AdvancementFrame
chance - Variable in class
chance - Variable in class
chance - Variable in class
chance - Variable in class
chance - Variable in class net.minecraft.loot.condition.RandomChanceLootCondition
chance - Variable in class net.minecraft.loot.condition.RandomChanceWithLootingLootCondition
chance - Variable in class net.minecraft.sound.BiomeAdditionsSound
chance - Variable in class
chance - Variable in class
CHANCE - Static variable in class
chanceOfDirectionalSpread - Variable in class
chanceOfDripstoneColumnAtMaxDistanceFromCenter - Variable in class
chanceOfSpreadRadius2 - Variable in class
chanceOfSpreadRadius3 - Variable in class
chanceOfTallerDripstone - Variable in class
chances - Variable in class net.minecraft.loot.condition.TableBonusLootCondition
CHANGE - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.scoreboard.ServerScoreboard.UpdateMode
CHANGE_DETECTED - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.client.sound.SoundSystem.DeviceChangeStatus
CHANGE_PAGE - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.text.ClickEvent.Action
changeAngle(float, float, float) - Method in class
Changes the angle from from to to, or by max degrees if to is too big a change.
changeAngle(float, float, float) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.MobEntity
Changes the angle from from to to, or by max degrees if to is too big a change.
changeCallback - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.option.SimpleOption
changeCallback - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.option.SimpleOption.OptionSliderWidgetImpl
changeCallback - Variable in class
changeCount - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerInventory
changed(MinecraftServer) - Method in class
CHANGED_DIMENSION - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.entity.Entity.RemovalReason
The entity changed dimension.
CHANGED_DIMENSION - Static variable in class net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.Criteria
ChangedDimensionCriterion - Class in net.minecraft.advancement.criterion
ChangedDimensionCriterion() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.ChangedDimensionCriterion
ChangedDimensionCriterion.Conditions - Class in net.minecraft.advancement.criterion
changedEntries - Variable in class
changedListener - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.TextFieldWidget
changeFocus(boolean) - Method in interface net.minecraft.client.gui.Element
Changes the focusing element by cycling to the next/previous element.
changeFocus(boolean) - Method in interface net.minecraft.client.gui.ParentElement
Changes the focusing element by cycling to the next/previous element.
changeFocus(boolean) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.option.ControlsListWidget.CategoryEntry
Changes the focusing element by cycling to the next/previous element.
changeFocus(boolean) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.recipebook.RecipeAlternativesWidget
Changes the focusing element by cycling to the next/previous element.
changeFocus(boolean) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.recipebook.RecipeBookWidget
Changes the focusing element by cycling to the next/previous element.
changeFocus(boolean) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.AlwaysSelectedEntryListWidget
Changes the focusing element by cycling to the next/previous element.
changeFocus(boolean) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.AlwaysSelectedEntryListWidget.Entry
Changes the focusing element by cycling to the next/previous element.
changeFocus(boolean) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ClickableWidget
Changes the focusing element by cycling to the next/previous element.
changeFocus(boolean) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ElementListWidget
Changes the focusing element by cycling to the next/previous element.
changeFocus(boolean) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.EmptyWidget
Changes the focusing element by cycling to the next/previous element.
changeFocus(boolean) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.TextFieldWidget
Changes the focusing element by cycling to the next/previous element.
changeFocus(boolean) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.WrapperWidget
Changes the focusing element by cycling to the next/previous element.
changeGameMode(GameMode) - Method in class
changeGameMode(GameMode) - Method in class
Checks if current game mode is different to gameMode, and change it if so.
changeList - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.dto.Backup
changeListener - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.EditBox
changeListener - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
changeLook - Variable in class
changeLookDirection(double, double) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
changePage() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.BookEditScreen
ChangePageSpectatorMenuCommand(int, boolean) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.gui.hud.spectator.SpectatorMenu.ChangePageSpectatorMenuCommand
changePlayerTeam(Team, String, TeamS2CPacket.Operation) - Static method in class
changePosition - Variable in class
changeRotation(BlockState, BlockRotation) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.PillarBlock
CHANGES_TOOLTIP - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsBackupScreen
changesButton - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsBackupScreen
changesColor - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.particle.AnimatedParticle
changesLook() - Method in class
changesPosition() - Method in class
changeTargetDirection(Direction.Axis) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.projectile.ShulkerBulletEntity
changeTilt(BlockState, World, BlockPos, Tilt) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.BigDripleafBlock
changeTilt(BlockState, World, BlockPos, Tilt, SoundEvent) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BigDripleafBlock
changing(float, float) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.EntityDimensions
channel - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.sound.SoundSystem
channel - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.texture.NativeImage.WriteCallback
channel - Variable in class
channel - Variable in class
channel - Variable in class
channel - Variable in class
channel - Variable in class net.minecraft.util.logging.LogWriter
channel - Variable in class
channel - Variable in class
Channel - Class in net.minecraft.client.sound
Channel(SoundEngine, Executor) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.sound.Channel
Channel.SourceManager - Class in net.minecraft.client.sound
channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class
channelCount - Variable in enum class net.minecraft.client.texture.NativeImage.Format
CHANNELED_LIGHTNING - Static variable in class net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.Criteria
ChanneledLightningCriterion - Class in net.minecraft.advancement.criterion
ChanneledLightningCriterion() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.ChanneledLightningCriterion
ChanneledLightningCriterion.Conditions - Class in net.minecraft.advancement.criterion
channeler - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.LightningEntity
channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class
CHANNELING - Static variable in class net.minecraft.enchantment.Enchantments
ChannelingEnchantment - Class in net.minecraft.enchantment
ChannelingEnchantment(Enchantment.Rarity, EquipmentSlot[]) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.enchantment.ChannelingEnchantment
ChannelList(int) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.sound.OggAudioStream.ChannelList
channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class
channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class net.minecraft.server.ServerNetworkIo.DelayingChannelInboundHandler
channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext, Packet<?>) - Method in class
channels - Variable in class net.minecraft.server.ServerNetworkIo
CHARACTER - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.client.util.SelectionManager.SelectionType
characters - Variable in class
charactersByWidth - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.font.FontStorage
CharacterVisitor - Interface in net.minecraft.text
A visitor for single characters in a string.
charAt(int) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.font.TextHandler.LineWrappingCollector
CHARCOAL - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
charge - Variable in class net.minecraft.block.entity.SculkSpreadManager.Cursor
charge(ModelPart, ModelPart, LivingEntity, boolean) - Static method in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.CrossbowPosing
charge(World, BlockPos, BlockState) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.RespawnAnchorBlock
chargeCount - Variable in record class
The field for the chargeCount record component.
chargeCount() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the chargeCount record component.
charged - Variable in class net.minecraft.item.CrossbowItem
CHARGED - Enum constant in enum class
CHARGED - Enum constant in enum class
CHARGED - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.CreeperEntity
CHARGED - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.projectile.WitherSkullEntity
CHARGED_KEY - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.CrossbowItem
CHARGED_PROJECTILES_KEY - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.CrossbowItem
chargedSkullCooldowns - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.boss.WitherEntity
chargedTicksLeft - Variable in class
CHARGES - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.RespawnAnchorBlock
CHARGES - Static variable in class
A property that specifies the amount of charges a respawn anchor has.
CHARGES_MAX - Static variable in class
CHARGES_MIN - Static variable in class
ChargeTargetGoal() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.entity.mob.VexEntity.ChargeTargetGoal
CHARGING - Enum constant in enum class
CHARGING - Enum constant in enum class
CHARGING - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PiglinEntity
CHARGING - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PillagerEntity
CHARGING_FLAG - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.VexEntity
CHARGING_PLAYER - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon.phase.PhaseType
CHARGING_SONIC_BOOM - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.animation.WardenAnimations
CHARGING_TEXTURE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.VexEntityRenderer
chargingCooldown - Variable in class
ChargingPlayerPhase - Class in net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon.phase
ChargingPlayerPhase(EnderDragonEntity) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon.phase.ChargingPlayerPhase
chargingSonicBoomAnimationState - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.WardenEntity
chargingTicks - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon.phase.ChargingPlayerPhase
charMap - Variable in class net.minecraft.block.pattern.BlockPatternBuilder
CharPredicate - Interface in net.minecraft.util.function
chars - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.font.BitmapFont.Loader
chars - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.KeyCombo
charTyped(char, int) - Method in interface net.minecraft.client.gui.Element
Callback for when a character input has been captured.
charTyped(char, int) - Method in interface net.minecraft.client.gui.ParentElement
Callback for when a character input has been captured.
charTyped(char, int) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.AbstractFurnaceScreen
Callback for when a character input has been captured.
charTyped(char, int) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.AbstractSignEditScreen
Callback for when a character input has been captured.
charTyped(char, int) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.BookEditScreen
Callback for when a character input has been captured.
charTyped(char, int) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.CreativeInventoryScreen
Callback for when a character input has been captured.
charTyped(char, int) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.recipebook.RecipeBookWidget
Callback for when a character input has been captured.
charTyped(char, int) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.SleepingChatScreen
Callback for when a character input has been captured.
charTyped(char, int) - Method in class
Callback for when a character input has been captured.
charTyped(char, int) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.EditBoxWidget
Callback for when a character input has been captured.
charTyped(char, int) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.TextFieldWidget
Callback for when a character input has been captured.
charTyped(char, int) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsCreateRealmScreen
Callback for when a character input has been captured.
charTyped(char, int) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsMainScreen
Callback for when a character input has been captured.
ChaseBoatGoal - Class in
ChaseBoatGoal(PathAwareEntity) - Constructor for class
ChaseBoatState - Enum Class in
ChaseBoatState() - Constructor for enum class
ChaseClient - Class in
ChaseClient(String, int, MinecraftServer) - Constructor for class
ChaseClient.TeleportPos - Record Class in
ChaseCommand - Class in net.minecraft.server.command
ChaseCommand() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.server.command.ChaseCommand
ChasePlayerGoal(EndermanEntity) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.entity.mob.EndermanEntity.ChasePlayerGoal
ChaseServer - Class in
ChaseServer(String, int, PlayerManager, int) - Constructor for class
ChaseServer.TeleportPos - Record Class in
ChaseWolvesGoal(LlamaEntity) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.entity.passive.LlamaEntity.ChaseWolvesGoal
CHASING_FLAG - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity
chat - Variable in record class
The field for the chat record component.
chat() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the chat record component.
Chat(SignedMessage) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a Chat record class.
CHAT - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.client.option.NarratorMode
The narrator narrates chat messages.
CHAT - Enum constant in enum class
CHAT - Static variable in record class
The registry key for the message type used by chat messages.
CHAT_ENDPOINT - Static variable in class net.minecraft.server.filter.TextFilterer
CHAT_MESSAGE_CODEC - Static variable in record class
CHAT_MESSAGE_LEFT_MARGIN - Static variable in class
CHAT_MODIFIED - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.client.gui.hud.MessageIndicator.Icon
CHAT_TAGS_TEXTURE - Static variable in record class net.minecraft.client.gui.hud.MessageIndicator
CHAT_TEXT - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.option.OptionsScreen
CHAT_TEXT_DECORATION - Static variable in record class
CHAT_VALIDATION_FAILED_TEXT - Static variable in class
CHAT_VALIDATION_FAILED_TEXT - Static variable in class
ChatAbuseReport - Class in
ChatAbuseReport(UUID, AbuseReportLimits) - Constructor for class
ChatAbuseReport(ChatAbuseReport.Draft, AbuseReportLimits) - Constructor for class
ChatAbuseReport.Draft - Class in
ChatAbuseReport.ReportWithId - Record Class in
ChatAbuseReport.ValidationError - Record Class in
chatColors - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.option.GameOptions
chatColors - Variable in record class
The field for the chatColors record component.
chatColors() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the chatColors record component.
chatDelay - Variable in class
chatDelay - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.option.GameOptions
chatEndpoint - Variable in class net.minecraft.server.filter.TextFilterer
chatField - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ChatScreen
chatHeightFocused - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.option.GameOptions
chatHeightUnfocused - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.option.GameOptions
chatHud - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.hud.InGameHud
ChatHud - Class in net.minecraft.client.gui.hud
Responsible for rendering various game messages such as chat messages or join/leave messages.
ChatHud(MinecraftClient) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.gui.hud.ChatHud
ChatHud.RemovalQueuedMessage - Record Class in net.minecraft.client.gui.hud
ChatHudLine - Record Class in net.minecraft.client.gui.hud
ChatHudLine(int, Text, MessageSignatureData, MessageIndicator) - Constructor for record class net.minecraft.client.gui.hud.ChatHudLine
ChatHudLine.Visible - Record Class in net.minecraft.client.gui.hud
chatInputSuggestor - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ChatScreen
ChatInputSuggestor - Class in net.minecraft.client.gui.screen
ChatInputSuggestor(MinecraftClient, Screen, TextFieldWidget, TextRenderer, boolean, boolean, int, int, boolean, int) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ChatInputSuggestor
ChatInputSuggestor.SuggestionWindow - Class in net.minecraft.client.gui.screen
chatKey - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.option.GameOptions
A key binding for opening the chat screen.
chatLastMessage - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ChatScreen
chatLineSpacing - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.option.GameOptions
chatLinks - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.option.GameOptions
chatLinksPrompt - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.option.GameOptions
chatLog - Variable in class
ChatLog - Class in
A chat log holds received message entries with sequential indices, where newer entries receive bigger indices.
ChatLog(int) - Constructor for class
ChatLog(int, List<ChatLogEntry>) - Constructor for class
ChatLogEntry - Interface in
An entry logged to ChatLog.
ChatLogEntry.Type - Enum Class in
chatMessage - Variable in record class
The field for the chatMessage record component.
chatMessage() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the chatMessage record component.
ChatMessage(GameProfile, SignedMessage, MessageTrustStatus) - Constructor for record class
ChatMessageC2SPacket - Record Class in
A packet used to send a chat message to the server.
ChatMessageC2SPacket(String, Instant, long, MessageSignatureData, LastSeenMessageList.Acknowledgment) - Constructor for record class
ChatMessageC2SPacket(PacketByteBuf) - Constructor for record class
ChatMessages - Class in net.minecraft.client.util
ChatMessages() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.util.ChatMessages
ChatMessageS2CPacket - Record Class in
A packet used to send a chat message to the clients.
ChatMessageS2CPacket(UUID, int, MessageSignatureData, MessageBody.Serialized, Text, FilterMask, MessageType.Serialized) - Constructor for record class
ChatMessageS2CPacket(PacketByteBuf) - Constructor for record class
chatOpacity - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.option.GameOptions
ChatOptionsScreen - Class in net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.option
ChatOptionsScreen(Screen, GameOptions) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.option.ChatOptionsScreen
ChatReportScreen - Class in
ChatReportScreen(Screen, AbuseReportContext, UUID) - Constructor for class
ChatReportScreen(Screen, AbuseReportContext, ChatAbuseReport) - Constructor for class
ChatReportScreen(Screen, AbuseReportContext, ChatAbuseReport.Draft) - Constructor for class
ChatReportScreen.DiscardWarningScreen - Class in
ChatRestriction(Text) - Constructor for enum class net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.ChatRestriction
chatScale - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.option.GameOptions
ChatScreen - Class in net.minecraft.client.gui.screen
A screen that allows player to input a chat message.
ChatScreen(String) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ChatScreen
chatScreenSized - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ChatInputSuggestor
ChatSelectionScreen - Class in
ChatSelectionScreen(Screen, AbuseReportContext, ChatAbuseReport, Consumer<ChatAbuseReport>) - Constructor for class
ChatSelectionScreen.SelectionListWidget - Class in
ChatSelectionScreen.SelectionListWidget.Entry - Class in
ChatSelectionScreen.SelectionListWidget.MessageEntry - Class in
ChatSelectionScreen.SelectionListWidget.SenderEntry - Class in
ChatSelectionScreen.SelectionListWidget.SenderEntryPair - Record Class in
ChatSelectionScreen.SelectionListWidget.SeparatorEntry - Class in
ChatSelectionScreen.SelectionListWidget.TextEntry - Class in
chatSession - Variable in record class
The field for the chatSession record component.
chatSession - Variable in record class
The field for the chatSession record component.
chatSession() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the chatSession record component.
chatSession() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the chatSession record component.
chatSuggestions - Variable in class
ChatSuggestionsS2CPacket - Record Class in
ChatSuggestionsS2CPacket(ChatSuggestionsS2CPacket.Action, List<String>) - Constructor for record class
ChatSuggestionsS2CPacket(PacketByteBuf) - Constructor for record class
ChatSuggestionsS2CPacket.Action - Enum Class in
chatType - Variable in record class
The field for the chatType record component.
chatType() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the chatType record component.
chatVisibility - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.option.GameOptions
chatVisibility - Variable in record class
The field for the chatVisibility record component.
chatVisibility() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the chatVisibility record component.
ChatVisibility - Enum Class in net.minecraft.client.option
ChatVisibility(int, String) - Constructor for enum class net.minecraft.client.option.ChatVisibility
chatWidth - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.option.GameOptions
CHEATS_TEXT - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsSelectFileToUploadScreen
cheatsAllowed - Variable in class net.minecraft.server.PlayerManager
cheatsEnabled - Variable in class
check(double) - Method in interface net.minecraft.util.profiler.Sampler.DeviationChecker
check(double) - Method in class net.minecraft.util.profiler.Sampler.RatioDeviationChecker
check(String, Supplier<String>, String, Class<?>) - Static method in record class net.minecraft.util.ModStatus
Returns the modification status determined by the brand and whether the class is signed or not.
check(ItemStack, Registry<Block>, CachedBlockPosition) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.BlockPredicatesChecker
Returns true if any of the predicates in the stack's NBT matched against the block at pos, false otherwise.
check(StateManager<?, ?>, Consumer<String>) - Method in class net.minecraft.predicate.StatePredicate
CHECK - Enum constant in enum class
CHECK_DRAGON_SEEN_INTERVAL - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon.EnderDragonFight
CHECK_MESSAGE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.multiplayer.MultiplayerWarningScreen
CHECK_MESSAGE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Realms32BitWarningScreen
checkAccess(Path, AccessMode[]) - Method in class net.minecraft.resource.fs.ResourceFileSystemProvider
checkAlcErrors(long, String) - Static method in class net.minecraft.client.sound.AlUtil
checkAllocated() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.texture.NativeImage
checkAllPropertyDefinitions() - Method in class
checkBlock(BlockPos) - Method in class
checkBlock(BlockPos) - Method in enum class
checkBlock(BlockPos) - Method in class
checkBlock(BlockPos) - Method in class
checkBlock(BlockPos) - Method in interface
checkBlock(BlockPos, Predicate<Block>, String) - Method in class net.minecraft.test.TestContext
checkBlock(BlockPos, Predicate<Block>, Supplier<String>) - Method in class net.minecraft.test.TestContext
checkBlockCollision() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
checkBlockProperty(BlockPos, Property<T>, Predicate<T>, String) - Method in class net.minecraft.test.TestContext
checkBlockState(BlockPos, Predicate<BlockState>, Supplier<String>) - Method in class net.minecraft.test.TestContext
checkBoatInWater() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.vehicle.BoatEntity
checkbox - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.WarningScreen
checkBoxCollision(Box) - Method in class
CheckboxWidget - Class in net.minecraft.client.gui.widget
CheckboxWidget(int, int, int, int, Text, boolean) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.CheckboxWidget
CheckboxWidget(int, int, int, int, Text, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.CheckboxWidget
checkCanJoin(SocketAddress, GameProfile) - Method in class net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedPlayerManager
checkCanJoin(SocketAddress, GameProfile) - Method in class net.minecraft.server.PlayerManager
checkCanNavigate - Variable in class
checkCanNavigateCooldown - Variable in class
checkClientCompatibility() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsMainScreen
checkCursorStackUpdates() - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.ScreenHandler
checkDataCount(PropertyDelegate, int) - Static method in class net.minecraft.screen.ScreenHandler
Checks that the size of the data is at least as large as the expectedCount.
checkDespawn() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon.EnderDragonEntity
Checks whether the entity should be despawned.
checkDespawn() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.boss.WitherEntity
Checks whether the entity should be despawned.
checkDespawn() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
Checks whether the entity should be despawned.
checkDespawn() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.MobEntity
Checks whether the entity should be despawned.
checkDespawn() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.projectile.ShulkerBulletEntity
Checks whether the entity should be despawned.
checkDownloadSize() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsDownloadLatestWorldScreen
checkDragonSeen() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon.EnderDragonFight
checked - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.CheckboxWidget
checked - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsDownloadLatestWorldScreen
CHECKED_GSON - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.util.RealmsPersistence
checkedAdd(EntityAttribute) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.attribute.DefaultAttributeContainer.Builder
checkedClientCompatibility - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsMainScreen
CheckedGson - Class in net.minecraft.client.realms
Checks so that only intended pojos are passed to the GSON (handles serialization after obfuscation).
CheckedGson() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.realms.CheckedGson
checkedMcoAvailability - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsNotificationsScreen
checkedParentalConsent - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsMainScreen
CheckedRandom - Class in net.minecraft.util.math.random
A checked random that fails fast when it detects concurrent usage.
CheckedRandom(long) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.util.math.random.CheckedRandom
CheckedRandom.Splitter - Class in net.minecraft.util.math.random
checkEmpty(MatrixStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.render.WorldRenderer
CheckerboardBiomeSource - Class in
CheckerboardBiomeSource(RegistryEntryList<Biome>, int) - Constructor for class
checkErrors(String) - Static method in class net.minecraft.client.sound.AlUtil
checkEulaAgreement() - Method in class net.minecraft.server.dedicated.EulaReader
checkException() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.texture.ResourceTexture.TextureData
checkFallFlying() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity
checkForBiomeOnTop(Heightmap.Type) - Static method in interface net.minecraft.structure.StructureGeneratorFactory
checkForClose() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.GameModeSelectionScreen
checkForCollision() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.projectile.FishingBobberEntity
checkForNewRecipes(MinecraftClient) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.recipebook.RecipeGroupButtonWidget
checkForSpam() - Method in class
checkForSpecificMetadata(String, String) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsBackupInfoScreen
checkForUpdates() - Method in class
checkFramebufferStatus() - Method in class
checkGameData() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient
checkHandStackSwap(Map<EquipmentSlot, ItemStack>) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity
Notifies nearby players if the stacks in the hands have been swapped.
checkHeight(FlatChunkGeneratorConfig) - Static method in class
checkHeight(GenerationShapeConfig) - Static method in record class
checkIfMcoEnabled() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsNotificationsScreen
checkIp(ServerCommandSource, String, Text) - Static method in class net.minecraft.server.dedicated.command.BanIpCommand
checkIs64Bit() - Static method in class net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient
checkLinkUpdated(RealmsNews) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.realms.RealmsNewsUpdater
checkListConversionSuccess() - Static method in class net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigHandler
checkLivingConditions(BlockState, WorldAccess, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.CoralParentBlock
checkLocation() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.vehicle.BoatEntity
checkLootInteraction(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.LootableContainerBlockEntity
CHECKMARK - Static variable in class
CHECKMARK - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.RealmsWorldSlotButton
CHECKMARK_HEIGHT - Static variable in class
CHECKMARK_WIDTH - Static variable in class
checkMessage - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.WarningScreen
checkMissing() - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.attribute.DefaultAttributeRegistry
checkMissing() - Static method in class net.minecraft.server.command.CommandManager
checkNeighborStates() - Method in class net.minecraft.structure.OceanMonumentGenerator.PieceSetting
checkNotReferenced(StructureAccessor, StructureStart) - Static method in class
checkParentalConsent() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.realms.gui.screen.RealmsMainScreen
checkPlayerConversionSuccess(MinecraftServer) - Static method in class net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigHandler
checkPropertyUpdates(int, int) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.ScreenHandler
checkRemainingPieces() - Static method in class net.minecraft.structure.StrongholdGenerator
checkRemainingPieces(List<NetherFortressGenerator.PieceData>) - Method in class net.minecraft.structure.NetherFortressGenerator.Piece
checkRequirement(boolean, int, int) - Method in class net.minecraft.recipe.RecipeMatcher.Matcher
checkRequirements(int) - Method in class net.minecraft.recipe.RecipeMatcher.Matcher
checkSize(Inventory, int) - Static method in class net.minecraft.screen.ScreenHandler
Checks that the size of the provided inventory is at least as large as the expectedSize.
checkSlotUpdates(int, ItemStack, Supplier<ItemStack>) - Method in class net.minecraft.screen.ScreenHandler
checkSourcePermission(ServerCommandSource) - Method in class net.minecraft.command.EntitySelector
checkState() - Method in class net.minecraft.util.profiler.DebugRecorder
checkStatePlacement() - Method in class net.minecraft.item.BlockItem
checkStatePlacement() - Method in class net.minecraft.item.ScaffoldingItem
checkSuccess(MinecraftServer) - Static method in class net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigHandler
checkSurroundingDelay - Variable in class
checkTimeout - Variable in class net.minecraft.util.profiler.ProfilerSystem
checkTimeouts(Vec3d) - Method in class
checkTrigger() - Method in class net.minecraft.test.TimedTaskRunner.Trigger
checkType(BlockEntityType<A>, BlockEntityType<E>, BlockEntityTicker<? super E>) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockWithEntity
Returns the ticker if the given type and expected type are the same, or null if they are different.
checkType(World, BlockEntityType<T>, BlockEntityType<? extends AbstractFurnaceBlockEntity>) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractFurnaceBlock
checkUnlocked(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.LockableContainerBlockEntity
checkUnlocked(PlayerEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.LootableContainerBlockEntity
checkUnlocked(PlayerEntity, ContainerLock, Text) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.LockableContainerBlockEntity
checkValid() - Method in class
checkVisibility - Variable in class
checkWaterState() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
chest - Variable in class net.minecraft.block.dispenser.BoatDispenserBehavior
chest - Variable in class net.minecraft.item.BoatItem
chest - Variable in class net.minecraft.predicate.entity.EntityEquipmentPredicate.Builder
chest - Variable in class net.minecraft.predicate.entity.EntityEquipmentPredicate
chest(ItemPredicate) - Method in class net.minecraft.predicate.entity.EntityEquipmentPredicate.Builder
CHEST - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.entity.EquipmentSlot
CHEST - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.entity.vehicle.AbstractMinecartEntity.Type
CHEST - Enum constant in enum class
CHEST - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CHEST - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.entity.BlockEntityType
CHEST - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.EntityModelLayers
CHEST - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.AbstractDonkeyEntity
CHEST - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CHEST - Static variable in class net.minecraft.loot.context.LootContextTypes
CHEST_ATLAS_TEXTURE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.TexturedRenderLayers
CHEST_BOAT - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.EntityType
CHEST_BOATS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.registry.tag.ItemTags
CHEST_BOTTOM - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.ChestBoatEntityModel
CHEST_BOTTOM - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.ChestRaftEntityModel
CHEST_LID - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.ChestBoatEntityModel
CHEST_LID - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.ChestRaftEntityModel
CHEST_LOCK - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.ChestBoatEntityModel
CHEST_LOCK - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.ChestRaftEntityModel
CHEST_MINECART - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.EntityModelLayers
CHEST_MINECART - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.EntityType
CHEST_MINECART - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CHEST_RENDER_LAYER - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.TexturedRenderLayers
CHEST_TYPE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.ChestBlock
CHEST_TYPE - Static variable in class
A property that specifies what type of chest a block is.
ChestBlock - Class in net.minecraft.block
ChestBlock(AbstractBlock.Settings, Supplier<BlockEntityType<? extends ChestBlockEntity>>) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.ChestBlock
ChestBlockEntity - Class in net.minecraft.block.entity
ChestBlockEntity(BlockEntityType<?>, BlockPos, BlockState) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.entity.ChestBlockEntity
ChestBlockEntity(BlockPos, BlockState) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.entity.ChestBlockEntity
ChestBlockEntityRenderer<T extends BlockEntity & LidOpenable> - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.block.entity
ChestBlockEntityRenderer(BlockEntityRendererFactory.Context) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.block.entity.ChestBlockEntityRenderer
ChestBoatEntity - Class in net.minecraft.entity.vehicle
ChestBoatEntity(EntityType<? extends BoatEntity>, World) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.entity.vehicle.ChestBoatEntity
ChestBoatEntity(World, double, double, double) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.entity.vehicle.ChestBoatEntity
ChestBoatEntityModel - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model
ChestBoatEntityModel(ModelPart) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.ChestBoatEntityModel
ChestCorridor(int, Random, BlockBox, Direction) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.structure.StrongholdGenerator.ChestCorridor
ChestCorridor(NbtCompound) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.structure.StrongholdGenerator.ChestCorridor
chestGenerated - Variable in class net.minecraft.structure.StrongholdGenerator.ChestCorridor
ChestLidAnimator - Class in net.minecraft.block.entity
Handles the animation for opening and closing chests and ender chests.
ChestLidAnimator() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.entity.ChestLidAnimator
ChestLootTableGenerator - Class in
ChestLootTableGenerator() - Constructor for class
ChestMinecartEntity - Class in net.minecraft.entity.vehicle
ChestMinecartEntity(EntityType<? extends ChestMinecartEntity>, World) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.entity.vehicle.ChestMinecartEntity
ChestMinecartEntity(World, double, double, double) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.entity.vehicle.ChestMinecartEntity
CHESTNUT - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.entity.passive.HorseColor
ChestRaftEntityModel - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model
ChestRaftEntityModel(ModelPart) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.ChestRaftEntityModel
ChestType - Enum Class in net.minecraft.block.enums
ChestType(String) - Constructor for enum class net.minecraft.block.enums.ChestType
CHICKEN - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.EntityModelLayers
CHICKEN - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.EntityType
CHICKEN - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.FoodComponents
CHICKEN - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CHICKEN_AND_RABBIT_FILTER - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity
CHICKEN_SPAWN_EGG - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
ChickenEntity - Class in net.minecraft.entity.passive
ChickenEntity(EntityType<? extends ChickenEntity>, World) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.entity.passive.ChickenEntity
ChickenEntityModel<T extends Entity> - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model
Represents the model of a chicken-like entity.
ChickenEntityModel(ModelPart) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.ChickenEntityModel
ChickenEntityRenderer - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.entity
ChickenEntityRenderer(EntityRendererFactory.Context) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.ChickenEntityRenderer
child - Variable in class net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.BredAnimalsCriterion.Conditions
child - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.EntityModel
CHILD - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.PassiveEntity
CHILD_SEXUAL_EXPLOITATION_OR_ABUSE - Enum constant in enum class
childBodyYOffset - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.AnimalModel
childHeadYOffset - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.AnimalModel
childHeadZOffset - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.model.AnimalModel
childNodeIndices - Variable in class
children - Variable in class net.minecraft.advancement.Advancement
children - Variable in class net.minecraft.advancement.AdvancementPositioner
children - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.advancement.AdvancementWidget
children - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen
children - Variable in class
children - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.AxisGridWidget
children - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.EntryListWidget
children - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.GridWidget
children - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.SimplePositioningWidget
children - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelPart
children - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelPartData
children - Variable in class net.minecraft.loot.entry.AlternativeEntry.Builder
children - Variable in class net.minecraft.loot.entry.CombinedEntry
children - Variable in record class net.minecraft.resource.fs.ResourceFile.Directory
The field for the children record component.
children - Variable in record class net.minecraft.resource.fs.ResourceFileSystem.Directory
The field for the children record component.
children - Variable in class net.minecraft.structure.pool.StructurePoolBasedGenerator.StructurePoolGenerator
children - Variable in class net.minecraft.structure.StructureStart
children() - Method in interface net.minecraft.client.gui.ParentElement
Gets a list of all child GUI elements.
children() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.multiplayer.SocialInteractionsPlayerListEntry
Gets a list of all child GUI elements.
children() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.option.ControlsListWidget.CategoryEntry
Gets a list of all child GUI elements.
children() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.option.ControlsListWidget.KeyBindingEntry
Gets a list of all child GUI elements.
children() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen
Gets a list of all child GUI elements.
children() - Method in class
Gets a list of all child GUI elements.
children() - Method in class
Gets a list of all child GUI elements.
children() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ButtonListWidget.ButtonEntry
Gets a list of all child GUI elements.
children() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.EntryListWidget
Gets a list of all child GUI elements.
children() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.WrapperWidget
Gets a list of all child GUI elements.
children() - Method in record class net.minecraft.resource.fs.ResourceFile.Directory
Returns the value of the children record component.
children() - Method in record class net.minecraft.resource.fs.ResourceFileSystem.Directory
Returns the value of the children record component.
childrenSize - Variable in class net.minecraft.advancement.AdvancementPositioner
CHIME - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.block.enums.Instrument
CHIPPED_ANVIL - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CHIPPED_ANVIL - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
chiseled(Block) - Method in class
CHISELED - Enum constant in enum class
CHISELED_BOOKSHELF - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CHISELED_BOOKSHELF - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.entity.BlockEntityType
CHISELED_BOOKSHELF - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CHISELED_BOOKSHELF - Static variable in class net.minecraft.sound.BlockSoundGroup
CHISELED_BOOKSHELF_MODEL_CACHE - Static variable in class
CHISELED_DEEPSLATE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CHISELED_DEEPSLATE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CHISELED_NETHER_BRICKS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CHISELED_NETHER_BRICKS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CHISELED_POLISHED_BLACKSTONE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CHISELED_POLISHED_BLACKSTONE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CHISELED_QUARTZ_BLOCK - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CHISELED_QUARTZ_BLOCK - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CHISELED_RED_SANDSTONE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CHISELED_RED_SANDSTONE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CHISELED_SANDSTONE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CHISELED_SANDSTONE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CHISELED_STONE_BRICKS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CHISELED_STONE_BRICKS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
ChiseledBookshelfBlock - Class in net.minecraft.block
ChiseledBookshelfBlock(AbstractBlock.Settings) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.ChiseledBookshelfBlock
ChiseledBookshelfBlockEntity - Class in net.minecraft.block.entity
ChiseledBookshelfBlockEntity(BlockPos, BlockState) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.entity.ChiseledBookshelfBlockEntity
ChiseledBookshelfModelCacheKey(Model, String) - Constructor for record class
choice - Variable in class net.minecraft.loot.entry.LeafEntry
Choice() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.loot.entry.LeafEntry.Choice
ChoiceButton(Text, ButtonWidget.PressAction) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.DialogScreen.ChoiceButton
choiceButtons - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.DialogScreen
ChoiceFix - Class in net.minecraft.datafixer.fix
ChoiceFix(Schema, boolean, String, DSL.TypeReference, String) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.ChoiceFix
choiceName - Variable in class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.ChoiceFix
ChoiceTypesFix - Class in net.minecraft.datafixer.fix
ChoiceTypesFix(Schema, String, DSL.TypeReference) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.ChoiceTypesFix
choose(double, double, double) - Method in enum class net.minecraft.util.math.Direction.Axis
choose(double, double, double, Direction.Axis) - Method in enum class net.minecraft.util.math.AxisCycleDirection
choose(int, int, int) - Method in enum class net.minecraft.util.math.Direction.Axis
choose(int, int, int, Direction.Axis) - Method in enum class net.minecraft.util.math.AxisCycleDirection
chooseBabyType(MooshroomEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.MooshroomEntity
chooseBehavior(Entity) - Method in class
chooseEquipmentWith(Enchantment, LivingEntity) - Static method in class net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper
Returns a pair of an equipment slot and the item stack in the supplied entity's slot.
chooseEquipmentWith(Enchantment, LivingEntity, Predicate<ItemStack>) - Static method in class net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper
Returns a pair of an equipment slot and the item stack in the supplied entity's slot.
chooseNewAngle() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity.SitDownAndLookAroundGoal
chooseNonEmptySlot(Random) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.DispenserBlockEntity
choosePlacementHeight(Random, int, int) - Static method in class
chooseRandomAngerTime() - Method in interface net.minecraft.entity.mob.Angerable
chooseRandomAngerTime() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.EndermanEntity
chooseRandomAngerTime() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.ZombifiedPiglinEntity
chooseRandomAngerTime() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.BeeEntity
chooseRandomAngerTime() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.IronGolemEntity
chooseRandomAngerTime() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.PolarBearEntity
chooseRandomAngerTime() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.WolfEntity
chooseRandomTarget(ServerWorld) - Method in class
chooseStemState(BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.AbstractPlantStemBlock
chooseStemState(BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.CaveVinesHeadBlock
chooseStemState(BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.KelpBlock
chooseStemState(BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.TwistingVinesBlock
chooseStemState(BlockState) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.WeepingVinesBlock
CHORUS_FLOWER - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CHORUS_FLOWER - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CHORUS_FLOWER_DIES - Static variable in class
A chorus flower dies.
CHORUS_FLOWER_GROWS - Static variable in class
A chorus flower grows.
CHORUS_FRUIT - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.FoodComponents
CHORUS_FRUIT - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CHORUS_PLANT - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CHORUS_PLANT - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CHORUS_PLANT - Static variable in class
CHORUS_PLANT - Static variable in class
CHORUS_PLANT - Static variable in class
ChorusFlowerBlock - Class in net.minecraft.block
ChorusFlowerBlock(ChorusPlantBlock, AbstractBlock.Settings) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.ChorusFlowerBlock
ChorusFruitItem - Class in net.minecraft.item
ChorusFruitItem(Item.Settings) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.item.ChorusFruitItem
ChorusPlantBlock - Class in net.minecraft.block
ChorusPlantBlock(AbstractBlock.Settings) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.block.ChorusPlantBlock
ChorusPlantFeature - Class in
ChorusPlantFeature(Codec<DefaultFeatureConfig>) - Constructor for class
christmas - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.block.entity.ChestBlockEntityRenderer
CHRISTMAS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.TexturedRenderLayers
CHRISTMAS_LEFT - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.TexturedRenderLayers
CHRISTMAS_RIGHT - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.TexturedRenderLayers
chunk - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.hud.DebugHud
chunk - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.ChunkRendererRegionBuilder.ClientChunk
chunk - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.RenderedChunk
chunk - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.WorldRenderer.ChunkInfo
chunk - Variable in record class
The field for the chunk record component.
chunk - Variable in class
chunk - Variable in class
chunk - Variable in class
chunk() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the chunk record component.
Chunk - Class in
Represents a scoped, modifiable view of biomes, block states, fluid states and block entities.
Chunk(ChunkPos, UpgradeData, HeightLimitView, Registry<Biome>, long, ChunkSection[], BlendingData) - Constructor for class
CHUNK - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.datafixer.DataFixTypes
CHUNK - Static variable in class net.minecraft.datafixer.TypeReferences
A type reference which refers to a chunk.
CHUNK_AREA - Static variable in class
CHUNK_BIOME_END_INDEX - Static variable in class
CHUNK_CENTER_OFFSET - Static variable in class
CHUNK_GENERATION - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.entity.SpawnReason
CHUNK_GENERATOR - Static variable in class net.minecraft.registry.Registries
CHUNK_GENERATOR - Static variable in class net.minecraft.registry.RegistryKeys
CHUNK_GENERATOR_SETTINGS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.registry.RegistryKeys
CHUNK_LENGTH - Static variable in class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.BitStorageAlignFix
CHUNK_LOAD_NEEDED - Enum constant in enum class
The chunk is not loaded.
CHUNK_POS_OFFSETS - Static variable in class
CHUNK_POS_X - Static variable in class net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.event.ChunkGenerationEvent.Names
CHUNK_POS_Z - Static variable in class net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.event.ChunkGenerationEvent.Names
CHUNK_RANGE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.debug.HeightmapDebugRenderer
CHUNK_RANGE - Static variable in class
CHUNK_RENDERING - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.util.profiler.SampleType
CHUNK_RENDERING_DISPATCHING - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.util.profiler.SampleType
CHUNK_SECTIONS_IN_NEW_CHUNK - Static variable in class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.ChunkHeightAndBiomeFix
CHUNK_SECTIONS_IN_OLD_CHUNK - Static variable in class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.ChunkHeightAndBiomeFix
CHUNK_STATUS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.registry.Registries
CHUNK_STATUS - Static variable in class net.minecraft.registry.RegistryKeys
CHUNK_STATUSES - Static variable in class
CHUNK_STATUSES - Static variable in class
CHUNK_WIDTH - Static variable in class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.BitStorageAlignFix
CHUNK_WIDTH - Static variable in class net.minecraft.SharedConstants
Chunk.TickSchedulers - Record Class in
ChunkBlockLightProvider - Class in
ChunkBlockLightProvider(ChunkProvider) - Constructor for class
chunkBorderDebugRenderer - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.debug.DebugRenderer
ChunkBorderDebugRenderer - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.debug
ChunkBorderDebugRenderer(MinecraftClient) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.debug.ChunkBorderDebugRenderer
ChunkBuffer(ChunkPos) - Constructor for class
chunkBuilder - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.WorldRenderer
ChunkBuilder - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.chunk
ChunkBuilder(ClientWorld, WorldRenderer, Executor, boolean, BlockBufferBuilderStorage) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.ChunkBuilder
ChunkBuilder.BuiltChunk - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.chunk
ChunkBuilder.BuiltChunk.RebuildTask - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.chunk
ChunkBuilder.BuiltChunk.RebuildTask.RenderData - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.chunk
ChunkBuilder.BuiltChunk.SortTask - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.chunk
ChunkBuilder.BuiltChunk.Task - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.chunk
ChunkBuilder.ChunkData - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.chunk
ChunkBuilder.Result - Enum Class in net.minecraft.client.render.chunk
chunkBuilderMode - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.option.GameOptions
ChunkBuilderMode - Enum Class in net.minecraft.client.render
ChunkBuilderMode(int, String) - Constructor for enum class net.minecraft.client.render.ChunkBuilderMode
chunkCache - Variable in class
ChunkCache - Class in
ChunkCache(World, BlockPos, BlockPos) - Constructor for class
chunkCount - Variable in record class
The field for the chunkCount record component.
chunkCount() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the chunkCount record component.
chunkCullingEnabled - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient
chunkData - Variable in class
ChunkData - Class in
ChunkData() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.ChunkBuilder.ChunkData
ChunkData(PacketByteBuf, int, int) - Constructor for class
ChunkData(WorldChunk) - Constructor for class
ChunkData.BlockEntityData - Class in
ChunkData.BlockEntityVisitor - Interface in
ChunkDataAccess<T> - Interface in
ChunkDataList<T> - Class in
ChunkDataList(ChunkPos, List<T>) - Constructor for class
ChunkDataS2CPacket - Class in
ChunkDataS2CPacket(PacketByteBuf) - Constructor for class
ChunkDataS2CPacket(WorldChunk, LightingProvider, BitSet, BitSet, boolean) - Constructor for class
ChunkDeleteIgnoredLightDataFix - Class in net.minecraft.datafixer.fix
ChunkDeleteIgnoredLightDataFix(Schema) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.ChunkDeleteIgnoredLightDataFix
ChunkDeltaUpdateS2CPacket - Class in
ChunkDeltaUpdateS2CPacket(PacketByteBuf) - Constructor for class
ChunkDeltaUpdateS2CPacket(ChunkSectionPos, ShortSet, ChunkSection, boolean) - Constructor for class
chunkFuture - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.hud.DebugHud
ChunkGenerationEvent - Class in net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.event
ChunkGenerationEvent(ChunkPos, RegistryKey<World>, String) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.event.ChunkGenerationEvent
ChunkGenerationEvent.Names - Class in net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.event
ChunkGenerationSample - Record Class in net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.sample
ChunkGenerationSample(Duration, ChunkPos, ColumnPos, ChunkStatus, String) - Constructor for record class net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.sample.ChunkGenerationSample
chunkGenerationSamples - Variable in record class net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.JfrProfile
The field for the chunkGenerationSamples record component.
chunkGenerationSamples - Variable in class net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.JfrProfileRecorder
chunkGenerationSamples() - Method in record class net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.JfrProfile
Returns the value of the chunkGenerationSamples record component.
chunkGenerator - Variable in class
chunkGenerator - Variable in class net.minecraft.structure.pool.StructurePoolBasedGenerator.StructurePoolGenerator
chunkGenerator - Variable in record class net.minecraft.structure.StructureGeneratorFactory.Context
The field for the chunkGenerator record component.
chunkGenerator - Variable in record class net.minecraft.structure.StructurePiecesGenerator.Context
The field for the chunkGenerator record component.
chunkGenerator - Variable in record class
The field for the chunkGenerator record component.
chunkGenerator - Variable in record class
The field for the chunkGenerator record component.
chunkGenerator - Variable in class
chunkGenerator() - Method in record class net.minecraft.structure.StructureGeneratorFactory.Context
Returns the value of the chunkGenerator record component.
chunkGenerator() - Method in record class net.minecraft.structure.StructurePiecesGenerator.Context
Returns the value of the chunkGenerator record component.
chunkGenerator() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the chunkGenerator record component.
chunkGenerator() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the chunkGenerator record component.
ChunkGenerator - Class in
In charge of shaping, adding biome specific surface blocks, and carving chunks, as well as populating the generated chunks with features and entities.
ChunkGenerator(BiomeSource) - Constructor for class
ChunkGenerator(BiomeSource, Function<RegistryEntry<Biome>, GenerationSettings>) - Constructor for class
ChunkGenerators - Class in
ChunkGenerators() - Constructor for class
ChunkGeneratorSettings - Record Class in
ChunkGeneratorSettings(GenerationShapeConfig, BlockState, BlockState, NoiseRouter, MaterialRules.MaterialRule, List<MultiNoiseUtil.NoiseHypercube>, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for record class
chunkGeneratorSettingsLookup - Variable in class
ChunkHeightAndBiomeFix - Class in net.minecraft.datafixer.fix
ChunkHeightAndBiomeFix(Schema) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.ChunkHeightAndBiomeFix
ChunkHolder - Class in
ChunkHolder(ChunkPos, int, HeightLimitView, LightingProvider, ChunkHolder.LevelUpdateListener, ChunkHolder.PlayersWatchingChunkProvider) - Constructor for class
ChunkHolder.LevelType - Enum Class in
ChunkHolder.LevelUpdateListener - Interface in
ChunkHolder.MultithreadAction - Class in
ChunkHolder.PlayersWatchingChunkProvider - Interface in
ChunkHolder.Unloaded - Interface in
Used to represent a chunk that has not been loaded yet.
chunkHolderListDirty - Variable in class
chunkHolders - Variable in class
chunkHolders - Variable in class
ChunkInfo(ChunkBuilder.BuiltChunk, Direction, int) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.WorldRenderer.ChunkInfo
chunkInfoList - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.WorldRenderer.RenderableChunks
ChunkInfoList(int) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.WorldRenderer.ChunkInfoList
chunkInfos - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.WorldRenderer
chunkIoWorker - Variable in class
ChunkLevelTagRenameFix - Class in net.minecraft.datafixer.fix
ChunkLevelTagRenameFix(Schema) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.ChunkLevelTagRenameFix
ChunkLightingView - Interface in
ChunkLightingView.Empty - Enum Class in
ChunkLightProvider<M extends ChunkToNibbleArrayMap<M>,S extends LightStorage<M>> - Class in
ChunkLightProvider(ChunkProvider, LightType, S) - Constructor for class
ChunkLightRemoveFix - Class in net.minecraft.datafixer.fix
ChunkLightRemoveFix(Schema, boolean) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.ChunkLightRemoveFix
chunkLoadDistance - Variable in class
ChunkLoadDistanceS2CPacket - Class in
ChunkLoadDistanceS2CPacket(int) - Constructor for class
ChunkLoadDistanceS2CPacket(PacketByteBuf) - Constructor for class
chunkLoadingDebugRenderer - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.debug.DebugRenderer
ChunkLoadingDebugRenderer - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.debug
ChunkLoadingDebugRenderer(MinecraftClient) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.debug.ChunkLoadingDebugRenderer
ChunkLoadingDebugRenderer.ChunkLoadingStatus - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.debug
ChunkLoadingStatus(IntegratedServer, double, double) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.debug.ChunkLoadingDebugRenderer.ChunkLoadingStatus
chunkManager - Variable in class
chunkManager - Variable in class
ChunkManager - Class in
ChunkManager() - Constructor for class
ChunkNibbleArray - Class in
A chunk nibble array is an array of nibbles for each block position in a chunk.
ChunkNibbleArray() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.ChunkPalettedStorageFix.ChunkNibbleArray
ChunkNibbleArray() - Constructor for class
ChunkNibbleArray(byte[]) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.ChunkPalettedStorageFix.ChunkNibbleArray
ChunkNibbleArray(byte[]) - Constructor for class
ChunkNibbleArray(int) - Constructor for class
chunkNoiseSampler - Variable in class
chunkNoiseSampler - Variable in class
chunkNoiseSampler - Variable in class
chunkNoiseSampler - Variable in class
ChunkNoiseSampler - Class in
ChunkNoiseSampler(int, NoiseConfig, int, int, GenerationShapeConfig, DensityFunctionTypes.Beardifying, ChunkGeneratorSettings, AquiferSampler.FluidLevelSampler, Blender) - Constructor for class
ChunkNoiseSampler.BlendAlphaDensityFunction - Class in
ChunkNoiseSampler.BlendOffsetDensityFunction - Class in
ChunkNoiseSampler.BlockStateSampler - Interface in
ChunkNoiseSampler.Cache2D - Class in
ChunkNoiseSampler.CacheOnce - Class in
ChunkNoiseSampler.CellCache - Class in
ChunkNoiseSampler.FlatCacheDensityFunction - Class in
ChunkNoiseSampler.NoiseInterpolator - Class in
ChunkNoiseSampler.ParentedNoiseType - Interface in
chunkOcclusionData - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.ChunkBuilder.BuiltChunk.RebuildTask.RenderData
ChunkOcclusionData - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.chunk
ChunkOcclusionData() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.ChunkOcclusionData
ChunkOcclusionDataBuilder - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.chunk
ChunkOcclusionDataBuilder() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.ChunkOcclusionDataBuilder
chunkOffset - Variable in class
ChunkPalettedStorageFix - Class in net.minecraft.datafixer.fix
ChunkPalettedStorageFix(Schema, boolean) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.ChunkPalettedStorageFix
ChunkPalettedStorageFix.ChunkNibbleArray - Class in net.minecraft.datafixer.fix
ChunkPalettedStorageFix.Facing - Enum Class in net.minecraft.datafixer.fix
ChunkPalettedStorageFix.Facing.Axis - Enum Class in net.minecraft.datafixer.fix
ChunkPalettedStorageFix.Facing.Direction - Enum Class in net.minecraft.datafixer.fix
ChunkPalettedStorageFix.Level - Class in net.minecraft.datafixer.fix
ChunkPalettedStorageFix.Section - Class in net.minecraft.datafixer.fix
chunkPos - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
chunkPos - Variable in record class net.minecraft.structure.StructureGeneratorFactory.Context
The field for the chunkPos record component.
chunkPos - Variable in record class net.minecraft.structure.StructurePiecesGenerator.Context
The field for the chunkPos record component.
chunkPos - Variable in record class net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.sample.ChunkGenerationSample
The field for the chunkPos record component.
chunkPos - Variable in class
chunkPos - Variable in record class
The field for the chunkPos record component.
chunkPos() - Method in record class net.minecraft.structure.StructureGeneratorFactory.Context
Returns the value of the chunkPos record component.
chunkPos() - Method in record class net.minecraft.structure.StructurePiecesGenerator.Context
Returns the value of the chunkPos record component.
chunkPos() - Method in record class net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.sample.ChunkGenerationSample
Returns the value of the chunkPos record component.
chunkPos() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the chunkPos record component.
ChunkPos - Class in net.minecraft.util.math
An immutable pair of two integers representing the X and Z coordinates of a chunk.
ChunkPos(int, int) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.util.math.ChunkPos
ChunkPos(long) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.util.math.ChunkPos
ChunkPos(BlockPos) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.util.math.ChunkPos
chunkPosCache - Variable in class
ChunkPosDistanceLevelPropagator - Class in
ChunkPosDistanceLevelPropagator(int, int, int) - Constructor for class
chunkPosFromSectionPos(long) - Static method in class
chunkPositions - Variable in class
chunkPosToMobSpawnablePlayers - Variable in class
chunkPosX - Variable in class net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.event.ChunkGenerationEvent
chunkPosZ - Variable in class net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.event.ChunkGenerationEvent
chunkProvider - Variable in class
chunkProvider - Variable in class
ChunkProvider - Interface in
ChunkRandom - Class in net.minecraft.util.math.random
ChunkRandom(Random) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.util.math.random.ChunkRandom
ChunkRandom.RandomProvider - Enum Class in net.minecraft.util.math.random
ChunkRegion - Class in
ChunkRegion(ServerWorld, List<Chunk>, ChunkStatus, int) - Constructor for class
ChunkRenderDistanceCenterS2CPacket - Class in
ChunkRenderDistanceCenterS2CPacket(int, int) - Constructor for class
ChunkRenderDistanceCenterS2CPacket(PacketByteBuf) - Constructor for class
ChunkRendererRegion - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.chunk
ChunkRendererRegion(World, int, int, RenderedChunk[][]) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.ChunkRendererRegion
ChunkRendererRegionBuilder - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.chunk
ChunkRendererRegionBuilder() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.ChunkRendererRegionBuilder
ChunkRendererRegionBuilder.ClientChunk - Class in net.minecraft.client.render.chunk
chunks - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.BuiltChunkStorage
chunks - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.ChunkRendererRegion
chunks - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.ChunkRendererRegionBuilder
chunks - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.WorldRenderer
chunks - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.WorldRenderer.RenderableChunks
chunks - Variable in class
chunks - Variable in class
chunks - Variable in class
chunks - Variable in class
chunks - Variable in class
CHUNKS_KEY - Static variable in class
ChunkSection - Class in
ChunkSection(int, Registry<Biome>) - Constructor for class
ChunkSection(int, PalettedContainer<BlockState>, ReadableContainer<RegistryEntry<Biome>>) - Constructor for class
ChunkSectionCache - Class in
ChunkSectionCache(WorldAccess) - Constructor for class
ChunkSectionPos - Class in net.minecraft.util.math
ChunkSectionPos(int, int, int) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.util.math.ChunkSectionPos
chunkSectionPosAsLong(ChunkPos, int) - Static method in class
ChunkSerializer - Class in
ChunkSerializer() - Constructor for class
ChunkSkyLightProvider - Class in
ChunkSkyLightProvider(ChunkProvider) - Constructor for class
chunkStatus - Variable in record class net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.sample.ChunkGenerationSample
The field for the chunkStatus record component.
chunkStatus() - Method in record class net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.sample.ChunkGenerationSample
Returns the value of the chunkStatus record component.
ChunkStatus - Class in
ChunkStatus(String, ChunkStatus, int, EnumSet<Heightmap.Type>, ChunkStatus.ChunkType, ChunkStatus.GenerationTask, ChunkStatus.LoadTask) - Constructor for class
ChunkStatus.ChunkType - Enum Class in
Specifies the type of a chunk
ChunkStatus.GenerationTask - Interface in
A task called when a chunk needs to be generated.
ChunkStatus.LoadTask - Interface in
A task called when a chunk is loaded but does not need to be generated.
ChunkStatus.SimpleGenerationTask - Interface in
chunkStatusCache - Variable in class
chunkStatusChangeListener - Variable in class
ChunkStatusChangeListener - Interface in
chunkStatuses - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.WorldGenerationProgressTracker
ChunkStatusFix - Class in net.minecraft.datafixer.fix
ChunkStatusFix(Schema, boolean) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.ChunkStatusFix
ChunkStatusFix2 - Class in net.minecraft.datafixer.fix
ChunkStatusFix2(Schema, boolean) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.ChunkStatusFix2
chunkStorage - Variable in class
chunksToUnload - Variable in class
ChunkStreamVersion - Class in
ChunkStreamVersion(int, ChunkStreamVersion.Wrapper<InputStream>, ChunkStreamVersion.Wrapper<OutputStream>) - Constructor for class
ChunkStreamVersion.Wrapper<O> - Interface in
ChunkStructuresTemplateRenameFix - Class in net.minecraft.datafixer.fix
ChunkStructuresTemplateRenameFix(Schema, boolean) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.ChunkStructuresTemplateRenameFix
chunksWithFeatures - Variable in record class
The field for the chunksWithFeatures record component.
chunksWithFeatures() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the chunksWithFeatures record component.
chunkTaskPrioritySystem - Variable in class
ChunkTaskPrioritySystem - Class in
ChunkTaskPrioritySystem(List<MessageListener<?>>, Executor, int) - Constructor for class
ChunkTaskPrioritySystem.Task<T> - Class in
ChunkTaskPrioritySystem.UnblockingMessage - Class in
ChunkTicket<T> - Class in
Represents a chunk ticket, which specifies the reason a chunk has been loaded.
ChunkTicket(ChunkTicketType<T>, int, T) - Constructor for class
ChunkTicketManager - Class in
ChunkTicketManager(Executor, Executor) - Constructor for class
ChunkTicketManager.DistanceFromNearestPlayerTracker - Class in
ChunkTicketManager.NearbyChunkTicketUpdater - Class in
ChunkTicketManager.TicketDistanceLevelPropagator - Class in
ChunkTicketType<T> - Class in
ChunkTicketType(String, Comparator<T>, long) - Constructor for class
ChunkTickScheduler<T> - Class in
ChunkTickScheduler() - Constructor for class
ChunkTickScheduler(List<Tick<T>>) - Constructor for class
chunkTickSchedulers - Variable in class
chunkToNextSaveTimeMs - Variable in class
ChunkToNibbleArrayMap<M extends ChunkToNibbleArrayMap<M>> - Class in
ChunkToNibbleArrayMap(Long2ObjectOpenHashMap<ChunkNibbleArray>) - Constructor for class
ChunkToProtoChunkFix - Class in net.minecraft.datafixer.fix
ChunkToProtoChunkFix(Schema, boolean) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.ChunkToProtoChunkFix
chunkToType - Variable in class
chunkType - Variable in class
ChunkType() - Constructor for enum class
chunkUpdaters - Variable in class
chunkUpdateSmoother - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.WorldRenderer
ChunkUpdateState - Class in
ChunkUpdateState() - Constructor for class
ChunkUpdateState(LongSet, LongSet) - Constructor for class
ChunkWithHolder(WorldChunk, ChunkHolder) - Constructor for record class
chunkX - Variable in class
chunkX - Variable in class
chunkX - Variable in class
chunkXOffset - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.ChunkRendererRegion
chunkZ - Variable in class
chunkZ - Variable in class
chunkZ - Variable in class
chunkZOffset - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.ChunkRendererRegion
cipher - Variable in class
cipherFromKey(int, Key) - Static method in class
Creates an AES cipher from the key.
CIRCLE - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PhantomEntity.PhantomMovementType
CIRCLE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.entity.BannerPatterns
CircleMovementGoal() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PhantomEntity.CircleMovementGoal
circlingCenter - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PhantomEntity
circlingDirection - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.PhantomEntity.CircleMovementGoal
CITY_CENTER - Static variable in class net.minecraft.structure.AncientCityGenerator
clamp - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.resource.metadata.TextureResourceMetadata
clamp(byte, byte, byte) - Static method in class net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper
clamp(double) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.attribute.ClampedEntityAttribute
clamp(double) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.attribute.EntityAttribute
clamp(double, double) - Method in interface
clamp(double, double, double) - Static method in class net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper
clamp(double, double, double) - Method in class
clamp(double, double, double, double) - Method in class net.minecraft.server.command.SpreadPlayersCommand.Pile
clamp(float, float, float) - Static method in class net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper
clamp(int, int, int) - Static method in class net.minecraft.client.util.MonitorTracker
clamp(int, int, int) - Static method in class net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper
clamp(long, long, long) - Static method in class net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper
clamp(Direction.Axis, int) - Method in class net.minecraft.util.shape.CroppedVoxelSet
clamp(Direction.Axis, int, int) - Method in class net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos.Mutable
Clamps the component corresponding to the given axis between min and max.
clamp(VillageGossipType) - Method in class net.minecraft.village.VillagerGossips.Reputation
clamp(Vector3f) - Static method in class net.minecraft.client.render.LightmapTextureManager
Clamps each component of vec between 0.0f and 1.0f.
Clamp(DensityFunction, double, double) - Constructor for record class
CLAMP - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.util.function.ValueLists.OutOfBoundsHandling
CLAMP_CODEC - Static variable in record class
clampAngle(float, float, float) - Static method in class net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper
Clamps value, as an angle, between mean - delta and mean + delta degrees.
clampCursorPosition(int) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.util.SelectionManager
CLAMPED - Static variable in interface net.minecraft.util.math.intprovider.IntProviderType
CLAMPED_NORMAL - Static variable in interface net.minecraft.util.math.floatprovider.FloatProviderType
CLAMPED_NORMAL - Static variable in interface net.minecraft.util.math.intprovider.IntProviderType
ClampedEntityAttribute - Class in net.minecraft.entity.attribute
Represents a type of attribute with minimum and maximum value limits.
ClampedEntityAttribute(String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.entity.attribute.ClampedEntityAttribute
clampedGaussian(Random, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class
ClampedIntProvider - Class in net.minecraft.util.math.intprovider
ClampedIntProvider(IntProvider, int, int) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.util.math.intprovider.ClampedIntProvider
clampedLerp(double, double, double) - Static method in class net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper
clampedLerp(float, float, float) - Static method in class net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper
clampedMap(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper
Linearly maps a value from one number range to another and clamps the result.
clampedMap(float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper
Linearly maps a value from one number range to another and clamps the result.
ClampedModelPredicateProvider - Interface in net.minecraft.client.item
ClampedNormalFloatProvider - Class in net.minecraft.util.math.floatprovider
ClampedNormalFloatProvider(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.util.math.floatprovider.ClampedNormalFloatProvider
ClampedNormalIntProvider - Class in net.minecraft.util.math.intprovider
ClampedNormalIntProvider(float, float, int, int) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.util.math.intprovider.ClampedNormalIntProvider
clampHeadYaw() - Method in class
clampHeadYaw() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.ShulkerEntity.ShulkerLookControl
clampHorizontal(double) - Static method in class
clampPassengerYaw(Entity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.CamelEntity
clampType(int) - Method in class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.EntityZombieVillagerTypeFix
clampVertical(double) - Static method in class
class_6148 - Class in net.minecraft
A class holding unknown constants.
class_6148() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.class_6148
class_6567 - Class in net.minecraft
class_6567() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.class_6567
class_6741(List<? extends Dynamic<?>>, long[]) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.datafixer.fix.ProtoChunkTickListFix.class_6741
class_8004 - Class in net.minecraft
class_8004(Schema) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.class_8004
CLASS_MAP - Static variable in class net.minecraft.command.argument.ArgumentTypes
CLASSIC_FLAT - Static variable in class
CLASSIC_VINES_CAVE_FEATURE - Static variable in class
classToFleeFrom - Variable in class
CLAY - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.Blocks
CLAY - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CLAY_BALL - Static variable in class net.minecraft.item.Items
CLAY_BANDS_OFFSET - Static variable in class
CLAY_POOL_WITH_DRIPLEAVES - Static variable in class
CLAY_WITH_DRIPLEAVES - Static variable in class
CLAYFISH - Enum constant in enum class net.minecraft.entity.passive.TropicalFishEntity.Variety
CLAYFISH_TEXTURE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.render.entity.feature.TropicalFishColorFeatureRenderer
CLEAN_ARMOR - Static variable in class net.minecraft.stat.Stats
CLEAN_BANNER - Static variable in interface net.minecraft.block.cauldron.CauldronBehavior
A behavior that cleans banners with patterns.
CLEAN_BANNER - Static variable in class net.minecraft.stat.Stats
CLEAN_DYEABLE_ITEM - Static variable in interface net.minecraft.block.cauldron.CauldronBehavior
A behavior that cleans dyeable items.
CLEAN_SHULKER_BOX - Static variable in interface net.minecraft.block.cauldron.CauldronBehavior
A behavior that cleans dyed shulker boxes.
CLEAN_SHULKER_BOX - Static variable in class net.minecraft.stat.Stats
CLEAN_UP_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class net.minecraft.server.rcon.QueryResponseHandler
cleanOxidation(World, BlockPos) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.LightningEntity
cleanOxidationAround(World, BlockPos) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.LightningEntity
cleanOxidationAround(World, BlockPos, BlockPos.Mutable, int) - Static method in class net.minecraft.entity.LightningEntity
cleanup(HttpPost, CloseableHttpClient) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.realms.FileUpload
cleanUp() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.render.WorldRenderer
cleanUp() - Method in class net.minecraft.server.rcon.QueryResponseHandler
cleanUpAfterCrash() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.advancement.AdvancementManager
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.AbstractFurnaceBlockEntity
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.BrewingStandBlockEntity
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.CampfireBlockEntity
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.ChiseledBookshelfBlockEntity
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.JukeboxBlockEntity
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.LecternBlockEntity
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.entity.LootableContainerBlockEntity
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.hud.BossBarHud
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.hud.InGameHud
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.hud.PlayerListHud
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.realms.RealmsObjectSelectionList
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.render.BufferBuilder
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.render.BuiltChunkStorage
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.BlockBufferBuilderStorage
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.ChunkBuilder.BuiltChunk
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.render.chunk.ChunkBuilder
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.render.debug.BeeDebugRenderer
clear() - Method in interface net.minecraft.client.render.debug.DebugRenderer.Renderer
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.render.debug.GameTestDebugRenderer
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.render.debug.GoalSelectorDebugRenderer
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.render.debug.StructureDebugRenderer
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.render.debug.VillageDebugRenderer
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.render.debug.VillageSectionsDebugRenderer
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.resource.ServerResourcePackProvider
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.texture.SpriteAtlasTexture
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.toast.ToastManager
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.util.NarratorManager
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.util.SmoothUtil
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.util.TextCollector
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.mob.MobVisibilityCache
clear() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerInven